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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
    Damn! You are right. His hair looks very bad. But may be he is in a well...mmm...situation or this is his favourite hair-style.
    This is a good explanation, lol! This , or the wraith don't like to wash their hair( I would be very disapointed if they didn't )!


      The wraith are not at their strongest as of now, due to the inner civil war but if the wraith were to find an alternate means of food like clones. The Atlantis expedition would run into more than they could handle if the wraith became unified once more.

      So why haven't the wraith sought other ways to feed?

      Feel free to bash my comment...


        Originally posted by Ehecatl View Post
        The wraith are not at their strongest as of now, due to the inner civil war but if the wraith were to find an alternate means of food like clones. The Atlantis expedition would run into more than they could handle if the wraith became unified once more.

        So why haven't the wraith sought other ways to feed?

        Feel free to bash my comment...
        I knew I wasn't the only one! I agree completely. As for why they haven't sought other ways to feed...maybe they just decided to stick with what worked. I mean, usually new generations are required to create change, and yet individual Wraith can live forever, so if there's no new blood there's a reduced chance for new ideas. With a society that's been around as long as theirs has, my guess is that they'd be awful reluctant to change their ways. It would require a drastic shift in power.

        And besides, Wraith technology hasn't seemed to progress at all in the past...10,000 years or so. Cloning would be out of the question, although it would be an excellent alternative. At least until they could find a way to synthesize whatever it is that they drain when feeding on humans. If such a thing is even possible.

        At least, that's what I think about it. *fidgets nervously and hopes that made some sort of sense to someone other than herself*


          Originally posted by Ehecatl View Post
          The wraith are not at their strongest as of now, due to the inner civil war but if the wraith were to find an alternate means of food like clones. The Atlantis expedition would run into more than they could handle if the wraith became unified once more.

          So why haven't the wraith sought other ways to feed?

          Feel free to bash my comment...
          Well, the clones are also humans, aren't they?
          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club

          My fan fiction


            they could make clones that are braindead sorta, like shells


              Originally posted by ChelApophis View Post
              Hey, guys! I've placed a new chapter on my fanfic and uploaded it in the fanfics area of Gateworld.
              Link under my zig! Tell my what you think of it .I'm kind of nervous about it , since it is my first.
              You'll be good if you upload the new chapter. We still haven't developed telepathic abilities. So if you want comments and reviews, we have to read it first.
              LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
              Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
              My fan fiction


                Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                You'll be good if you upload the new chapter. We still haven't developed telepathic abilities. So if you want comments and reviews, we have to read it first.
                No! I can't belive it! How did you manage to skip such an important part in wraith evolution?
                Sorry ! I was under the impression that I've updaded the new chapter, as a matter of fact I was sure I did. I've been under a lot of pressure lately , so I tend to make a mess of things .
                But don't worry , I've posted it today ( I even checked several times to be sure it's in there ) so,you can go and read it.


                  Originally posted by Ehecatl View Post
                  The wraith are not at their strongest as of now, due to the inner civil war but if the wraith were to find an alternate means of food like clones. The Atlantis expedition would run into more than they could handle if the wraith became unified once more.

                  So why haven't the wraith sought other ways to feed?

                  Feel free to bash my comment...
                  Why change a good thing that works?
                  Either that , or they are too lazy to do so


                    for anyone thats interested Andee Frizzell has updated her blog here is the link if any of you want to check it out


                      I've been lurking on these forums for a while so thought it time I signed up and joined the Wraith Defenders Club because I find them the most interesting aliens in the Stargate universe. I don't see them as evil just because they evolved to feed on humans. Yes, they do have cruel and violent aspects but they'd have got these from their human side, not the Iratus bugs.Their general attitude towards our own species is no different to the Atlantis personnel's attitude towards mice. (Remember the two fried lab mice in Duet? ) I hate the way that Wraith tend to be treated in the series. They were introduced as supposedly formidable aliens and then they were just captured, blown up, shot and/or victims of experiments on a regular basis.

