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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by MCH View Post
    My response to Wraith Cake.
    Spoiled for size

    For the most part what the SAG writers have done with a few hits and misses fine, but they as WK said gave us the audience a gift, the world of SAG, to do with what we want. Look at all the fan forums and threads, stories, artwork that has come from SAG. I certainly have meet on-line many wonderful people and have not only shared the post but a few highs and lows in other lives. That is an important gift.

    Yes many inconsistence from the Writers that makes it look as if they don't care. Unfortunately for us we are at the end of a long line of people. Before the show gets to us, it goes through writing teams, the shows producers, Scfi Channel - they have to take into account the advertisers the shareholders, how much profit etc, the episodes producers etcto and. Sometime I wonder how they manage to produce a show that we can all agree on. Then comes us..... sometime we are we want toand sometime the show really does not work for us and on occasion we feel .

    If the well is running dry then maybe and I regret saying this it's a good job there is no season 6. I want one but I'm not sure it would be a season that I'd be happy with. Maybe the couple of films SAG are better.

    The writers bring their own experiences to the writing. There are many societies in past history who could be seen by modern society as barbarians but the circumstances they found themselves in made they actions brutal by necessity.

    We know the Wraith are not stupid when you live as long as they do you do learn a few things even if you have no respect for the humans who live in Pegasus Galaxy. The writer don't show any growth in the Wraith human relationship. If someone hits you a few times surely you approach with some caution. But no the Wraith go in, Atlantis shoots them up, and the body count is high mainly for the Wraith, some Pegasus humans and not very high for Atlantis.

    Sloppy you said it. The stories seen ed to leave the Wraith in a rut. Surely other Wraith must wonder and think the unthinkable instead of as I said before going fight the human and then everybody goes home to nurse their wounds.
    They had some Golden opportunities with Todd, and Michael their stories opened to the writer a goldmine of stories themes to be explored.
    Michael got bogged down as a bogyman. Todd they done better with, but even so their are inconsistencies. That sloppy writing and a lack of attention to detail. It's OK if you want to take a story in a new direction, great but instead of a jump abit of a lead in from an older story line to the new would have been better. I could go on and on. So I'll stop before I make myself any more fed up.
    Sorry guys this one ran away with me.

    I almost wish we could do something about it. Petitioning doesn't seem to do as much as we would like. And I have to say, this is a time where I won't blame JM. I'm sure he would have liked to keep writing the SGA story, but can no longer. I think what may have happened is that because he got the news that the show was going to be cancelled mid-term, he may not have been allowed to go back and edit out scenes that were troublesome in some of the episodes. If the budget was cut back mid season, JM may not have been allowed to correct some of the inside jokes the directors were having by filming things a certain way about the wraith. Oh well, who knows. sadness....

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
      I can totally agree with that! But I'll have to *mental green* you because I've shared my love out too much lately
      Don't ya just hate that? I don't think I can green anyone anymore, I've run out of all my green stuff. I don't really visit other threads, so I'm in permanent park.

      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post

        So why would anyone get offended when I joked about the wraith using human fat as conditioner, or turning it in to soap as they did in fight club or like the Nazi's did? This would be a corollary--catch my drift??


        PS I apologize for using your post in particular, I do get that you're just teasing and being silly. But my joking was being silly too and poking at JM's comparison of the wraith to other modern monsters. (sniff, sniff)....
        i was never offended by any comments made on what the wraith would do with the leftovers from their feedings. Hell, i still want a wraith coat. But only if it has already been worn, that way it'll have a nice wraithy smell to it. (sure hope its not onions)


          Sorry for not being around for a while now--I've been battling a nasty bout with a cold for better than three weeks. I still feel as if hiveship had run over me.

          Anyway... I've been reading through the last pages of comments. Fun, fun, fun... Thank you. It is such a delight to read all this stuff. It takes my mind away from... life.

          Anyway, one of the pics from Enemy at the Gate really bothered me--the one of Todd in that nasty looking, drab, grey outfit. I really don't have a good feeling about it. What do you guys know of it? I am assuming that Todd is aprisoner and they've put him in that demeaning, diminishing, ugly offeinding outfit. AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

          Am I off? What do you think? I just hate the idea of it. I HATE IT!

