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Beckett's Haggis

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    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    We feed all our extra haggis to tourists...

    Was watching Poisoning the Well, and Beckett mentions Scotland as being beautiful and an acquired taste. I'm sure he was thinking about our midges (small mosquitoes), which plague the Highlands in the summer. Knowing those little critters, I'm sure they could deal with the Wraith nae problem...

    I thought you were talking about the NEDS for a second there. Can just picture some wee guy with wet look gel plastered on his hair, covered in Burberry standing in front of a Wraith.....'aye big man, right ye ur. Bolt'.



      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      Well that's Edinburgh folk for you...

      We Glaswegians know you're a strange bunch over there....

      Anyway how would we know what folk from Edinburgh eat?'ll have had your tea then?



        Originally posted by Mr Prophet
        Hmm. I take it a ned is the Scots equivalent of a chav?

        Ohhhh Scotland, especially the west coast, have had Neds long before 'The Sun' ever invented the Chav. An excellent example can be found here:



          Originally posted by Geekyred
          Ohhhh Scotland, especially the west coast, have had Neds long before 'The Sun' ever invented the Chav. An excellent example can be found here:

          Pass the Bucky over here!


            Originally posted by Geekyred

            Anyway how would we know what folk from Edinburgh eat?'ll have had your tea then?
            Being a Dundonian living in Edinburgh, I have to get food parcels sent from home!


              Originally posted by Geekyred
              I thought you were talking about the NEDS for a second there. Can just picture some wee guy with wet look gel plastered on his hair, covered in Burberry standing in front of a Wraith.....'aye big man, right ye ur. Bolt'.

              "That's some hair ye've got there ya bullet"


                Originally posted by Geekyred
                Ohhhh Scotland, especially the west coast, have had Neds long before 'The Sun' ever invented the Chav. An excellent example can be found here:

                Yep that's the Paisley men we know and love!

                Excellent example, chains, buckie, the extended finger, Burberry... what more would you need to frighten off the Wraith for good? They could have a whole Ned section in Atlantis, and they'd have it like home in no time... boarded up windows.., broken bottles..buckie bottles a plenty. Mind you discipline would have to be tight, in case of running battles with each other and nicking puddlejumpers, taking them through a gate, crashing them and then setting them on fire...the Atlantis team would need intepreters, does Weir speak Ned?


                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  does it run away screaming, or just back away slowly..or maybe it just hides???

                  oh yeah, no way is any love affair of his gonna last (unless by some massive stroke of luck I somehow get get transported to Atlantis, and I doubt that'll happen...not this week anyway). But in the mean time, there should be semi-nudity and eye-candy (in between the heart-wrenching angst and superlative acting, of course)
                  I think they just hide, and if I come across one, we just back away from each other slowly. Too much history you see, too much pain and angst, so we try to avoid each other.

                  Michelle, I am all in favour of you going to Atlantis to be Beckett's love interest, but I do think he's going to be Doctor Death for chicks and so, as a friend, I'd have to warn you about that...


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    Being a Dundonian living in Edinburgh, I have to get food parcels sent from home!

                    There are so many condolensces I want to offer you just for that one sentence I don't know where to start!!!!!!



                      Originally posted by Geekyred
                      There are so many condolensces I want to offer you just for that one sentence I don't know where to start!!!!!!
                      LOL! Thanks!


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick

                        "That's some hair ye've got there ya bullet"

                        Wraith says nothing, just sticks their hand out to the chest of wee cheekie ned.

                        Wee cheekie ned. 'hol big man, don't touch wit ye cannae afford.' mad ned laugh 'suck this, ya dobber!' *insert appropriate action here*.



                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Well if she's a good wee, thrifty Scottish mammy, she'll wrapped up the leftovers in a wee poke, and along with slabs of porridge sent her wee laddie off to Atlantis...
                          yea thats the way my mammy would do it ....i had haggis once ....surpirsingly good !


                            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                            I think they just hide, and if I come across one, we just back away from each other slowly. Too much history you see, too much pain and angst, so we try to avoid each other.

                            Michelle, I am all in favour of you going to Atlantis to be Beckett's love interest, but I do think he's going to be Doctor Death for chicks and so, as a friend, I'd have to warn you about that...

                            I'm prepared to take that risk. I would also offer to be Daniel's love interest, but it'd be the same, wouldn't it? And Jack is taken (or at least he'd better be by the end of season eight). No, thanks all the same, I'll take my chances with Carson. If nothing else, it'd be a nice trip and somewhere new to visit, wouldn't it?

                            And hey, I'm prepared to risk all for the sake of Carson's Hussies...the ones who want to see him take his shirt off. (i keep writing short instead of shirt...I hope that's not a Freudian slip..)
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by Geekyred
                              Wraith says nothing, just sticks their hand out to the chest of wee cheekie ned.

                              Wee cheekie ned: 'hol big man, don't touch wit ye cannae afford.'

                              *mad ned laugh*

                              'suck this, ya dobber!'

                              Geeky, I've expanded your fine piece of writing....

                              Wee cheekie ned: 'hol big man, don't touch wit ye cannae afford.'

                              *mad ned laugh*

                              'suck this, ya dobber!'

                              *horrendous sucking noise, rather like a drain clearing, Wraith staggers*

                              Wraith: argghhh!!!!! I cannot feed on that which is already dead!

                              WCN: Hei, ye bampot! Dinnae touch the qwality chains!

                              *Headbutts Wraith*


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                I'm prepared to take that risk. I would also offer to be Daniel's love interest, but it'd be the same, wouldn't it? And Jack is taken (or at least he'd better be by the end of season eight). No, thanks all the same, I'll take my chances with Carson. If nothing else, it'd be a nice trip and somewhere new to visit, wouldn't it?

                                And hey, I'm prepared to risk all for the sake of Carson's Hussies...the ones who want to see him take his shirt off. (i keep writing short instead of shirt...I hope that's not a Freudian slip..)
                                Well that's okay, as long as you're prepared to take the risk. You should get on okay, considering what you're written on Shadow's thread...

                                Bring back pictures will you, if you're still alive. Perhaps you could tragically leave, through the Stargate, there would be tears, but you would know you'd fulfilled your mission, your ruckie would be full of pictures of Carson sans shirt (and shorts if you really wanted to go that far), and you would arrive back on a hero amongst Carson's hussies...

                                Do you think Wormholes wipe camera film?

