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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
    You two look so cute together...I'm hoping with fingers crossed he comes to Dallas next June. I'm 5'6" so maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a hug from that 5'10" frame of his. I hear he smells really good too.
    Sorry for the delay in replying - I sometimes miss posts to me, simply because my screen name here isn't my typical screen name, so I don't recognize it!!! I know, sad, but I've had the same screen name since I got online in 1995 and this is the only forum that my name was already taken, so it's the only one where my name is different.

    Anyway, I'm 5'4-1/2", and I was wearing shoes that made me about 5'8", so it was a perfect fit. And yes, he smelled very nice. No cologne, just masculine, natural Paul. Lovely. <sighs>


      He wore a VERY nice cologne when I saw him in Germany, but I don't recall smelling it on him when he came to Shore Leave. I'm 5' 7" tall myself, and I love my piccies with Paul, too. He is such a sweetie in person! I want to try to get around to seeing him again at another convention soon, maybe even play my pipes for him (a set I hope to be buying soon), but I fear the con in New Jersey will simply require too much driving.


        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        He wore a VERY nice cologne when I saw him in Germany, but I don't recall smelling it on him when he came to Shore Leave.
        I think it was something very very tasty cologne/perfume. I've never smelt such a great smell on a man!!!


          I can only imagine the sweet parfume/cologne he was wearing. *closes eyes*

          Paul is 5'10''? Is that aproximately 178 centimeters? I'm 165 cm, that's about 5'4'' if I calculated right. So I need to wear high heels or sth to the con.

          "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


            Ugh, long week, test tomorrow, tests Monday and Tuesday, computer acting wonky, printer inexplicably dead... I'm gonna need some quality thunking time this weekend.

            ((((((Idlewild))))))!!! Still sorry you have to be without your horse. Glad you're starting to heal.

            Thanks for the lovely con pics! I was happy to read David Hewlett's interview on the Gateworld homepage about Paul's return. Sounds like a nice reunion was had by all and he sounds so optimistic about the character's future. Does my Beckett-loving heart some good.



              Hey, gals, I'm baaaaack!
              After working 22 hours straight and then going to a meeting for my voluntary work, I got home at 2am, having been on my feet for roughly 34 hours, I really needed some serious catch-up on sleep.
              I think it speaks volumes about my sleep depriviation over the past few months that I didn't wake up for over 16 hours...

              But thank you very much for all your good wishes for my corrections. The mental support and the pics helped greatly.

              Now prepare for another gigantic multi-quote!
              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              *giggles* calm and gentle eh... lol
              Okay, not so gentle and calm then... ;-) But lovely nevertheless!
              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              Okay, so off topic, but I need some major hugs and loves. My horse left this morning and I've been crying ever since.
              I'm so sorry to hear that. Mega hugs and good thoughts, idlewild!

              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              images curtosey of Runner, best season 2 episode, hands down!!
              Oh, thank you for the great caps from 'Runner'!
              I tend to disagree with the best ep though, but a very good one with no doubt at all.

              Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
              I think I've finally caught up with my sleep. Here's the start of my DragonCon Report.
              Sigh. the highlight of the con and the con hadn't even started yet!
              Fantastic story, watcher! I can totally relate to the fact that the highlight was before the con started.
              'Flying Scotsman' was the movie on the flight... *giggles* How fitting.

              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              I like him in this cap. I can just see what he's thinking: "Oh, god, crazy woman."
              That is so true, Oda!

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              I just want to say I'm really disappointed with season 4 so far... wish I could say more...
              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              No, no, the disappointment was fresh, and the tears were brought on by a huge Carson shaped hole
              I know your feeling, Caz. "Carson shaped hole"... I couldn't have phrased it any better.
              No real spoilers just musings about what I think...
              The more I read about the direction they're taking with season four, the less I think I'm looking forward to what's going to happen. As far as I can tell from reading the things posted on the GW main page, they're quickly moving away from the show I loved so far! And the fact that Carson is missing, just makes things worse. I don't even have this prospect to look forward to... *sheds tear* misses Beckett so much

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              EDIT: OMG OMG 3000th post!!!
              Congratulations on fantastic posts, HyperCaz!
              It's so great to have you here!

              Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
              Hi. I'm Jennifer. (Very new here!)
              A very warm to the Beckett thunk thread, Jennifer!

              Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
              .:Please take a look at that and tell me what you think. If I made a CafePress shop and had this in it, would you purchase it?
              It's a great design, Haliyah! I love how you portrayed Carson; that's magnificent.
              To be honest I wouldn't purchase it but not because your drawing wasn't fine but because I'm not such a great fan of that line. 'twas nice but not exceptional

              Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
              .:EEEK! My CafePress order arrived today! I'm so happy! *huggles Carson pillow* The Squishy is going to go EVERYWHERE with me.
              Squeeee!!! Carson Pillow!
              If it wasn't for the high shipping costs and customs fees, it'd be mine in a second! *blissfully eyes SaveCarson mug*

              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
              Well just in case, here are a few icons to smooth things over ...
              Lovely, lovely icons, cshawzye!
              Thanks for always investing the time into creating them.

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              Hyper-Squee for the funny 'Sploosh' pic! He really shouldn't get too close to Ogopogo...

              Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
              You mean JennyJ, my birthday was over Fedcon weekend
              Oh, my bad! *slaps hand* And I didn't wish you a happy birthday. *feels bad* Let me apologize with a smilie

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              I'm in the middle of a Sliders marathon, because watching TV is the only way I get any uni work done. Anyhoo, I got up to the lovely Paul episode haha and mum was watching. She said, and I quote, "He was really attractive when he was young."
              Very cool comment! But that doesn't only apply to when he was young. Period.

              Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
              I'm going to attempt to post a photo, but I'm not really good at this sort of things, so bare with me.
              Very sweet pic, Jennifer!

              Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
              Here's another one from Saturday. Lexa, Michael and Paul.

              Another great pic from DragonCon, watcher! I really like the way Lexa Doig is looking at her husband Michael Shanks. Adoralble.

              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              Erm party date? Can this wait until after my two scary essays are due?
              *Hangs head and stands in corner*
              Sorry, Caz! I don't mean to sound demanding or anything; was just afraid I'd miss something while away. As a matter of fact, I'm quite happy that the party wasn't now of all times when I was so busy with work because my boss didn't get his share done on time and went on holiday while I had to work extra hours.

              Good luck with your essays! When are they due?

              Originally posted by someofmymail View Post
              A bit off topic but WHEY HEY!!!!! The Tartan Army beat France 1-0
              Originally posted by beckaholic View Post
              A very warm to the Gateworld forum and especially the Beckett thunk thread, someofmymail and beckaholic!
              Join the fun and splash right into the gutter!

              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              Thanks all for your kind words, I'm feeling much better now. I'm still really bummed out about it, I'm definetly going to miss having him to ride. But... I'll live and it's for the best. At least I'm not crying anymore.

              And, Twinny, horray for being all done with typos!! I can't believe you can do that.... I'd probably only make it worse XD, lol.

              I'm in a mood for some... Rising!!
              Yup, good episode... very good
              *Hugs idlewild again tightly*

              No boasting but I'm pretty good at looking for typos. When I give a page a once over, I usually instantly spot typos.
              But I can tell you the copy was a catastrophe! There were multiple mistakes on about 850 of 1100 pages! After I was done, I checked for typical mistakes (they constantly printed "u" when they meant "?") with the computer and found out I missed less than ten typos in the script.

              And I like your 'Rising' caps. Very sweet!

              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              I love that pic from 'The Hive'. Carson looks so compassionate there. It perfectly shows his character!

              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
              Ugh, long week, test tomorrow, tests Monday and Tuesday, computer acting wonky, printer inexplicably dead... I'm gonna need some quality thunking time this weekend.

              I was happy to read David Hewlett's interview on the Gateworld homepage about Paul's return. Sounds like a nice reunion was had by all and he sounds so optimistic about the character's future. Does my Beckett-loving heart some good.
              Good luck for your tests, Seti! I hope you're doing well.

