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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
    all the ladies melt for ronon
    Can you really blame us?
    There's not really that many guys that invokes such a reaction in me. There's Ronon (Jason), Sean Maher (Simon in Firefly) and Patrick Dempsey (McDreamy in Grey's Anatomy). That's it, three guys. Of girls there's far more that have caught my attention, but at the top of the list are;

    Jewel (of course!), Eliza Dushku (Faith in Buffy), Jessica Alba (Max in Dark Angel), Alexa Davalos (Gwen in Angel), to name a few
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      Originally posted by misskitten View Post
      Can you really blame us?
      There's not really that many guys that invokes such a reaction in me. There's Ronon (Jason), Sean Maher (Simon in Firefly) and Patrick Dempsey (McDreamy in Grey's Anatomy). That's it, three guys. Of girls there's far more that have caught my attention, but at the top of the list are;

      Jewel (of course!), Eliza Dushku (Faith in Buffy), Jessica Alba (Max in Dark Angel), Alexa Davalos (Gwen in Angel), to name a few
      All women i can agree to And yeah those guys are pretty attractive. i have no prob saying so. I think its stupid, from a personal perspective, when guys can't say another guy is attractive. Those guys are def.


        *jumps into thread*

        waves hello to everyone

        Just wanted to let everyone know I heard from DG and she is fine....with her family. She waves hello too! I am babysitting her dragons and eggs while she is gone.


          Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
          All women i can agree to And yeah those guys are pretty attractive. i have no prob saying so. I think its stupid, from a personal perspective, when guys can't say another guy is attractive. Those guys are def.
          Yeah, I agree. I don't get why there has to be such problems with guys doing that. I find it rather refreshing if a guy feels comfortable enough to hug a friend (without it looking like they are doing the Heimlich maneuver or something) or agree that another guy is attractive, which is why I loved this particular bit from the Firefly panel (don't have the time to look the clip up on youtube, so quotes might be a little off).

          JEWEL: The least hardest scene was whenever I had to make out with Sean. He smells really beautiful.
          ALAN: He does smell beautiful.
          MORENA: It's a good thing your husband's here, Jewel.
          JEWEL: Oh, my husband thinks he smells beautiful, too. (gazes over to where Matty is sitting) See? (points) He goes like this (exaggerates a shrug).

          I really hope there will come a day where guys can feel as free to interact with their own gender as we girls currently do.
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            Originally posted by misskitten View Post
            Yeah, I agree. I don't get why there has to be such problems with guys doing that. I find it rather refreshing if a guy feels comfortable enough to hug a friend (without it looking like they are doing the Heimlich maneuver or something). I really hope there will come a day where guys can feel as free to interact with their own gender as we girls currently do.
            I do love the male/male back-slapping. It's like... I'd hug you buddy (whap) but I'm too macho (whap) so instead I'll just attempt to (whap) drive your shoulder blade through your body.

            Luckily, I've convinced most of my friends it's all about the hugging. Yum! I get loverly squee hugs from all the boys. I love hugs. Especially from guys with big shoulders and biceps that can totally wrap you like a blanket. (Sigh and drool).

            - Nika

            Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
            MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


              Originally posted by Nika View Post
              I do love the male/male back-slapping. It's like... I'd hug you buddy (whap) but I'm too macho (whap) so instead I'll just attempt to (whap) drive your shoulder blade through your body.

              Luckily, I've convinced most of my friends it's all about the hugging. Yum! I get loverly squee hugs from all the boys. I love hugs. Especially from guys with big shoulders and biceps that can totally wrap you like a blanket. (Sigh and drool).

              - Nika
              Yeah some of my mates are against the hug, unless a little intoxicated. But other male friends, and most of them from European heritage, love the hugs. I get complimented on my hugs from men and women. What you say about the shoulders and biceps i totally understand. Yeah sometimes the macho hug is a bit much, and it does feel like someone is trying to knock the shoulder blade around. Hugging is just alot of fun


                I'm back!!! What I miss?

                Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                I'm a 60%er!!!
                Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                  talking about hunky ronon and blokes appreciating the sexyness of other blokes, and giving hugs etc. its all about man on man love atm


                    Originally posted by Nika View Post
                    I do love the male/male back-slapping. It's like... I'd hug you buddy (whap) but I'm too macho (whap) so instead I'll just attempt to (whap) drive your shoulder blade through your body.

                    Luckily, I've convinced most of my friends it's all about the hugging. Yum! I get loverly squee hugs from all the boys. I love hugs. Especially from guys with big shoulders and biceps that can totally wrap you like a blanket. (Sigh and drool).

                    - Nika
                    LOL I love your description of a male hug... you have a wonderful way with words (that's why I like your fanfic!)
                    Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                    talking about hunky ronon and blokes appreciating the sexyness of other blokes, and giving hugs etc. its all about man on man love atm
                    My hubby would scream at that idea! He's middle-aged and very set in his ways. Luckily he likes MY hugs! I think women my age are more comfortable than the men my age are with that idea.


                      I have to leave now - pilates

                      Night all!!!

                      Thank you to Blen for the sig!


                      I'm a 60%er!!!
                      Proud member of the Major Lorne/Kavan Thunk thread
                      Proud member of Sam/Jack family thread

                      Proud member of The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread


                        Hello everyone I am here for a bit not sure exactly how long though

                        yay there is new fic to read not sure I can get to them now though


                          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                          Hello everyone I am here for a bit not sure exactly how long though
                          DG!!!!!! *tacklesquishyhug*


                            Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                            DG!!!!!! *tacklesquishyhug*
                            Ooouf *rubs sore ribs* Hello Copter have you missed me?


                              Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                              LOL I love your description of a male hug... you have a wonderful way with words (that's why I like your fanfic!)

                              My hubby would scream at that idea! He's middle-aged and very set in his ways. Luckily he likes MY hugs! I think women my age are more comfortable than the men my age are with that idea.
                              Mr Blen is much the same. He's got these weird victorian ideas about not hugging, kissing or holding hands in public. Luckily he doesn't think like that when we are at home.

                              Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                              Hello everyone I am here for a bit not sure exactly how long though

                              yay there is new fic to read not sure I can get to them now though
                              Hi DG! Wotcha going to do today?


                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                Ooouf *rubs sore ribs* Hello Copter have you missed me?
                                *drags toe along ground*
                                well....maybe a little!

