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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Try the cheese eating SeNedra! Let me know if it works!


      Well now I just have to brag because I have had a Ronon dream yes I know who wants to touch me LOL

      It was odd I was like walking down an outside shopping place and he was at like this corner cooking like pasta and there were all these people mainly women all around him and I managed to get up close to him and said why are you here shouldn't you be off filming something and he said yeah your right and then he grabbed my hand and we like ran off through the crowd and for some reason we went out to a resturant and we were talking about him cooking and stuff it was fun he was way over dressed though dang it.


        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
        Well now I just have to brag because I have had a Ronon dream yes I know who wants to touch me LOL

        So lucky!

        Hey DG did you get my email?


          Doppelganger is on right now.


            yup I got it and I am watching Doppleganger right now still think that Ronon needing stitches was a set up. Oh and one of my fav lines is John asking Teyla if he had a goatee


              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
              yup I got it and I am watching Doppleganger right now still think that Ronon needing stitches was a set up. Oh and one of my fav lines is John asking Teyla if he had a goatee
              yeah you know he has had worse injuries. but hey whatever works!

              I will have to watch it again, I do not remember that part about the goatee!


                Random RK stuff...

                I just felt the impulse to post this stuff again.


                  Krissie! I stlll love these!!!

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    here is well what leads up to the goatee comment

                    CONFERENCE ROOM. Rodney stands in the doorway and folds his arms stubbornly. John, sitting behind the table with the others who know about the problem, rolls his eyes.

                    SHEPPARD: Sit down, Rodney.

                    McKAY: I'm good right here, thank you.

                    CARTER: All offworld teams have been contacted and instructed not to return for the time being. Gate travel will be restricted to an as-needed basis and, until further notice, all non-essential expedition members will be restricted to quarters.

                    DEX: Come on, is this really necessary? It's just a few bad dreams, right?

                    CARTER: The fact is, we don't really know what we're dealing with. We may have an alien entity on our hands capable of moving from person to person at will.

                    HEIGHTMEYER: And so far the only behaviour we have to evaluate suggests a certain malice. Based on what's been described to me, the personification of Colonel Sheppard in everyone's dreams is behaving much like a sociopath.

                    (John looks at Teyla.)

                    SHEPPARD: Did I have a goatee?

                    (Teyla shakes her head.)


                      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                      here is well what leads up to the goatee comment

                      CONFERENCE ROOM. Rodney stands in the doorway and folds his arms stubbornly. John, sitting behind the table with the others who know about the problem, rolls his eyes.

                      SHEPPARD: Sit down, Rodney.

                      McKAY: I'm good right here, thank you.

                      CARTER: All offworld teams have been contacted and instructed not to return for the time being. Gate travel will be restricted to an as-needed basis and, until further notice, all non-essential expedition members will be restricted to quarters.

                      DEX: Come on, is this really necessary? It's just a few bad dreams, right?

                      CARTER: The fact is, we don't really know what we're dealing with. We may have an alien entity on our hands capable of moving from person to person at will.

                      HEIGHTMEYER: And so far the only behaviour we have to evaluate suggests a certain malice. Based on what's been described to me, the personification of Colonel Sheppard in everyone's dreams is behaving much like a sociopath.

                      (John looks at Teyla.)

                      SHEPPARD: Did I have a goatee?

                      (Teyla shakes her head.)

                      I can't believe I have missed this! LOL

                      *runs off to go watch DVD*


                        I think I missed it the first time I watched and only caught it the second time when I was watching it when my dad saw it for the first time.


                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          RACH!! (did I yell loud enough?) Are those finals done yet? We need fic! BTW, hope you did well on the finals!
                          finals are done, am working on fic (gee I wish she'd put that whip away! )

                          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                          Guys :: hangs head in shame :: I don't know what happened. I don't even ship this couple. But this just demanded to be written so here...

                          After Death Only the Living Remain

                          Hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think.

                          Nobody tell the McKellers. You've been sworn to secrecy.
                          oh angsty angsty! we will make you a honorary shipper!

                          Originally posted by baby_doll26 View Post
                          WOW! What a great welcome back, I luvs you guys.

                          I got caught up on all the great fic, fantastic job all of you!!!!!

                          I haven't got to all the past posts yet
                          I did find the Tracker spoilers though, and i can't wait!!

                          I can see Rodney getting himself caught in a trap and Ronon standing there for a little while considering helping him. Rodney saying something like "Oh come on, you're seriously just going to stand there, it was just a drink I swear!"
                          LOL same way I see the scene!

                          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                          Congratulations Everlovin - 1000 posts!

                          I've read your new chapter DG. Loved it!!!! I liked the way you got in the bit about her eyes and their colour.

                          Now that would be an amusing scene!!!

                          Off topic - I've just been messing around in the kitchen, feeding the animals, wiping down, putting stuff away. I noticed some gravy on the back of my hand and absent mindedly put my hand in my mouth. Icckkkkk. Yup, dog food. Now I know why dogs lick their backsides. It's to take away the taste of the food.
                          ummmmmmmmmmmmm, only you hun!

                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          BTW, Pandora! I LOVE your sig! Calvin and Hobbs! How sublimely perfect! My brother and I have a theory that Calvin is really an adult and these are his fantasies to escape everyday life! What it could happen!
                          I also adore calvin & hobbes. I think hobbes is the adult (the dad!)


                            Morning, anyone here ?

                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            Well now I just have to brag because I have had a Ronon dream yes I know who wants to touch me LOL

                            It was odd I was like walking down an outside shopping place and he was at like this corner cooking like pasta and there were all these people mainly women all around him and I managed to get up close to him and said why are you here shouldn't you be off filming something and he said yeah your right and then he grabbed my hand and we like ran off through the crowd and for some reason we went out to a resturant and we were talking about him cooking and stuff it was fun he was way over dressed though dang it.
                            Great dream, I had no SG dream again... I usually have bad dreams

                            Rac80, congrats on the finals! Good work


                              I had this weird, really elaborate dream, I was at a boarding school, and all my friends(including ones I only have through mutual friends) were in Target with me, I left, and these guys with guns passed me on my way out, I ran around the corner and called 911, which somehow saved everyone, so I got called a hero, then I decided to go to the market with a bunch of my friends who had been inside the store, and on the way there, I suddenly remembered my dad was looking for me, so we went looking for him, and when we found was Will Smith. WTF?!


                                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                                I had this weird, really elaborate dream, I was at a boarding school, and all my friends(including ones I only have through mutual friends) were in Target with me, I left, and these guys with guns passed me on my way out, I ran around the corner and called 911, which somehow saved everyone, so I got called a hero, then I decided to go to the market with a bunch of my friends who had been inside the store, and on the way there, I suddenly remembered my dad was looking for me, so we went looking for him, and when we found was Will Smith. WTF?!
                                I like it I'm still running in my dreams, now I usually had dreams about coming late to some iportant exam etc. (Yeh, the school is killing me...) I don't have famous people in my dreams very often but once I met Simon Cowell In my little town in the Czech Rpublic, a bit improbable.. But I couldn't talk to him, he disappeared and I was so dissapointed, cause he is so hot

