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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post

    I know I'm in the minority here, and I know many love to name the wraith--but I can't stand it! I'm not sure whether I don't like the naming process, or I don't like the names themselves, maybe both. But are these names for the wraith the fans here have for them?

    Apart from Steve, Bob, Ellia, Michael, Todd and Kenny the rest were named by fans. Some of the names suit them very well...

    It seems that WDC members are more like Sheppard than they know .
    ~ Created by Draygon ~


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      So - the movie title is Stargate Atlantis: Extinction.

      Yeah. I'm depressed.

      Ever thought it could be the extinction of the PG Asgard?

      Clutching at straws - but who knows! Gotta keep ya hopes up!
      I came, I saw, I conquered!
      We are unique! Created unique!


        Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
        I second that! I didn't notice until das pointed it out. Now he need to crack a smile.. How do you create an animated avatar? If you know any online tuts just let me know. I have PS.
        Just a note: if you long enough he does crack a smile
        Thank you, LS!

        I used Photoshop and Image Ready (ususally it comes together with Photoshop up to Version CS 2) for creating the avatar. I made the picture in three different layers in PS:
        1. layer was the complete face, eyes open
        2. layer was only the closed eyes
        3. layer was only the smile

        Then I opened it in Image Ready where you can create the animation by making a new frame for each animation, just switching the respective layers on and off, then I adjusted the time length for the display of each separate frame. It's quite easy.

        Hope that helps. I know there must be some way to make that solely in PS CS3 but I haven't found out yet so I still need two separate applications.


          Originally posted by Solla View Post
          Apart from Steve, Bob, Ellia, Michael, Todd and Kenny the rest were named by fans. Some of the names suit them very well...

          It seems that WDC members are more like Sheppard than they know .

          Kenny was named in the show? Oh, okay I think my convoluted memory might remember the episode.

          Okay, I figured out why I do not like the names fans here have given the wraith:

          The wraith are quite regal no? It seems that their demeanor, their manner, and condescension toward the human populations (the surfs) is all characteristic of what we associate with regal houses--old, old aristocratic, powerful barons and baronesses of Europe--the last revenants of faltering power: land rich, cash poor and the only thing remaining is the title and a nominal historic political office.

          These monarchs/nobles were only ever referred to by their title such as "Norfolk"--the duke of Norfolk England, called as such in the play A Man for All Seasons set in the sixteenth century. For instance, "The Primary", "The Queen", "The Keeper" etc. are examples of this. These figures are effigies, public figures that exhibit all the affectations of what the rank and file desire and expect of them: frightening, beautiful characitures of real people--hence the idea of "blue blood" and the Divine Right of Kings.

          They were never meant to be considered anything other than public figures.
          Now of course with the monarchs we know their names: James I of England, Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I; however nobles were really only ever referred to by their office: Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Montgomery etc.

          The names Shepard and the gang have for the wraith: Steve, Todd, Bob etc, underscores their attempt to parody the wraith and their desire for awe. It is very much a thumbing of the nose at wraith pride and desire to surround themselves with a reputation of terror. It is as though Shepard is saying: "Fine, you want to maintain your arrogance and posturing even though you are a CAPTIVE, even though you are now a SLAVE, and even though you still want to spit out insults and insinuations then fine. I'll come up with the most white bread, generic name possible--because after all you are just a face in the crowd and nothing more."

          By giving them the names fans here have shows that this joke has been completely lost on them--gone right OVER their heads. Todd, Bob, Steve these names are meant as a joke.

          If you've seen the new Star Trek film, then you'll recall the scene where the Romulin bad guy Nero (get it? Romulin--Romulus and Remus a.k.a. the mythological founders of Rome) attempts a siege of the USS Enterprise. When he hails the helm before attacking, Captain Christopher Pike pipes up with: "This is Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise. Why are you attacking a Star Flee vessel?" Nero responds with "Hi Christopher. I'm Nero". Nero doesn't even acknowledge Captain Pike's title. Captain Pike is not in control, therefore he is no longer the captain--of anything.

          By calling the wraith--Angelina, or Crystalina, or Annie Lumpkins or Yee Hah Hill Billy Bumpkins (I'm just teasing and having fun here) further degrades the wraith. Because it is giving them names below their station--human names. If you're gonna do that, at least give Todd a name like Nero, or Domitian (a Roman emperor who wrapped Christians in wax and set them a fire for his garden parties--I believe this is the legend). Perhaps Nefertiti, or Empress Artaxerxes I of Persia or Otanes of the Russian dynasty of Rurikid or better yet The Countess Elizabeth of Báthory who bathed in the blood of virgins.

