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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
    Thanks for the link, BlueJay! I've never seen those pictures before. And there is a beautiful pic of Todd by candlelight (#179).

    G'night everyone!
    it looks even better in hi-res:
    Last edited by naamiaiset; 03 November 2008, 08:02 PM.


      Just a quickie...

      First, welcome to Fandom Addict and any other new members I may have missed. Been very busy - we're on vaca this week, and won't have much time to play here. However...I'd just like to ask one thing...

      Am I the only one who finds Todd incredibly hot in that blue hoodie? I think he looks even sexier in casual attire...more...snuggly.



        Originally posted by masterling View Post
        ya we have the tendency to fly through pages.

        Welcome!! If you like the wraith you belong here. I think we more than like the wraith, we can be a bit obsessed.
        We have discussed this in the past but are usually happy to visit it again. (700 pages it a bit much to ask someone to read through )
        I think it has a lot to do with how the person reacts to the feeding. I imagine that someone with a strong will or who "fights" back would taste better. I mean, i enjoy eating a fat juicy stake way more than bland rice. There more texture and flavors. I would think it would be the same for the wraith.
        Im sure there are other here that have a better insight into the feeding process based on previous seasons. (I have yet to see all of s1-2)
        A bit?

        In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

        I wish I got to know you better.


          Hey everyone! It's Election Day here in the United States (and, boy, will I be happy when it's over!). But you can all participate! Todd (and John) only need 8 more votes to beat out John & Rodney and Rodney & Carson. I know, I know it's a shipper thread but I just can't stand to see Todd lose to either of those. And this seems to have been dragging out longer than the campaigns here! So go over there and vote! Pleeeeeze!



            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            Only demented in the most sane way possible. Now I have this vision in my head of all the peeps here sitting together on a bus with the phrase "wraith dementers club" posted to our silent foreheads.

            HAHAHAHAHAHA... oh boy!


              Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
              Hey everyone! It's Election Day here in the United States (and, boy, will I be happy when it's over!). But you can all participate! Todd (and John) only need 8 more votes to beat out John & Rodney and Rodney & Carson. I know, I know it's a shipper thread but I just can't stand to see Todd lose to either of those. And this seems to have been dragging out longer than the campaigns here! So go over there and vote! Pleeeeeze!



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Just a quickie...

                First, welcome to Fandom Addict and any other new members I may have missed. Been very busy - we're on vaca this week, and won't have much time to play here. However...I'd just like to ask one thing...

                Am I the only one who finds Todd incredibly hot in that blue hoodie? I think he looks even sexier in casual attire...more...snuggly.

                that boy is sexy no matter the atire! ya, with the hoodie i feel like he should be out camping, sitting by the fire and tossn' a few back.


                  Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                  A few names/actors are missing on the list (the Tracker wraith, the tech in FC/Lost Tribe and the forest wraith in Outsiders). I think das may be right and Brenden Penny is the tech/forest wraith.

                  Billy is the bridge officer in The Queen/First Contact. His name is in the credits at the end of one of those episodes.
                  Ahh, no wonder I didn't know then, lol, I don't watch the credits. Too busy going back to the beginning to watch again. Not enough Wraith for just the once!

                  Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                  Hey everyone! It's Election Day here in the United States (and, boy, will I be happy when it's over!). But you can all participate! Todd (and John) only need 8 more votes to beat out John & Rodney and Rodney & Carson. I know, I know it's a shipper thread but I just can't stand to see Todd lose to either of those. And this seems to have been dragging out longer than the campaigns here! So go over there and vote! Pleeeeeze!

                  Meh, I can't choose! I'd love Todd to win (by himself), but I'm also a McShepper! Now, if it was just Todd verses McShep...

                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Just a quickie...

                  First, welcome to Fandom Addict and any other new members I may have missed. Been very busy - we're on vaca this week, and won't have much time to play here. However...I'd just like to ask one thing...

                  Am I the only one who finds Todd incredibly hot in that blue hoodie? I think he looks even sexier in casual attire...more...snuggly.

                  Thanks for the welcome!
                  He does look snuggly, but he's so hot in his normal leather!



