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    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
    Scott MacDonald sounds familiar- was he a Xindi Reptilian in Enterprise? -- To answer my own question Scott MacDonald was indeed Enterprise.....playing "Commander Dolim" was he the reptilian one?
    He certainly was Lady Trek. He has also played parts on TNG, VOY, ENT and 2 different characters on DS9 among many other minor scifi roles on various series (including HBO's Carnivale). Great actor - Read on .... Scott MacDonald is an actor who has appeared in all of the Star Trek spinoffs. He has played various Star Trek roles, but is best known for his portrayal of the Xindi-Reptilian, Commander Dolim, during the third season of Star Trek: Enterprise.

    After his first appearance as Tosk, he was promised a less makeup intensive role in any future Trek appearances. However, three more characters he played required extensive makeup, that of a Romulan, a Jem'Hadar and a Xindi-Reptilian. However, he did get the opportunity to play a human in "Caretaker", the pilot episode of Star Trek: Voyager. This remains his only appearance as a human on Star Trek. During this episode, his character was placed in command of Voyager while the senior officers were away. This was a rarity for a non-regular character in Star Trek.

    His 1993 appearances as Tosk and N'Vek on Deep Space Nine and Next Generation, respectively, were his first television roles. Non-Trek TV credits that followed include appearances on Law & Order, Frasier (starring Kelsey Grammer), Kindred: The Embraced (with Jeff Kober and Brian Thompson), NYPD Blue (starring Gordon Clapp and Sharon Lawrence), Chicago Hope, ER, Charmed (with Michael Bailey Smith), The X-Files, Family Law (with Christopher McDonald, Tracy Middendorf, and Salli Elise Richardson), The Practice (with Bill Smitrovich), CSI, Crossing Jordan (with Cliff deYoung, Miguel Ferrer, and Clint Howard), Stargate SG-1, The District (with Roger Aaron Brown, Frank Novak, and John Savage), The West Wing, and JAG (with Scott Lawrence, Richard Lineback, and Zoe McLellan).

    MacDonald was a recurring actor on the HBO series Carnivale, on which he played the role of Burley. Among those he worked with on this series were fellow Trek alumni Adrienne Barbeau, Clancy Brown, K Callan, John Fleck, Ellen Geer, Leonard Kelly-Young, Thomas Kopache, John Carroll Lynch, Matt McCoy, Diane Salinger, John Savage, and Time Winters. MacDonald had a recurring role on Brannon Braga's series Threshold, starring TNG actor Brent Spiner. MacDonald also worked with Jacqueline Kim on this series and appeared in at least one episode written by Mike Sussman. MacDonald appeared in a 2003 episode of The Lyon's Den called "Trick or Treat". Among the cast of this episode were former Star Trek: Voyager cast members Roxann Dawson and Robert Picardo, fellow Deep Space Nine guest star Steven Weber, and Enterprise co-star Rick Worthy. Three years later, MacDonald was seen on Boston Legal, starring William Shatner and Rene Auberjonois.

    MacDonald has appeared in a number of films, beginning with 1993's Fire in the Sky (with Noble Willingham). In 1996, he played the title role in the horror movie Jack Frost, and returned to the role for a direct-to-video sequel called Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman in 2000. (The latter starred Ian Abercrombie). In 2005, MacDonald gave a memorable performance as Drill Instructor Fitch in the acclaimed war film Jarhead. His other film credits include Bad City Blues (1999, with Simon Billig, Michael McGrady and Jim Metzler), Seven Girlfriends (1999, with Olivia d'Abo, Michael Buchman Silver, Stephanie Erb, Steve Vinovich, Georgann Johnson, Lisa Lord and Ivar Brogger), and Straight Into Darkness (2005, with Daniel Roebuck and David Warner). He can also be seen in the made-for-TV movies The Rat Pack (with David Andrews, Brad Blaisdell, and Dey Young), and Babylon 5: A Call to Arms (1999, with Marjean Holden, Tracy Scoggins, and Tony Todd).

