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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Midway, Sateda, Quarantine, various other shippy stuffs

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      It would be cool if they they released more cut footage and such to get people to want to buy it again.


        It'd be the only way they're getting more money from me.

        Of course, I'd be watching Tracker, Doppelganger. First Contact

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
          Challenge #29

          This week I want to go back to something more fun, I think with Easter so many of us were out of town or with family or just busy. Dragongirl's challenge back in challenge #26 was a lot of fun, so I want to tweak her idea, thanks to bailey1ak. She had a great idea for this challenge.

          Make a visual representation of any Stargate episode {SG1, SGA or SGU or any of the movies}
          But you cannot use any SG related caps or words in your art. So for example the SGA episode "Rising" you might show some bread dough rising. When you send me your art, please include the title of the episode in your PM.
          If you need a list of all the episodes check here.

          If you want more of a challenge or that one stumps you, do a little spring cleaning. Go back through all the challenges and do one that you missed. {look here for a list}

          entries due to me Monday April 28th by noon your time.

          Survey time!
          Please take a few minutes to copy and paste and answer these 5 questions into a PM to me please. Thanks!

          1. What would you like to learn more about in your art? [coloring, filters, etc]

          2. What challenges do you like best? [fun ones, ones where you learn something new, list specific challenges you loved if you have them]

          3. What challenges do you dislike?

          4. Do you visit any other threads on GW where the art challenge is not posted? If so, do you think they might like to join us?

          5. Would you ever want to host the challenge for me one week?
          I'm bumping the challenge seeing as how I'm working on it.

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

            Is today the day I get to post pics?

            seems like it!

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Hello Love Shack

              I have had a good morning so I am hoping the rest of the day works out the same . I slept well and did some reading and then saw/remembered it is free coffee mon at Dunkin Donuts. So I decided to go get some free coffee (because come on free coffee) when it was my turn at the drive thru I ordered a couple kolachie's to go with my coffee I paid for my food got my free coffee and left. I got a block and reached into the bag and noticed I didn't get kolachies I had donuts so I turned around and went back. I pulled out the receipt and looked and it was not for what I had ordered. I went in and told them what happened and they apologized and gave me what I ordered so for $2 ($1.99 but whatever) I got a coffee, 2 donuts, 2 kolachies and some hash browns. So while it was a little annoying that my order came out a bit wrong I got the better end of that deal.


                Challenge #29

                Make a visual representation of any Stargate episode {SG1, SGA or SGU or any of the movies}
                But you cannot use any SG related caps or words in your art.

                I will give everyone a day or two to guess what each one is and then I will post the answers.










                I thought I'd go back & do a challenge or two that I'd missed.

                The first is Secondary Character

                And then there is Favourite Alien
                Last edited by mrscopterdoc; 28 April 2014, 01:05 PM.


                  Challenge #30

                  First I want to thank everyone who took the time to answer my survey, I really appreciate it!

                  The overwhelming response was everyone wants to learn more technical, specific aspects, even more specifically blending/filters/composition. But, lots said they dislike tutorials because they get lost, or it doesn't make sense. I am not sure how to do a challenge about something that people want to learn more about without using a tutorial, so I am going to try this.....

                  This weeks challenge is about blending. You must take 3 different pictures, and blend them together. The challenge is to make them look like one picture.

                  If you are able, make 2 separate pieces of art. You can use the same 3 pictures on both pieces of art, just blend them differently, OR use 6 total [or more] different pictures. Making 2 pieces of art just gets you blending more, more practice makes perfect!

                  Forgive me for using old sigs of mine, but here are examples of what I mean:

                  This one does only have 2 pictures blended, but they are just examples.

                  There are several different ways to blend pictures: eraser, gradients, layer masks, cropping and blurring just to name a few. There is no wrong or right way to do blending. If it gets the job done and you are happy with it, then that is all that matters.

                  If you use Gimp, and you need help, try looking here. They are very basic step by step guides in erasing, layers and mask layers among other things. I did them a long time ago, but several people have told me that they have helped. If you are still totally stuck, let me know and I will see what I can do to help.

