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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Winter View Post
    I'm in.

    I've got some hipocracy issues with the general hatred of the Wraith -

    Trustworthyness: first off people keep saying they're not trustworthy. For each person individually, how many people do you truly trust? When it comes right down to it, we are no more trustworthy than they on an individual level. Our ally proved trustworthy but other Wraith have not. Everyone has their own agenda and it really depends on the person and their own standards of integrity. Sad to say, there really are very few 'Sheppards' in this world.

    Genocide: we have no right to this act in any way EVER. Every time humans (Ancients) have tried to play God they lost BIG TIME. They screwed around with the genetics of the Iratus and now we have the Wraith. Did the Ancients really 'create' the Wraith or did they evolve on their own? Do we really know? So then, the Ancients screwed around trying to destroy this new enemy and the replicators were created. WE tried to screw around with something we didn't entirely understand and re-wrote their base code and look what happened. SCREWED!

    The moral? We need to stop trying to do the job of God. Its obvious we weren't cut out for it!

    The Wraith have just as much right to live as humans do. Just because we have the ability to reason doesn't make us exempt from the cycle of life. Some life must perish for others to live.

    Evolution is a good thing - what doesn't kill us will only make us stronger. The humans will survive and will be better for it.

    I've got so much more to say but I'm going to shut up now! LOL I just LOVE these juicy moral issues!
    It were the ancients who brought dualism and delusions among menkind. When they noticed the Wraith and their primair ancestors the iratus were found on unity and allsided awareness...or better Omnipresence among their kind, could not be whiped out of the Wraithsystem they planned to simply terminate them. Even Wraith do not consider their enemies as something what is not coherent to them, when there is no friction ,struggle and tension of forces there would not be growth and sharpening of traits, even better, there would not be no evolution at all. So both Wraith as humans are doing their best to push the limits. It is all natural. In that matter there is no good and evil. That is the seed of the dualistic mind, while the wraith are raised to follow and to adjust to the iron wheel of necessity. Humans are easily frightened by shadows caused by their dualistic conceptualizing minds. To grasp at lights wisdom as "other" It is ignorance of duality. From it arises conceptual thinking and analyzing, this is ignorance of discursive thoughts. They delude themselves with all sorts of things. Then you cannot keep an eye onto what is basically necessary. The Ancients had have that transferred onto humans. Wraith in that matter have much different thought patterns.


      Wow Xepherah. You have a very convoluted way of writing! Some intriguing thoughts.

      Their origins are interesting and I wonder what they are most like: humans or iratus. I guess we'll be having answers to some of our questions this coming Friday.


        Originally posted by Winter View Post
        Wow Xepherah. You have a very convoluted way of writing! Some intriguing thoughts.

        Their origins are interesting and I wonder what they are most like: humans or iratus. I guess we'll be having answers to some of our questions this coming Friday.
        If you have come to understand the Universe a little, then you know the Universe does not work in dualisms. It is ignorance to believe things are not mutual bound. If people could read others minds, then war would be over for a great deal. For nothing is to be feared only to be understood. It is not mine. This is in everyone. Every sentient being has the very potential to reach this state. But delusive ways have kept humans away from it. The Wraith knew how to use this very early in their stage of evolution. This is why they prefer to work with organic things instead of mechanic. It is a massive and immense prestation to create a ship out of organic material that carries thousands of hivemembers and get it running. To control organisms, you must be in harmony with it, Machines are dead things. less complex in system. And more polluting...They simply cannot make a leap of face. or improvise. organic material can. Thank you for the compliment though. I will pass it on to the masters ;-)


          Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
          If you have come to understand the Universe a little, then you know the Universe does not work in dualisms. It is ignorance to believe things are not mutual bound. If people could read others minds, then war would be over for a great deal. For nothing is to be feared only to be understood. It is not mine. This is in everyone. Every sentient being has the very potential to reach this state. But delusive ways have kept humans away from it. The Wraith knew how to use this very early in their stage of evolution. This is why they prefer to work with organic things instead of mechanic. It is a massive and immense prestation to create a ship out of organic material that carries thousands of hivemembers and get it running. To control organisms, you must be in harmony with it, Machines are dead things. less complex in system. And more polluting...They simply cannot make a leap of face. or improvise. organic material can. Thank you for the compliment though. I will pass it on to the masters ;-)
          I say Xepherah well said I remember a wraith scientist actually explaned that their ships is organic base so its able to heal itself before and enemy spacecraft hits the hive again
          ( I think technology as well if so it could also rely on its organic structure so if a certain part of a hive ship is damage it is able to locate the damage and heal it not mean by itself but maybe by whoever is controling the systems control room)
          With a mechanic ship it would take a team of wraith to try and repair it before getting hit by and enemy I think that is why a hiveship and stand their so long thats if the don't hit the central control room
          but as I said before well said


            The official MGM Stargate site has posted stills from the episode The Spoils Of War

            and i don't know if any of you saw this in one of my previous posts but the official Sci-Fi website has posted a pic of the Wraith Queen thats going to appear in The Spoils Of War
            Last edited by wraithlord; 08 January 2008, 04:47 AM.


              Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
              yeah...see? I was right! Why didn´t Heyerdahl do that role?
              apparently he is a very busy actor who works alla time so was already doing something else when they shot the episode and for some reason i cant remember i now have a mental image of the atlantis team and wraith doing the time warp again stuck in my head
              Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


                Hmmm I think about the Organic Sysems on/at a hive and this "birth". We see in the Trailer a small scene about it. Is it a faceless Warrior or a Wraith like Todd,Bob or Steve??? And then my other Question, from where comes Elia ( this Child-Wraith)? Is she born from a human and a Itarus bite her or is she a born Wraith?
                And Todd on which site he is? In this Pictures it look like if Todd is a Prisoner from his own people???


