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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
    Challenge #7

    This week is.....Dinosaurs! You can make the focus entirely about dinosaurs, or just incorporate one [or three] into your art. It can be cartoon Dinosaurs, or dinos from Jurassic park. Anything goes! Just keep it PG-13 and follow the GW guidelines! Fan Fic....same thing. Stick a dinosaur in your story! PM me [copter] your entries by midnight your time Sunday October 13th.

    If you want more of a challenge, to push your art skills a little optional technical challenge is to add orange tint or color to art. PM any questions you have.
    I made a wallie for the challenge.

    Clicky click -


      I heard about the finding of lost eps that is very cool glad there is more Doctor to see


        Good morning, Love Shack!

        I'm pleased to hear that Miriam is doing so well. I hope her hip surgery goes well.

        There has been some serious excitment this side of the pond about long lost Doctor Who episodes being found in Nigeria (of all places) They have found The Enemy of the World and The Web of Fear! I still can't quite believe it. I honestly thought that these episodes had gone for good.

        Trailers & everything!

        I heard about that! Are they going to show them sometime soon?

        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        Oh, some news about GW down time

        UPDATE: Estimated window for the GW move is 2 to 4 p.m. Pacific (10pm - 12am GMT) on Saturday. GW, GW Forum, and SF Stream will be affected.
        I forgot all about that.

        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        I made a wallie for the challenge.

        Clicky click -
        I don't have any sort of dinosaur stuff on this computer. Sorry!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

          Today is Christopher Judge's birthday!

          Looking damn fine for 49!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Happy Birthday to Christ Judge And yes he is.



              Happy be-lated birthday to Chrisopher Judge.



                Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                I stared my Quarantine Day fic this morning! Blenca, do you still have the Squee moments on YT? I'll need to watch and get some details right as I write.

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Challenge #7 was dinosaurs!!!


                  fan fic

                  Chapter 6

                  Peter crumpled to the ground, where he remained motionless. For several seconds nobody in the little group surrounding him reacted, even Max was too stunned by the unexpected attack.

                  They were all raised from their stupor by the sound of a gun being cocked. “Just hold it right there, lady!” a voice rang out from the house. Carolyn was standing on the porch, a shotgun raised and aimed at Max. “Drop your gun and put your hands on your head.”

                  There was no mistaking the authority in her voice, but Max was an old pro. She flipped off the flashlight, and managed to make her escape in the ensuing darkness. She counted on Carolyn not daring to shoot since she might hit one of the youngsters.

                  “Nice save, mom,” Norrie called out to Carolyn. A little later the porch lights came on, illuminating the scene. There was no trace of Max.

                  “What on earth have you kids gotten yourself into?” Carolyn wanted to know as she approached. “Strangers holding you at gunpoint in the middle of the night?”

                  “Yeah, it’s not something we were expecting either,” Norrie admitted.

                  Walter had crawled over to Peter’s still form by then, gently rolling his son onto his back to see where he had been hit. They heard his sharp intake of breath when he saw the blood that was running freely down the left half of his face. With shaking fingers Walter parted Peter’s thick curls to check for a wound, causing his son to moan and his eyes to flutter open.

                  “Peter... son... are you with me? Can you talk?”

                  “Wha... happen’?” Peter slurred, still not completely conscious.

                  “In an act of misguided heroism you tried to stop this woman’s bullet with that thick head of yours,” his father informed him, busily examining Peter’s cranium. “But it appears the projectile only nicked your scalp.”

                  “It was a calculated risk, and if I hadn’t slipped...” Peter swiped at the blood that was coating his left eye, frowning at his bloody palm. “Damn, why do head wounds have to bleed so much.”

                  “Just a few questions, son. Who is the president, where is our Harvard lab, and what did you want to be when you were nine?”

                  “Obama, the Kresge building, and a brontosaurus. I’m not concussed, Walter, the bullet barely did more than part my hair.” As if to prove his statement, Peter made an attempt to stand. But Walter would have none of it.

                  “You stay put until you are fully recovered. And then we’ll take you back to the house to patch you up,” he announced.

                  Peter shook his head, wincing when the motion sent a stabbing pain through his brain. “I’m okay. Just need a handkerchief or something to stop the bleeding.” When Walter started to protest, Peter continued, “Max came out of the barn. We need to check if she’s done anything to the mini dome.”

                  You could see Walter wanted to argue, but the determined look in Peter’s blue eyes convinced him that it would be pointless. So the old man relented, pulling a square of material in a blinding neon orange hue from his pocket and holding it out to his son. Peter squinted at the proffered square. “Is this supposed to be a handkerchief, or is it a flag to signal astronauts in orbit?” he asked.

                  “Actually,” a small, bashful smile played around Walter’s lips, “it’s part of a set, it came with boxer briefs and socks as well. Would you like to see?”

                  Realizing that Walter was reaching for his belt, Peter quickly held up his hands in refusal. “Oh God, please spare me. I’ll need a gallon of bleach anyway to get the image you just planted in my mind out of my brain.”

                  Carolyn had listened to the exchange between the Bishops with a growing sense of disbelief. Now she turned to her daughter. “Are you sure these men are really scientists?” she asked in a whisper. Norrie smiled. “You know what they say, mom. Genius and insanity go hand in hand

                  Little Creek

                  Fan fic


                  wallpaper {click to see}




                  The Lady Blue

                  {also has orange tint - bonus challenge}



                    Challenge 8 (I am running it this week)

                    Make art using only the following pics. You don't have to use them all in the same piece but try to use at least 2.

                    Pic #1

                    Pic #2

                    Pic #3

                    Pic #4

                    Pic #5

                    Send me your entries this week.


                      Those are some intriguing pics. I'll have to play with them and see what I come up with...

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        ^Yes, I think these are some very nice selections. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.



                          Jason and Jewel Friendship Love. I came across this photo and figured I'd post it, although it may not be new to anyone here.

                          Unfortunately, I had to cut it off and not show the whole picture because Jason was pulling his shirt down and that might be too racy here. I'd rather err on the side of caution.



                            Thank you for posting that! Great picture!

                            And thank you for the green Lady Blue. Glad you liked the wallie.

                            What a morning! I'm shaking. My elderly greyhound Tess had a severe attack of laryngeal paralysis. She couldn't breathe at all and turned blue. I had to rush her to the Vet. She's recovered now and looks as though butter wouldn't melt. But me... I'm all of a dither. Had to make myself a cut of hot sweet tea.


                              Wonderful pic, Lady Blue.

                              Blen! What a scare you've had this morning! *hugs* I'm so glad to hear she is alright. Tea was a must it sounds like.


                                Love the pic!

                                *huggles* Oh Blen I can understand why you would need a cuppa

