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Elizabeth Weir/Torri Higginson WOW Thread - Part 2

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    lol, and I just thought you were going to ignore me ^^ thanks for the cake
    So, I was bored yesterday and made some Lizzie Icons. Thought I could share them with you. Basically it´s always the same picture, but I found her so adorable

    Last edited by Mandy; 28 April 2009, 02:43 AM.


      We didn't ignore you, the post wasn't there, I swear!
      Very pretty icons! Love the Rodney one!


        Originally posted by Mandy View Post
        lol, and I just thought you were going to ignore me ^^ thanks for the cake
        So, I was bored yesterday and made some Lizzie Icons. Thought I could share them with you. Basically it´s always the same picture, but I found her so adorable

        We didn't! Not on purpose anyway.

        Hihi, the Rodney one is hilarious!
        Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

        ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


          Originally posted by Mandy View Post
          lol, and I just thought you were going to ignore me ^^ thanks for the cake
          So, I was bored yesterday and made some Lizzie Icons. Thought I could share them with you. Basically it´s always the same picture, but I found her so adorable

          Lovely icons! LMAO at the Rodney one

          And also a big WELCOME from me as well!! Green for you!

          Lovebar made by natz099
          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


            I have questions for you.
            Did you know Torri Higginson before SGA or you became a fan thanks to the show?
            What do you like about Elizabeth Weir?
            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


              Originally posted by Probie View Post
              I have questions for you.
              And I shall try to answer...

              Originally posted by Probie View Post
              Did you know Torri Higginson before SGA or you became a fan thanks to the show?
              I didn't have a clue of who any of them were, except for David Hewlett cause he had already been on SG1 as McKay.

              I hadn't even see TH in anything before SGA either (other than those two first episodes of season 8 of SG1 leading into SGA). I watched Charmed so I had seen Rachel and Claire before. Joe in "The Other Sister"... But that's about it though as far them actors goes.

              Originally posted by Probie View Post
              What do you like about Elizabeth Weir?
              A strong woman who's in charge - what more do you need?

              Overtime of course we got to learn she had a funky side, knew how to control her boys, could be firm in her ruling and defense of her point of view. Geeky (translating Ancient), compassionate, passionate about the job....
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                I have questions for you.
                Did you know Torri Higginson before SGA or you became a fan thanks to the show?
                What do you like about Elizabeth Weir?
                Know? Not really. I was a fan of Highlander: Raven and I always remember that detective but didn't have a clue who it was till some time into SGA.

                A strong female leader and she speaks several languages. I'm pretty easy
                Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


                  Did you know Torri Higginson before SGA or you became a fan thanks to the show?
                  No I didn´t. I watched "Sunday" on the TV and there was this woman and she had a date with this guy (you know, the one with the beard xD Mike). And I thought, wow she´s pretty, let´s watch this. Then I realized it was SciFi, but there wasn´t anything else to watch so I finished this episode. And then Carson died and everyone was sad, so I wanted to know what happend the next week. I started to like Elizabeth more and more and now she´s my favorite TV character ever ^^ And Torri became my favorite actress

                  What do you like about Elizabeth Weir?
                  Her hair xD No, kidding, but I do like it ^^ Mostly I like the way she leads the city and though it´s a tough job, she still stays ... "human". She doesn´t go crazy. I love the eyebrow- thing she does and all the little moments when she´s funny. Hmmm .. what else... Oh, I adore her smile Okay, who doesn´t ^^


                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    I have questions for you.
                    Did you know Torri Higginson before SGA or you became a fan thanks to the show?
                    What do you like about Elizabeth Weir?

                    I saw Torri in SG1 when she did the few eps there, liked the character there and was sad to see her go (even if they did change actresses halfway through!), I didn't really get into SGA till last year when I was channel flicking and Echoes came on.. rest is history!

                    I agree with everyone else... strong female character who doesn't fall head over heels with every alien to look her way/doesn't need rescuing every 5 minutes / isn't a glamazon who takes on aliens with her bare hands. She's just a highly educated gal who makes mistakes and does the best she can, just like the rest of us


                      Thank you everyone.
                      I like her strength, her intelligence and her kindness. She is always listening to others.
                      And i agree with you, Mandy. She has beautiful hair.
                      Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                        Originally posted by Probie View Post
                        I have questions for you.
                        Did you know Torri Higginson before SGA or you became a fan thanks to the show?
                        What do you like about Elizabeth Weir?
                        1) On Torri: I became a fan through SGA. Loved how she portrayed Elizabeth, and her general acting abilities. I've now become a consummate fan and hope to see her on network TV again sometime soon.