                  I am no expert in blending or Gimping, far from it, but I have learned some tips over the years about blending......try to pick a subject you like. Say you thunk Sheppard. Pick pictures of him to work with and it will be more fun then say pictures of flowers. Unless you like flowers. Try to pick pictures that are somewhat that same. Try 3 pictures of Sheppard from the same episode or same season. A picture of Sheppard and then Joe Flanigan on the beach might not be as easy to blend. Pick pictures that don't have other people in the background that you will have to cut out unless that is the only picture you can possibly use. Spending time looking for a picture that you don't have to crop people and things out of to use is worth the time spent looking rather than trying to get rid of stuff. Even better are promotional pictures with a solid color background and nothing else in the way. Promo pics are what I used for my Dean sig above in the example. In the Sheppard sig, I used pics of just him from the same episode, and just used the cap background to blend them seamlessly together.

                  If you have any questions about this challenge, or a specific blending technique, you can PM me or just post it. That way I can answer it and maybe someone else has the same question and it will answer for them too.

                  Entries are due to me by noon your time, Monday May 5th.


                    Good evening, Love Shack! How's it going?

                    Busy yesterday - son's truck broke down after prom and we fixed it after church. Taught all day today. Joy!

                    I missed the challenge though! I just didn't have enough time to get them uploaded and sent to Copter!

                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    Hello Love Shack

                    I have had a good morning so I am hoping the rest of the day works out the same . I slept well and did some reading and then saw/remembered it is free coffee mon at Dunkin Donuts. So I decided to go get some free coffee (because come on free coffee) when it was my turn at the drive thru I ordered a couple kolachie's to go with my coffee I paid for my food got my free coffee and left. I got a block and reached into the bag and noticed I didn't get kolachies I had donuts so I turned around and went back. I pulled out the receipt and looked and it was not for what I had ordered. I went in and told them what happened and they apologized and gave me what I ordered so for $2 ($1.99 but whatever) I got a coffee, 2 donuts, 2 kolachies and some hash browns. So while it was a little annoying that my order came out a bit wrong I got the better end of that deal.

                    Love the art everyone! Got a bunch of them. There's a couple that I'm turning my head and trying to figure them out.

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                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Well get the bad out of the way then things will have to improve right Ever? Maybe?

                      I think there is only one I know for sure and that is taris-eirien's last one Broken Ties the rest I need to think over more


                        It's going to be a busy week here. Not so much bad as busy.

                        Good news though, we got word that maybe (hopefully) what's wrong with the van (that gets us back and forth to Albuquerque and Denver) isn't a $1500 - $2000 transmission, but a pump of some sort. So maybe just $100 or so. *hopes*

                        Wow! That was one of the one's I was stumped on. Now I look at it and it makes sense. - Broken Ties.

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          *fingers crossed*

                          I looked at it and was thinking through the names I remembered for sure of eps and that is all I could come up with


                            Sorry to hear about the vehicle, Ever.

                            Sounds like you had a great beginning to your day, DG.

                            Challenge #29
                            My guesses... for now...


                            Ties that Bind - SG1
                            Ripple Effect - SG1

                            Brief Candle -SG1 (love this one... took a few minutes and some very odd guesses before it clicked)

                            Thor's Hammer - SG1

                            Window of Opportunity - SG1

                            Critical Mass - SGA
                            Family Ties - SG1



                            Thirty Eight Minutes - SGA

                            Thor's Hammer -SG1

                            Loved your art, Blen!!


                              Thanks Bailey!

                              Fingers crossed the van won't be as expensive as you thought, Ever.

                              Well done with the art everyone! I've had a look & I'm scratching my head at quite a few. I thought I'd see how many I could get without looking at the episode titles but as I don't know many SG1 or SGU titles I find I'm struggling.

                              I like the idea for the next challenge. That should be fun to do.


                                Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                                I ran away from home last night. Hubby needed to qualify on the range to become a reserve deputy with the sheriff's department. So I was getting lots of gun porn last night. I decided not to explain that one to him as he blushed (he never blushes) when I explained arm porn to him a few years ago.

                                The Ties That Bind
                                Ripple Effect

                                Brief Candle

                                Thor's Hammer



                                Critical Mass? I'm not sure
                                Broken Ties (thank you, DG for pointing that one out)

                                The Ark


                                38 Minutes

                                Thor's Hammer

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

