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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Blue007 View Post
    Hey Ice! I just upgraded Messanger at Yahoo and added you on. I am always on invisable when at work but I've added you. You should be getting the message soon!
    Yeah I added you earlier today too…


      Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
      If we get enough people to email Creation & convince them to ask Jason back next year -on his own merit and not just as a last-minute replacement - you'll be heading up here to Joisey, right Blue...?

      Color me there for sure!!
      Purple's Biggest Fan
      A Purple Creation

      Atlantis Dex Style

      Dex Devil


        Originally posted by icetears View Post
        Yeah I added you earlier today too…

        Purple's Biggest Fan
        A Purple Creation

        Atlantis Dex Style

        Dex Devil


          for those who don't need anymore coffee in the afternoon!

          Purple's Biggest Fan
          A Purple Creation

          Atlantis Dex Style

          Dex Devil


            Reminder...again...don't forget to get your drawings submitted to the fan site. Don't make me get blue devil on ya lol!!! Thanks...get the kids to join in!!!
            Purple's Biggest Fan
            A Purple Creation

            Atlantis Dex Style

            Dex Devil


              I don't usually post in this thread (I'm usually in the MS thunk thread), but I thought I'd share some of my Jason pics from NJ con last week-end.



                More Jason



                  Last ones. Feel free to snurch any of them.



                    Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
                    It's a beautiful drawing & should definitely be entered in the contest! And because I didn't say it earlier:

                    Happy Birthday, Melpomene!!!!!
                    ooooo YAY! When was it? What year were you born? YAY your only a few days after me
                    "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                    "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
                    Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                      Originally posted by Blue007 View Post
                      lol wowza...great word! Thanks vacation went FAST now back to work and life as usual, well for me lol Purple rushed home and back off again to a con lol!!!
                      And what great con it was too! But since Jason wasn't there I'll hold my tongue on it. Great posts gals, nice to be back!
                      Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
                      where has this smiley been all my life! hope u enjoy yourself
                      OMG, I have to ask the same thing! I love it!
                      Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                      LOL thanks. It just popped into my head! Yup, those vacations just zip by and the thief of time is everywhere!!! YAY for Purple! someday I'll find a con near-by and get there. It's been near 100 years since I was at a con!
                      Yea me indeed! I highly recommend it for all! They are so fun!
                      Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
                      Hey, everyone! It's 2:19 am; got in from the con about 90 minutes ago & wanted to do a quick post while some stuff's still fresh in my mind. I'll have pics to post later today - I've got about 110 of our guy!
                      First impression of him in person is that he really is even more gorgeous in person...Second impression is that he is considerably thinner than he looks in pictures or on tv (I mean downright teeny!!!) which was a big surprise. Personality wise, he's like a big, overexcited puppy that you're expecting to pee on the carpet at any moment!! He's an absolute sweetheart, and his mom definitely did a great job raising him.
                      Oh, and on the con thread, I noticed that someone mentioned how much he'd been drinking...Well, I can tell you it was a lot more than a 6-pack, because he had that much beer brought in to him just for the photo ops - and he put away at least that much more between the presentation & autograph signing!! (He was really, really nervous...)
                      It was a great experience & I'll post more later!
                      LOL, that's our boy, not good in crowds without a little courage. I'm sure you were dying!


                        Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
                        Now, photo-ops are only supposed to last 15 seconds...And at this point, we haven't taken a picture yet - and I have 2 photo-ops to do! According to my friend (who they called in to watch while I gave Jason his gift) the poor photographer was standing there like "Are we ever gonna take this picture???" while Jason was all excited, and finally, when we both realize we still have to take the picture, we get ready & pose...(Jason put his arm around me & pulled me close; I had my arm around the back of his waist) and then Jason looks down at me and says, "What's your name...?" I told him, and then he stuck his hand out, took mine, shook it very gently & gave it a little squeeze and said, "Hi,......., I'm Jason." He gave me this big smile, and I don't quite remember my response, cause, well, he was smiling and touching me!!! Then we got back to the pose & they got the picture. Then they called my friend over & he got in the shot with Jason and I, and after Jason moved me around a couple of times, we finally got that shot too! I think my photo-op lasted more like a minute or two instead of 15 seconds!! But hey, it wasn't my fault that Jason was so excited & friendly!!!
                        Yikes! Girl, you had a great experience! I'm loving your details. I was total mush when it came to Ben at my con and it was hard to remember the things he said to me too. You were quite composed as far as I can see, good job!


                          Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
                          Oh, and this is really surprising: When someone asked if he had any input as to Ronon's wardrobe, he said yes, a lot. In fact, he's responsible for the designs of all Ronon's clothes this season - including the coats! He talked about he gets together with the wardrobe folks & goes over ideas, how all the jewelry Ronon wears is his stuff, how he actually makes some of the wristbands & bracers, etc. My friend & I were like "Holy #$%&!!! That's so cool!!!" Oh, and he mentioned that his favorite place to shop is the Army surplus store! lol!! And funniest of all was when (in response to a question) he said that Momoa is both a Hawaiian word & a Samoan one too; that in Samoan it means the number "one" - and in Hawaiian it means "big chicken"!!!
                          He said that Hawaiian chickens are like the size of turkeys, and that sometime in the past, his ancestors must have been "chicken people". Then he grinned & said, "I'm like the Colonel of Hawaii!!"
                          LMAO!! That is so funny! I was gonna say it fits him well because he is a big chicken! Love your reports Browneyes!


                            Originally posted by BrownEyes View Post
                            A word of warning for dialup people like me: The autograph scan takes a while to download - even though I sized it down quite a bit. And as Jason used a dark marker, the signature isn't as easy to read as it would be if he could have used a gold or silver marker.
                            OMG your pics is so great! I'm very happy for you! They should have had a silver marker for him but I took one just incase to my con.


                              Hi everyone!

                              I just posted a Ronon music vid on YouTube. It's called "I Just Got Back from Hell." Hope you enjoy it!
                              Sig by LadyBozi


                                Originally posted by melpomene View Post
                                Hey guys! I just had to show what my beautiful, brilliant and talented kid sister gave me for my birthday today

                                There's a minor spoiler for Sateda. It's titled "Ronon's Ghosts" and this is a photo of the 14"x8" drawing.


                                And Blue my sister tells me you gave her the pictures she used. She says she wants to thank you herself but the other computer's taken right now so until she gets the chance I'm thanking you for both of us, so THANK YOU!!!
                                wow, that's great!

                                Happy Birthday Tel! (((squeeze)))