                        2) On Elizabeth: Um, I could write paragraphs. I have, literally, a number of times, once on JM's blog (which led to his revelation about her not returning for S5--talk about a bummer).

                        In short, I absolutely love how she is not a traditional sci-fi female. A lot of times, females in sci-fi fall into 3 categories--the tough, 'boys club' leader who's not feminine, the 'battle babe' and the beautiful 'sidekick'--the woman who might have everything but she did not lead. SG has been pretty good in some respects about blurring those stereotypes, but Weir and Carter were the two who really broke the mold (and Carter not as much as Weir, because though she was a woman of action, she was still a sidekick until later on in the series).

                        But Elizabeth, though a leader, was not a 'macho' female--she was tough, but feminine. She never had to have a 'let your hair down and show you're a woman' type episode. She always had a gentle side, but she could stand toe-to-toe with the toughest enemies and the most chauvinistic military men and she did not fold. She cooperated with her team but made decisions--and accepted the consequences--when she needed to. She shouldered the burden of choices she'd made. She had flaws in her character, which she dealt with maturely--she never became whiny or weak. But they were there, and they were realistic, and they were consistent.

                        To top it off, she was tough, she was educated and she was capable of leading an expedition to another galaxy. She didn't go moony eyed over men and never had a cheesy romance storyline, though she had strong bonds with Sheppard and Rodney. I loved seeing her on, and seeing decisions she made, and the episodes where she actually contributes her knowledge and leadership are simply the best for me.

                        She was just awesome, period.
                        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                          Originally posted by Spirit
                          Oh my goodness, there's actually a thread on E. Weir? You know I started watching SGA about a year ago. I mean I instantly got hooked (SciFi is my cup of tea) anyway, thru out the whole SGA, I always thought that Torri had some other gigs to do so she left SGA. But recently I found out that she was "boot" off the cast. Man was I upset about that. I don't understand why her character was so umpopular??? I mean seriously...the whole reason why I liked SGA was because it was so much like a home. A group of explorer, lost in Atlantis. Kind of reminds me of Star Trek Voyager.

                          The character Dr. Weir was nicely put in place. A strong leader that's not too military yet knows what the hell she's doing. And at time knows when to step back and break a few rules. Overall the character gives the whole SGA a strong bond.

                          I seriously thought Torri was a great fit for this character. She has a very warm/motherly look yet leader like face. I thought she did such a great job.

                          Honestly, now that I think of it... I kinda lost interest after the character left SGA. I mean I continued to watch but it didn't feel the same. I love Amanda Tapping, don't get me wrong but it just didn't quite fit her in SGA. And certainly Woolsey didn't fit into the whole SGA family feel. I think after Weir left, the Atlantis kinda fell apart. Maybe that's why they cut production after Season 5. The whole Rave ordeal was getting redundant. Kinda how the SG1's "The Ori" was getting redundant...

                          SERIOUSLY - I want Dr. Weir back! I think she's upset with the producer for "booting" her out of SGA. Now she doesn't even want to re-appear as a guest star!!

                          How many of you want Torri back in Stargate??
                          ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we all know that it's impossible.

                          I totally agree with you. I watched the seaosn 4 and 5 but Atlantis without Elizabeth/Torri is not the same thing.
                          I watched SGA thanks to her. This is not a character we used to see in Sci Fi. Oh...I miss her.

                          By the way, welcome!
                          Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                            Oh my goodness, there's actually a thread on E. Weir? You know I started watching SGA about a year ago. I mean I instantly got hooked (SciFi is my cup of tea) anyway, thru out the whole SGA, I always thought that Torri had some other gigs to do so she left SGA. But recently I found out that she was "boot" off the cast. Man was I upset about that. I don't understand why her character was so unpopular??? I mean seriously...the whole reason why I liked SGA was because it was so much like a home and a family. A group of explorer, lost in Atlantis. Kind of reminds me of Star Trek Voyager.

