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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Hey, I need someone to check out this little fic I wrote to lemme know how it sounds. It's ronon centric and for a challenge. I need some quick feedback.

    . . . . .



      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
      WOOT!! Wanted my 1000th post to be here! Love you guys!
      Congrat Everlovin!!!!

      and poor Blencathra with that taste I always wondered why little kids eat tht stuff (my friend has to keep yelling at her kids for eating the cat and dog food I have had her cooking and she is a good cook it can't be that the pet food taste better)


        Originally posted by renisanz View Post
        Hey, I need someone to check out this little fic I wrote to lemme know how it sounds. It's ronon centric and for a challenge. I need some quick feedback.

        Reni! I'll read it for you! You still have my e-mail right?

        Thanks everybody for the congrats!

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          WOOT!! Wanted my 1000th post to be here! Love you guys!
          EVERLOVIN, CONGRATS ON 1000!!!

          dragongirl, I like your fic, good work with the eyes


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            WOOT!! Wanted my 1000th post to be here! Love you guys!
            Congrats Everlovin


              Woot! For all of you people who like to be up on the spoilers, I happened across this about The Lost Tribe. It looks like
              Ronon and Jenn will get some more time together!!!

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Woot! For all of you people who like to be up on the spoilers, I happened across this about The Lost Tribe. It looks like
                Ronon and Jenn will get some more time together!!!
                Thanks for posting, really interesting


                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Woot! For all of you people who like to be up on the spoilers, I happened across this about The Lost Tribe. It looks like
                  Ronon and Jenn will get some more time together!!!
                  Thanks for that they are really going all out with this season aren't they it seems like every eppy id=s gonna be ones you can't miss


                    That's a good find Everlovin!

                    I am feeling so good about season 5!!!

                    I'm cross that

                    Woolsey & this Major Marks are going to be there as well.


                    Woolsey & Major Marks are somewhere together and Ronon & Jenn are somewhere else.

                    But whatever

                    he's going to have to keep her safe!

                    I just hope that

                    she isn't too afraid. I think it's about time she was a little braver.


                    it could be that she saves his life!!!!

                    I am really worried about

                    this 15 year old chief engineer called Mila. I hope to God it's not going to be another Harmony or, worse still, like Wesley bloody Crusher, off STNG.

                    I will scream if it is.

                    What a bizarre looking post!


                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      Ooh ooh fic fic fic!!!!!

                      BTW, Pandora broke my heart! I was so sad! How could
                      Ronon just go and expect ANY one to forget about him???? sniff sniff
                      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                      I agree with what you sad that was so sad.
                      I'm glad you liked the fic. The angst just kind of ran away from me.

                      That whole episode has just been bugging me and bugging me. I loved the idea of it - John getting sent to the future, everyone dieing, Atlantis falling to pieces, Rodney saving the day (again), not to mention the McKeller (:: ducks from stones :: )

                      But oh, how I wish they had taken the time to make it a 3-parter or something. I wish they'd shown Sheppard dissapearing and then taken the time to actually show us Atlantis and the expedition falling apart. Kept the audience in the dark as to where Sheppard had gone until the finale and then we meet HoloRodney and see Sheppard get sent back. 'The Last Man' could have been so much more. IMO of course.

                      I guess, this fic is just my way of expounding on what I think might have happened to the team in those final weeks on Atlantis.

                      Darn. Now I have to go write some more.


                        BTW, Pandora! I LOVE your sig! Calvin and Hobbs! How sublimely perfect! My brother and I have a theory that Calvin is really an adult and these are his fantasies to escape everyday life! What it could happen!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          I think we're on a bit of a roll with the spoilers. Here's a tiny bit from SGA spoilers about Tracker.

                          As previously suggested by the spoilers, it seems that Tracker will be almost entirely focused on Ronon and McKay. David Hewlett had this to say on his blog:
                          “Carl has decided to throw the whole episode at one on one time between Ronan and McKay as they try to rescue Keller from a mysterious new fella! Action and banter galore...can't wait.”

                          And another tiny bit about The Seed. No names mentioned but do you think

                          the mystery person is Jenn?

                          The website has published a short interview with Paul McGillon when asked about The Seed he says that Carson “helps to save one of the a main members of the team who is in a state of crisis, Beckett is instrumental, in saving her.” he added that the episode would be very Carson heavy in terms of screen time.


                            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                            I think we're on a bit of a roll with the spoilers. Here's a tiny bit from SGA spoilers about Tracker.

                            As previously suggested by the spoilers, it seems that Tracker will be almost entirely focused on Ronon and McKay. David Hewlett had this to say on his blog:

                            And another tiny bit about The Seed. No names mentioned but do you think

                            the mystery person is Jenn?

                            The website has published a short interview with Paul McGillon when asked about The Seed he says that Carson “helps to save one of the a main members of the team who is in a state of crisis, Beckett is instrumental, in saving her.” he added that the episode would be very Carson heavy in terms of screen time.

                            I agree it could be

                            I was reading I thing it was gateworld that was talking about her having to come in early
                            for a lot of prosthetics(sp) she had to wear

                            Which has made me wonder exactly what is going on

                            Is it July yet?


                              I haven't told you about this really weird dream I had last night.

                              I dreamed that my cousin wanted to bring her new friend round for dinner and when she came it was Torri Higginson. She sat down in my dining room, where I have the computer, and I wanted her to see all the stuff on Gateworld about her but I couldn't get the computer to work properly. I'm sitting there thinking that you all wouldn't believe who I had sat in my house.

                              Anyone else had a Stargate dream?

                              I'm working on having a Ronon dream but nothing's happened so far. Perhaps I should eat cheese before bed or something.


                                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                                I haven't told you about this really weird dream I had last night.

                                I dreamed that my cousin wanted to bring her new friend round for dinner and when she came it was Torri Higginson. She sat down in my dining room, where I have the computer, and I wanted her to see all the stuff on Gateworld about her but I couldn't get the computer to work properly. I'm sitting there thinking that you all wouldn't believe who I had sat in my house.

                                Anyone else had a Stargate dream?

                                I'm working on having a Ronon dream but nothing's happened so far. Perhaps I should eat cheese before bed or something.
                                That's funny I do not remember any stargate dream, I would like to have some. Dreams are always strange I go sleeping now, so maybe tonight I will dream about something more interesting