          These are ghoulish, larger than life historical figures befitting the regality of the wraith we love.

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            By giving them the names fans here have shows that this joke has been completely lost on them--gone right OVER their heads. Todd, Bob, Steve these names are meant as a joke.
            We know why Sheppard named some Wraith as Todd, Bob, Steve and Kenny in the show.

            We just named the rest of the Wraith for our own convenience in the WDC because it's a lot easier to type Bullseye than "The Wraith who was standing behind Todd to our right in First Contact.", for example. It was also more convenient to give them ordinary names than call them after Frankish kings for another example. I actually like the names Mallobaudes, Dagobert and Chlodoric but they are nowhere near as easy to remember as Shawn or Erik.

            The other thing, of course, is that a lot of us don't take the Wraith seriously all the time. We make silly jokes about them, put daft captions on Wraith pics and generally mess around because these noble and proud Wraith are really just actors with bits stuck on their faces.


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              Kenny was named in the show? Oh, okay I think my convoluted memory might remember the episode.

              Okay, I figured out why I do not like the names fans here have given the wraith:

              The wraith are quite regal no? It seems that their demeanor, their manner, and condescension toward the human populations (the surfs) is all characteristic of what we associate with regal houses--old, old aristocratic, powerful barons and baronesses of Europe--the last revenants of faltering power: land rich, cash poor and the only thing remaining is the title and a nominal historic political office.

              These monarchs/nobles were only ever referred to by their title such as "Norfolk"--the duke of Norfolk England, called as such in the play A Man for All Seasons set in the sixteenth century. For instance, "The Primary", "The Queen", "The Keeper" etc. are examples of this. These figures are effigies, public figures that exhibit all the affectations of what the rank and file desire and expect of them: frightening, beautiful characitures of real people--hence the idea of "blue blood" and the Divine Right of Kings.

              They were never meant to be considered anything other than public figures.
              Now of course with the monarchs we know their names: James I of England, Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I; however nobles were really only ever referred to by their office: Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Montgomery etc.

              The names Shepard and the gang have for the wraith: Steve, Todd, Bob etc, underscores their attempt to parody the wraith and their desire for awe. It is very much a thumbing of the nose at wraith pride and desire to surround themselves with a reputation of terror. It is as though Shepard is saying: "Fine, you want to maintain your arrogance and posturing even though you are a CAPTIVE, even though you are now a SLAVE, and even though you still want to spit out insults and insinuations then fine. I'll come up with the most white bread, generic name possible--because after all you are just a face in the crowd and nothing more."

              By giving them the names fans here have shows that this joke has been completely lost on them--gone right OVER their heads. Todd, Bob, Steve these names are meant as a joke.

              If you've seen the new Star Trek film, then you'll recall the scene where the Romulin bad guy Nero (get it? Romulin--Romulus and Remus a.k.a. the mythological founders of Rome) attempts a siege of the USS Enterprise. When he hails the helm before attacking, Captain Christopher Pike pipes up with: "This is Captain Christopher Pike of the USS Enterprise. Why are you attacking a Star Flee vessel?" Nero responds with "Hi Christopher. I'm Nero". Nero doesn't even acknowledge Captain Pike's title. Captain Pike is not in control, therefore he is no longer the captain--of anything.

              By calling the wraith--Angelina, or Crystalina, or Annie Lumpkins or Yee Hah Hill Billy Bumpkins (I'm just teasing and having fun here) further degrades the wraith. Because it is giving them names below their station--human names. If you're gonna do that, at least give Todd a name like Nero, or Domitian (a Roman emperor who wrapped Christians in wax and set them a fire for his garden parties--I believe this is the legend). Perhaps Nefertiti, or Empress Artaxerxes I of Persia or Otanes of the Russian dynasty of Rurikid or better yet The Countess Elizabeth of Báthory who bathed in the blood of virgins.

              These are ghoulish, larger than life historical figures befitting the regality of the wraith we love.

              Oh, I hear you. Very well said. But I think it’s so understandable why it happens. Like ciannwn has already said it is a question of easy «handling». Besides, we allow familiarities with them, discussing funny, frivolous and - quite often - indecent things. We pretend to be experts, try to understand them and find similarities, let alone our romantic souls who have... er... additional demands .
              ~ Created by Draygon ~


                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                So - the movie title is Stargate Atlantis: Extinction.

