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    Well darker is better, I hear the new Justice League movie might be rated R. I would love to see it, if it were rated R.


      I honestly can't see that happening. PG-13 is the worst a mainstream DC property could get. They need that 13 and under viewership.
      A movie like Watchmen, definitely, R, but JLA? Nah.
      More fun @ Spoofgate!


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        Batman was not always a dark character in the comics, but he did start out rather dark, which IMHO gave him all the more appeal. Darker Batman = a better Batman.
        Batman started out just like all the other Golden Age sociopath rich boy crimefighters, smacking women and shooting the bad guys in cold blood masked as 'Justice'.
        His no killing/no spanking policies only came in later.

        And don't start on Superman. He was a misogynistic, city block-demolishing law-breaker who'd smack the mayor, the police chief, whoever, if they got in his way towards 'Justice'. And Wonder Woman always loved getting tied up.
        Last edited by nx01a; 17 June 2008, 01:56 PM.
        More fun @ Spoofgate!


          Originally posted by nx01a View Post
          Batman started out just like all the other Golden Age sociopath rich boy crimefighters, smacking women and shooting the bad guys in cold blood masked as 'Justice'.

          And don't start on Superman. He was a misogynistic, city block-demolishing law-breaker who'd smack the mayor, the police chief, whoever, if they got in his way towards 'Justice'. And Wonder Woman always loved getting tied up.
          LOLOL, you do have a way with your posts brother nx. Do you wake up every morning thinking 'I am going to be even more sarcastic today'. Just kidding, you are a hoot to read, you always have something smart/smart azz to say and I usually agree with your takes. Keep up the good work my friend.
          The USS Defiant Rocks!


            Super Hero movies. These have been a mixed bag over the years. The only Batman movie I really liked was 'Batman Begins'. The terrible debacle of the one with 'Arnholt' was so bad it's made me forget about all the others that came before or since up until 'Batman Begins'. I still find it hard to get past the '60's campy TV show though, it was such a bizarre depiction of Batman that it was always hard for me to come back to the point of accepting the darker character portrayed in the comics and subsequent movies.

            I must be the only one so far who likes Superman! I like a squeaky clean hero sometimes, he gives me a break from the dark angsty ones!!! He is just pure fantasy land feel good factor good guy! I love how he tries to fit in and be 'normal' but it could never work, his powers are just too much fun to explore! I did like the 'dark' Superman in 'Superman III' where Superman fights himself, pure 'The Enemy Within' stuff there!! I loved it!

            I'm still trying to get round to watching 'Iron Man'. By all accounts it sounds like a really good movie. My son said he was astounded by how good it was on every score, acting, storyline and balance of effects, and he doesn't often say that about movies he's seen!

            I do agree about how much better the Super Hero movies are getting. I liked 'Daredevil' for instance. Even a disability brings on alternative powers and that was interesting to see a hero overcome that. Although I still can't figure why they've made another 'Hulk' movie so soon after the awful one a while back. I don't know if I'll bother watching that but maybe favourable opionions from my fellow DS9 bretheren may yet sway me into giving it a look.


              Originally posted by Krisz View Post
              Super Hero movies. These have been a mixed bag over the years. The only Batman movie I really liked was 'Batman Begins'. The terrible debacle of the one with 'Arnholt' was so bad it's made me forget about all the others that came before or since up until 'Batman Begins'. I still find it hard to get past the '60's campy TV show though, it was such a bizarre depiction of Batman that it was always hard for me to come back to the point of accepting the darker character portrayed in the comics and subsequent movies.

              I must be the only one so far who likes Superman! I like a squeaky clean hero sometimes, he gives me a break from the dark angsty ones!!! He is just pure fantasy land feel good factor good guy! I love how he tries to fit in and be 'normal' but it could never work, his powers are just too much fun to explore! I did like the 'dark' Superman in 'Superman III' where Superman fights himself, pure 'The Enemy Within' stuff there!! I loved it!

              I'm still trying to get round to watching 'Iron Man'. By all accounts it sounds like a really good movie. My son said he was astounded by how good it was on every score, acting, storyline and balance of effects, and he doesn't often say that about movies he's seen!

