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    I love Usher and Moist and this song and of course Todd.

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
      das you're scaring me!

      It can't be Todd, didn't Joe also say that the "pallid one" will be in the movie? It has to be Todd in the movie and that means that he survives EatG!

      At least that's what I keep telling myself to stay sane!
      I think it's

      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by keeperofthehive View Post
        Just saw "The Prodigal".
        *Is crying*

        That just was not proper closure, not satisfying at all, not even consistent. A little like being kicked in the stomach maybe.
        Ignores all the rules of lit: In such an "epic" arc the tragic antagonist who spirals into insanity must be given the opportunity to show that deep inside he still has some of the redeeming qualities he started with before dying. He wanted to be stopped, but this was not at all the right way. He didn't deserve to die that way. He didn't even protest at what was happening; he just looked so impossibly sad, so completely heartbroken that it was Teyla doing it. Her name was the last word he spoke. She had the key, could have saved the universe AND baby with her heart and didn't use it. She had the power to make him remember who he had been when all this started; he needed to hear it and needed to know that she remembered it: the honest, trusting, brilliant and insecure young Wraith who wanted only to be accepted. He was a hive creature after all; he could not live alone so he tried to "create" a hive of beings like himself. A little understanding would have gone a long long way in his case.

        Is this completely nuts?
        I have always related to Michael as a sibling; worried about him as offspring of the same Mother and the youngest in my birth hive. I wear a black ribbon in my hair or on my wrist.
        Well yes and
        the show did have a bit of Michael's inner complexity when he actually considered Tayla's offer. As I've said to Mallozzi so often, lack of time just does not do this show justice. It was a wonderful story that could have had a fabulous ending with Michael turning off the self destruct and Tayla fading off with Michael into the blue yonder. Of course this would have been profound, or at the very least cathartic. If the writers wanted to keep Tayla alive, they could have alternatively had the story spread out over a few episodes, at least two by my estimation. But hey, that's Hollywood. (shrugs)

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
          Bigfoot is certainly growing on me - especially that tap on the window and his funny little grunt, and then when he snatched that last bit of food from Will's hand - too funny! I loves me some Bigfoot Chris!

          I'm trying not to give up, but right now it's just so painful to watch. Once I asked Mallozzi if they write stuff specifically for fans, and he said EVERYTHING is written for the fans.

          Well, it seems they've forgotten an entire sector of fans - Wraith fans. And though they do give us Todd, we all know he stands on shaky ground, at least with this group, he does. Man, if he could only hook up with Helen and her bunch at the Sanctuary, he'd have it made. Of course...Chris might have quite a task trying to keep up with three characters in one show, but still! It would be great!

          I know - I'm greedy.

          Das, this is a franchise not so much a vehicle of "meaningful entertainment", a bit of an oxymoron I know; it is meant to beguile and to distract for an hour (with commercials) a week all the while selling us via those commercials a few trinkets.

          I think a really good method of release here for us at the WDC is to rewrite the stories with endings we feel are appropriate and place the correct levity of meaning on the correct characters and story archs.

          We should have a competition and vote: who can come up with the best, of the better, story endings to Prodigal.

          It would also be awesome to develop wraith culture the way we envision it. You know what I mean? Take SGA's idea and improve it.

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
            WK, what you need is a New Years Eve Masquerade ball! Then you could go in costume.
            OOOooooh that's right!!! What a fabulous idea!! Hmmm...I wonder if I could host it. Hmm. Thinking, thinking.

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              Ha ha ha. I wanted to dress up as a wraith queen for Hallowe'en, but I didn't have the time. Plus I've heard you need weighted wraith eye contacts, otherwise the pupils spin around like fruity loops.

              I would totally love to dress up as a wraith queen. I'm already fairly tall, and in high boots I would be hoovering over my hubby. But for what occasion? I would never go to one of those sci fi conferences dressed this way, so to where then? (scratches chin) I wish there were some sort of costume party I could attend toward Christmas. That would be awesome!