                            The character Dr. Weir was nicely put in place. A strong leader that's not too military yet knows what the hell she's doing. And at time knows when to step back and break a few rules. Overall the character gives the whole SGA a strong bond.

                            I seriously thought Torri was a great fit for this character. She have this warm yet leader like face. I thought she did such a great job.

                            Honestly, now that I think of it... I kinda lost interest after Dr. Weir left SGA. I mean I continued to watch but it didn't feel the same. Right around season 3, that's when I discovered SG1. So I did a marathon on SG1 instead and occasionally went back to SGA to finish the remaining episodes. Was I sad to see SGA canceled? Well half and half... It wasn't all that exciting anymore so I wasn't as hooked but sad that I'm going to have one less Sci-Fi to watch..

                            I love Amanda Tapping, don't get me wrong but it just didn't quite fit her in SGA. And certainly Woolsey didn't fit into the whole SGA family feel. I think after Weir left, the Atlantis kinda fell apart. Maybe that's why they cut production after Season 5. The whole "money" thing I think is bull. I don't think they had enough rating so they had to cut production! And the whole Rave ordeal was getting redundant. Kinda like how the SG1's "The Ori" was getting redundant... And even more so that they took E. Weir out of the show. She's like the heart and soul of the SGA family.

                            SERIOUSLY - I want Dr. Weir back! I think she's upset with the producer (whoever decided to let her go) for "booting" her out of SGA. Now she doesn't even want to re-appear as a guest star!!

                            Oh, on the side note. I know a lot of you like JS as the initial Weir. But know that each character needs a strong actress/actor to play it. It doesn't matter if they're hot or not.. If they can't play it well or if their attitude is not right or even their face can affect the outcome of the whole movie/serie. I thought so far the Stargate franchise had made some good ones and some bad ones. And definitely bad choice for letting Torri go!

                            How many of you want Torri back in Stargate?? I really thought she was a great actress.


                              Oh thank you hehe.. I didn't know this site existed!

                              Oh btw, I think I posted twice. I didn't realize I hit "post" on my first attemp. I did a second post of the same thing with edits... hehe..

                              Anyway, serious talk. How is it "not" possible? We all know that television is all about popularity. If enough people like a character, they are kinda force to bring them back. Kinda like how they brought Dr. Beckett back to life. It's like how the hell? It's so ridiculous how they twisted the plot and all of a sudden "clone" Dr. Beckett is as good as the real Dr. Beckett. And his suppositely "clone" difficulties are all gone. They just continued to write him out like nothing ever happened? I mean I like Dr. Beckett. I'm glad they brought him back. So why can't they bring back Torri????

                              Oh I was searching thru this Gateworld site. And I only found a handful of Dr. Weir/Torri threads. See how unpopular her character was? But I don't understand why, there seems to be a lot of people that likes her and her character!


                                Originally posted by Spirit View Post
                                Oh thank you hehe.. I didn't know this site existed!

                                Oh btw, I think I posted twice. I didn't realize I hit "post" on my first attemp. I did a second post of the same thing with edits... hehe..

                                Anyway, serious talk. How is it "not" possible? We all know that television is all about popularity. If enough people like a character, they are kinda force to bring them back. Kinda like how they brought Dr. Beckett back to life. It's like how the hell? It's so ridiculous how they twisted the plot and all of a sudden "clone" Dr. Beckett is as good as the real Dr. Beckett. And his suppositely "clone" difficulties are all gone. They just continued to write him out like nothing ever happened? I mean I like Dr. Beckett. I'm glad they brought him back. So why can't they bring back Torri????

                                Oh I was searching thru this Gateworld site. And I only found a handful of Dr. Weir/Torri threads. See how unpopular her character was? But I don't understand why, there seems to be a lot of people that likes her and her character!
                                It does not matter. I made the same mistake the first time.
                                I don’t like what TPTB did for Beckett. They realized their mistake and then tried to repair with this story clone ... it is even worse in my opinion. And I like Beckett too.
                                For the return of Torri is more complicated. There are probably a little conflict between them and her. We don't know the whole story but you can imagine that to be fired it is not
                                Perhaps most fans of SGA don't like her because Weir is not a character we used to see in Sci Fi. She doesn’t fight. She is a diplomat. I don’t understand too because it’s exactly what I like in her.
                                Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!