              I do agree about how much better the Super Hero movies are getting. I liked 'Daredevil' for instance. Even a disability brings on alternative powers and that was interesting to see a hero overcome that. Although I still can't figure why they've made another 'Hulk' movie so soon after the awful one a while back. I don't know if I'll bother watching that but maybe favourable opionions from my fellow DS9 bretheren may yet sway me into giving it a look.
              The Incredible Hulk was better than the a mile, as they were more faithful to the comics..Ang Lee, it seemed was trying to make 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Superhero' when he made the first one.

              This one was more accurate in that regard..and the Hulk looked much better, in the first one he really looked like an overgrown, green,muscled Harry Potter. In this one Hulk was menacing, more raw, and visceral...


                Iron Man was great, one of the best superhero movies I've seen recently. The Incredible Hulk was also surprisingly good and 10000x better than the one they made a few years back. I recommend watching it right after Iron Man for a few reasons
                Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                  Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                  I must be the only one so far who likes Superman! I like a squeaky clean hero sometimes, he gives me a break from the dark angsty ones!!!
                  I like Superman for the same reasons you mention Kris. He is "squeaky clean" and his movies are always good fun, there is a definite appeal to this side of Superman.
                  Originally posted by Krisz
                  I'm still trying to get round to watching 'Iron Man'. By all accounts it sounds like a really good movie. My son said he was astounded by how good it was on every score, acting, storyline and balance of effects, and he doesn't often say that about movies he's seen!
                  Ironman was a great movie Kris, your son hit the nail on the head. - They did strike a good balance of CGI/FX, the storyline was adult yet in a fanatstic way it was believable. Robert Downey Jr, Jeff Bridges and cast were all at the top of there game and even the score was wonderful. Make sure you rent it if you don't make it to the theater.
                  NOTE: To anyone that might go see Ironman in the theaters, stay past all the credits until the very end before the lights come on in the theater. There is a special trailer for the next Ironman movie which shows you who the next Ironman villain is going to be in the next movie.
                  Originally posted by Krisz
                  I do agree about how much better the Super Hero movies are getting. I liked 'Daredevil' for instance. Even a disability brings on alternative powers and that was interesting to see a hero overcome that.
                  I also like Daredevil, that movie got such a bad rap, but I enjoyed and appreciated the character and there disability. I also really enjoyed Elektra, which also got a bad rap from alot of critics and fans. Jennifer Garner was brilliant as the troubled character Elektra. - Elktra: "you talk in riddles old man" - Stick: "ya, but it keeps my student alert"
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                    Bareil was a rather boring character, there was something unlikable about him that annoyed people. Basically, it seemed like the writers wanted to get rid of him, which was okay by me. Winn shows her true colors (again) and inability to do her job, big surprise, Kira was her brilliant self, her best work is when she is pushed to anger but holds back that Bajoran fire to control herself. Odo is one happy shapeshifter with Bareil out of the picture. Bashir was preachy and kind of whiny, but wonderful none the less. Jake and Nog's B-Story seemed way out of place in this episode but was still rather amusing. The medical issues are interesting, it makes watching Life Support worth it. - How far do we go with transplants and artificial parts?.
                    it was a good ep for winn, we begin to see how evil and devious she really is! she wanted bariel dead and out of her way and didn't care how that affected anything else!
                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Lady Trek
                    Speaking of superhero movie, I remember when I first saw Spider-man 2. I was a little surprised to parents taking their boy of about 6 (I'm guessing) to the same movie. I understand that the superhero comics are aimed at kids but the movie are way too violent for a kid that age.
                    I am not into "dark movies" --- spend a few days dealing with real criminals and you get over the urge for dark entertainment real fast! I loved the superman movies because I like a real hero.... no shades of gray...good is good and bad is bad. Real life is often too gray. I think we need to beleive in a truly good guy. Recently (last friday actually) three IMPD officers got arrested for dealing drugs... they were vice and somehow got lost in the shades of gray. Listening to one try to justify it was sad. It is easier to stay a hero if you avoid the gray! I know my perspective is different because I have been dealing with the criminal justice system over the past few years, but that is the way it is for me. Keep your anti-heros.... I want a real hero! (ok start humming "i need a hero" from Footloose! )

                    welcome black blaze!


                      Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                      I honestly can't see that happening. PG-13 is the worst a mainstream DC property could get. They need that 13 and under viewership. A movie like Watchmen, definitely, R, but JLA? Nah.
                      I agree, I can't see any Justice League movie being rated R, it doesn't need to be.

