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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by fuchsia View Post
    That's the spirit!

    OT, Rache....
    was it you who said you watched Bones? I saw a couple of episodes from previous seasons... how is this season shaping up? Is it shippy or whumpy??? or both!

    OT, Coldplay...
    I know it's off-topic, but I want to tell you all that hubby and i went to a concert last night and it was fantastic!
    Coldplay with crazy little Chris Martin being a monkey man!
    Ok, Bones I think more of us watch
    Right now not very shippy but it will be, they promised and I read lot of interesting spoilers. Probably best spoiler site is, they gather all info from Kristin and Ausiello and all the home pages.

    And I am jealous, Coldplay! I was listening to them today... I only saw Roxette from the really famous groups.

    BTW, be happy with your ship, come here often, we still love you (in spite of the the strange taste in men )


      Thanks for the kind words Sky & Fuchsia.

      I am normally more optimistic than this. I need some time to get my head around it, I think.

      I'm interested to see what you do with your Deller vid, Perkin.


        I think my disblielf is still hanging around me so I am not all that upset about the pic.


          SeNedra - huh?

          Personally, I am happy I started watching SGA before SG-1, cause if I started with SG-1, I would've hated McKay before I got the chance to like him (he's not my fave and he gets annoying a lot of the time, but he does have his moments... just not with Jennifer. He gets additionally whiny around her). Cause ugh, the way he acted whenever he got around Sam, made me want to throw a desk at him. I especially loathed the "dumb blonde" comment he shot at her and how he kept mocking her every idea when they were forced to work together.

          If they hadn't started out with Deller, I'm very certain that I would still squick at the idea of McKeller. As it is I have a long enough list of people I would rather see Jennifer with than McKay.

          I like Janet/Daniel, though I have to say I quickly became a Daniel/Vala shipper once I started watching season 9. I just completely and utterly love their banter. It also helps that I fell madly in love with Vala from the moment she kissed and then proceeded to headbutt Daniel on her very first appearance What can I say, the woman rocks (after Sam she's my fave SG-1 character). I found a Vala video on youtube to the song "*****" by Meredith Brooks and it's just Vala's theme song:

          But yeah, I miss Janet, she was awesome. I don't mind doctor Lam, but Janet was awesome.

          Perkin making more Deller vids is ALWAYS a good thing!!! I'm curious what song will be used
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            Good morning everyone!

            We're still angsting over that pic huh? Well, aside from being confused about the context, I have decided I don't give a flying leap. I will still and always ship Ronon/Jenn & McCadman. As someone who has shipped both canon and non canon ships, I have no problem doing that.

            Fuchsia, I love you dearheart, but you confuse me. If by some miracle, in EatG or in the movie Rodney took one look at Laura and decided he was madly in love with her and vice versa; Jenn decided that Ronon was her guy, I'd be partying until the end of time. TPTB have already shown that they don't know how to deal with the ships on SGA. Not half so well as they did on SG-1. They seem to be long on build up and almost skip over the part where they tell us what happened. Trying to have a triangle is waaay out of their pervue. Did I spell that right? Then again, you almost have to be a soap opera writer to be able to pull the whole triangle thing off with at least a minimum of believability.

            I still love your story, SeNedra!

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            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              That pic has me shocked more than anything.
              First off, I'm wondering why they would even release it if they intended to build the least amount of suspense about the outcome of the triangle.

              I am so hoping it's a behind the scenes kind of thing. But the body language has them kind of off to the side away from the other members of the team, which is kind of weird, like they've set themselves apart.

              And like a lot of you, I don't hate Rodney, I just don't think he's right for Jennifer. I mean him confessing her loved her out of the blue was enough, but then that one thing making her reconsider. Ok, that's a stretch but believable, since, I have to admit, I'd be flattered by such a confession. But with every episode, it seems to show that he has more quirks that he needs to work on that seriously impede his relationships, especially a romantic one, i.e. ego. Hello, he still only manage to give compliments to the dying!