                Yeah. I'm depressed.

                Yikes! I don't like the sound of that.

                From what's been said in other discussions, the Wraith aren't going to be the focus of the main story, so maybe it doesn't refer to their extinction. On the other hand, it could be adding insult to injury... not being the A story, but still getting wiped out. Surely not...
                Sig by Dulcamara-lyrics by Don Schlitz


                  Speaking of wraith names, I thought about the guy from my siggie (I mean Erik) and found the following information:

                  The given name Eric is derived from the Old Norse name Eirikr. The first element, ei- is derived from the older Proto-Norse *ainaz meaning "one" or "alone".[1] The second element -rikr either derives from *rik(a)z meaning "ruler" or "prince" (cf. Gothic reiks) or from an even older Proto-Germanic *rikiaz which meant "powerful" and "rich".


                  Not too bad .

                  Also Michael means «Who is like God». This name belongs to famous Archangel and Byzantine emperors.

                  Steve means «crown» and «wreath».

                  Bob = Robert = Bright fame

                  Kenny= Kenneth = born of fire (there are other versions = handsome one; royal oath)

                  I also found English slang expression "on my Todd" meaning «alone». Is that true, dear native speakers?

                  My further research confirmed this find though, but given examples were simply killing to my confused eyes:

                  I'm on my Todd tonight
                  I thought I was on my todd

                  Oh, yeah, live and learn
                  ~ Created by Draygon ~


                    Originally posted by Solla View Post
                    Speaking of wraith names, I thought about the guy from my siggie (I mean Erik) and found the following information:

                    The given name Eric is derived from the Old Norse name Eirikr. The first element, ei- is derived from the older Proto-Norse *ainaz meaning "one" or "alone".[1] The second element -rikr either derives from *rik(a)z meaning "ruler" or "prince" (cf. Gothic reiks) or from an even older Proto-Germanic *rikiaz which meant "powerful" and "rich".


                    Not too bad .

                    Also Michael means «Who is like God». This name belongs to famous Archangel and Byzantine emperors.

                    Steve means «crown» and «wreath».

                    Bob = Robert = Bright fame

                    Kenny= Kenneth = born of fire (there are other versions = handsome one; royal oath)

                    I also found English slang expression "on my Todd" meaning «alone». Is that true, dear native speakers?

                    My further research confirmed this find though, but given examples were simply killing to my confused eyes:

                    I'm on my Todd tonight
                    I thought I was on my todd

                    Oh, yeah, live and learn
                    This site could be quite helpful too.

                    According to this site

                    TODD m English
                    From a surname meaning "fox", derived from Middle English todde.
                    Quite appropriate.


                      Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post

                      The names Shepard and the gang have for the wraith: Steve, Todd, Bob etc, underscores their attempt to parody the wraith and their desire for awe. It is very much a thumbing of the nose at wraith pride and desire to surround themselves with a reputation of terror. It is as though Shepard is saying: "Fine, you want to maintain your arrogance and posturing even though you are a CAPTIVE, even though you are now a SLAVE, and even though you still want to spit out insults and insinuations then fine. I'll come up with the most white bread, generic name possible--because after all you are just a face in the crowd and nothing more."

                      By giving them the names fans here have shows that this joke has been completely lost on them--gone right OVER their heads. Todd, Bob, Steve these names are meant as a joke.

                      That is certainly why Sheppard started naming the Wraith. It came directly from the conversation with the one he named Steve, when it became pretty obvious that the Wraith think human names are beneath them, though we don't know if they don't need a word to designate individuals because they are telepathic, whether they keep their names to themselves and think the way humans use theirs is weird, or for some other reason. For whatever reason, the Wraith obviously think human names and ranks are ridiculous--"Silly food, with its silly personal names" --and Sheppard thinks it's funny to name them for that reason. He also has a weird compulsion about naming things...

                      Originally posted by Solla View Post
                      Oh, I hear you. Very well said. But I think it’s so understandable why it happens. Like ciannwn has already said it is a question of easy «handling». Besides, we allow familiarities with them, discussing funny, frivolous and - quite often - indecent things. We pretend to be experts, try to understand them and find similarities, let alone our romantic souls who have... er... additional demands .
                      It is definitely more convenient, especially when discussing things that would make proper, well-behaved Wraith blush (or smile, if they are sleazy.)
                      Sig by Dulcamara-lyrics by Don Schlitz


                        Originally posted by Solla View Post
                        Oh, I hear you. Very well said. But I think it’s so understandable why it happens. Like ciannwn has already said it is a question of easy «handling». Besides, we allow familiarities with them, discussing funny, frivolous and - quite often - indecent things. We pretend to be experts, try to understand them and find similarities, let alone our romantic souls who have... er... additional demands .