          OK, I'll stop being emotional.

          Also, in Vegas, what is that photo with Todd (is is Todd) lashing forward? Is he in some sort of cage? I am beginning not to like this at all.

          Those wiser and smarter than me--what's the rumor on the street about these two pics?
          HONOR. A story.



            Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
            Sorry for not being around for a while now--I've been battling a nasty bout with a cold for better than three weeks. I still feel as if hiveship had run over me.

            Anyway... I've been reading through the last pages of comments. Fun, fun, fun... Thank you. It is such a delight to read all this stuff. It takes my mind away from... life.

            Anyway, one of the pics from Enemy at the Gate really bothered me--the one of Todd in that nasty looking, drab, grey outfit. I really don't have a good feeling about it. What do you guys know of it? I am assuming that Todd is aprisoner and they've put him in that demeaning, diminishing, ugly offeinding outfit. AAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

            Am I off? What do you think? I just hate the idea of it. I HATE IT!

            OK, I'll stop being emotional.

            Also, in Vegas, what is that photo with Todd (is is Todd) lashing forward? Is he in some sort of cage? I am beginning not to like this at all.

            Those wiser and smarter than me--what's the rumor on the street about these two pics?

            Hi. We're still trying to figure out the connection between Vegas and Enemy at the Gate. This is what MFW said earlier:
            Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
            From Joe M's blog:

            Jean writes: “could we get an update of the spoiler poem? Also, is Vegas a “stand-alone” episode or will it tie into the season (and series) finale?”

            Answer: Vegas is more or less a stand-alone episode, although the events of this episode will have repercussions.


            This just made me very, very nervous. Especially since
            Todd is in the grey jumpsuit in both.

            *Repeats mantra* x 15: Don't stress over what you can't control!
            breathe, breathe, breathe

            Some more pics would be great, I've been scouting the internet but haven't found any more yet. I'm so worried about what they're planning to do with him but at the same time I'm stoked that he's
            in 3 more episodes!!
            Cass Todd -


              JMs blog about smooth haired Todd

              DasNDanger writes: “This Todd pic, Joe.”

              Answer: Oh, THAT look. We were watching the first day of dailies from The Queen when Todd appeared onscreen sporting THAT hairdo. What the hell?! It was a rare continuity hiccup in the hair department. The issue was resolved for the next day’s shooting and the editor took pains to cut around the new-look-do in post.


                Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                Hi. We're still trying to figure out the connection between Vegas and Enemy at the Gate. This is what MFW said earlier:

                Some more pics would be great, I've been scouting the internet but haven't found any more yet. I'm so worried about what they're planning to do with him but at the same time I'm stoked that he's
                in 3 more episodes!!

                Thank you! I imagined that someone may have already discussed and speculated on this, but I guess I didn't go back far enough through the posts.

                But... I have a feeling they are going to p*ss us off in a major way. Just seeing Todd out of his wonderful, shnazy outfit of black leather p*sses me off.

                Oh, well... I'll just keep humming 'it's just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie.'
                HONOR. A story.



                  FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                    Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                    JMs blog about smooth haired Todd

                    DasNDanger writes: “This Todd pic, Joe.”

                    Answer: Oh, THAT look. We were watching the first day of dailies from The Queen when Todd appeared onscreen sporting THAT hairdo. What the hell?! It was a rare continuity hiccup in the hair department. The issue was resolved for the next day’s shooting and the editor took pains to cut around the new-look-do in post.

                    Thankyou for letting us know, I've been dying to find out. I wonder what Chris initially thought when he was told to wear that hair? He'd be in Todd's frame of mind, so it'd be great to find out his reaction Mainly his reaction as to who would have done that to his hair (like das said maybe Kenny? or the Wraith barber on level 4? or by himself (how long would it take Todd to do that to himself and would he have the patience? I can just picture him going cross-eyed trying to do the little braids YUM.....sorry, couldn't help myself )
                    I still hope it's in the special features/deleted scenes somewhere for S5!
                    Cass Todd -


                      Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                      Thank you! I imagined that someone may have already discussed and speculated on this, but I guess I didn't go back far enough through the posts.

