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Beckett's Haggis

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    No, not a Hamish. There was no bagpipey noise involved, and the fur was not tartan. But now you mention it, it probably should have been



      Originally posted by Madeleine_W
      No, not a Hamish. There was no bagpipey noise involved, and the fur was not tartan. But now you mention it, it probably should have been
      I thought Hamishes usually lived in towns anyway?


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
        I thought Hamishes usually lived in towns anyway?
        Nope; they live in the wilds and sound like bad piping. Assuming they're small, soft Hamishes.
        Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
        - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


          Originally posted by Mr Prophet
          Nope; they live in the wilds and sound like bad piping. Assuming they're small, soft Hamishes.
          As opposed to the hard Hamishes, the ned-like Hamishes that live in the towns, wear burberry caps and trackies, howking their bottles of buckie about...? who also sound like bad piping...

          This thread is going way, way off topic...

          do you think Beckett was ever a ned? I think not. Why?

          1. Neds would use haggises to belt grannies over the head with
          2. Beckett hasn't called anyone "pal" or "doll" yet
          3. He doesn't wear a neck chain the thickness of a anchor chain.

          *desperate attempt to remain on topic*


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            It rather looked like a haggis to me, it was the right size and shape, and unfortunate color. My question is that Beckett and his mother are the only ones in the shot, and he's already got a rather lot of food on his plate. Are the two of them by themselves going to consume this... thing?

            I'd have eaten the rest. I love Haggis (my grandmother was Scots!! I can eat it). In fact, i'm rather annoyed you can only buy it round here (London) near Burns night. Nothing like Haggis and potatoes. I adore it. Stuff my face with it, as much as possible.

            Did you get that I like Haggis?

            Now onto more important things..why hasn't Carson taken off his shirt yet?
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by michelleb
              Did you get that I like Haggis?
              This entire thread is becoming... very worrying


                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                This entire thread is becoming... very worrying
                *MF backs away from Haggis-lovers slowly...*


                  Originally posted by michelleb

                  Did you get that I like Haggis?

                  Now onto more important things..why hasn't Carson taken off his shirt yet?
                  I quite like haggis actually, it just doesn't like me!

                  But yes, that is also a good question. There should be shirt taking off from Carson. Maybe it gets hot in the infirmary sometimes? Or perhaps, a little vignette of Carson's personal life on Atlantis, getting ready for bed, or perhaps a hot clinch with an alien chick? (before she expires because I agree, with another thread, I think he's the doomed love sort)


                    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                    As opposed to the hard Hamishes, the ned-like Hamishes that live in the towns, wear burberry caps and trackies, howking their bottles of buckie about...? who also sound like bad piping...


                    This thread is going way, way off topic...

                    do you think Beckett was ever a ned? I think not. Why?

                    1. Neds would use haggises to belt grannies over the head with
                    2. Beckett hasn't called anyone "pal" or "doll" yet
                    3. He doesn't wear a neck chain the thickness of a anchor chain.

                    *desperate attempt to remain on topic*
                    Hmm. I take it a ned is the Scots equivalent of a chav?

                    I know nothing of these other Hamishes. The only ones I ken are the soft ones on Bagpuss and that nice PC Macbeth.
                    Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                    - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      *MF backs away from Haggis-lovers slowly...*
                      Not that I'm going to be saying anything about Scottish food. My family linage is Danish, German, and Northern Ireland I'm sure there are things equally as odd as haggis in the cook books.


                        In the interview with Paul McGillion he said that he's originally from Paisley and when asked what food he misses from back home haggis wasn't among them. seems he doesn't share his character's love of haggis. Although he does miss black pudding, the mere thought of which makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. No offense to those that love it, it's just not my thing.

                        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                          Mmm. Congealed pig's blood.
                          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                            Yeah, it's definately a toss up as to what I would eat if only given a choice between haggis and black pudding. Mmmmm mmmmm good.

                            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                              Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                              I quite like haggis actually, it just doesn't like me!
                              does it run away screaming, or just back away slowly..or maybe it just hides???

                              But yes, that is also a good question. There should be shirt taking off from Carson. Maybe it gets hot in the infirmary sometimes? Or perhaps, a little vignette of Carson's personal life on Atlantis, getting ready for bed, or perhaps a hot clinch with an alien chick? (before she expires because I agree, with another thread, I think he's the doomed love sort)
                              oh yeah, no way is any love affair of his gonna last (unless by some massive stroke of luck I somehow get get transported to Atlantis, and I doubt that'll happen...not this week anyway). But in the mean time, there should be semi-nudity and eye-candy (in between the heart-wrenching angst and superlative acting, of course)
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                                Hmm. I take it a ned is the Scots equivalent of a chav?

                                I know nothing of these other Hamishes. The only ones I ken are the soft ones on Bagpuss and that nice PC Macbeth.
                                oooh, I loved PC Macbeth!!! he was a cutie, wasn't he.

                                We have ned-types in Ali G. seriously, i know the gangs of boys Ali G is based on
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