              Contacts OT
              I got the cheap, unweighted ones because, well i cheap. I got them the beginig of oct and started wearing them a few hours a week. I dont normally ware contacts and the are much thicker than normal one. they took some getting use to but in the end they worked out great with no turning. Now when i first started wearing them they would slip. I alway kept labled Left and Right, so after about 12 hours of use they stayed put. I never had them in longer than 2 hours until the night of the party, which i had them in for about 8 hours, they were perfect. Down side is that when i was talking to ppl they were so distracted by them they had a hard time keeping up with the conversation. I ordered them from


                @ Sparrow_hawk - Henry was the highlight of Sanctuary:

                "I've got wood!" He was just so darn funny - couldn't get enough of him in this episode. And then Bigfoot (I think that's what they refer to him as), when he snatched that half-eaten piece of whatever back from! They all seemed to have a lot of fun making this episode!

                @ WK - I know you're right...but all I wanted was
                for the Lanteans to truly acknowledge their abuse of Michael, and their responsibility in what they've done to him. Maybe I'll feel differently after seeing the ep, but for the most part I feel it'll just be yet another 'we're justified in all we do because we're humans, and you're not' episode.

                I'm no good at reading fan fic, just never really interested me (I don't like to read much as a rule anyway), so I gotta rely on the show to tell the story, even when I'm hating the direction the story is going in.



                  Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                  ok, this thread has been slow, i've been neglecting youtube, and i'm bored. So.....

                  wouldn't we all love this

                  pure eye candy (if only they changed it to say 'we will wraith you')

                  for all those wraith human shippers out there


                  for a laugh

                  check out other videos by ElsaTheWraith including: 'The Vampire Club' and 'I Can Change'
                  they'll give you a laugh!
                  Thank for those links they were grat.

                  As for Michael no comment, apart from:-

                  When I look back at the way the writers have written for the Wraith maybe it was the right decision. In fact I'm beginning to feel that maybe it just a well Atlantis is coming to an end.
                  The writers appear to be bankrupt in the ideas department. There have been some good episodes but the time available for each episode justice can't be done to the story.

                  That's very frustrating.

                  Hey T64 your right where Shawn when you need him? I got some idiots who need Wraithing, letting off fire bombs outside the house.

                  Thanks to DS for my siggy


                    Originally posted by dasNdanger;9196992
                    "I've got wood!" He was just so darn funny - couldn't get enough of him in this episode. And then Bigfoot (I think that's what they refer to him as), when he snatched that half-eaten piece of whatever back from! They all seemed to have a lot of fun making this episode!

                    that was to funny, i almost choked on my dinner when he said that. He does a good job in this show. I always see ladin and not Henery, (and his stent on BSG) but iv also watch CG oh, i dont know....50 times???
                    And ya, the big guy had some great small moments, tapping on the glass, grabing the pice of food, blasting the nibbins (?) with the fire extinguishers...


                      Originally posted by masterling View Post
                      that was to funny, i almost choked on my dinner when he said that. He does a good job in this show. I always see ladin and not Henery, (and his stent on BSG) but iv also watch CG oh, i dont know....50 times???
                      And ya, the big guy had some great small moments, tapping on the glass, grabing the pice of food, blasting the nibbins (?) with the fire extinguishers...

                      I'm really surprised with how much I like Henry. I thought the actor, Ryan, was stiff and stuffy as Ladon, and figured that was just his acting style. How wrong I was! He's an absolute riot! Reminds me of something like a stoner-geek. He's kinda cute, too...even without lips.

                      And as far as Bigfoot goes - the tapping on the glass was good...reminded me of my visits to the pet shop, tapping on the glass, trying to get a kitty's attention. And the two fire extinguishers - he was like Rambo, or! I really like the big guy...and he's kinda cute, too...if you can get past the nose...

                      Still haven't watched The Prodigal yet - just finished cleaning the house, then getting a shower and now eating dinner at 9:00 pm (ugh)...and watching COPS that I recorded. Not sure I'll watch it tonight - not in the mood. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. I dunno - just really down again...and all because of a tv show. Stupid of me to feel this way, but I can't help it. I want to feel uplifted, and SGA just ain't doin' it for me right now.



                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                        I'm really surprised with how much I like Henry. I thought the actor, Ryan, was stiff and stuffy as Ladon, and figured that was just his acting style. How wrong I was! He's an absolute riot! Reminds me of something like a stoner-geek. He's kinda cute, too...even without lips.

