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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I will take some time in the morning maybe aroun 8am or 9am which ever I just want morning Ronon is a good way to start the day with


      Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
      Can I have a spot? I need Ronon to cheer me up. We can make eachother feel better.

      Ohhh of course Krissie!!! Pick your time. There's room for all! And don't worry peeps, if times overlap, that's ok....we share


        Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
        Can I have a spot? I need Ronon to cheer me up. We can make eachother feel better.
        What's up that you need Ronon to cheer you up, Krissie? We love you too!

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        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          What's up that you need Ronon to cheer you up, Krissie? We love you too!
          I don't want to get into it here, but there's a post on my lj for friends if you want to know. If anyones not on my friendslist & wants to know let me know and I'll PM you.

          EDIT: Don't forget to vote!


            Hello all. juat popping in to add my two cents worth.
            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            Well, personally the shippiest bit from a Ronon/Jenn point of view was
            the fact that Ronon knew that it wasn't Jenn. He KNOWS her! Rodney didn't know what was up.
            Mckay is not the more observant person on the planet, if it doesn't directly involve him, he never notices.
            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            I know and OMG that look on his face when
            He showed up at her door and while he was talking to her dear lord that was the hottest thing EVER!!

            all in all other than that ending in the infermary it was better than I thought it would be

            Night GG
            I LOOOOVED ronon showing up at ther door. It shows he is still more comfortable around her than mckay is. and oh did you catch the look on mckay's face?????? he is so still not sure about Jenn. the titanic has sunk!
            Originally posted by mellow yellow View Post
            OK, so up until the ending I was thinking OMG! those crazy girls at GW had it right..its been Neeva all along! But no..TPTB ruined it! The story was better than I thought but where was Teyla? I know she was there but seriously..where was she? They can stop piling on the McKeller crap.. I'm over it!

   I only the one who thought Rodney did not seem too concerned about Jenn acting weird or finding Jenn? You think that would have been the first thing on his mind?
            well, that's mckay.
            OMG i think Carl Binder wrote the ep very good to allow us to know that ronon and jenn are so not over!

            (((((((((((love shack))))))))))) something has come up, I'll be back in a few days! I loves ya all!


              ok guys ive just watched identity and oh my god
              it is so half of my fic im writing, the janus lab, the body switching! although mine is better lol but seriously guys, did any of you who read my story agree?


                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                Hello all. juat popping in to add my two cents worth.

                Mckay is not the more observant person on the planet, if it doesn't directly involve him, he never notices.

                I LOOOOVED ronon showing up at ther door. It shows he is still more comfortable around her than mckay is. and oh did you catch the look on mckay's face?????? he is so still not sure about Jenn. the titanic has sunk!
                well, that's mckay.
                OMG i think Carl Binder wrote the ep very good to allow us to know that ronon and jenn are so not over! (((((((((((love shack))))))))))) something has come up, I'll be back in a few days! I loves ya all!
                I wasn't sure if anybody else noticed! Loved that bit!

                I think Carl Binder is my new hero!!

                Good luck on whatever has come up!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  okay so not mine I am not claming it is but this is too funny (I am getting this second hand so I don't know who posted it originally)

                  Ronon's Mission report for Identity:

                  Finally got to go on a mission.
                  Used props from SG1 - saved more money than switching to Geico.
                  Got to shoot Keller - teach her to dump me for McKay.
                  Sheppard called me Chewie - he's next.
                  End report

                  EDIT: here is the original post
                  Last edited by dragongirl; 13 December 2008, 04:55 PM.



                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                      okay so not mine I am not claming it is but this is too funny (I am getting this second hand so I don't know who posted it originally)

                      Ronon's Mission report for Identity:

                      Finally got to go on a mission.
                      Used props from SG1 - saved more money than switching to Geico.
                      Got to shoot Keller - teach her to dump me for McKay.
                      Sheppard called me Chewie - he's next.
                      End report

                      EDIT: here is the original post
                      *bursts out laughing!!* *giggle snort* That is priceless!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                        okay so not mine I am not claming it is but this is too funny (I am getting this second hand so I don't know who posted it originally)

                        Ronon's Mission report for Identity:

                        Finally got to go on a mission.
                        Used props from SG1 - saved more money than switching to Geico.
                        Got to shoot Keller - teach her to dump me for McKay.
                        Sheppard called me Chewie - he's next.
                        End report

                        EDIT: here is the original post
                        LOL, sounds like the SGA version of "Very secret diaries"
                        My Site || My Blog


                          Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                          I don't want to get into it here, but there's a post on my lj for friends if you want to know. If anyones not on my friendslist & wants to know let me know and I'll PM you.

                          EDIT: Don't forget to vote!

                          I hope everything will be ok hun!


                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            okay so not mine I am not claming it is but this is too funny (I am getting this second hand so I don't know who posted it originally)

                            Ronon's Mission report for Identity:

                            Finally got to go on a mission.
                            Used props from SG1 - saved more money than switching to Geico.
                            Got to shoot Keller - teach her to dump me for McKay.
                            Sheppard called me Chewie - he's next.
                            End report

                            EDIT: here is the original post

                            *snort* hehehehe too funny!


                              Okay so... today's Identity question...

                              In every other episode, when someone is outside someone else's quarters, they swipe their hand over the access panel and it rings a chime inside. Normally, the person inside has to access the panel to get it to open, admitting the visitor.

                              How is it that Ronon was able to open the door to Jen's quarters without Neela going over and letting him in?

                              Does that mean he already had access to her quarters? He opened the door without her help. Um.... so.... he's got a key to her apartment?


                              Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
                              MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


                                Originally posted by Nika View Post
                                Okay so... today's Identity question...

                                In every other episode, when someone is outside someone else's quarters, they swipe their hand over the access panel and it rings a chime inside. Normally, the person inside has to access the panel to get it to open, admitting the visitor.

                                How is it that Ronon was able to open the door to Jen's quarters without Neela going over and letting him in?

                                Does that mean he already had access to her quarters? He opened the door without her help. Um.... so.... he's got a key to her apartment?


                                I think it is more a
                                lock thing if someone locks the door so that they can only open the door from the inside then the chime sounds but if not then anyone would be able to get into a room and as Neeva had no idea about anything to do with Atlantis she wouldn't know how to lock the door. I think that is why ROnon was leaning the way he was too I don't think he was really expecting the door to open

                                Course that me

