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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    ^Thanks, and I can't wait to see the whole group as well. I'm loving what I've seen people do so far.






        Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?

        I'm exhausted. Been up since around 4 this morning (7:30 pm now). Miriam had her hip surgery this morning/afternoon and is admitted now. Poor darling is in a body cast. Can't move at all from the waist down. She's hurting too, so they have her fairly well drugged up.

        Don't know how much I'll be around. Love you all!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Ever good luck with the little one!!


            Poor little mite! I hope she makes a swift recovery.


              Hope she feels better soon

              Look at this awesome trailer!



                Isn't it brilliant! I have to keep freezing it to check things out closer.


                  I know there is so much to see


                    Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                    Multi-quote go bye bye. But it went something like this...

                    Miri's doing better yesterday and today. That first night was so hard on her and me both. We're getting it figured out. Thanks for the well wishes.

                    I'll watch the trailer when Miri wakes up. Don't want to accidentally wake her with random squees.

                    I've futzed some with the challenge, but I'm not too happy with the results. We'll see.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      I tried to watch the trailer, but it is having trouble, starting and stopping. Will try again later today.

                      Blen! Love the new sig of Eleven!

                      Ever... glad to hear that Miriam is doing well and that you all are figuring things out. Hope sleep and comfort are coming easier for both of you.


                        Challenge 8




                        *The Lady Blue*


                        * FanGirl*




                        And Star continued her story

                        Chapter 7

                        While Carolyn went back to the house to find first aid supplies, the youngsters and the Bishops proceeded towards the barn. Peter kept pressing the orange hankie to his forehead with an expression of both distaste and resignation. They had almost reached the door when the ring of a cell phone interrupted their progress. Junior pulled out his mobile and looked at the screen.

                        "It's my dad. I better take this," he said, turning away from the group as he pressed the call button.

                        Joe was the first through the door, and he stopped in amazement, crowding the rest of the group behind him. Angie pushed him aside impatiently so they could all see what had halted him in his tracks: the mini dome had risen from its nest of straw, and was now floating about two feet off the ground.

                        Walter was the first to react. "Well, we should not have a problem now to examine the sphere's underside," he declared, taking a step towards the object, which was hanging perfectly still in mid air. One by one the others followed him until they all stood in a circle around the dome. As if on cue, five handprints appeared on the outside.

                        "Okay, this is different," Norrie said. "It's always been about the four of us. Why now five?"

                        "Well, there's five of us here," Peter replied. "Maybe it's trying to communicate with whoever is close by."

                        "Okay, here goes nothing," Joe said, putting his hand against one of the glowing outlines. The others followed suit. As soon as all five hands had made contact, the dome began to hum, sending tiny vibrations through their palms and up their arms. At that point Junior came into the barn, having successfully - although not exactly truthfully - fended off his father's questions about his whereabouts.

                        "Angie!" Junior ran up to the girl and tried to pull her away from the dome, but it was as if her palm had fused to the surface of the globe. The hum increased in pitch, and the group of five started shaking more and more violently, until one by one their eyes rolled back into their heads and they sank to the ground - at which point the dome released its magnetic hold on them.

                        It wasn't long until they came around again, and apart from a slight headache they did not seem to suffer from any side effects. Except that when they compared notes on their experience they discovered that each one of them now had an image burned into their minds they couldn't shake. The dome had settled back onto the ground, so they returned to the house to discuss their visions.

                        "Okay, what exactly does everybody see?" Peter asked once they were seated around the dining room table and Carolyn got busy on his head with butterfly strips, gauze and tape.

                        "I see the barn," Joe said.

                        "I see a bleached animal skull lying in the sand - yuk." That was Norrie.

                        "I see the inside of a car, but it's all overgrown and covered in branches and vines," Angie reported.

                        "And I see the sun setting over a futuristic or alien city scape with a river," Peter said. Then he looked at his father, who appeared to be lost in thought. "What about you, Walter?"

                        The old man startled as if awaking from a dream. "Me? Oh, what I see is quite extraordinary. And hard to explain. It's rather - psychedelic."

                        Peter brushed Carolyn's busy hands away and leaned closer to his father. "Walter, have you been tripping secretly?"

                        "No, son, how could I? My whole stash was left behind in the lab when we came here."

                        "Excuse me," Carolyn interrupted, "Are you telling me your father is habitually consuming illegal substances?"

                        "Well, you heard him, not at the moment," Peter snapped back, clearly annoyed at the interruption. But then he saw the stern look on Carolyn's face and relented. "I'm sorry, you have every right to ask. My father's history is a long and complicated story, but I can assure you that it will not in any way harm or have a bad influence on your daughter. We have worked as consultants to the FBI for several years, and Walter's recreational use of certain mind expanding substances has never been an..."

                        "That's it, son!" Walter shouted, jumping up from his chair in excitement. "It's expanding - what I see is the explosive force of a super nova!"


                          Challenge #9

                          It's that time of year when scary things come out to put your art to use and make SPOOKY ART!!! If you celebrate Halloween, make Halloween art. Or just anything spooky and scary!

                          Spiders mummies haunted houses or brain eating zombies whatever scares you.....make art! And have fun.....if you dare!!

                          Fan fic......same rules. Make it scary or spooky!

                          Entries due midnight Sunday Oct. 27. PM to copter.


                            Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?

                            We're released from the hospital. Miri has a couple of follow up appointments before we go home next week.

                            LOVE all the art! Just wow! Totally blows what I was working on out of the water.

                            Cool challenge coming up. We'll see if I have any time to play.

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Glad to hear of the progress, Ever.

                              Wow... 9th Challenge already. *hangs head in shame* I haven't participated in even one of them yet. Maybe this will be the one.



                                I found a chair that we all need I am sure


