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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I might (although I'd have grumbled) have been ok with McKeller if they had said at the beginning of season 4, "Oh, here is the one that Rodney is going to ultimately end up with" *Remembers that she's a McCadman shipper* Instead of giving us all of that crap of how "Oh, hey! She looks kinda like Melena, there are lots of similarities. Let's put her with Ronon." And then yank that rug out from under him and us.

    Really, all it takes is a little bit of effort to create a believable pairing for Ronon. Too bad they couldn't do that.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Unfortunately McKeller has come pretty close to ruining it for me. I really liked Rodney to start with, but now he annoys me so intensely I can barely watch anything with him in. I know what Rache means about the constant whining. I think that would drive Jennifer up the wall after a very short time. That and having to constantly inflate his ego.

      I wish Ronon had let him die on the numerous occasions he saved Rodneys life. But I know Ronon is too honorable to do that.


        Exactly I mean if they had never had never even thought about Ronon/Keller it would be easier to take but they start with Ronon. (even though I saw stuff from before Quarintine like we all did that was a bit shippy) And they had McKay going after Keller but all we saw was her and Ronon and their attraction, then two people who had a rough day go for a drink (I still don't see how that is shippy) and next thing we know McKay is drooling and falling all over himself to get her and she has suddenly "Been in love with him for sometime" even though all the looks and such have been saying she wants Ronon. Hopefully the Movie will tell us how she was replaced either by clone or AU and things can be fixed and put right. Stupid know nothing writers.


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          Unfortunately McKeller has come pretty close to ruining it for me. I really liked Rodney to start with, but now he annoys me so intensely I can barely watch anything with him in. I know what Rache means about the constant whining. I think that would drive Jennifer up the wall after a very short time. That and having to constantly inflate his ego.

          I wish Ronon had let him die on the numerous occasions he saved Rodneys life. But I know Ronon is too honorable to do that.
          Exactly that was what I thought of McKay at first he was irratating but he had moments of being funny. It is also supriseing to see how different he was he used to actually be human and not a walking talking ego.

          What is really sad now is that Copter and I are watching SGA from S1 (we might skip a number of eppy's in S5) and it is almost like night and day the great eppy's and how even the ones we don't care for are still goood eppy's and have stuff we like. I have even started to go look at all of these times we could have been rid of McKay even in S1 why is he still around.


            I am really annoyed about that as well. No wonder Jason didn't like the idea. It made Ronon look really stupid as though he was lusting after a woman who felt nothing for him. And how foolish was I, thinking that Ronon really stood a chance. How could he with Gero calling the shots.

            Like you DG I can see absolutely no build up in McKeller. One minute they go for a drink and the next Rodney is in love? Yeh right. And with Jenn it is even worse. Because up to Tracker and TLT I was convinced it was Ronon and only Ronon she was in love with.


              I have said it before and I will say it again one of the bigest flaws in Stargate is the inconsistancey in the writing of the show one minute they are going we are building up this and then no we don't want to do that we are going to do this and ignore everything we have done till now *cough John/Teyla cough* Ronon/Keller. It is riduculas and even the Characters themselfs change from one moment to the next Keller was getting stronger more confident then she starts to complain and whine again it is insuffrable.


                *snerk* Even Mom - who didn't get into SGA as much as SG-1 - shuddered when I told her that Jenn ended up with Rodney! She, too, consoled me with fanfic. I <3 Mom!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Good mom Ever


                    heya guys, hows it going? am lovin the new sigs, esp the alt ending one miss kitten has!


                      Miss KJittens sig is awesome. I had a go last night making one but I am not very happy with it. I made it at about 3 am and my lines are a bit wonky. I am going To try again when I can get on the proper computer. At the moment I am on SBs netbook and the keys are too small for my long finger nails. Takes me ages to reply to a post.


                        *huggles* Blen I am sure it will be beautiful


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          *huggles* Blen I am sure it will be beautiful

                          I'd show it to you but I can't get into my Flickr account on this computer. Can't remember my password .


                            I had an idea! My idea from before,
                            the coma thing, and Rodney dreaming the whole thing,
                            could have happened during Trio, in between them getting into that passage and getting back to Atlantis.
                            There could've been another tremor while they were going through the passage, and a rock hit McKay on the head and sent him into a coma, now the rest of the show is all in his head.


                              Hey guys!
                              How is everyone?
                              Hi Blen, DG, Perkin, Ever, Sen, MK !!!
                              Hope i didn't miss anyone out....
                              Been in kindergarten this morning, so please remember to come down to that level if you want to say something to me...
                              Like, "Let's take the book bin off Joshua's head shall we? Because we don't do that to friends, do we?"*SMILES SWEETLY*

                              EDIT Hi dr jenn!

                              The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                                Hi Fuchsia it sounds like an interesting day