                      But... I have a feeling they are going to p*ss us off in a major way. Just seeing Todd out of his wonderful, shnazy outfit of black leather p*sses me off.

                      Oh, well... I'll just keep humming 'it's just a movie, it's just a movie, it's just a movie.'
                      Me too! I tried to green you but I'm all out of gas sorry...mental green instead
                      Cass Todd -


                        Originally posted by Todds worshipper View Post
                        Thankyou for letting us know, I've been dying to find out. I wonder what Chris initially thought when he was told to wear that hair? He'd be in Todd's frame of mind, so it'd be great to find out his reaction Mainly his reaction as to who would have done that to his hair (like das said maybe Kenny? or the Wraith barber on level 4? or by himself (how long would it take Todd to do that to himself and would he have the patience? I can just picture him going cross-eyed trying to do the little braids YUM.....sorry, couldn't help myself )
                        I still hope it's in the special features/deleted scenes somewhere for S5!
                        he probably didn’t even know it was the wrong wig. As Tubbs said there's constantly someone doing something to his look. I doubt Chris has access to a mirror, thats what the costume department is for, to make sure he looks great. I imagine that he is going over his lines and preparing for the shoot ahead and doesn’t pay that much attention to what the costume dept is doing to him.


                          Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                          Bluejay also writes: “when will we know for absolute sure that Todd will be in the movie? Don’t suppose you’ll tell us how big a role he’ll play will you?”

                          Answer: We won’t be absolutely sure who will be in the movie until after the actor deals have been closed.
                          They are discussing their beat sheet with the others on Monday or something, right?

                          They don't know by now if Todd is in their beat sheet? Lol. Hello?

                          But he's probably just teasing us, you know what the guy is like. One day you get a vague answer, the next he just takes it away again.

                          Todd'll be in it, I think it might deal with repercussions of what happened in EatG.

                          But it would be nice if they went after Michael together. Can you imagine Todd and Michael in a scene together?

                          Oh, after next week we can ask Joe if the movie has a Todd & Michael scene.

                          Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                          Thought of this one today when I was out taking my dad for a drive in the country...

                          It would be 'interesting' to know what they *did* think of, concerning the Wraith. But it wouldn't surprise me if we're thinking about them way, WAY more than they are, development wise.

                          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                          I'm guessing we've all thought that before.
                          There's not much to say about this, then an:

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Yeah, I think it's that Goth Wraith guy. Hey, maybe that's Todd after he's been given gene therapy, or something - the two are kinda dressed the same.

                          I'm afraid I'm not going to like the end of the show...I just think something bad is gonna happen. Since Joe in his blog said that some ARCS will be wrapped up (plural), that suggests that more than one story will come to an end - Todd? Micheal? Wraith? Who?? Weir is past tense, he's talking in the future. Michael, maybe (I wouldn't be surprised). Kolya, if he does come back. Teyla's baby? That dude she mated with? Halling? Arcs coming to an end suggest someone dies, and Joe did say that there will be at least one unhappy ending in the second half of the season.

                          Yeah...gonna stop thinking about it...and stick with making naughty Wraith sigs...

                          I was thinking... Some people speculate that perhaps
                          Chuck won't make it.

                          Does it end an Arc? Well, they aren't gonna have to pick between Chuck and Amelia any more, then...

                          The ending of an Arc could also mean Todd's newly gained power...

                          I want Michael to make it to the movie... Michael & Todd scene... *Drool*

                          Kanaan hopefully won't make Remnants, if you get my drift. Although, ship-wise that isn't good, she'll never forgive him, but on the other hand, she won't do so right now, either.

                          Bummer they didn't develop Michael's arc better than they did, I wanna 'feel' the evil plans more, by having a darker SGA, but that's too late... TLM was a promising episode, but the writers were too chickened to follow it up.

                          Is Michael even spreading the drug around any more?

                          I'm drifting away from the topic again, woopsie.

                          Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                          Glad you liked my idea about Wraith social behaviour. It reminds me of the scene where all the iratus bugs were in the cave, crawling all over one another.

