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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Just wanted to drop in and say hi guys...gals! Miss yall something terrible! I should have a new computer next month! *crosses fingers* So I'll be back soon. I hope. I'm missing out on the party! Sadness. Saw the cover art for S4...not cute. I think the art department needs a talking to. Creme filled Carson Pops for everyone!


    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      Quick post this morning. I can't seem to go to sleep. Maybe some help from doctor is the trick?


        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
        [FONT="Century Gothic"]What a lovely banner for the fourth day, Caz! I'm always so impressed with your art work.

        And I totally don't even know what you are talking about with 'Just Cause'

        Lol and this banner took about 30 seconds to make - the others took hours, and I reckon this one is the best so far! Actually, it only took 30 seconds because I made those icons yonks ago.

        Anyhoo, I'll start posting my oldies, but avoiding some past... icky...mistakes.

        Ah my first ever Beckett icon. ^_^

        Then there were some season 3 promo pic inspired ones, back in the day.

        You might recognise that last one from my current avatar!

        And the last one of this post is an oldie but a goodie. Used from a Final Goal's amazing how much innuendo an arrow can add...

        (spoiler cut for decency and dramatic effect)

        Last edited by HyperCaz; 01 May 2008, 12:28 AM.




            Luciana, I love the colour work in those

            Hmm now an icon for those hopeless romantics, cut for the "size" - meaning it can't ever be used on LJ.



              I already know that animated icon.
              And I love it very much!



                twinchaosblade - What awesome pictures in your spoiler box. What is that from? Have never seen Paul or thought of him in niiicce!

                Here is another swipe from Joe Mallozzi's new Blog entry today. Short but very sweet:

                Today’s video: Will directs Paul -

                Oh and a funny question from an earlier mailbox of Joe's this week:

                Joesmom writes: “Only 5 episodes of Carson? How many times will we be brutally subjected to Keller’s boring, whiney nonsense?”

                Answer: Because you asked so nicely…15.


                  I want him baaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

                  I watched "The Rising 2" yesterday on german TV.
                  It almost kills me seeing him there and knowing he's not there in Season 4 till "The Kindred".

                  Dr. Beckett: How come I never make friends like that?
                  Dr. McKay: You really need to get out more.
                  Dr. Beckett: We're in another galaxy. How much more out can you get?



                    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                    And the last one of this post is an oldie but a goodie. Used from a Final Goal's amazing how much innuendo an arrow can add...

                    (spoiler cut for decency and dramatic effect)
                    *shakes head* That icon is so you, Caz! lol
                    Originally posted by photocat View Post
                    twinchaosblade - What awesome pictures in your spoiler box. What is that from? Have never seen Paul or thought of him in niiicce!
                    Those pics were from the TV show 'Just Cause', ep. 1.07 'Code of Silence'.
                    I haven't seen it though, just snurched the pics. I'll PM you the rest of the stash.

                    Thank you for posting that movie about Paul McGillion and the info on Keller. And even though I wholeheartedly agree to the sentiment of the poster, the question was no doubt very sensitive in coming; maybe they should try their skills at diplomacy...
                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic



                      I just watched the "FedCon XVI" DVD I won.
                      There's not just an interview with, there's also his panel!


                        speaking as one who HAS watched Just Cause... haha...I love that moment so...

                        So how about some Final Goal goodness?


                          Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                          Just wanted to drop in and say hi guys...gals! Miss yall something terrible! I should have a new computer next month! *crosses fingers* So I'll be back soon. I hope. I'm missing out on the party! Sadness. Saw the cover art for S4...not cute. I think the art department needs a talking to. Creme filled Carson Pops for everyone!


                          Bwah... I saw the S4 cover art as well... NOT impressed. Looks like I will be making yet another alternative cover art

                          Hmmm.... icons!! *rumages through folders on her computer* LeGASP! I only have two, TWO, icons of dear Carson???!!? Looks like I have some work to do to remedy this situation... (I have lots of Lorne though... )

                          Proudly Supporting Team USA


                            You made it to page 1000!
                            The cake is a lie!




                                Yay to all of us!!
                                Icons under spoiler tag
                                Last edited by miss_kaylee; 01 May 2008, 10:30 AM.