                        And as far as Bigfoot goes - the tapping on the glass was good...reminded me of my visits to the pet shop, tapping on the glass, trying to get a kitty's attention. And the two fire extinguishers - he was like Rambo, or! I really like the big guy...and he's kinda cute, too...if you can get past the nose...

                        Still haven't watched The Prodigal yet - just finished cleaning the house, then getting a shower and now eating dinner at 9:00 pm (ugh)...and watching COPS that I recorded. Not sure I'll watch it tonight - not in the mood. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. I dunno - just really down again...and all because of a tv show. Stupid of me to feel this way, but I can't help it. I want to feel uplifted, and SGA just ain't doin' it for me right now.

                        I getcha, I totally understand. I hate that: when you feel bummed out because of a show. I wish I had more encouraging words, but this is exactly how I was feeling last week. The show has essentially died. Oh well, a few more Todd tid bits and then we're done.

                        Love ya Das and hang in there.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                          I getcha, I totally understand. I hate that: when you feel bummed out because of a show. I wish I had more encouraging words, but this is exactly how I was feeling last week. The show has essentially died. Oh well, a few more Todd tid bits and then we're done.

                          Love ya Das and hang in there.

                          I'm trying. I guess I was just looking for the show to deliver something other than episode after episode justifying the Lanteans morally questionable decisions, while constantly condemning the Wraith as evil for doing less. Drives me nuts that so few question the actions of the humans, while they are so quick to condemn the Wraith for much less.



                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            I'm trying. I guess I was just looking for the show to deliver something other than episode after episode justifying the Lanteans morally questionable decisions, while constantly condemning the Wraith as evil for doing less. Drives me nuts that so few question the actions of the humans, while they are so quick to condemn the Wraith for much less.

                            I agree (but you already knew that)! I said something to that effect in a post on JM's blog this evening with regard to "The Prodigal."
                            Sparrow hawk



                              Originally posted by Sparrow_hawk View Post
                              I agree (but you already knew that)! I said something to that effect in a post on JM's blog this evening with regard to "The Prodigal."
                              I agree too! I hope you don't mind if I say that to Joe? If people agree with you then maybe it'll sink in further? I'm actually disgusted with the ending!

                              Doing that to a human would be classed as murder, doing that to an animal would be animal cruelty but doing that to a wraith (who only suffers because of something they did to him in the first place) comes across as being "good".
                              I'll never look at Teyla the same way again, I could understand if she was defending her child, or preventing Michael from taking him but the way she did it makes her a MURDERER!
                              Cass Todd -


                                Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                                I totally love that page Naamiaiset! I was thinking of starting something like that myself so I could keep track of your names for everyone. So glad I hadn't started yet Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou for making it
                                Naami is awesome like that!

                                Originally posted by MCH View Post
                                Hi Fandom Addict if you like the Wraith then your in the right place, Welcome to WDC.

                                On Wraith feeding, I imagine that the stronger the defiance of the human maybe the stronger the "taste" of a human to the Wraith.

                                Hmm, yummy...

                                Oh MCH, dunno if you've seen the posts about it on wraithsteve, but someone claims they've read on a site that the book Halcyon will be reprinted in December? Somewhere around the 18-23rd or sth? I hope it's true, and the same will happen with Exogenesis.

                                I really, really, really wanna have that Wraith book!

                                Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                                Yes, like when Todd said to Sheppard in Common Ground "Stronger than any human I've fed upon", he said it as though he was describing the best dessert ever made for him, all that was missing was a lick of the lips

                                Oh and I forgot to say hello to Fandom Addict too! Sorry... Welcome to our ship!
                                You'd think Sheppard was main course, then.

                                But it doesn't really matter any more, the sooner he bites the dust, the better.

                                Originally posted by masterling View Post
                                that boy is sexy no matter the atire! ya, with the hoodie i feel like he should be out camping, sitting by the fire and tossn' a few back.
                                Now, how about without attire?

                                Originally posted by StarOcean View Post
                                What? You mean we haven't been conversing telepathically all this time?!

                                Some Wraith worshippers we are!
                                We don't even need telepathy around here!

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

