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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
    Thank you for those pics. I really liked them.

    Dramatical change of topic.
    It is no news I'm kind of fed up with the writers (including JM). The way they treat the Wraith. The way they change them. Maybe Das infected me with something...don't know
    But I decided that being angry and anxious is no use at all......because those people can never change what the Wraith are for us here.
    So I came up with a list. Kind of the essence of the Wraith. Had some help from Wraithie there to get my German thoughts into correct English words

    So here it comes....for all you people in the WDC. (and especially Das )

    The Wraith

    Arrogance - Born of supreme confidence that there are none superior
    Elegance - The deadly fight is an effortless dance
    Fearsome - Intensity that renders hope meaningless
    Grace - Appreciating beauty the brute of the warrior is restrained
    Home - All is for the Hive living among the stars
    Instinct - Driven by hunger that burns deep within
    Loyalty - Nothing common but something that has to be earned each day
    Power - Not afraid to confront even the mightiest foe
    Pride - With ever present strength there is no need for doubt
    Sensual - Feeding on life touching the essence of your soul
    Sly - Lurking in shadows not to hide but to play
    Strength - Born into war,only the strongest survive
    Wisdom - Living in the moment with centuries of experience
    Worshipped - Life and Death decided by devotion

    Awww....thanks. Sorry it took so long to reply - mind's distracted tonight. Had company, then the Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series (we support Philly sports teams), so...yeah...been distracted, and should be in bed...

    I LOVE the list! I think you summed it up perfectly! There are times I wish fans could buy the rights to these characters, and create Wraith stories as they should be. Could you imagine it? I'm not talking about fan fic, full of relationships and slash. I'm talking about really creating a Wraith empire in film or literature...every aspect that has yet to be explored, every concept - and - especially - to make them a true threat, and yet...not an evil one.

    The balancing act would be very hard - a challenge, actually. In the right hands, such an epic tale could have the Wraith as the heroes (anti-heroes), and the human characters as the ones who need to be conquered (though they are not the enemy).

    I see it like this planet now. So corrupt - so polluted - so destroyed. What if a superior species culled out the badness, allowed the earth to heal itself, and 'protected' its human herds from sickness and other dangers? It would almost be like a Biblical relationship, but different.

    I am very tired, and probably didn't make an ounce of sense just then.

    Better crawl off to bed...



      a bam bam (james bamford) video -


        Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
        Ok, admittedly not very good, but it's hard to think around a tension headache
        I shall try very, very hard to forget that and the underwear caption when I get to see the episode.


          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
          a bam bam (james bamford) video -

          I'll have to watch it at work (hmmm...don't seem to have quicktime on my home 'puter...). Is he a Wraith in it?



            Okay - watched the vid - nothing to do with Wraith (whew!). Cool, though...

            I'm in the mood for a good behind-the-scenes Wraith feature - again. I guess the last one we were treated to was Aaron and his Wraithy zipper problem...gonna be hard to beat that little gem.



              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
              Okay - watched the vid - nothing to do with Wraith (whew!). Cool, though...

              I'm in the mood for a good behind-the-scenes Wraith feature - again. I guess the last one we were treated to was Aaron and his Wraithy zipper problem...gonna be hard to beat that little gem.

              Crikey, that man is gutsy! He even seems a little nervous-excited as he's getting ready. Or maybe it's all that cold flame retardant solution! lol Poor guy. But he does seem to love his job!

              I am so jonsing for more bts Wraith features. They had *better* include them on the Season 6 release - I don't care if it's even on a separate DVD that I have to pay extra for as long as it's produced. I hope they filmed some of Chris' prosthetics, makeup and costume process and I hope they interview him kind of like they did James. And I'd like to see the other guys too - Tyler, Aaron, James Chutter - etc. Ohhh and Rachel's makeup process as well! Ok ok, I know I'm asking for alot, but seriously, considering all the silly pointless bts footage they had on this last release - yes, I'm talking about you Martin Gero and Joe Malozzi - I think we've earned it. Step aside for the *real* stars of the series, guys!
              (Not holding my breath however)



                Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                Ok, admittedly not very good, but it's hard to think around a tension headache

                Ok now I cleared up the spilt tea drink, cos I was laughting so much. That was very funny..... Thank you. MCH
                Thanks to DS for my siggy


                  Originally posted by MCH View Post
                  Ok now I cleared up the spilt tea drink, cos I was laughting so much. That was very funny..... Thank you. MCH
                  Lol - that's how I was when I saw das' little handiwork. I was laughing so loud I scared the cats!
                  *bows* Gee, thanks for all the green, guys! And that certainly wasn't my best effort! lol



                    Hmmm, regarding Todd in "Vegas", scifan made a very good observation in the Sheppard thunk thread: Isn't it Todd who stands above Sheppard in this pic in the desert?