                      I was glad to read that they didn't put an R rating on the new Hellboy II movie coming out in July. Personally I cannot wait to see Hellboy II, which I know Trek_Girl is a big fan of as well (if memory serves me right). Check out these two trailers. It looks spooky/creepy, violent, fantastically sarcastic and quite dark (without being rated R), I love it. Check them out ....
                      Originally posted by flyerdog View Post
                      The Incredible Hulk was better than the a mile, as they were more faithful to the comics..Ang Lee, it seemed was trying to make 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Superhero' when he made the first one.
                      LOL, thats a funny line. The Ang Lee version of The Hulk was a little hard to swallow, let alone sit through. It was a big let down after the huge build-up.
                      Originally posted by flyerdog
                      This one was more accurate in that regard..and the Hulk looked much better, in the first one he really looked like an overgrown, green,muscled Harry Potter. In this one Hulk was menacing, more raw, and visceral...
                      Originally posted by Xicer View Post
                      The Incredible Hulk was also surprisingly good and 10000x better than the one they made a few years back. I recommend watching it right after Iron Man for a few reasons
                      LOL, brother Xicer, its called the 2 for 1 movie deal, I like it!, especially on a hot summer day when hiding out in a dark air conditioned theater is a slice of heaven.

                      Thanx for the recommendations you two. Brothers USS Defiant, Starbase, myself along with a couple other buddies are planning to go see The Hulk next Monday for a matinee.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        I like Superman for the same reasons you mention Kris. He is "squeaky clean" and his movies are always good fun, there is a definite appeal to this side of Superman.
                        Ironman was a great movie Kris, your son hit the nail on the head. - They did strike a good balance of CGI/FX, the storyline was adult yet in a fanatstic way it was believable. Robert Downey Jr, Jeff Bridges and cast were all at the top of there game and even the score was wonderful. Make sure you rent it if you don't make it to the theater.
                        NOTE: To anyone that might go see Ironman in the theaters, stay past all the credits until the very end before the lights come on in the theater. There is a special trailer for the next Ironman movie which shows you who the next Ironman villain is going to be in the next movie.
                        I also like Daredevil, that movie got such a bad rap, but I enjoyed and appreciated the character and there disability. I also really enjoyed Elektra, which also got a bad rap from alot of critics and fans. Jennifer Garner was brilliant as the troubled character Elektra. - Elktra: "you talk in riddles old man" - Stick: "ya, but it keeps my student alert"
                        I really liked Elektra too, it was one of those movies I started to watch with no expectations whatsoever! I totally agree with you about Jennifer Garner's performance, it was the thing that kept me watching. It was a solid story which luckily counteracted some of the over the top not too great CGI effects. Poor Colin Cunningham came to a sad end in it though, it was nice to see him in action, I really like him in all the roles I've seen him in!

                        "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Superhero" with "looked like an overgrown green muscled Harry Potter" LOL! Flyerdog. Now I truly know what was wrong with that first Hulk movie!!!!

                        I have to say I tried watching 'Hellboy' but I really didn't get into it. It's interesting how some heroes catch my interest but Hellboy is just too two dimensional a character for me. The Hulk whilst violent in his transformed state is still an exploration of his inner self and it may seem senseless violence on the surface it isn't. Hellboy just seems angry for no reason to me! Perhaps someone can enlighten me as to his merits that I may have overlooked.


                          Was there a quiz this week? If so, sorry I missed it. I just got home from Dreamhack Summer yesterday, so I haven't been able to visit the Internets for about a week (oh the irony)

                          "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                          The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                          Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                            I agree, I can't see any Justice League movie being rated R, it doesn't need to be.

                            I was glad to read that they didn't put an R rating on the new Hellboy II movie coming out in July. Personally I cannot wait to see Hellboy II, which I know Trek_Girl is a big fan of as well (if memory serves me right). Check out these two trailers. It looks spooky/creepy, violent, fantastically sarcastic and quite dark (without being rated R), I love it. Check them out ....
                            LOL, thats a funny line. The Ang Lee version of The Hulk was a little hard to swallow, let alone sit through. It was a big let down after the huge build-up.
                            Hellboy! Yes! I completely didn't expect to like the first movie and absolutely LOVED it. There was such a nice little quirky edge to the character that I adored (I will admit that my weakness for kittens had something to do with that.....) and the first movie really kept things very simple, in a good way, it was a very nice set-up for more films as well.