    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
    I'm astounded by how improved Torchwood has been this series- much better handle on the characters and team as a whole, some very good writing, some humour, some interesting stories. Very impressive. I hope they get a third series to see if it can get even better.
    I wholeheartedly agree with both you and brother Weyoun - TW is much better this season. I hope they do get a 3rd season. I am physced to see next weeks season II finale, especially after your glowing recommendation.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      I just got nice new surprise from my cable company (Comcast) yesterday. We got 6 new Hi-Def Channels including The SciFi channel. I look forward to watching the new season of Dr. Who, Atlantis and Eureka all in in Hi-Def.
      I just noticed the new Hi-Def channels myself. I recorded an Atlantis episode on my Tivo in Hi-Def yesterday to check it out, all I got to say is Awesome!!!. I am already physced to watch new BSG and the season premiere of Dr. Who in Hi-Def tonight.
      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
      Fragments was fantastic! I managed to fit in a marathon before the new season of Doctor Who started, caught up after falling a month and a half behind the UK airings. If you thought "Fragments" was good, just wait til next week.
      I enjoyed Fragments, it was nice to see how Jack recruited the TW gang.

      I assume that you have already seen the season finale Trek_Girl?. Do you get new TW episodes a week before we do here in the states on BBC Amercia?. And does Canada have have it's own version of BBC like we do?.
      The USS Defiant Rocks!


        Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
        I just noticed the new Hi-Def channels myself. I recorded an Atlantis episode on my Tivo in Hi-Def yesterday to check it out, all I got to say is Awesome!!!. I am already physced to watch new BSG and the season premiere of Dr. Who in Hi-Def tonight.
        I enjoyed Fragments, it was nice to see how Jack recruited the TW gang.

        I assume that you have already seen the season finale Trek_Girl?. Do you get new TW episodes a week before we do here in the states on BBC Amercia?. And does Canada have have it's own version of BBC like we do?.
        We have BBC Canada, but I don't think it even airs Torchwood, and I don't get that channel anyway. Nope, Torchwood and Doctor Who either aren't airing this season at all in Canada (CBC pulled their funding from both shows), or it won't be until next winter and it'll be a hackjob edit (I've now emailed the CBC.....three times, asking if they even plan on airing it, just a yes or no. Not one response. ). So I've found alternative ways to watch. I'm not putting up with their crap any more, they've lost me as a viewer.


          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
          I'm astounded by how improved Torchwood has been this series- much better handle on the characters and team as a whole, some very good writing, some humour, some interesting stories. Very impressive. I hope they get a third series to see if it can get even better!
          I've always wondered how a 13 episode series can have throwaway episodes. Some of S1 Torchwood was painful. S2 was vastly better, perhaps thanks to the plot threads running throughout in the second half.

          As for the finale... Yes, actual spoilers follow...

          OMGWTF?!?! WORST REVENGE EVER!!! How exactly does Gray get his hands on technology and knowhow enabling him to take out a time agent, much less one as conniving as Spike? Being strung up with corpses for a dozen years doesn't exactly qualify as on-the-job training. If Gray were the agent of these evil things, doing their bidding, using their technology, I'd buy it. His rage makes him a perfect pawn, not a general working everything behind the scenes. As for our other Captain... Have our TW friends forgotten that he KILLED Jack over a gem without knowing about the whole resurrection thing? I can't buy it. Sorry. Horrible premise behind the wonderful destruction.

          As for the reactions to the mayhem... Wonderful. Gwen is great as a leader. Perhaps, when Jack moves on from our Earth, she'll get Torchwood 3? Jack's punishment was gruesome and perfect. 2000 years dying. I love it. The show was all about the dual death scenes. Tosh and Owen... Sniff. Wonderfully written and acted. That was the biggest and best and saddest moment of the episode. If we had to get through time-displaced sibling angst as a catalyst for that, I'll forgive it. The setup was crap, but the payoff was excellent. More like it in S3!!!

          Scott MacDonald is an actor who has appeared in all of the Star Trek spinoffs. However, three more characters he played required extensive makeup, that of a Romulan, a Jem'Hadar and a Xindi-Reptilian.

          Poor guy's characters never had happy endings. Like Jake Gyllenhaal's.
          Last edited by nx01a; 18 April 2008, 12:45 PM.
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
            I've always wondered how a 13 episode series can have throwaway episodes. Some of S1 Torchwood was painful. S2 was vastly better, perhaps thanks to the plot threads running throughout in the second half.

            As for the finale... Yes, actual spoilers follow...

            OMGWTF?!?! WORST REVENGE EVER!!! How exactly does Gray get his hands on technology and knowhow enabling him to take out a time agent, much less one as conniving as Spike? Being strung up with corpses for a dozen years doesn't exactly qualify as on-the-job training. If Gray were the agent of these evil things, doing their bidding, using their technology, I'd buy it. His rage makes him a perfect pawn, not a general working everything behind the scenes. As for our other Captain... Have our TW friends forgotten that he KILLED Jack over a gem without knowing about the whole resurrection thing? I can't buy it. Sorry. Horrible premise behind the wonderful destruction.

