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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
    Woo hoo!! Have fun! Just make sure you're alone when you watch that scene ... you know the one I mean.


    That's why I have to wait until later tonight. Kid's got to be sleeping first!


      Dragon Con and Paul McGillion. Part 1.

      I've been trying for the past twenty minutes to post what happened at DC on my blog without success. Keep starting, stopping, then restarting.

      So I'm going to attempt to post it here first. It's long, so be warned. Also, I will post some pictures that I have from Dragon Con.

      First off, I have to say that before going to the con, I'd only seen three episodes of SGA. I like what I've see, enough to buy all three seasons in one fell swoop so I can catch up before season four starts.

      The whole strange part of this story is that I have a tendency to get a little fangirly about McKay. I like Beckett. He's a wondeful character, but I would take McKay home with me if I could. (Okay, I wouldn't say no to Beckett, either.)

      Here goes...

      On Friday, I slid into the SG panel at the last minute. Managed to find my friend there, seated about halfway back and right next to the main aisle in the center. After sitting down and watching Alexis Cruz, Corin Nemec, Paul McGillion and John De Lancie come out and sit at the table, I realized I had a straight shot view of Paul and a decent view of John.

      I'm 5'1", so a good view while I'm sitting in an audience, almost never happens.

      So, as the panel starts, I start watching Paul since he was the one I had the best of. A short while later, (and I may have been imagining this, good lord knows it was odd enough at the time) I realize he's staring straight at me.

      This continued for a while. I'd stare, look away, he'd stare, look away.

      Well, this made me a little curious, and I knew my friend REALLY wanted to meet him, as did I, so after the panel, we headed to where the autographing was taking place, the Walk of Fame.

      Paul was at his table by the time we got to the WoF. My friend decided she was going to wait to get his autograph, so she hung back quite a ways while I went up to him.

      He stared a bit, but I was in a pirate wench costume at the time, and it was getting a lot of stares for some reason.

      I pointed out which photo I wanted for him to sign, which he started to, then he started to ask questions.

      He asked where I was from, where the place was at (it's a small town in central Illinois), and did I fly down. When I told him, that my friend and I had driven down, he seemed a little suprised and then asked how long it took. When I told him it took us 11 hours, he got a little wide-eyed.

      I know I'm forgetting things he asked or said during this part, but one question kind of threw me and well...this is why.

      Then he asked if I was single.

      It was not what I was expecting, so I probably had a very surpised look on my face when I told him that yes, I was single.

      After getting the autograph from him, and shaking his hand, I left and found my friend waiting for me a little ways back from Paul's table. She had seen him talking to me and asked what had happened, so I told her.

      Five minutes later, we were back at his table so she could meet him and get his autograph. She had on a 'Save Carson' shirt, which he thought was great, and he talked to her a bit. Then Paul asked where she was from, then he saw it on her DC badge and that it was where I was from and then saw me standing off to the side and realized that she was the friend who had driven down with me, which he commented on.

      Forward now to Saturday.

      On Saturday, I was wandering around the WoF while my friend was at a panel. Paul was back at his table, and I decided that another friend who has watched SGA might like his autograph.

      I went up to his table and told him I wanted to get a photo signed for my friend. He asked where she lived, and I told him she lived in Buffalo. He seemed a bit surprised at that answer, then look at my DC badge and said something about Illinois (didn't quite hear what he said, though). After he signed the autograph, he looked up at me and kind of stared. (I was a pirate wench that day, also.) I thanked him for picture and left.

      A little later in the day, I had met up with my friend. She and I were interested in the photo op sessions that were being held. Basically, you paid to get a professionally taken photo with the celebrity of your choice.

      We went to check it out. Turned out, Paul was having a session at 5pm that day, so we decided to sign up to get the photos taken.

      Slightly before 5pm, we went back to were the photo ops were taking place. (I had changed into normal clothes by that time. No more pirate wench!) At first, we were the only two there for Paul, but as it got closer to 5, more people showed up.

