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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
    The first, and IMHO the best of three parts, "Homecoming" follows up the promise of Bajoran political situations that last season's "In the Hands of the Prophets" left behind. I really enjoyed how the episode was paced much like a feature film, it really sets up the three-parter beautifully.
    Agreed and well said brother Starbase.
    Originally posted by Starbase
    The expanded time format provides a great deal of character development opportunities. The dialog scenes between Sisko and Kira show two characters on the same wavelength in what feels like true Federation/Bajoran interaction. Each strives to similar goals, but acknowledges that the other has its own agendas.
    I really enjoyed the action sequences in the 2nd act where Kira and O'Brien take a Runabout to Cardassia IV to rescue the prisoners - the outdoor locations are expertly done under Winrich Kolbe's stellar direction.

    Homecoming's 3rd segment analyzes the situation of Li Nalas, revealing a textured and multifaceted character with some fascinating dimensions. Beimler's (Nalas) portrayal of a hero who never even wanted to be the living legend he became is a truly wonderful performance. Sisko's observation that "Bajor doesn't need a hero, it needs a symbol," is especially keen. The introduction of Minister Jaro (Frank Langella) adds nicely to the character canvas.

    Much of Homecoming's success can be attributed to various pieces of interesting dialog exchanges and performances. Even though the plot is just beginning, this is a knockout season opener that covers quite a bit of ground stylistically and dramatically. Well done.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      Agreed and well said brother Starbase.
      I really enjoyed the action sequences in the 2nd act where Kira and O'Brien take a Runabout to Cardassia IV to rescue the prisoners - the outdoor locations are expertly done under Winrich Kolbe's stellar direction.
      That is one of the highlights to this rather slow episode. Kira pretending to be a prostitute and then the ensuring phaser fight that came out. But I wonder how runabouts go faster then a Galor class ship.
      Homecoming's 3rd segment analyzes the situation of Li Nalas, revealing a textured and multifaceted character with some fascinating dimensions. Beimler's (Nalas) portrayal of a hero who never even wanted to be the living legend he became is a truly wonderful performance. Sisko's observation that "Bajor doesn't need a hero, it needs a symbol," is especially keen. The introduction of Minister Jaro (Frank Langella) adds nicely to the character canvas.
      I forgot Minster Jaro. While a politician he seems like a good man. Too bad we were wrong. As for Nalas I like him because it makes us ask, what is a hero?

      Much of Homecoming's success can be attributed to various pieces of interesting dialog exchanges and performances. Even though the plot is just beginning, this is a knockout season opener that covers quite a bit of ground stylistically and dramatically. Well done.
      I can't agree with this one. It mostly character development and exposition that is just needs to be shown to as you say to begin the plot. The end result is asits own the episode isn't the greates
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        I forgot Minster Jaro. While a politician he seems like a good man. Too bad we were wrong. As for Nalas I like him because it makes us ask, what is a hero?
        I knew he was a bad guy the instant I saw him. For me, he's a very well recognised actor so he'd play an important part and it's my experience they either play killers (or somehow involved in killings) in TV shows, or still play the bad guy (depending on the genre).

        Frank Langella (who played Jaro) couldn't have played a better villain, as it's a very common role for him.



          I forgot Minster Jaro. While a politician he seems like a good man. Too bad we were wrong. As for Nalas I like him because it makes us ask, what is a hero?
          I knew he was a bad guy the instant I saw him. For me, he's a very well recognised actor so he'd play an important part and it's my experience they either play killers (or somehow involved in killings) in TV shows, or still play the bad guy (depending on the genre).

          Frank Langella (who played Jaro) couldn't have played a better villain, as it's a very common role for him.



            I liked Li Nalas :-)

            I think he was a good character and also portrayed the role of reluctant hero pretty well. I also think these episodes were good cause imo they brought up the whole what is a hero question. Li Nalas became a hero to the bajoran public because of something he had to do to survive being blown out of porportion. A kind of accidental hero. But during the circle and the siege he became being a true hero. He always reminds me of the space cowboy from battle beyond the stars, 'He didnt wanna fight but he came anyway' kinda guy.

            Its a shame Li Nalas never got to live a quiet life like he wanted. At least Shakaar got a couple years on a farm before he got dragged into being a first minister.
            Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


              Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
              The wife and I rewatched The Search: Part 2, which is not nearly as good as The Search: Part 1. While I would call the 2-parter the most ambitious action/adventure and character development episodes from the earlier seasons of DS9, it seems to work fine for its first four acts but then throws away all its plausibility and respectability with a complete cheat ending. And, unfortunately, by the time the episode ends, we're left puzzled as to how Odo feels about his experience, a plot line that has a surprising amount of ambiguity. Fortunately, future episodes promise to address Odo's experience.
              When Garak is killed in a phaser fight with the Jem'Hadar we know better, because there's no dramatic reasoning behind it and we know the writers wouldn't just kill off Garak for the benefit of an action scene. At the same time, having Sisko collapse the wormhole is unthinkable, because the wormhole is central to the series.