                      The best male Wraiths for me were Steve and his lookalikes from Seasons 1 and 2 although I do have a soft spot for the Wraith King (or whatever he was) in Sateda. I just loved the way he sent Ronon flying with one sweep of his arm - it was such a refreshing change after interminable scenes of Ronon killing Wraith in slow motion Matrix style. The marooned Wraith in The Defiant One took an entire episode to dispose of so why do most members of the species turn into useless wimps whenever Ronon appears on the scene?

                      My favourite Wraith (for somewhat frivolous reasons) are -

                      1) Steve - for sheer drop dead gorgeousness in 19th Century Gothic novel style. (It's a shame he dropped dead so soon in the series.) No matter what happened to him his hair was always immaculate. Did he have a comb with him and pass his time in the cell grooming? If he'd told me that my destiny was to be his lunch I'd have found it a far more appealing prospect than being run over by a bus.

                      2) The scientist from Allies - drop dead gorgeous, elegant and intelligent otherwise he wouldn't have been a scientist. (Great combination of attributes in a humanoid male alien.) We didn't actually see him get killed but there's no way that he and his unique Wraith jacket could have survived events.

                      3) The Queen from Allies - the Wraith version of Parisian chic. Would have made a great recurring female opponent but she got disposed of as usual.

                      4) The pink haired commander from Condemned (who I gather has been given the unofficial name of Shawn) - drop dead gorgeous with great style and elegance (although I got the impression that he dribbled over the Magistrate at one point). Not only did he survive the story but he did it without getting shot, put in a cage/cell or being subjected to an experiment which makes him very special indeed. We'll never see him again but it's nice to know he's still out there somewhere. I hope he managed to keep the new chef alive so he can continue to enjoy the finer things in Wraith life.

                      Favourite Wraith for less frivolous reasons.

                      1) Steve - we learned that Wraith, too, can suffer distress and pain.

                      2) The scientist. We learned that not all Wraith males are military style guards/officers.

                      3) The Queen. We learned that Wraith are capable of coming up with complex, sneaky plans.

                      4) The commander from Condemned. Interesting to see a Wraith interacting with a human who wasn't a member of the Atlantis expedition. We also learned that Wraith are capable of enjoying something a little more refined than chasing humans around. Does this mean they might be capable of producing some kind of art/poetry/music? Their elaborate clothing and/or hairstyles suggest some kind of artistic leanings.

                      At the other end of my personal Wraith rating scale is Michael although I know he's very popular with many Atlantis fans. Where did he get his accent from in the episode, 'Michael'? I wouldn't have minded if it had been established that he'd had to learn to talk again and he'd been coached by an Atlantis team member with the same accent. As it was it just appeared from nowhere because none of the main human Atlantis characters talked/talks like that. I ended up with a bizarre mental image of a hive ship where everyone sounds like Trip Tucker. (Oh, well - there was a Jaffa warrior with a broad London accent. Maybe he came from the planet Walford.) Why hasn't Michael's hair grown again? Is this a side effect of the retrovirus? Yes, I feel sorry for him but I wish he hadn't been turned into a mad scientist breeding giant cockroaches which Ronon can dispose of with little effort. (As super warriors they are way inferior to the Sateda King who seemed to be disposing of Ronon with little effort.)
                      Last edited by ciannwn; 18 May 2007, 11:34 AM.


                        Originally posted by female Wraith View Post

                        Images from The Seer.
                        No Chel I´m not dead... Be still you all!! Hybernation is an art. But my bad mood when waking up isn´t!!!!!


                          Hi, Hepherah I see you are in a mood
                          LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                          Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                          My fan fiction


                            Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                            Hi, Hepherah I see you are in a mood
                            Ofcourse I am in a mood! They screwed Gabriels hair up!
                            A bad hair day = simply a BAD WRAITH DAY!
                            They just simply keep forgetting that we Wraith are able to experience what the other of our brothers is going through.
                            Can someone please deliver me one of those Ori to bash on?


                              LOL. *Delivers an Ori* ***Screams***

                              I imagine the Wraith come to a new planet, saying

                              We want two things - to feed and a hairdresser!
                              LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                              Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                              My fan fiction


                                Welcome ciannwn!