                    Edit: On a second thought, if I compare with, probably not.
                    Last edited by Laura Dove; 30 October 2008, 02:09 PM.
                    My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                    Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                      that is not desert, it is wet desert ....kelowna to be exactly (very pretty and 6h busride from Vancouver)...sorry random fact

                      unfortunatly I missed the filming there, I came too late



                        Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                        Hmmm, regarding Todd in "Vegas", scifan made a very good observation in the Sheppard thunk thread: Isn't it Todd who stands above Sheppard in this pic in the desert?
                        I'm not so sure it's todd. to me, the hair looks too short. there's pictures with neil jackson (poker playing wraith) in the desert also.

                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Okay - watched the vid - nothing to do with Wraith (whew!). Cool, though...

                        I'm in the mood for a good behind-the-scenes Wraith feature - again. I guess the last one we were treated to was Aaron and his Wraithy zipper problem...gonna be hard to beat that little gem.

                        not wraithy, but bam bam seems to come up often.


                          It was rather brillant- big wraith grin!! Brillant once again!!!

                          GoSpikey i t is rather odd to see the topics change so fast not being here much- you asked me that somewhile back! thank you for saying my mask and costume looked good the mask is glued to my skin just like the real wraith prosthetics- i was taught how to apply them by someone who was taught to apply them by a professional. A guy who works on T.
                          orchwood told me it is screen quality- its the best i can do with what i have got at home- on page 688 you asked the questio are wraith hairy down there - own where- if you mean what i think then they probly not- the abscenc eof eyebrows would seen to be why- neither do they carry any body on their arms- it would be safe to say they dont!

                          Yeah i did wonder for the moment about goggle wraith guy of Sateda- whether you meant why did i call him jude or that his eyes glowed in the dark- i think you meant the latter- usually its nocturnal creatues that do that- he is really great wraith is glowy eyed Jude- great fighter- glad we never saw what happened to him in the end!

                          Das i love your male grooming/ bathing/ sleeping mutual society theory- it s so sensual and warmingly wonderful

                          Wraith Cake forgive me for missing out you being faetitious on wraith not reading english- i reread your post i can see that now and yes the writers do treat wraith like idiots!

                          Oh I have shamed myself!!!!!- walks out through half open door failing to notice the bucket of water until it lands on my head- so stalk acroos lawn after hurling bucket away, step on rake hidden in the grass which slaps in my face, wearily i walk across the grass trip over signs which says 'explosives' look to camera black in face while i am hopping around i stubb my toe bang into a tree and a bees nest fall s on my head, runs blindly ahead and pulls off bees nest to discover i have walked over a cliff- looks at camera just hovering over a massive canyon then falll to the ground miles below in a cloud of dust. Well, I do have wraith in my name and that what wraith get treated like by sga writers!!!!

                          Wraith princess you mention how hot vegas is for doing wraith make up- the hotest i have done my wraith kit in is 34 degress in London. that was helll enough without reaching that highrer temperature

                          Vegas wraith
                          h e looks like a full wraith his make is too heavy for just face paint- it looks like full human prosthetic disguise

                          WEll good night all

                          love Craig
                          Well kick an ancient up the backside because the only good thing ever to come out of an ancient is Life Force- May the Life Force be with you


                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            I'm not so sure if it's todd... to me, the hair looks too short. there were other vegas pictures that had the neil jackson (poker playing wraith) in the desert.
                            Yep, you are probably right. Damn, I was hoping for Todd to save Shep's life.
                            My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                            Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                              Originally posted by Laura Dove View Post
                              Yep, you are probably right. Damn, I was hoping for Todd to save Shep's life.
                              my first thought was todd driving a car, now that would be amusing to see.


                                Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                                my first thought was todd driving a car, now that would be amusing to see.
                                LOL, now I just WANT to see that happen!
                                My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                                Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)