                          Man, that gives me a funny picture...

                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by masterling View Post
                            Great, now im worried that Todd wont make it in
                            *Gives Masterling a relaxing massage*

                            It's probably not worth all this worrying...

                            The guy is PLAYING with you all, and you're letting it happen...

                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Anyone think that Tubbs looks a bit like Todd there...?

                            I really like this one - he looks very yummy there.

                            You say that to all the boys, das...

                            Urgh. *Next page*

                            In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                            I wish I got to know you better.


                              I have been too busy and tired lastly to post long messages, but I've read the thread attentively.

                              WK, you captured exactly how I feel about SGA. At first, I was upset by the news of its cancellation but now, I don't really care anymore. Atlantis still HAS plenty of potential, there ARE a lot of stories that could be told, a lot of arcs that would need follow-ups. Unfortunately, it seems the writers are not interested in them. Would a 6th season have given us what we expect? Possibly (it would have had the potential to); but considering the actual season 5, it seems unlikely.

                              After all the disappointments of previous episodes, I'm in a phase where I don't care much about the show itself and turn to fanfiction instead. (Except that exhaustion doesn't help with the writing. ) I still enjoy watching the episodes and I intend to buy the DVDs of season 5 when they are available, but I don't consider myself a fan anymore. "Infection" is still very promising, but I don't feel nowhere near as excited about it as I was for "The Queen". Other than that, several episodes sound good, but none sounds excitingly good to me. I'm still interested, just not excited as before. I reserve my judgement for the movie after I see "Enemy at the Gate". Todd being in the movie would be a definite plus for me, but the movie being an SG-1 crossover would be a definite minus. If we have both, it'll depend on the relative screentime: 10 minutes Todd won't be enough for me to endure 40 minutes SG-1.

                              Regarding Todd's fate, I must be somewhat of a whumper because I love the "Vegas" pic. In fact, as long as he makes it out of it alive and well, I don't mind if he's captured and humiliated. I mean, I'm still angry at Sheppard because of the way he was treating Todd in "The Seer", but I'm very proud of Todd for gaining his freedom in "Be All My Sins Remember'd".

                              We still have no clue about what happens to him in "Vegas": Until we saw this pic,
                              we even believed he wouldn't be in the episode at all.
                              As for "Enemy at the Gate",
                              I really don't think he's a prisoner on the pic with the grey overalls. I get the impression that Todd is betraying his kind and joining forces with the Atlanteans; I think the reason why he doesn't wear his normal clothes is not because the humans wanted to humiliate him, but because he wants to blend in with them. This is better news than him being dead, but I seriously would prefer him being a prisoner. A proud caged wolf instead of an obedient tame dog. I'd love that the Atlanteans and Todd's faction become true allies, but what I don't want to see is Todd turning his back on his fellow wraith.

                              On a lighter note, Todd's worshipper, you asked me where I got the second pic of him with straight hair from: It's from the MGM stills (5th from the last). Unfortunately, it means you can only find it in very low-res.

                              Now that I'm at it, Craig, I wanted to say that you look very good as a wraith.

                              About Ellia and "Inquisition",
                              I doubt Ratira/Latira are the same place. In "Instinct", the planet Ellia lived on had a space gate: I doubt any of the Coalition comes from a planet with a space gate, considering they don't have access to even limited space travel. I suspect it's just that the writers thought the name sounded good. After all, in real life, there are plenty of different places that are called the same, aren't there? Think Georgia: Some people in the USA were believing Russian troops were invading their country a few weeks/months ago.

                              Anyway, I suspect that Todd was held captive by the Genii for much more than 10 years. Remember Sheppard's question: "How many is many? Five? Ten?" and Todd's answer: "It no longer matters." IMO, it was made to imply that Todd was there for much more than 5 or 10 years, possibly more than a human lifetime.
                              My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                              Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                                Hi everybody,

                                Just doing some counting up

                                1 -- 100 -- 200 -- 300-- 400 -- 500-- 600..........

                                700 PAGES


                                So mental greens to everybody.

                                Thanks to DS for my siggy