      Somehow, I ended up the first person in line.

      After a few minutes the young man who had signed us up for the photo op in the first place, came around and had our line walk down the hall a bit. We stopped at a doorway, through which was the room that they were doing the sessions in. I was standing directly in front of the door, which was open and this is what I saw.

      Paul McGillion, standing, waiting for his session to start.

      Then I saw James and Oliver Phelps and Matthew Lewis (Harry Potter people).

      That's when it started to feel a little surreal and I started to feel slightly nervous for no reason.

      I stood there, with my friend and the rest of the line behind her, long enough that the twins and Matthew eventually walked out the door and filed past us.

      Then I was just looking into the room at Paul, who glanced my way a couple of times.

      A few minutes later, a woman came out of the room and told me to go in. She followed me in and had me stop about 10 feet from the doorway.

      The room wasn't all that big. To my left was a backdrop and to the right were the large lights that pro photographers use for portraits.

      Also to my right standing towards the back wall...Paul.

      At this time, I was just looking around the room, because I was definitely a little nervous by then because the whole thing was beginning to feel a little odd.

      They ended up bringing my friend in the room after a few minutes and had her stand just a few feet from the door and she ended up talking with Paul's handler/escort while I stood there.

      All of a sudden someone said, "It's time." The next thing I know, the woman who had brought me into the room was telling me that if I set my bag down at my feet, then it wouldn't show up in the picture.

      I walked in front of the backdrop, and Paul came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. (I just had my arm around his waist.)

      The photographer swept in, announced that he was having problems with his camera and the large lights not going off at the proper time. Then he started to take pictures. And yes, he was having a problem. He started to mess with his equipment.

      In the mean time, Paul looks down at me and goes "I guess we have some time."

      To which I agreed. Then he looked at me a moment and said "You changed."

      I told him that the pirate outfit had started to get uncomfortable to which he replied. "I like this better," gave me a slight hug with his arm around my shoulder all the while still looking at what I was wearing.

      The photographer then tried to get a photo again of us, but the flashes still didn't work right, so Paul continued.

      He asked again where I was from which I told him 'Clinton.' He said something along "Ah, that's right, Clayton." I corrected him, saying something along the lines of "No, it's Clinton."

      He listened, then was like "'Clinton,' as in Bill Clinton," which I told him that, that was right.

      The photographer tried yet again, to get the photos taken. Didn't happen.

      So Paul looked down at me and goes "Are you single?" And I told him again that yes, I was single. He said "Oh, that right," then looked over my head and shouted to the people waiting in line "She's single." He looked down at me again, then looked back up really quickly like he'd just realized something and said "Hey, I'm single too!" to the line.

      Then the photographer got his equipment working.

      So we get ready and smile and the camera and flashes finally fire at the right time. The photographer said he wanted to take a few more just to be sure and he was taking them, when out of the corner of my eye, off to my right I saw movement and heard a commotion.

      I look around in time to see a very, very brief glance of tall man in a bright Hawaiian shirt walk right behind me. Turned my head to look over my left shoulder and there stood Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation) directly behind us.

      He put his hands on my and Paul's shoulders and I turned back in time to smile for the camera.

      Jonathan Frakes crashed my photo op session with Paul McGillion.

      After that photo was taken, the photographer said he'd gotten what he needed and I was told by the woman to exit out the second door, which led back into the hall. I waited for my friend out in the hallway and a few seconds later she came out.

      I do believe her words upon exiting the room and seeing me were "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

      To which my replies were "I have no idea what just happened there!" and "I can't help it the camera wasn't working right!"

      She then told me that Jonathan Frakes had walked right past her while she stood waiting for her turn and that when she turned around, Brent Spiner (Data) was standing right behind her. Very cool.

      So, after that I was a little more curious about Paul. (He seems really nice, and friendly, and very good-humored.)

      Part 2 is next...

      Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


        Dragon Con and Paul McGillion Part 2. Again, sorry it's so long.

