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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
    I love accents, but I can seldom differentiate between regional USA accents.
    I don't really think much about American accents when I watch shows/movies. Brittish accents are much more noticeable for me (but not in a way that I can place most of them, only a few very significant ones). Norwegian accents however... wooh, talk about there being significant differences... if a foreigner learns Norwegian one place and move somewhere else, chances are they are gonna have some trouble understanding the people who live there...
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      good morning guys hope people are at least starting to feel better

      I have to say i love accents, most types, especially, Irish, Scottish and certain American accents, but then its probably because i dont have one, well i mean because i live in the South East of England (and i dont have the estury twang or the chavs lazyness with words) it seems to most people that i dont have an accent, as i keep getting told i must be posh! everytime i used to go on holiday as a child to resorts abroad filled with other british people they would all say i was posh because i didn't have an accent. Although i suppose to someone from a different country i must have an accent, mmmmmm, intriguing


        Morning everyone! *huggles SeN* Sorry you aren't feeling well

        Blen- Yes that is the plan

        I don't have much of an accent every now and then I bit of that southern drawl pops out and yes I say y'all which seem so be a southern thing. I was in New Jersey with a frined and we went to a party and the people there said they loved my accent (I still don't hear it though) but I think it is that I speak slower than in the New England states.


          Hey y'all! I wanted to drop off a Ronon/Keller pic fic for you guys. I hope you like it!

          Three's a Crowd
          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


            I made another smaller banner (because another forum's size limits on sig banners). It's a little different than my current sig, but not by much

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              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Hey y'all! I wanted to drop off a Ronon/Keller pic fic for you guys. I hope you like it!

              Three's a Crowd
              LMAO, that's hilarious!
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                Hi everyone. I'm back from work

                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                Hey y'all! I wanted to drop off a Ronon/Keller pic fic for you guys. I hope you like it!

                Three's a Crowd
                That is brilliant! Green for you. If only that was the way it really turned out.

                Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                I made another smaller banner (because another forum's size limits on sig banners). It's a little different than my current sig, but not by much

                Another lovely banner MK I love the little change you put in it - having the kiddies instead of Atlantis.


                  HAPPY ME!!!!!!!!! OT
                  I sadid about that woman coming to stay at my dad's house and he came in today and said she wouldn't be here today. Dad said she got sick and the Dr gave her medicine and she can't drive so he doesn't know when or if she will be here!! I am voting for she not come here!!!!


                    I hope she stays away DG. Hide you Dad's car keys just in case he feels obliged pick her up or something.


                      She is in Arazona and the drive there is about 24 hours my dad wont go pick her yup so Iam way happy right now


                        Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                        I made another smaller banner (because another forum's size limits on sig banners). It's a little different than my current sig, but not by much

                        Cute. Aww the kiddies. What forum?


                          That's good DG

                          I wonder how Rache is getting on with her new fic? I'm getting impatient.


                            Yes it is Blen and me and copter are about to start Runner


                              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                              Cute. Aww the kiddies. What forum?
                              lol, mine, actually. But since I have enforced the max sig limit there, I kinda have to follow the rule myself
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                                OK. I'm getting my DVD out now. I may have to pause half way through to eat my dinner - being made for me as we speak br Mr Blen who got back from India this afternoon.

                                Pics to whet our appetite.