              But what really torpedoes this episode is its total cop-out ending (Odo opens a door on his homeworld to find the captured DS9 team hooked up to mind-probing equipment) This frustrating "twist" scene basically makes the character decisions useless, because their actions ultimately have no bearing on the outcome whatsoever, nor do they face any of the consequences.
              For a story of this magnitude, the writers really should have come up with a better ending.


                Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                When Garak is killed in a phaser fight with the Jem'Hadar we know better, because there's no dramatic reasoning behind it and we know the writers wouldn't just kill off Garak for the benefit of an action scene. At the same time, having Sisko collapse the wormhole is unthinkable, because the wormhole is central to the series.
                There was something fishy about The Search: Part II happenings from the beginning. I don't think to many of us bought into any of that.

                The Search: Part II features a minor reset button, which is a very bad choice for an episode like this. The Dominion was running test scenarios on real Federation crewmembers. Does anyone like these hese "it was all a dream!" type episodes?, very annoying!. I did enjoy the real parts especially with Odo and the founders - I like how Odo uses his influence as a changeling to get everyone freed and the way the female shapeshifter justifies her conquests, she shows great resolve by "imposing order on a chaotic universe." I also like how she parallels her desire for order with Odo's desire for justice. As much as Odo would hate to admit it, he really is just like the Dominion - albeit with none of their ignorant and fearful views, fortunetly he believes that everyone was born equal.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Jonathan Frakes was on Criminal Minds tonight He wasn't on long but still........Oh and he's lookin' good


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Jonathan Frakes was on Criminal Minds tonight He wasn't on long but still........Oh and he's lookin' good
                    what is the title of the episode also is it part of the latest series or one of the previous ones since criminal minds gets repeated so often (its pleasantly surprising the amount of times i come accross criminal minds whilst channel hopping)
                    Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone, she began to go insane


                      Waves hello to Lady Linda
                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Jonathan Frakes was on Criminal Minds tonight He wasn't on long but still........Oh and he's lookin' good
                      Sweet, I always enjoy seeing our favorite Star Trek characters/actors on different television shows and movies. I remember reading recently that Alexander-I like to change my name-Siddig (Dr. Bashir) is joining the BBC series Primeval as a regular. I watched a few episodes from S1 a couple of years ago and thought it was ok. But now that Siddig is joining the show I will give it another chance.

                      I also noticed while reading online last night, that on this date in 1993 the DS9 S1 episode The Storyteller first aired. Which the wife and I rewatched after we saw our San Jose Sharks whoop the Detroit Red Wings to take a 2-0 lead in the NHL playoffs. I will post up a mini-review after I create one.


                        I remember reading recently that Alexander-I like to change my name-Siddig (Dr. Bashir) is joining the BBC series Primeval as a regular.
                        Have you ever tried reading his full name?

                        Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi. I'd love to ask him to pronounce his name if I ever meet him, to see why Siddig El Fadil was such a pain in the arse.



                          Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                          When Garak is killed in a phaser fight with the Jem'Hadar we know better, because there's no dramatic reasoning behind it and we know the writers wouldn't just kill off Garak for the benefit of an action scene. At the same time, having Sisko collapse the wormhole is unthinkable, because the wormhole is central to the series.

                          But what really torpedoes this episode is its total cop-out ending (Odo opens a door on his homeworld to find the captured DS9 team hooked up to mind-probing equipment) This frustrating "twist" scene basically makes the character decisions useless, because their actions ultimately have no bearing on the outcome whatsoever, nor do they face any of the consequences.
                          For a story of this magnitude, the writers really should have come up with a better ending.
                          It's not useless. Afterall the Dominion are observing their reactions to certain situations. Because of the actions they took, the Dominion knows that the federation will heavily resist the Dominion if they ever invaded the Alpha Quadrant. A discovery which shapes their actions until the end of the series.
                          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                            Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
                            It's not useless. Afterall the Dominion are observing their reactions to certain situations. Because of the actions they took, the Dominion knows that the federation will heavily resist the Dominion if they ever invaded the Alpha Quadrant. A discovery which shapes their actions until the end of the series.
                            I think the character actions did more than show that the Federation will resist the Dominion, because I wouldn't expect the Dominion to think anyone would just role over for them (except for the Cardassians). That was why it's important for them to cause everyone to fight amongst themselves. However, what it did show was, if a war happens, it is absolutely necessary to destroy/take over DS9 as quickly as possible in order to stop the wormhole from being closed. If a war starts, it needs to start there before it ends there, as even without Starfleet orders, Sisko will seal the wormhole if necessary.



                              The Storyteller is one of those lightweight episodes that shouldn't really work as well as it does, but it manages to get past the part of your brain looking for probing drama and simply leaves you smilimg.

                              The two plot lines are fairly mundane, in which (a) O'Brien and Bashir travel to a Bajoran village to aid a dying leader, only to get caught up in a Bajoran ritual - (b) Sisko moderates a negotiation for two feuding Bajoran areas on the brink of a civil war, only to find out that the leader of one of the sides is a young girl named Varis who looks to be about 15 years old. The familiar A/B-story structure is not to compelling, and the plot is not that important to the storyline. Yet this episode works very well, because it's so well characterized, and it knows better than to take its plots too seriously.


                                Never liked 'The Storyteller' that much, both A and B story. I thought it did give Nog and Jake some good screen time though.