        A few hours later, the pictures from the photo op were suppose to be ready, but as it turned out, the photographer was backed up and was going to stay late (he stayed until 3am) to get the pictures developed from that day.

        On Sunday morning, I got up and went down to see if they were done. I had paid for two and was hoping that one of them would be the photo Jonathan Frakes had crashed. (If it wasn't, I was going to ask for it and pay extra if I needed to!)

        They were ready and the crashed photo was one that they had given me, so I was happy.

        A little later in the morning, I was back at the Walk of Fame. Paul was at his table, and I had the Jonathan Frakes crashed photo with me, so I figured I'd show it to Paul because, really, how often do you get your photo session crashed.

        He had a bit of a line and when it was mine turn, I pulled out the photo. I think he was actually going to say something about what I was wearing at the time (white and blue vintage kimono, with a black silk corset over it), but then he saw the picture and stopped.

        He seemed to think it was great and commented that it was funny. Then Paul looked up at me and said he would sign it for me. That was more than I expected, I had just wanted to show it to him, so I told him he didn't have to.

        He said he wanted to and did (He paused for a moment while writing on it, I think to think of a comment to put on it about Frakes.) Then he looked up at me and asked "Has Jonathan signed this?"

        I told him no.

        Then he asked "Is he at his table?"

        I said that I didn't know. So Paul stands up and says "I'll go find out" and started to walk out from behind his table. I asked him if I should follow, to which he gave me a sly nod to say yes.

        So, I followed Paul across the way to where the Star Trek people were and sure enough, Jonathan Frakes (who had a bit of line) was at his table signing autographs. Paul walked up to the table, sets my photo down and slid it over to Frakes and asked if he would sign it for me.

        Jonathan looks at the photo, busts out laughing and agrees to sign it. While he's choosing a pen color, he looks up at me and starts joking "Do you know how much this is worth, do you know how much this is worth?"

        Paul was standing next to me laughing, while I was doing a very good impression of 'deer caught in the headlights' and still somehow managing to laugh myself.

        Jonathan signed his name, then paused a moment to read what Paul had written on the photo. Then he wrote something else on it and hand it to me.

        Now, while Paul had signed it he put 'To Sweet Jennifer, Sorry About Him! Paul McGillion', Jonathan Frakes signed his name in the upper lefthand corner and then in the right corner, near Paul head, he wrote 'Paul has no pants on.'

        Which Paul saw. He laughed. I nearly choked when I saw it, but managed to thank Jonathan.

        We stepped away from Frakes' table and Paul started to head back towards his. I told him thank you, and said that he didn't have to do that, which he smiled and said was no problem. Then I asked if I could get a hug, which he did (though it was an just arm around the shoulder hug. Come on Paul! That's not how you embrace a woman! )

        On Monday, was Paul's panel. I and my friend had gotten up early to ensure we would be able to get in to it. We were there early enough that if we had wanted to, we could have been front row. (The room was not big at all.)

        But we sat third row on the left facing the table instead. I ended up having a clear view of Paul, again.

        The panel itself was fantastic. I'm so glad people have posted video of it on YouTube. (And I totally encourage anyone else who might have footage to do so, we want to see it!)

        Then the auction began. The bidding started out pretty normal and I was one of the first to start. Then the kiss got thrown in and the bidding went wild. Again, I was one of those bidding pretty hard.

        I really did want one of the signed items! Plus the money was going to the American Diabetes Association, which means something to me. (My aunt died due to complications brought on by diabetes.)

        The kiss was a bonus, a very good bonus, but I kept getting outbidded. (You can hear me shout out amounts in a couple of the videos of the auction that are on YouTube. Again I encourage more footage!)

        Most of the auction was loud and runs all together in my memory, but during it, Paul did keep trying to get me to bid higher. And did he actually say I was hot and say that he really wanted to kiss me, or was I just imagining things. (If you have footage of that, I would love to see it!)