                  Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                  The official MGM Stargate site has posted stills from the episode The Spoils Of War

                  and i don't know if any of you saw this in one of my previous posts but the official Sci-Fi website has posted a pic of the Wraith Queen thats going to appear in The Spoils Of War

                  heh? Is that Archimedes I see? On the second pic?

                  Handsome wraithQueen...look forard to see her!


                    Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                    The official MGM Stargate site has posted stills from the episode The Spoils Of War

                    The third one down looks like it could be an ordinary soldier without a mask. Definitely not human in appearance.


                      i would love to see how archemedes and gabriel get on wraith fight?

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        hello my dear wraithies! i've been away on holiday and though i've been back for a week, with school starting again, this is the first chance i've had to catch up... first of all, i nope everyone had a joyous holiday season and that this new year is filled with many prosperous endeavors... secondly, i'd like to welcome all the new wraiths to our humble little hive, it is great to know that we are still growing!

                        Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                        Lilith and Susanne, you are one of the hardcore Wraith' fangirls I have ever seen! Keep going
                        you are much too kind female Wraith! i'm not really that hardcore, just loyal to a fault

                        Originally posted by susanne View Post
                        awh female wraith thank you! im blushing now and i should tell you you are the most organised and well informed (apart from wraithlord ) wraith lover i have known!
                        i must second this notion!

                        and Risem, i absolutely love your signature! it's perfectly hilarious... did you make it yourself?
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                          Hmmm I think about the Organic Sysems on/at a hive and this "birth". We see in the Trailer a small scene about it. Is it a faceless Warrior or a Wraith like Todd,Bob or Steve??? And then my other Question, from where comes Elia ( this Child-Wraith)? Is she born from a human and a Itarus bite her or is she a born Wraith?
                          And Todd on which site he is? In this Pictures it look like if Todd is a Prisoner from his own people???
                          Maybe he's a prisoner b/c of his role of alway aiding the humans and the other wraith could consider him a traiter now. I was reading somewhere that it is believe that is how an Adolesent looks before reaching puberty start to look more like the other wraith
                          I mean the I believe the second queen had the same skin complexion as Ella
                          but those are thoughts to ponder?


                            [QUOTE=Degilwen;7536150]Hmmm I think about the Organic Sysems on/at a hive and this "birth". We see in the Trailer a small scene about it. Is it a faceless Warrior or a Wraith like Todd,Bob or Steve??? And then my other Question, from where comes Elia ( this Child-Wraith)? Is she born from a human and a Itarus bite her or is she a born Wraith?
                            And Todd on which site he is? In this Pictures it look like if Todd is a Prisoner from his own people???[/QUOTE

                            I think would be interesting to see what a Faceless soldier may look like and for Ella I've read somewhere (It coulld be wrong or right) is that maybe what a adolesent wraith might look like and later on through puberty may look then when reaching adult hood it might take on a wraith complexion but Ella complexion looks like the second queen on "Allies" or maybe wraith can take on many skin tones like humans.
                            For Todd they might see him as a traitor for aiding the humans then killing them and that he is less than a wraith to them.They also might use todd a a trap to get the humans to aid him when doing so destroy them that could be what they are doing


                              Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
                              Hmmm I think about the Organic Sysems on/at a hive and this "birth". We see in the Trailer a small scene about it. Is it a faceless Warrior or a Wraith like Todd,Bob or Steve??? And then my other Question, from where comes Elia ( this Child-Wraith)? Is she born from a human and a Itarus bite her or is she a born Wraith?
                              And Todd on which site he is? In this Pictures it look like if Todd is a Prisoner from his own people???[/QUOTE

                              I think would be interesting to see what a Faceless soldier may look like and for Ella I've read somewhere (It coulld be wrong or right) is that maybe what a adolesent wraith might look like and later on through puberty may look then when reaching adult hood it might take on a wraith complexion but Ella complexion looks like the second queen on "Allies" or maybe wraith can take on many skin tones like humans.
                              For Todd they might see him as a traitor for aiding the humans then killing them and that he is less than a wraith to them.They also might use todd a a trap to get the humans to aid him when doing so destroy them that could be what they are doing
                              Remember the Wraith skeleton in Childhood's End - it was a 'masked' Wraith. It appeared as though their faces are actually bone. With the possible sensory capabilities of organic systems and telepathic communication, they would have no need for the redundant complexity of eyes and other facial features. From what our Wraith ally said about some ships having no Queens and hence the inability to produce new soldiers should they fall - these are probably the ones he's talking about. I'm sure you've all gathered that though.

                              I think our if our ally is indeed a prisoner, he will be used as a lure or some sort of leverage. I'm wondering how the team will stumble upon this damaged hive to begin with - what draws their attention. . .

                              There was something about Teyla thinking her child was trying to communicate with her - what if it was really him trying to get their help.His ship was heavily damaged in the fight with the replicators - maybe the damaged hive is his ship and another hive has come to 'loot' it.

                              hmmm. . .


                                Perhaps McKay, Sheppard and co would help Todd with his hive. And the Queen are angry about this. I think the other Wraith made a rebellion again Todd ( he is the Commander on this hive )