              DH's interview was great. I really liked the way he talks about PM. Definitely sounds like they're getting along very well and that PM's a real class act. Although I'm not so sure that I'm totally thrilled by the implications of Beckett's return. Spoilers for my musings on 'The Kindred'...
              Although I admit that it could prove a very good story line, I'm not too happy with the sound of "Beckett becomes a product of his own genius" and that there is a good chance Michael is involved. I really like the character of Michael and I'd even say it would be appropriate for him to take Beckett but maybe kind of turning Carson into one of his creatures or a Wraith would certainly be dramatic but not exactly what I'd hoped for in regard of Beckett's return. And it clearly wouldn't make me like Michael more or further sympathize with him if he did that to Carson. Plus I don't think that bodes well for PM's chances of being reestablished as a main character for the hopefully upcoming season five. With this, I'd rather not hold my breath for anything beyond a recurring role at best.
              Sorry, guys, as you can see I'm in a bit of pessimistic mood about what I've heard so far. The only consolement I have is the fact that Beckett is supposed to be heavily, heavily featured in that two-parter. We'll see if I'm also pleased with his return. And that also depends on if they really intend to bring Carson back in at least a regularly recurring spot.

              Am I still able to add some pics?

              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                I can only imagine the sweet parfume/cologne he was wearing. *closes eyes*

                Paul is 5'10''? Is that aproximately 178 centimeters? I'm 165 cm, that's about 5'4'' if I calculated right. So I need to wear high heels or sth to the con.
                He's not so tall. It's perfect. You don't have to wear high heels because I'm only 2 centimeters taller than you and it was perfect to stand next to Paul


                  Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                  He's not so tall. It's perfect. You don't have to wear high heels because I'm only 2 centimeters taller than you and it was perfect to stand next to Paul
                  Great, no high heels then, I don't like them anyway.

                  Hey Twinny, glad you are back. 34 hours? You better got some well deserved sleep, dear.

                  I frogot to tell you guys that yesterday I had the best football practice ever! My coach even said at the end, that I was making good progress. So happy.

                  "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                    Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                    Great, no high heels then, I don't like them anyway.

                    Hey Twinny, glad you are back. 34 hours? You better got some well deserved sleep, dear.

                    I frogot to tell you guys that yesterday I had the best football practice ever! My coach even said at the end, that I was making good progress. So happy.

                    Thanks for the welcome back, Oda! And the football news are fantastic! That's the right way to motivate someone.

                    Loved your cap from 'The Gift'. Carson looks so cute there.

                    Let me show you more to prove the point...

                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                      And the football news are fantastic! That's the right way to motivate someone.

                      Loved your cap from 'The Gift'. Carson looks so cute there.

                      Let me show you more to prove the point...

                      Thanks Twinny and indeed you have proved your point.

                      And just so, that there's not any doubt about his cuteness, here's another pic spam from The Gift:


                      "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                        Thanks for the greeting, Twinchaosblade. Glad you liked the picture.

                        Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


                          Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                          ((((((Idlewild))))))!!! Still sorry you have to be without your horse. Glad you're starting to heal.
                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                          I'm so sorry to hear that. Mega hugs and good thoughts, idlewild!
                          Thankies!! *hugs back* If it wern't for me having my other horse to ride I would probably totaly loose it. And I have alot to work on with him so I'll be staying busy.

                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                          No boasting but I'm pretty good at looking for typos. When I give a page a once over, I usually instantly spot typos.
                          But I can tell you the copy was a catastrophe! There were multiple mistakes on about 850 of 1100 pages! After I was done, I checked for typical mistakes (they constantly printed "u" when they meant "?") with the computer and found out I missed less than ten typos in the script.
                          Well, then I'm glad it's you doing that instead of me! haha... I'm better at creating typos then fixing them.

                          Twinnyand Watcher those are great pics from "The Gift"

                          So.... I think we are going to be getting our exchange student hooked on stargate. He's seen the movie before, and the other day we re-watched it, then last night he pulled out season 1 (SG-1) from the cupboard and said "Hey, lets watch this!" .... then he started asking how long it would take to go through all 10 seasons if we watched one a night I said you might want to bump it up to 2 a night and 3 on weekends if you don't want to take 200something days to watch it all!!! (and that's not counting Atlantis, ).

                          Proudly Supporting Team USA


                            Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                            Great, no high heels then, I don't like them anyway.
                            Me neither...


                              Hey peeps. Veryangrystargatefan here. If you guys promise to be nice and remember that THIS WAS AN AUCTION PRIZE I'll let you see the clip of me kissing Paul! Remember, if I see one rude comment, I'll delete the post!


                              The film is under my photo slideshow! Remember, NO RUDENESS PLEASE!!!

                              Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

                              This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

                              Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


                                Perhaps you should delete your video now, then. If you don't want to share the vid, don't. No one is forcing you to post links to your vids.