                        Of course, I hear ya. And it's true, it is totally a normal thing. I think I'll refer to the list when I write about them because most people associate the names with certain wraith. But I'm curious, if everyone knows the names Todd, Bob bla bla bla were meant as a joke, why not continue the joke and call them names like: Tom, Dick and Hairy, in other words repatriate the names? You know, like the word "gay" use to be an insult. Now adopted by most homosexuals: voila no longer an insult--takes the power out of the insult.

                        Meh! Whaddeva. Mayhaps I'll come up with an alternate list named after the seven dwarfs. I'll start with the uber wraith from Sateda: Burly wraith, or Grumpy Pants Wraith! Hahahahahaha!

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                          By giving them the names fans here have shows that this joke has been completely lost on them--gone right OVER their heads. Todd, Bob, Steve these names are meant as a joke.

                          I;m sorry that is simply not the case at all, and I find the fact that you imply that quite insulting! We are all well aware fo the joke - but some of us have the ability to laugh at ourselves and not take it all too seriously - quite apart from the fact that if the thraeds were full of Norfolks, or Beelzebubs or whatever, that would make Todd and Steve seem even sillier!

                          If we respected our wraith less than you do we wouldn't BE here, would we???
                          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            We know why Sheppard named some Wraith as Todd, Bob, Steve and Kenny in the show.

                            We just named the rest of the Wraith for our own convenience in the WDC because it's a lot easier to type Bullseye than "The Wraith who was standing behind Todd to our right in First Contact.", for example. It was also more convenient to give them ordinary names than call them after Frankish kings for another example. I actually like the names Mallobaudes, Dagobert and Chlodoric but they are nowhere near as easy to remember as Shawn or Erik.

                            The other thing, of course, is that a lot of us don't take the Wraith seriously all the time. We make silly jokes about them, put daft captions on Wraith pics and generally mess around because these noble and proud Wraith are really just actors with bits stuck on their faces.
                            Surely you're not talking about anyone here Developing a comprehensive list of wraith names, and discussing their body parts at length certainly wouldn't classify in my mind an obsession--certainly not.

                            And it's true, it is much easier to refer to them through simple names rather than the names of oligarchs from dead dynasties. True dat! To me though the list as it stands right now just looks like a collection from bad fantasy novels. But I'm in the minority in my preference, so don't mind me.

                            I wanted to ask you, you do quite a bit of reading from various websites. Do you stand to do this, or do you have an ergonomic chair for your back? My husband has a lovely ergonomic chair in the living room, he calls it his "throne". I always put a pooffy pillow in it to make it fit with the living room decor--doesn't work though.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                              I;m sorry that is simply not the case at all, and I find the fact that you imply that quite insulting! We are all well aware fo the joke - but some of us have the ability to laugh at ourselves and not take it all too seriously - quite apart from the fact that if the thraeds were full of Norfolks, or Beelzebubs or whatever, that would make Todd and Steve seem even sillier!

                              If we respected our wraith less than you do we wouldn't BE here, would we???

                              So I take it you're quite attached to the names?

                              Ahhhh! Don't take me so seriously. I wasn't referring to anyone in particular. And, I am entitled to have an opinion that differs from the status quo. We have to be able to have a little bit of an edge to the things we say, or what we say has no bite, and no power. Look at it this way, I feel accepted enough to say what I think on this forum, and I think that acceptance is something we need to cultivate rather than shut down.

                              Happy happy,

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Dulcamara View Post
                                That is certainly why Sheppard started naming the Wraith. It came directly from the conversation with the one he named Steve, when it became pretty obvious that the Wraith think human names are beneath them, though we don't know if they don't need a word to designate individuals because they are telepathic, whether they keep their names to themselves and think the way humans use theirs is weird, or for some other reason. For whatever reason, the Wraith obviously think human names and ranks are ridiculous--"Silly food, with its silly personal names" --and Sheppard thinks it's funny to name them for that reason. He also has a weird compulsion about naming things...
                                Hahahahaha! This is so true!

                                It is definitely more convenient, especially when discussing things that would make proper, well-behaved Wraith blush (or smile, if they are sleazy.)
                                Ahhh yes. This is true. I'm so finicky sometimes.

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

