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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    [Rules of AcquisitionYeah for first Dominion reference.Besides that the episode is quite lacking. Like Cardassian the show examines the social structure of alien culture. This time its the Ferengi's turn. In particular it studies the social stigma of Ferengi females as Zek tries to expand the Ferengi economic interests into the Gamma Quadrant. I find the submissive nature of Ferengi women so laughable its hard to take this episode seriously watching Pel crossdress as a male. I find it hard to be interested in her struggles
    I found it hard to be interested in anything in Rules of Acquisition. The last act documents the fallout from Pel's admission, showing how sexist and backward Ferengi society is. But what is this supposed to mean? Are we supposed to take it seriously?. Much of the episode seems to think we aren't, as it's filled with the usual Ferengi lunacy (like many of Zek's scenes). Is this supposed to be a satire? If so, it doesn't have the teeth. A half-serious drama? If so, it suffers because it gives Quark no stand on the issue. As a story, "Rules of Acquisition" is pretty mediocre.


      Originally posted by Starbase View Post
      I found it hard to be interested in anything in Rules of Acquisition. The last act documents the fallout from Pel's admission, showing how sexist and backward Ferengi society is. But what is this supposed to mean? Are we supposed to take it seriously?. Much of the episode seems to think we aren't, as it's filled with the usual Ferengi lunacy (like many of Zek's scenes). Is this supposed to be a satire? If so, it doesn't have the teeth. A half-serious drama? If so, it suffers because it gives Quark no stand on the issue. As a story, "Rules of Acquisition" is pretty mediocre.
      Mediocre indeed, and I'm a big Ferengi fan - Quark seems to disapprove of Pel's actions, but we are never really sure what we're supposed to make of his opinions. Where is the romance? - The final scenes indicate Quark has fallen in love with Pel, but the reasoning seems either arbitrary or nonexistent. There isn't the slightest bit of chemistry in the characterizations, or even a hint of sincerity in Quark to take the "romance" at face value. All in all, Rules of Acquisition is a sometimes-entertaining farce with less relevance than such a premise is really worthy of.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        I didn't mind it. It made an interesting way of introducing the Dominion.
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          Originally posted by Starbase View Post
          Well said brother nx. Thomas Riker and Kira were the "exception". It's good to see you back on GW and the superior thread.
          I think I am going to rewatch Rules of Acquisition before bed tonight.
          I had to take a break. I think I had burnout from the SGU threads. All that polarized love and hate in one place... I needed a mental health month.
          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          And I'm going to watch Necessary Evil tomorrow night. And it will be only one episode brother Starbase as I watch V on Tuesday nights
          I liked Picard when he dated that science officer in Lessons. I liked her
          My reaction to that... "OMGWTF?! Picard's dating the woman from Snowy River: The Mcgregor Saga!"
          I really didn't like that episode/relationship very much. It was an interesting look at Picard falling in love with a subordinate and the problems that can cause, but the highlight really was him playing the instrument from 'The Inner Light'.
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
            I had to take a break. I think I had burnout from the SGU threads. All that polarized love and hate in one place... I needed a mental health month.
            Welcome back brother nx. I hear you loud and clear, I haven't trolled any Stargate threads since the original went off the air.
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              Necessary Evil
              Stupid Rom. If he didn't yell at then the series would have been a lot better

              Necessary Evil is a complicated murder mystery that goes back to the days of Terok Nor. Its very plot orientied in that brings new evidence for Odo in a murder that he was unable solve years ago. And as we unwind the new evidence in addition to the flashbacks we learn new evidence and I try to piece the information together but was surprised who the real murderer was. This story gives background on how Odo became in charge of security and we don't really learn that many new things about him it reaffirms his ideology and what kind of person. The same goes for Kira. We always knew she was a terrorist but to learn she was a murderer is a shocker. All in all I like being an Odo fan and its has the right balance of mystery to keep me guessing.

              But Kira and Odo are pretty much the only characters who have more then a few lines in this episdoe. So if you're not a fan of thoses characters it can be quite dull. Luckly I do like these characters
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                Mediocre indeed, and I'm a big Ferengi fan - Quark seems to disapprove of Pel's actions, but we are never really sure what we're supposed to make of his opinions. Where is the romance? - The final scenes indicate Quark has fallen in love with Pel, but the reasoning seems either arbitrary or nonexistent. There isn't the slightest bit of chemistry in the characterizations, or even a hint of sincerity in Quark to take the "romance" at face value. All in all, Rules of Acquisition is a sometimes-entertaining farce with less relevance than such a premise is really worthy of.
                Over-all Rules of Acquisition is very mediocre. But I thoroughly enjoyed another wonderful performance by Wallace Shawn as Zek - especially when Zek slapped poor Kira on the azz two times. The Dosi were fairly interesting, kind of like the Ferengi version of the Gamma Quadrant, but who really knows considering we never really got to know them.

