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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    What a lovely thought least ya have a close source of Scottish goodness (even if it is just a delicious accent). *snickers* Paul could probably read a phone book onto an audio CD and folks'd line up to buy it. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
      And where are these bits ya've written hmm? We need our Beckett fix luv. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
      Well, I have several one-shots in Snippets and Snapshots. The chapters are: An Inkling, Long Night, Hard Day's Night, Puttin' on the Ritz, and Already Family.

      I also just started a collection of Carson one-shots called Physician's Progress Notes that is all Carson-based stuff, most of it coming from the Carson Beckett Thunk/Whump Art/Fanfic Challenge thread.

      I have Captive, a five-chapter peek into what Carson went through in Michael's custody.

      And I have Hands in the Darkness, a multi-chapter novel-length story for Carson. It IS completely written, but I'm posting the chapters spread out so I have a chance to get my next story off the ground.

      Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
      Spare a thought for me, I work with a guy who sounds just like Beckett (he was born (and raised) in Paisley like Paul) and I swear to good everytime he opens his mouth Carson scenes run through my mind - I don't always get a lot done at work !!!!
      Oh, I'm sure! I'd have a horrible time not gasping in absolute delight every time the man speaks!

      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
      What a lovely thought least ya have a close source of Scottish goodness (even if it is just a delicious accent). *snickers* Paul could probably read a phone book onto an audio CD and folks'd line up to buy it. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
      Yeah he could!


        Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
        What a lovely thought least ya have a close source of Scottish goodness (even if it is just a delicious accent). *snickers* Paul could probably read a phone book onto an audio CD and folks'd line up to buy it. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O

        LMFAO!! Totally!!


          "Pauly-itis" LOVE IT!!!!

          *tosses pick at thread*

          Coming January 2017


            Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
            "Pauly-itis" LOVE IT!!!!

            *tosses pick at thread*
            *deliberate repost*

            Is this your favorite Carson shot???


              LOL Yep, pretty much that or this one:

              You know my thing for black and white.

              Coming January 2017


                I am honestly not sure which pic is my favorite. There are so many!

                It was easier to find the icon I made. But I think this is my favorite Beckett shot.


                  That one is a great one!!! I love his smile in it.. I just, melt.

                  Coming January 2017


                    Yep, me too.


                      A Carson sig made for our Carson Beckett Challenge thread.

                      Coming January 2017


                        I wanted to share a Carson banner that lg made for one of my stories.. I'm SO excited about it!!!!

                        Coming January 2017


                          You lot are so talented at blowing up my brain cell. GUH. *fluffs pillows and gets comfy on the floor* More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O

                          P.S. Maybe someone could make a banner/sig/avi thingie using a laughing Carson pic and the line "Laughter is the best medicine". *cough hints to ya talented techno savvy folk* hehe


                            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                            You lot are so talented at blowing up my brain cell. GUH. *fluffs pillows and gets comfy on the floor* More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O

                            P.S. Maybe someone could make a banner/sig/avi thingie using a laughing Carson pic and the line "Laughter is the best medicine". *cough hints to ya talented techno savvy folk* hehe
                            That's a good idea.. I would vote for this pic:

                            Coming January 2017


                              Nice choice m&mn317!! Paul's got a lovely smile. Alright gang,who else has pix for the "Laughter is the best medicine" challenge? Hmm...this could be an idea for the CBT/W thread...if it's okay to post suggestions. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                                I have a funny story about Paul.
                                I had made a special pic that I cartooned and had all four SGA men sign. Of couse they were writing funny and rather rude things on it. When I got to Paul he personalized it, signed his name and then looked at me, said very seriously, "do you know why I didn't dog any of the others or write anything like that?" "No. Why?" I asked. And he answered in a completely deadpan voice, "Because...I'm Paul."
                                LOL And then he said, "Thank you, sweetheart."

                                I floated away from the autograph line. LOL