        Then the woman who had outbidded me for the third item, leaned down to me as she came up the aisle and told me I could have her kiss. And I admit, I sat there for a second because I was very, very surprised, before standing up and going up to the table.

        He did jumping jacks. I stood and stared at him, because I was still surprised.

        And then, well, I'm sure you've seen the video.

        That was my Dragon Con

        I know there's things I'm forgetting because the whole thing seemed so very surreal then, and still does now.

        I'll still fangirl my little bit for McKay. I still like Beckett as a character. But now, I smile every time I see Paul McGillion.

        Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


          Photos from the Dragon Con posting...

          The crashed photo.

          Me bidding.

          Already posted this once...Paul trying to get me to bid higher.

          The start of the kiss.

          (Thank you very much to Michael Desrochers of for sending me these photos!)

          I've got a few photos from auction people took. And one video a friend sent that hasn't made it onto YouTube. If she ok's it, I'll might put it up. (It's just another view of the kiss, though.)
          Last edited by phynyxoffyre; 20 September 2007, 06:22 PM.

          Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


            Dear phynyxoffyre,

            I hate you.

            Heh. No, I don't. You have such wonderful Paul stories! I'm glad I stopped bidding and that wonderful woman let you have her kiss.

            And, yes, Paul really wanted you to win. And yes, Paul really did say you were hot. I didn't realize he had thought you were hot all weekend, though!

            At his first DragonCon 2 years ago, Paul had someone take pictures of all the interesting costumes that passed his table. Both male and female, so he does seem to have an eye for the costumes. But, you were a pirate wench. I'm not surprised you caught his eye!

            They are 3 things we wait for Paul to say at a convention panel:

            "I'm uncomfortable." There's always an occasion to say it and it always gets a laugh.

            "Thank you!" in his Carson accent.

            "I'm single, ladies!" When he stops saying that, I'll be in mourning. Happy for Paul, but sad for me.

            Again, thank you so much for telling us your story about Paul. And with a Jonathan Frakes bonus! Paul really was sweet on you.

            My kind of guy:
            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


              Oh, and sorry, but I have no photos of the auction! I think I got so caught up with what was happening, I totally forgot about my camera! And I forgot to turn on my flash for my photos of him sitting at the table, so they're all blurry. Anyway he holds the mike so close to his mouth, they wouldn't look good even if they were clear. Ah well...

              My kind of guy:
              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                phynyxoffyre.... I envy you.

                I admit, I had a big goofy grin on my face while reading your D*Con report, what a wonderful story!!

                Proudly Supporting Team USA


                  Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                  It's long, so be warned. Also, I will post some pictures that I have from Dragon Con.
                  phynxoffyre, thanks for the great stories and photos! You must have had such a great time.

                  That Jonathan Frakes photo op crash was absolutely hilarious! And you got the best signatures on the photo ... "Paul has no pants on."

                  I wish I'd been at DragonCon!


                    Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                    Photos from the Dragon Con posting...

                    The crashed photo.

                    Me bidding.

                    Already posted this once...Paul trying to get me to bid higher.

                    The start of the kiss.

                    (Thank you very much to Michael Desrochers of for sending me these photos!)

                    I've got a few photos from auction people took. And one video a friend sent that hasn't made it onto YouTube. If she ok's it, I'll might put it up. (It's just another view of the kiss, though.)
                    OMG!! Wonderful pics!!! I'm soooooo jealous, although I met Paul in June but I didn't have the chance to be on a photo with Paul AND Jonathan Frakes!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!


                      phynyxoffyre I was reading your con report with my mouth open. You so lucky. The signatures on the picture are so cool.
                      I was reading your con report with my mouth open. I envy you so much.
                      And he asked if you were single? If he'd ask me that, I'd probably write down my phone number and handed it to him. (too much?)

                      "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                        thanks for the report phynyxoffyre!! I laughed out loud... this was pure Paul McGillion... From the beginning to the end... and a pure Jonathan Frakes as well *lol* They had a great time together in Bonn, so I'm not surprised they pull pranks on each other like that.

