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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    YAY!! I can't wait for Caz caps of Whispers

    Proudly Supporting Team USA


      oh omg... I don't usually make any caps with the credits that pop up during the first scene or so after the opening titles, but I consider it one of the most priceless scenes of SGA ever... and that how can I resist those dimples?


        Ok, yo ready for this? =D =D

        First 20 screencaps from "Whispers" - major spoilers, etc etc... and warnings of yummeh. TEH HAIR IS BACK. I regret to inform everyone that I broke 400 caps for this I'll be dolling out caps in managable portions. lol.


        Next batch will be when I feel like it. Or when I don't look like a spammer.


          Ok so this is my last post for the night... another 20 caps from Whispers! =)

          More when I wake up later!


          and so begins what could possibly be my favourite SGA scene of all time...

          And my favourite cap will come later! HEE


            *yawns, stretches...appears*

            Still no one? =(

            Oh well. 20 screencaps from Whispers, spoilery.

            My absolute favourite scene of SGA ever...


            Womens? SCORE!

            And then Carson runs off after the lasses. Hee.

            [/end awesome scene]


              LOL! I missed seeing the fist-bump when it aired! Ah, Atlantis's most eligiable bachelors on the prowl...lovely. And is it just me or is there something about McKay's face when Sheppard walks in on him and Carson that has an almost guilty air to it? The two of them just look like brothers who were caught planning some kind of mischief.

              Great caps, Caz! Thank you for posting them!



                hehehe... I aboslutely love the fist-bump. It just... says so much without any words. Has some of that minute character development one used to see on SG1. Rodney's expressions are quite amusing in this epi... the innocent puppy look.

                But naturally Carson manages to have a billion different facial expressions... LOL... there's always something different in each split second, I swear. Is it why I love him, perhaps?


                And I shall dedicate the next few caps to you, SETI_fan. =D

                20 spoilery caps from Whispers!


                I apologise if some of those come out shippy... I've been turned into a bit of a Carson/Alison shipper. <3


                  Didn't like the fist bump ... Won't go there, though.

                  Caz you better not betray Carson/Teyla though ;_;


                    Woohoo!!! Caz caps!! *ish happeh*

                    Gosh, it feels so RIGHT when Carson is on screen, does it not?
                    That episode was so creepy, and errie! Definitely a first for Stargate IMO.

                    Hehe, not sure if I'm for or against a Carson/Alison ship... I rather like him being the eligible bachelor he is! Besides, he was WAY cuter with Cadmen (it wasn't so obvious). I think my bigest gripe about stargate is obvious ships. I loved SG-1 cuz it was so subtle, and when there was a relationship it wasn't flaunted all over the place (i.e. Daniel and Sha're). Hehe, guess I'm kinda ranting here... but yeah, I gaged during the Shrine with Rodney's declaration of his love for Keller (yeah... made me wanna puke). Aaaaannnyway, I'm getting a wee bit off topic...

                    Carson! Carson carson carson so GREAT to have him on screen! (think I said that already) I need to go watch the very beginning again, I am still rather confused. So Carson went back to earth, came back to Atlantis, now he's leaving... but for where? I'm lost on that. Is he just going off world or if he heading back to earth?

                    Proudly Supporting Team USA


                      I'd have to agree about the McKeller..

                      "love"? where the frak did THAT come from? lol. I'm not against the ship... I like the ship... but it was a stupid declaration.

                      And guess what? MORE CAPS YAYS. 20 spoilery Whispers caps, for your viewing pleasure.


             that makes us 25% of the way through my caps. =D

                      And as for my new Carson/Alison tendencies...dammit, he deserves some lovin'.


                        Anyone else amused that Carson's hooking up with a computer expert scientist while McKay's fallen for a doctor?

