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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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      Challenge #9

      Spooky and creepy, just in time for Halloween!!!!

      first up, another chapter of her ongoing fan fic from Starg8fans

      Chapter 8

      “I’m very happy I was able to provide the spark for this realization,” Peter said to Walter, who was all but hopping from one foot to the other in excitement, “but I would much prefer if you calmed yourself and sat down again. Even with this piece of data, we’re still a far cry from solving this riddle.”

      “Nonsense, it’s perfectly obvious to me,” Walter replied. “We are dealing with Aliens.”

      The youngsters exchanged puzzled looks. Peter raised an eyebrow. “And how did you come to this conclusion?”

      “The futuristic landscape you described. I assume it is an advanced civilisation on a distant planet that is in danger of being wiped out by a supernova. That’s why they came, to this barn, which Josh here saw...”

      “My name is Joe,” the teen said, but Walter waved the interruption away. “... in order to establish themselves on this planet since they face certain death on their home world.”

      “I don’t like the sound of that,” Angie said.

      “It doesn’t explain the skull or the overgrown car, though,” Norrie pointed out. “Where do these come in?”

      “Maybe they plan to kill us all to make room for their own species,” Angie whispered.

      “Come now, child, there’s no need to assume the worst,” Carolyn tried to soothe her.

      “Think of it,” Peter said. “The egg has not harmed anybody yet. It’s even trying to communicate with us. Why would it do that if it was planning our annihilation?”

      “Quite right,” Walter declared. “I am positive there is a perfectly rational explanation for these images, which will come to me momentarily,”

      Everybody around the table started talking at the same time, producing theories and proposing lines of action. The only one who did not participate was Junior. He felt left out, superfluous. So he quietly slipped out and made his way to the barn. He was sure if he touched the mini dome it would provide him with an image as well, which might help solve the mystery. But when he put his hand against the curved surface, no image appeared before his inner eye. Instead there was a rustling noise behind him and when he turned around he froze in shock. In front of him stood - his mother, who had died many years before.

      The woman wore a shabby house dress, splattered with oil color. She lifted her hand and pointed at Junior. “Pink stars are falling,” she said.

      Junior swallowed convulsively. He knew that this apparition could not be his mother, no matter how badly he wanted it to be. Finally he managed to overcome his surprise and bewilderment. “I know, mom. You painted them in a picture,” he said. “And you painted me in it as well.”

      She nodded. “It is time. Pink stars are falling,” she repeated.

      “What does that even mean?” Junior asked, but the woman only kept repeating the same sentence, no matter how often he probed her for clarification. In the end, the young man became so frustrated that he approached her, reaching for her shoulders to shake some sense into her. But his hands went right through he body as if she were a ghost. As Junior jumped back with a startled cry, the woman shook her head sadly.

      “The pink stars are falling. Hurry!” was the last thing she said before she vanished into thin air, leaving a very scared and confused Junior behind.













          Challenge #9................part two!

          I think this challenge was a lot of fun, and in part because Halloween in the US is on Thursday, I am extending this challenge!! I will post the above entries again, and any new ones I receive, about this same time on Thursday, October 31st. You have until midnight [your time] Wednesday Oct. 30th to send me {copter} any entries that are spooky and/or creepy, and that is for art and fan fic. Hopefully the above entries will give you some inspiration....and if you dislike creepy or scary, you can always go for "cute" scary. They are several entries above that fit that category and they are perfect! If you entered some art or fan fic already, enter some more!!! There is no limit! Just have fun! and beware........


            Good afternoon, Love Shack! How's it going?

            I'll be headed home later this week, so I might have time at home to do a bit of something for the challenge...

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              would love to see it ever!


                So would I.



                  If I make a challenge entry... do I post it here and send it to Copter... or just send it to Copter?


                    you can post it if you want, but please send to me no matter what. Thanks!


                      Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Morning Ever. Are you and Miriam figuring out the sleep thing yet? How long does she have to be in a cast?

                        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                        you can post it if you want, but please send to me no matter what. Thanks!
                        I decided to sport them since the holiday is almost upon us. I sent the set to you as well.


                          Oh, I just sleep whenever I can. Miri's finally starting to get used to the lack of motion - at least a night.

                          Have you writers seen the new feature on You can specify if the characters in your stories are couples. I just spent the last hour + adding that info on my stories.

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Blen are you and yours okay? I know the storm is bad but I don't know where it is in relation to y'all


                              We had no problems at all DG. Thanks for asking. The worst was southern England. Five people were killed unfortunately.

                              Glad to here Miri is slowly settling Ever.

                              I would have liked to make something for the challenge but I'm a bit busy this week. We are sorting out SB's bedroom & have bought her some new furniture that needs constructing. I'm totally amazed at how difficult it is to get rid of her old furniture. We are wanting to donate it to charity as it is good quality stuff, but that is proving to much harder than I imagined. They either can't collect it, have nowhere to store it, or it's not in their area. Currently waiting for the RSPCA to see if they want it.


                                Glad to hear you had no problems, Blen. That was some storm you all had!

                                It is amazing that it is that hard to give good furniture away. Hope you find a way soon. I know trying to find a place to store/stash it until you do can be a bother.

                                We have enough college students in town, that giving away furniture is quite easy here.