            As for the reactions to the mayhem... Wonderful. Gwen is great as a leader. Perhaps, when Jack moves on from our Earth, she'll get Torchwood 3? Jack's punishment was gruesome and perfect. 2000 years dying. I love it. The show was all about the dual death scenes. Tosh and Owen... Sniff. Wonderfully written and acted. That was the biggest and best and saddest moment of the episode. If we had to get through time-displaced sibling angst as a catalyst for that, I'll forgive it. The setup was crap, but the payoff was excellent. More like it in S3!!!
            I was astounded by the fact that they didn't use the re-set button, on the Cardiff explosions especially- and I kept thinking that Jack would be rescued so he wouldn't spend 2000 years in the ground! Hehe, I wouldn't put it as much of a stretch as you say, but yup. I can forgive all of that set-up for the amazing story it allowed for. That ending scene.....I sure hope they don't reset those deaths- they were some of the best written deaths I've seen in ages.

            While on the topic of the re-set button, I was watching the Voyager episode "Extreme Risk" last night. We have B'Elana who is suddenly acting suicidal. She is doing various dangerous activities on the holodeck with the safeties off. On the other side of things we've got Voyager in a space race (which is the more interesting part of this episode). Now we get to the end where Janeway and Chakotay figure out what's going on with B'Elana (she's not chewing anyone's head off, that's how they know that there's something wrong), she makes excuses, etc, Chakotay creates an intervention. Then when they're going to launch the ship B'Elana begs to join them. Chakotay lets her. Now what's wrong with this picture? Any competent officer would refuse it, as two days earlier this character was (although she won't admit it) essentially trying to kill herself. Especially when there's already a competent engineer in Vorik already aboard the ship. B'Elana joins the crew of the Delta Flyer and saves the day of course. This drove me nuts, because we all know next episode she'll be back to her normal old self. If Chakotay had refused her request, B'Elana would have been upset- the mission would have gone ahead, and B'Elana's situation would have carried over in the the next ep (or further) creating an interesting character arc. It's a simple simple thing that would have improved Voyager vastly instead of re-setting the characters every week.

            unrelated TW mid-season Owen spoiler
            Was anyone else as glad as I was to see that Owen's death wasn't just him walking around dead, but his body acting dead, and at least trying to follow some semblance of medical science. I don't know anything of that sort to know whether it was actually accurate, but I was very happy to see that they tried to make it as realistic as possible rather than just have the dead character acting like normal. I've never seen that done before.


              Second half of season 2 Torchwood spoilers:

              Their were a few things about Owen's living death that bothered me. They said "bruises won't heal". Bruising is internal bleeding. If your heart isn't beating, you won't bruise. Second, how come he couldn't give CPR to that dying guy? Just because he doesn't need to take air into his lungs doesn't mean he *can't* take air into his lungs, else he wouldn't be able to talk.

              Yeah, that whole Gray thing bothered me too. The only way I could partially reconcile it was that John had rescued him, taught him stuff, then turned his back on Gray at just the wrong time. He wakes up, and he's been incapacitated with his own technology. But if that's what happened it wasn't explained well enough, and it's still a stretch.

              One thing that I LOVED about the last episode was the reuse of the Torchwood Three 1920 characters. That was cool, and I'd like to see more of that kind of thing. That chick sure is creepy! Obviously Torchwood has been around for a long time, so they should have done a lot of interesting things in the past.


                First, TW...
                TW 1920, huh? Sure. Make the black man dig... Sorry.
                You're right, gopher. I was hoping for him to be visibly dead, like he looked on the operating table. Even Suzie was gray and sickly before she sucked Gwen. Of her life force. I wondered, if he can't feel, how can he hear? How does he have a sense of balance? I let it go, honestly, putting it down to super science magic energy stuff beyond my comprehension. 'A Day In The Death' is one of my fave TW episodes. It really gets into the head of someone who, literally, has nothing to live for. Because he's dead! The hopeless woman on the roof and their conversation about life and death... Wonderful.
                It might be cool to resurrect Owen and Tosh AND Suzie, but I hope not. I'm already angry they're bringing back a certain blonde in Who. Gods, I hate her. I hope she and the Doctor never meet. It'll make their seperation mean something even if we have to endure her.
                I also contemplated the reset button, trek girl, and I'm SO glad the writers were smart enough NOT to do it. It was already done in the last finale and I was angry about that; it was also done in the S2 opener, and I was angry about that. Don't write yourself into a corner and expect time travel to save you. Torchwood is about characters living with their actions and situations, and I'm glad to see that they'll have to live with these loses. Ianto, Jack and Gwen will be the core of the new team in addition to the two people they draft in next season. I hope PC Andy gets in. He won't last, but he and Ianto would have some wonderful snarky moments together. It's alot like another BBC show, Spooks / MI-5. I love that show despite their ability to kill or exile characters you love while introducing new ones that you'll love, only to kill or exile them later. THAT'S reality tv, baby!
                The argument was raised elsewhere... or was it here... that Trek can't return in the 'threat of the week' format. Viewers these days [and some of us from back in the day] want complex stories that suck them in week after week. That's one of my reasons for loving B5 and DS9. It doesn't have to be the strict 'miss an episode and DOOM!' of 24. B5 was arc based but each episode was pretty much self contained and could be enjoyed on its own, supplying enough info for the casual viewer to know what's at stake and going on.