                        I'm happy for you! Glad you had such a great time! Just a reminder for the next con you attend with Paul as a guest, he will most probably remember you, so don't do the 'deer caught in the headlights' face *lol* (I loved that part, could have been me *giggles*)

                        And I want that photographer for the Pegasus3... quality time in Paul's arms.. nice

                        Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                        Visit me at my LJ


                          Saving this thread from second page with a pic spam

                          Spoiler for size and for S3

                          "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                            DOn't think this was posted here yet. Great fan video tribute to Carson at



                              Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                                Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                                Dear phynyxoffyre,

                                I hate you.

                                Heh. No, I don't. You have such wonderful Paul stories! I'm glad I stopped bidding and that wonderful woman let you have her kiss.

                                And, yes, Paul really wanted you to win. And yes, Paul really did say you were hot. I didn't realize he had thought you were hot all weekend, though!

                                At his first DragonCon 2 years ago, Paul had someone take pictures of all the interesting costumes that passed his table. Both male and female, so he does seem to have an eye for the costumes. But, you were a pirate wench. I'm not surprised you caught his eye!

                                They are 3 things we wait for Paul to say at a convention panel:

                                "I'm uncomfortable." There's always an occasion to say it and it always gets a laugh.

                                "Thank you!" in his Carson accent.

                                "I'm single, ladies!" When he stops saying that, I'll be in mourning. Happy for Paul, but sad for me.

                                Again, thank you so much for telling us your story about Paul. And with a Jonathan Frakes bonus! Paul really was sweet on you.
                                He was such a sweet man. I still feel sort of like "I have no idea what just happened here," about it, but it was nice.

                                Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                                Oh, and sorry, but I have no photos of the auction! I think I got so caught up with what was happening, I totally forgot about my camera! And I forgot to turn on my flash for my photos of him sitting at the table, so they're all blurry. Anyway he holds the mike so close to his mouth, they wouldn't look good even if they were clear. Ah well...
                                That's okay. I have three photos from his panel. Two are blurred, the third is blurred beyond belief.

                                Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                                phynyxoffyre.... I envy you.

                                I admit, I had a big goofy grin on my face while reading your D*Con report, what a wonderful story!!
                                Thanks! D*Con was a blast, my friend and I want to go back next year.

                                Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                                phynxoffyre, thanks for the great stories and photos! You must have had such a great time.

                                That Jonathan Frakes photo op crash was absolutely hilarious! And you got the best signatures on the photo ... "Paul has no pants on."

                                I wish I'd been at DragonCon!
                                Glad you liked the photos. And Jonathan was such a ham!

                                Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                                OMG!! Wonderful pics!!! I'm soooooo jealous, although I met Paul in June but I didn't have the chance to be on a photo with Paul AND Jonathan Frakes!!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
                                Your welcome.

                                Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                                phynyxoffyre I was reading your con report with my mouth open. You so lucky. The signatures on the picture are so cool.
                                I was reading your con report with my mouth open. I envy you so much.
                                And he asked if you were single? If he'd ask me that, I'd probably write down my phone number and handed it to him. (too much?)
                                Yeah, he asked a couple of times if I was single. It was so odd.

                                Originally posted by phibi View Post
                                thanks for the report phynyxoffyre!! I laughed out loud... this was pure Paul McGillion... From the beginning to the end... and a pure Jonathan Frakes as well *lol* They had a great time together in Bonn, so I'm not surprised they pull pranks on each other like that.

                                I'm happy for you! Glad you had such a great time! Just a reminder for the next con you attend with Paul as a guest, he will most probably remember you, so don't do the 'deer caught in the headlights' face *lol* (I loved that part, could have been me *giggles*)

                                And I want that photographer for the Pegasus3... quality time in Paul's arms.. nice
                                Don't know if I'm really all that memorable, but I'll keep the thought in mind. And I had wondered how Jonathan and Paul knew each other, so them being together in Bonn explains that. Thanks!

                                Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!