                    Originally Posted by MyFavoriteWraith
                    Just had to share this little anecdote:
                    Last night, as per usual, I was woken up by my alpha male cat Big Boy fighting with my alpha female cat Sorscha. I was very annoyed but groggy and didn't want to get up to spray or throw water on them, so I just yelled very loudly from my bed "Goddammit, Todd, knock it off!!!!"
                    After a moment and a few additional growls the fighting ceased. I sighed and then I heard my sister, in the room next to me say, "Who the hell is Todd???"
                    My eyes snapped open and I was suddenly wide awake. "What?" I said.
                    "Who's Todd?" she repeated. "You said 'Goddammit, Todd, knock it off.' That was Big Boy and Sorscha."
                    I started giggling uncontrollably. I do sort of associate Big Boy with Todd sometimes. I could feel myself blushing.
                    "Oh, no one." I said, still giggling.
                    There was a long pause and then she said:
                    "Is that that blue or green guy from that show you watch? The one that's always on our computer?"
                    I smothered my laugh and said "Shut up and go back to sleep."
                    She made a disgusted sound but didn't say anything more.
                    I, however, could not go back to sleep.

                    How demented am I????


                    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                    Only demented in the most sane way possible. Now I have this vision in my head of all the peeps here sitting together on a bus with the phrase "wraith dementers club" posted to our silent foreheads.


                    Silent???? Us???? Silent????

                    You been on this thread long enough to know we are not known for being

                    Thanks to DS for my siggy


                      What? You mean we haven't been conversing telepathically all this time?!

                      Some Wraith worshippers we are!


                        Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                        What? You mean we haven't been conversing telepathically all this time?!

                        Some Wraith worshippers we are!

                        The Wraith they have been known to WHISPER. What they whispered I don't know cos I'm not seen the episode Outsiders I think.

                        So for now I'll go with Das siggy on Wraith whispers .Hee hee

                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Yes, Wraith whisper, and when they do, they say VERY naughty things...



                            Originally posted by MCH View Post
                            The Wraith they have been known to WHISPER. What they whispered I don't know cos I'm not seen the episode Outsiders I think.
                            *cracks up*

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Yes, Wraith whisper, and when they do, they say VERY naughty things...
                            Maybe they just like the feel of breathe against their ears?

                            Speaking of feelings... I wonder if those shoulder pads are there to provide protection? Are Wraith males's shoulders sensitive?

                            Another stray thought: I wonder if Wraiths are only named by their mates? So by naming Todd, Sheppard is actually courting him.
                            Last edited by StarOcean; 04 November 2008, 03:29 PM. Reason: tag error


                              Originally Posted by MCH
                              The Wraith they have been known to WHISPER. What they whispered I don't know cos I'm not seen the episode Outsiders I think.
                              Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                              *cracks up*

                              Originally Posted by dasNdanger
                              Yes, Wraith whisper, and when they do, they say VERY naughty things...

                              OK Das just finished laughing about your comment. Think my mind just went into overtime

                              Maybe they just like the feel of breathe against their ears?
                              I'm sorry I couldn't answer your comment cos I set of laughing again. Oh dear as this is a PG site think I just head for the gutter.....

                              Speaking of feelings... I wonder if those shoulder pads are there to provide protection? Are Wraith male s's shoulders sensitive?
                              Or those shoulder pads are there just in case another Wraith see another Wraith as lunch.

                              Another stray thought: I wonder if Wraiths are only named by their mates? So by naming Todd, Sheppard is actually courting him.
                              That could be one for the Todd/Shep shippers.

                              But maybe that why Todd smirks alot when he around Shep.

                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                                *cracks up*

                                Maybe they just like the feel of breathe against their ears?
                                Don't be giving fuel to the slash fic writers!

                                Speaking of feelings... I wonder if those shoulder pads are there to provide protection? Are Wraith males's shoulders sensitive?
                                Now we're all going to picture shirtless Wraith getting shoulder rubs...

                                Another stray thought: I wonder if Wraiths are only named by their mates? So by naming Todd, Sheppard is actually courting him.
                                Oh, now there's a thought! (Although, I thought it was more like naming a stray cat... )