                        And no, I'm not happy with how they have the McKeller thing going right now. All that fumbling and nervousness around Katie Brown made sense. How'd he suddenly get all flirty and confident with Keller? And McKay throwing the word "love" out there all of a sudden? What? I'd believe it more if he'd stumbled around the word "like" and she understood what he really meant, some sort of scene like that. I don't know. When Atlantis started, I really liked how they handled interactions and thought Sheppard and Weir had a nice subtle little thing going that could work but wasn't being overplayed or forced. The early relationships they tried (Beckett/Cadman, McKay/Katie, etc.) worked too as realistic pairings and interactions for those personalities, even if they didn't last. But lately... I don't know what it is. The show's lost its touch and I feel it even with just the team interactions. The Sheppard/McKay friendship moments are still there most of the time (especially in The Shrine), but I'm still feeling more distant from these characters than I did in the early days and I'm not sure exactly what it is.

                        Spoilers for new pics from "Remnants":
                        Is it sad I'm looking forward to Kolya returning because he really echoes to me from the "good old days" of Atlantis?

                        I'll admit, the fist-bump and chasing after the girls is a bit more Paul than Carson, but it made me smile.

                        ((((((Cazzy)))))))!!!!! Thanks for dedicating the pretty pics to me! I would have liked to see more interaction between Beckett and Porter beyond a few nervous flirty moments. The way that scene was described, I thought we were going to get more insight into Beckett's return home. How do you gloss over a dead man seeing his family again? Even with the added lines JM posted in his blog, I wanted more about how Carson and the Air Force are dealing with his return. And what about the original Beckett's grave? Will he just be forgotten to his family now? I may end up finishing a fic I'd abandoned some months ago that deals with his return, because it deals with that issue.

                        I had kind of figured Beckett would be secondary in this episode to the horror movie plot, but the next one he's in sounds like it should be a bit more exciting from the hints we've gotten from Paul and the pics coming out of that ep. I hope we'll get some more genuine character moments and interactions there. I'm actually a bit disappointed Martin Gero isn't writing ANY of Beckett's eps this season. Whatever you can say about him as a person, I like his writing style and he tends to write well for Carson.

                        But naturally Carson manages to have a billion different facial expressions... LOL... there's always something different in each split second, I swear. Is it why I love him, perhaps?
                        Amen to that! lol


                        ETA: Whoo-hoo! Monster length post! Haven't had time for one of those in a while!


                          Don't misunderstant me ..i really, really like Carson. But maybe because i really like him i didn't enjoy the way he was written in that last episode.
                          I like the old Carson, the doctor, the funny but responsible Carson. The good Doctor in his Infirmary.
                          That episode was awkward. He looked awkward in that flerting thing.And he looked awkward running around with a gun.. killing monsters.
                          Or maybe he was a victim of the episode, that wasn't the best they ever made. Propable one of the worst.
                          APOLLONIUS OF TYANA
                          (YEAR 0 - 100)
                          "O thou Sun,
                          send me as far over the earth
                          as is my pleasure and thine,
                          and may I make the acquaintance of good men,
                          but never hear anything of bad ones,
                          nor they of me."



                            I thought both Sheppard and Beckett were rather OOC in the last episode. But then again, given the writer, figurative character assassination is common. (Not to mention his resume of episodes that are largely disliked by female fans).

                            The reason I like Carson/Teyla is it's subtlely. They don't need to do anything blatant to show it. And, off course, I've been wanking season 4 and 5 like heck to I have my own opinions of what haoppens off screen But ... yup, that's just me.


                              Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                              ... And, off course, I've been wanking season 4 and 5 like heck ...
                              Did you just say what I think you said? I would've thought that'd be on the bad-words blacklist.


                                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                                Did you just say what I think you said? I would've thought that'd be on the bad-words blacklist.
                                I'm referring to 'fanwank' as in 'filling in the blanks/subtext as a fan because tptb make no sense at times and I like things better this way', not the dirty kind. But I do believe the term comes from the original definition, as 'wanking' is designed to make the fan feel better about things, hence the name. And I would never in a hundred years think about literally 'wanking' season four and five in a literal sense.

                                In it's most basic form, fanwank is filling in the gaps of a TV show with your own explanations.