                As for character reset... That's a byproduct of 'threat-of-the-week' format. If you always know how the characters will react, you can use a script from S1 as the S7 opener. It makes things easy for the writer. You know Harry will be ecstatic about a chance to get home. You know Tom will sleep with any alien woman who comes along. You know Tuvok will... Well, I'd prefer Tuvok not to change. Vulcan, ya know. Still, VOY did have character change, with Tom and Torres mellowing out, and the Doctor evolving his programming, and 7/9's search for humanity [which I'm glad ultimately failed, can't help everyone, mighty Federation]. And Janeway's hair.

                DS9 was ALL about change.
                Last edited by nx01a; 18 April 2008, 03:37 PM.
                More fun @ Spoofgate!


                  Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                  First, TW...
                  TW 1920, huh? Sure. Make the black man dig... Sorry.
                  It might be cool to resurrect Owen and Tosh AND Suzie, but I hope not. I'm already angry they're bringing back a certain blonde in Who. Gods, I hate her. I hope she and the Doctor never meet. It'll make their seperation mean something even if we have to endure her.
                  I also contemplated the reset button, trek girl, and I'm SO glad the writers were smart enough NOT to do it. It was already done in the last finale and I was angry about that; it was also done in the S2 opener, and I was angry about that. Don't write yourself into a corner and expect time travel to save you. Torchwood is about characters living with their actions and situations, and I'm glad to see that they'll have to live with these loses. Ianto, Jack and Gwen will be the core of the new team in addition to the two people they draft in next season. I hope PC Andy gets in. He won't last, but he and Ianto would have some wonderful snarky moments together. It's alot like another BBC show, Spooks / MI-5. I love that show despite their ability to kill or exile characters you love while introducing new ones that you'll love, only to kill or exile them later. THAT'S reality tv, baby!
                  The argument was raised elsewhere... or was it here... that Trek can't return in the 'threat of the week' format. Viewers these days [and some of us from back in the day] want complex stories that suck them in week after week. That's one of my reasons for loving B5 and DS9. It doesn't have to be the strict 'miss an episode and DOOM!' of 24. B5 was arc based but each episode was pretty much self contained and could be enjoyed on its own, supplying enough info for the casual viewer to know what's at stake and going on.

                  As for character reset... That's a byproduct of 'threat-of-the-week' format. If you always know how the characters will react, you can use a script from S1 as the S7 opener. It makes things easy for the writer. You know Harry will be ecstatic about a chance to get home. You know Tom will sleep with any alien woman who comes along. You know Tuvok will... Well, I'd prefer Tuvok not to change. Vulcan, ya know. Still, VOY did have character change, with Tom and Torres mellowing out, and the Doctor evolving his programming, and 7/9's search for humanity [which I'm glad ultimately failed, can't help everyone, mighty Federation]. And Janeway's hair.

                  DS9 was ALL about change.
                  Janeway's hair......yeah, that was extent of her evolution over the course of the series.

                  Regarding TW
                  I want Andy to join the team, yeah, he's not going to last, but I love the guy and it would be cool to see. Bring on him and Martha and you've got a pretty good team for next season.


                    Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                    Combs first appeared in season III as both Tiron and Brunt before Weyoun came on the scene. Truly a dynamic and versatile actor. I lament the fact that we didn't get a 5th season of ENT where Combs as Shran was all set to join the crew of the Enterprise as a regular cast member.
                    Excellent to hear my friend. The earlier seasons are not that bad (and actually quite good) after re-watching them a couple times. There were quite a few great stand alone episodes. I just mentioned The Visitor the other day when talking about good Jake episodes. It is excellent on so many levels.
                    I wanted, on a sick level, to see Weyoun take out Brunt as part of a Dominion plan to gain control of the Ferengi. Of course, I also want to see Todd wraith Halling. Something about actors killing themselves against a green screen... Sigh.