              And I agree, the writers do write an amazing amount of scifi material otherwise, and I really have enjoyed the last 3 episodes (save that scene in "The Lost Tribe"). So, it's just really disheartening, especially since the show is ending, but I guess the only good thing about it being canceled, is that if Jen and Rodney do end up together, I won't have to sit through a season of it.

              But then there's the movie. . .
              . . . . .



                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Good morning everyone!

                Fuchsia, I love you dearheart, but you confuse me. If by some miracle, in EatG or in the movie Rodney took one look at Laura and decided he was madly in love with her and vice versa; Jenn decided that Ronon was her guy, I'd be partying until the end of time. TPTB have already shown that they don't know how to deal with the ships on SGA. Not half so well as they did on SG-1. They seem to be long on build up and almost skip over the part where they tell us what happened. Trying to have a triangle is waaay out of their pervue. Did I spell that right? Then again, you almost have to be a soap opera writer to be able to pull the whole triangle thing off with at least a minimum of believability.

                I still love your story, SeNedra!
                Love you too, Ever!

                Sorry I confuse you.... but I confuse myself when I start ranting.... small brain, you know!

                The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                  Reni, I feel much the same as you. Disheartened and confused.

                  I can only hope that this isn't the final, final scene and that Jennifer manages to show some irritation with Rodney before the end of the episode.

                  I just can't believe that my beloved Ronon is being left alone and hurt again

                  Actually I think I feel a vid coming on, and it's not the one I was planning a couple of days ago.


                    ok people its done, its a little angsty but still pretty sweet, so don't forget to think positively



                      Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                      Reni, I feel much the same as you. Disheartened and confused.

                      I can only hope that this isn't the final, final scene and that Jennifer manages to show some irritation with Rodney before the end of the episode.

                      I just can't believe that my beloved Ronon is being left alone and hurt again

                      Actually I think I feel a vid coming on, and it's not the one I was planning a couple of days ago.
                      I'm looking forward to the new vid. I just watched one of yours today, and it was awesome.

                      I'm posted this yesterday, but I think it got lost between the talk of Sanctuary and the fallout of "the pics," so here it is again, hoping to cheer y'all up:

                      "Under Blue Skies" by renisanz

                      . . . . .



                        That was quick! I can't watch it just yet, downloading something but I will shortly when it's finished.

                        Edit - I need some cheering up Reni Thank you.


                          Okay so this is my first attempt at posting on the boards... if the message comes up all scrambled and schtuff... um... blame someone else!

                          I haven't figured out how to add banners and all that fun stuff... but um... yeah.

                          Like I was saying...

                          I saw a couple of photos on JM's blog from this same shoot, and Ronon is hugging Amelia (looks totally like a goofy one off from the last day on set). I'm not sure about the whole mocked up pose where they're all staring off into the sunset. Isn't the final episode a cliffhanger? Shouldn't they be runnin' around like someone's attacking?

                          At first I was a little worried about the image, but then my little shippy heart had this picture of Jen telling Rodney we're friends, right? Then walking over to Ronon and grabbing his hand and saying... Okay you, let's get you back to the Infirmary.

                          In all I agree with other posts. Do they usually release the big spoilers like this if it's supposed to be some kind of major plot secret? Not usually. ^_^


                          Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
                          MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


                            Reni! Loved the fic! Sorry I haven't commented on it sooner! And Ooohh! It gave me ideas! I don't have time for new fics!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Perkin, I love the vid, as always. But can I request a Deller vid with absolutely no McKay in it? I really need one.
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                                Originally posted by renisanz View Post
                                I'm looking forward to the new vid. I just watched one of yours today, and it was awesome.

                                I'm posted this yesterday, but I think it got lost between the talk of Sanctuary and the fallout of "the pics," so here it is again, hoping to cheer y'all up:

                                "Under Blue Skies" by renisanz

                                ooo if forget i read it yesterday and loved it, keep up the love