                As mentioned throughout the episode, here are some of my favorite Rules of Acquisition: 21. Never place friendship above profit. 22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind. 33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss. 48. The bigger the smile the sharper the knife. 59. Free advice is seldom cheap. 67. The riskier the road the greater the profit.
                The USS Defiant Rocks!


                  Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                  Over-all Rules of Acquisition is very mediocre. But I thoroughly enjoyed another wonderful performance by Wallace Shawn as Zek - especially when Zek slapped poor Kira on the azz two times. The Dosi were fairly interesting, kind of like the Ferengi version of the Gamma Quadrant, but who really knows considering we never really got to know them.

                  As mentioned throughout the episode, here are some of my favorite Rules of Acquisition: 21. Never place friendship above profit. 22. A wise man can hear profit in the wind. 33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss. 48. The bigger the smile the sharper the knife. 59. Free advice is seldom cheap. 67. The riskier the road the greater the profit.
                  I always have found Rule of Accquistion 112 most humorous.

                  And because I am wathcing The Pegasus, "Happy Captain Picard Day" everyone. May the baldness protect you all
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    I love the episode Necessary Evil. It has been quite awhile since I last rewatched it.
                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    I always have found Rule of Accquistion 112 most humorous.
                    Well tell us all what it is brother jelgate.
                    Originally posted by jelgate
                    And because I am wathcing The Pegasus, "Happy Captain Picard Day" everyone. May the baldness protect you all
                    lol Picard rocks, as do most Starfleet Captains.
                    The USS Defiant Rocks!


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      I always have found Rule of Accquistion 112 most humorous.
                      That's got to be "Never sleep with the boss's wife unless you pay him first" LOL Good one brother jelgate. I always liked 125. "A lie isn't a lie until someone else knows the truth" or 278. "It's better to swallow your pride than to lose your profit" There are so many I like and can kind of relate with.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        That's got to be "Never sleep with the boss's wife unless you pay him first" LOL Good one brother jelgate. I always liked 125. "A lie isn't a lie until someone else knows the truth" or 278. "It's better to swallow your pride than to lose your profit" There are so many I like and can kind of relate with.
                        Actually it was the boss's sister
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          Actually it was the boss's sister
                          Either would apply perfectly.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            Necessary EvilNecessary Evil is a complicated murder mystery that goes back to the days of Terok Nor. Its very plot orientied in that brings new evidence for Odo in a murder that he was unable solve years ago. And as we unwind the new evidence in addition to the flashbacks we learn new evidence and I try to piece the information together but was surprised who the real murderer was. This story gives background on how Odo became in charge of security and we don't really learn that many new things about him it reaffirms his ideology and what kind of person. The same goes for Kira. We always knew she was a terrorist but to learn she was a murderer is a shocker. All in all I like being an Odo fan and its has the right balance of mystery to keep me guessing.
                            One real strength to "Necessary Evil" are the compelling flashback sequences, which are woven into the story flawlessly. The stellar direction and the standout art design and production takes us back to Terok Nor of five years earlier, creating a dark, malevolent slave mining station run by Gul Dukat. The lighting and photography is nothing short of brilliant - creating a true "Trek noir" (to quote brother Fifth) - but the characterizations and story events are just as powerfully drawn.
                            The USS Defiant Rocks!


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Necessary Evil
                              Stupid Rom. If he didn't yell at then the series would have been a lot better

                              Necessary Evil is a complicated murder mystery that goes back to the days of Terok Nor. Its very plot orientied in that brings new evidence for Odo in a murder that he was unable solve years ago. And as we unwind the new evidence in addition to the flashbacks we learn new evidence and I try to piece the information together but was surprised who the real murderer was. This story gives background on how Odo became in charge of security and we don't really learn that many new things about him it reaffirms his ideology and what kind of person. The same goes for Kira. We always knew she was a terrorist but to learn she was a murderer is a shocker. All in all I like being an Odo fan and its has the right balance of mystery to keep me guessing.

                              But Kira and Odo are pretty much the only characters who have more then a few lines in this episdoe. So if you're not a fan of thoses characters it can be quite dull. Luckly I do like these characters
                              I love this episode Lost count how many times I've seen it, but I haven't watched it in a while. Most of the story revolves around Kira/Odo so they are really at the forefront in this ep, but seeing as I love both these characters so much it didn't bother me in the slightest


                                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                                One real strength to "Necessary Evil" are the compelling flashback sequences, which are woven into the story flawlessly. The stellar direction and the standout art design and production takes us back to Terok Nor of five years earlier, creating a dark, malevolent slave mining station run by Gul Dukat. The lighting and photography is nothing short of brilliant - creating a true "Trek noir" (to quote brother Fifth) - but the characterizations and story events are just as powerfully drawn.
                                I loved Odo's brilliant investigating techniques that highlighted his intelligence, patience, and thoroughnessl. His pointed commentary about justice in both the dialog and the running security log voice-overs highlights many keen observations. The wonderful flashbacks interestingly document the way Odo met Kira, Dukat, and Quark all within the same investigation.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