                            Definitely looking forward to the second one, Guillermo Del Toro has won me as a fan since seeing Pan's Labyrinth as well.


                              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                              LOLOL, you do have a way with your posts brother nx. Do you wake up every morning thinking 'I am going to be even more sarcastic today'.
                              Usually, yes.

                              Hellboy's a great comic book, and there're several prose novels as well.

                              The right mix between outright destruction and the human condition is exactly what makes a sci-fi series or movie work for me. Case in point: DS9! My concern is that the superhero movie genre is effectively 10 years old now, counting from Blade I, and we've mined almost all of the good mainstream properties and, in some cases, ruined them. Spider-Man III, X-Men III, Hulk I, even Superman Returns to some extent, Catwoman... I'm still unsure about whether or not the FF movies were good, but here's a picture of Jessica Alba using props to look smart... and failing.
                              DC has put out less bilge than Marvel, but I prefer the Marvel characters and I'm quite miffed [yes, still my word of choice] at how their recent movie outings. I'm excited about Watchmen, one of the pivotal comics from the mid-80s that helped make comics far more literate and literary, but I'm terrified that almost all of Alan Moore's other wonderful comics have been adapted and twisted from their original brilliant formats into tripe for the summer masses [The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, V For Vendetta to some extent...]. Oh, and WANTED! It looks like such a great movie, terrific action and La Femme Jolie, but it diverges from the original comic material in a drastic way. It would have been groundbreaking in its original format, but they reworked so much it'll be just another shoot em up, with Morgan Freeman.

                              Rac... Daredevil? Superman III?!?! *swoon*
                              The 'disability as ability' is definitely one hallmark of the Marvel way of making a hero. X-Men: uberpowerful but hated and feared because of it. Hulk/Bruce Banner: anger management issues. The Thing: uberpowerful but fugly. Spider-Man: powerful but constantly plagued by personal problems. And Daredevil recently had a post-Elektra love interest: a deaf assassin, perhaps too ironically named Echo.
                              Last edited by nx01a; 18 June 2008, 11:00 AM.
                              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                                Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                                Usually, yes.

                                Hellboy's a great comic book, and there're several prose novels as well.

                                The right mix between outright destruction and the human condition is exactly what makes a sci-fi series or movie work for me. Case in point: DS9! My concern is that the superhero movie genre is effectively 10 years old now, counting from Blade I, and we've mined almost all of the good mainstream properties and, in some cases, ruined them. Spider-Man III, X-Men III, Hulk I, even Superman Returns to some extent, Catwoman... I'm still unsure about whether or not the FF movies were good, but here's a picture of Jessica Alba using props to look smart... and failing.
                                DC has put out less bilge than Marvel, but I prefer the Marvel characters and I'm quite miffed [yes, still my word of choice] at how their recent movie outings. I'm excited about Watchmen, one of the pivotal comics from the mid-80s that helped make comics far more literate and literary, but I'm terrified that almost all of Alan Moore's other wonderful comics have been adapted and twisted from their original brilliant formats into tripe for the summer masses [The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, V For Vendetta to some extent...]. Oh, and WANTED! It looks like such a great movie, terrific action and La Femme Jolie, but it diverges from the original comic material in a drastic way. It would have been groundbreaking in its original format, but they reworked so much it'll be just another shoot em up, with Morgan Freeman.

                                Rac... Daredevil? Superman III?!?! *swoon*
                                The 'disability as ability' is definitely one hallmark of the Marvel way of making a hero. X-Men: uberpowerful but hated and feared because of it. Hulk/Bruce Banner: anger management issues. The Thing: uberpowerful but fugly. Spider-Man: powerful but constantly plagued by personal problems. And Daredevil recently had a post-Elektra love interest: a deaf assassin, perhaps too ironically named Echo.
                                LOL never saw either... my (poor) hubby was dragged to daredevil by our daughter (she was a HUGE ben affleck fan at the time) and said it was a groaner. As I said earlier... I like less gray and more black and white. Now having said that.. I love the bourne movies.