                    Re: TW
                    I'd love Martha to join. But then the Hub would turn into a 'we luv the Doctor' club, and I really can't stand the way his assistants love/worship/adore him as it is. Andy might work better as the outsider who's privy to a little but shut out of the grander schemes. With Ianto moving up from Tea Boy, perhaps Rhys could take over as a general fixer and tea getter? That would be hilarious also, but would take away from the disconnect Gwen feels between TW alien stuff and the 'real world' of her husband and friends, despite the fact that the 'real world' is an illusion perpetuated only so long as the Rift doesn't suddenly expand and transport Cardiff into the vacuum of space...
                    More fun @ Spoofgate!


                      All this talk about Torchwood is annoying. I'm only at the beginning of season 2, but those spoiler tags are so tempting

                      Regarding character reset; I always find that annoying, and it's used in far too many shows. Something happens in an episode and you think "Well that will have some lasting effects". Then when the next episode airs it's like it never happened.

                      "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                      The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                      Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                        DON'T DO IIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!
                        Leave that forbidden information alone! It will ruin the viewing experience. I went into TW blind, like I try to do with most shows but usually fail. I could have spoilered myself several times during the season, but managed not to. Trust me, if you enjoy the show as much as I do, the twists and turns are well worth the watching, not the spoilering.

                        Character reset is just sloppy writing. Plain and simple. It's easy not having to remember what happened to Character X in episode 3x02. Just write them as you've always written them. It's so much fun.
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                          Janeway's hair......yeah, that was extent of her evolution over the course of the series.

                          After seeing 'Equinox pts 1 & 2' I thought that would have been the ship to follow in the Delta Quadrant. Talk about tearing down the 'holier than thou' bastion of Federation morality! Now the descent of those characters to an almost inhuman level through desperation to survive during the time they were stranded to when they met Voyager would have made for more interesting watching!


                            Voyager has never been desperate. The worst they got was Year of Hell and that was far more believable than the occasional lack of deuterium here or missing x component there. Janeway's morality would have been sorely tested under YoH conditions over the course of YEARS of hell, but I don't think she or the crew would ever stoop to the things the Equinox captain and crew did.

                            Sisko now... Sisko would have set up one of the aliens with the communicators as the fall guy for the deaths of the extradimensional entities.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                              All this talk about Torchwood is annoying. I'm only at the beginning of season 2, but those spoiler tags are so tempting

                              Regarding character reset; I always find that annoying, and it's used in far too many shows. Something happens in an episode and you think "Well that will have some lasting effects". Then when the next episode airs it's like it never happened.
                              Nooooo! Don't read the spoilers! I saw it without a hint, and it was a shocker and very much worth being so.
                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              DON'T DO IIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!
                              Leave that forbidden information alone! It will ruin the viewing experience. I went into TW blind, like I try to do with most shows but usually fail. I could have spoilered myself several times during the season, but managed not to. Trust me, if you enjoy the show as much as I do, the twists and turns are well worth the watching, not the spoilering.

                              Character reset is just sloppy writing. Plain and simple. It's easy not having to remember what happened to Character X in episode 3x02. Just write them as you've always written them. It's so much fun.
                              I absolutely agree- even if it's a story of the week show, you can still have characters evolve.
                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              Voyager has never been desperate. The worst they got was Year of Hell and that was far more believable than the occasional lack of deuterium here or missing x component there. Janeway's morality would have been sorely tested under YoH conditions over the course of YEARS of hell, but I don't think she or the crew would ever stoop to the things the Equinox captain and crew did.

                              Sisko now... Sisko would have set up one of the aliens with the communicators as the fall guy for the deaths of the extradimensional entities.
                              Great, great episodes. That was what Voyager should have been all the way through. It was absolutely fascinating to watch those eps.


                                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                                After seeing 'Equinox pts 1 & 2' I thought that would have been the ship to follow in the Delta Quadrant. Talk about tearing down the 'holier than thou' bastion of Federation morality! Now the descent of those characters to an almost inhuman level through desperation to survive during the time they were stranded to when they met Voyager would have made for more interesting watching!
                                Battlestar: Voyager you mean?

                                I was really hoping that they'd actually do something with those crewmembers that they rescued from Equinox. But nope. Reset button as always. The only time I like reset buttons is in AU and timetravel stories. Other than those 2 exceptions resets suck.

