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    I for one welcome our zombie overlords and would remind them of the rich nutrients found in an Unas brain
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      I for one welcome our zombie overlords and would remind them of the rich nutrients found in an Unas brain
      Is that what he is? I just figured generic garden variety Lizard.


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Is that what he is? I just figured generic garden variety Lizard.
        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


          Originally posted by sgalisa View Post
          noting the above, as is, to toss a *curious* angle it with the below.

          it's easy to chastise my comments. But would you say a similar chastisement against a hard-core, devout muslim? Seriously? They do claim they have the final say against all religions on this earth.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Noting the above, as is, to toss a *curious* angle it with the below.

            It's easy to chastise my comments. But would you say a similar chastisement against a hard-core, devout Muslim? Seriously? They do claim they have the FINAL say against ALL religions on this earth.

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Then, this applies to anyone, in addition to yourself (GF), who might take up the following challenge.
            AND... especially, if that Muslim person was a devout member of the Islamic State (ISIS/I.S.) or someone who holds to the I.S.' same level of punishments for "unbelievers"... would you still boldly approach them and (chastise or rebuke) tell in the same tones you have directed at me? I really find that a bit difficult to believe. These people have made a public reputation of NOT being nice, especially when they reveal that they are ready to chop your head off or burn you alive, etc. just because you have *offended* their "faith" or belief system and their supreme Messenger.

            I would tread very carefully along that line, with Jesus holding my hands the entire time and even beyond then.
            As a person who works in the public sector, and has Muslims approached me as customers to the job I was working in (which was a winter *entertainment* sort of improvised acting skit), I never know *who* might feel I'm stepping on a wrong twig, if I say something incorrectly. That includes saying hello to Muslims meeting Santa Claus's team, when we know Muslims do not believe in Santa Claus. So what do we say? My Santa told me that if those people are standing or sitting where Santa Claus is next to them, too bad... If they don't like Santa being nearby, then they (the Muslims) shouldn't have come to that place to begin with. Do I feel any better? No. How can I trust people, whose leaders have said to do harm to those people who reject Islam or *offend* it in some way, shape or form..?

            I cannot show my *feelings* about this sort of scenario, while living it out in real time. Basically, I try to smile and hope they are enjoying the food offered and the outside (winter) scenery. I tend to shy away from the obvious inside events as much as possible, but never know for certain when I would be permitted to speak about what Mrs. Claus does in the kitchen, or how diligent the elves are at making gifts that Santa gets requested to make. It's an uncertain moment I have yet to master proper wording to.
            Oh... and btw, as a female, I should NOT be talking to a male Muslim at all. I wanted the mom to respond, but she wouldn't even look at me! Her 2 young boys only interacted (with me, personally), when their dad approved of our conversation to occur.

            Later, I asked (the guy dressed up as) Santa what he said to this Muslim family, and that's the scoop (as I noted previously above) that he gave me.
            Last edited by SGalisa; 30 June 2019, 05:36 AM. Reason: added info; fix typo


              Okay... enough of that NDE/dream stuff diversion... for the moment.
              Using the below quote as a sort of generalized commentary on another *condemnation* sort of viewpoint (not directed at GF or anyone in particular here).

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Here is the rub SG.
              IF you are right, and you interpretation of Christian prophetic text IS correct.....
              Everyone else is either wrong, or damned. (probably both)

              There is no "out" here, you believe, by default, that people who either defy "god's will", or believe in a different god are going to "hell" for want of a better term.

              In a broader scope, why do people care about the damned?
              Saving means converting, and if you won't convert, you stay damned, no matter how much personal sympathy you might have with someone.

              You don't realise it, but you, by virtue of your beliefs are damning billions to hell.
              The fact you don't see that is frankly, scary.
              The fact that the organizations BEHIND such thinking, think that's ok and a way to treat people as less than human is absolutely terrifying.
              For one thing the Bible is NOT an organization. It tells of life in general, heaven and eternal death elsewhere; it is a compilation of books by different authors under the guidance of the same "spirit" entity (*the WORD of God, the Spirit of the LORD God*), and speaks of its own (*WORD*) authority (where that comes from, etc... John 1:1 is a good starting point).

              ...Here is another angle at comprehending where all of these *spiritually* declared "religions" came from. First... some background from my involvement with this stuff, and apologies for the length, but properly explaining this is going to take some time...

              So, based on what I've written thus far about religious or "spiritually" related things in these many postings, that is basically info that I have heard from other people around the world who have shared those very spiritual POVs, etc. I merely brought up the NDE's and dream sequences as a possibility that those experiences may be true, and that is regardless of what the "traditional" Churches think or believe. Take it or leave it. It is NOT my place to decide WHO goes where and how they get there. I've merely shared here what I have heard over many months of time, and that is basically it.

              There is a long list of *possibilities* that "traditional" Christians are not aware of, where God has potentially presented Himself to other people --who never heard of the gospels of Jesus of Nazareth--but have had the basic principles already incorporated into their own belief system that is known under a different ("religious"?) name. In most Christian missionary stories I've heard, "Jesus" name/being/persona is the (MAIN) missing key and mystery link to access entrance to the very throne room of God. In Judaism, that *throne* room on earth is known as the "Holy of Holies". But since the ARK of God's covenant became absent for centuries, how did anyone not connected to this most *HOLY* ARK --where God Himself, in His shekinah glory would speak directly with the high priest of Israel-- how would those other (non-Jewish/Gentile) people reach "salvation" at all? Good question.
              (I) Don't know the answer, tho.

              AND... if the information about the original "ARK of the Covenant"... you know, that little "holy" box that sat in the Jewish Temple, which no human -- except a Levite could touch... well, if it truly sat hidden in the earth for centuries in the location it was claimed to be discovered to reside at, and thus the info that I have encountered about it in recent months is actually 100% true, then, OMG...this world is in for a real eye-opener..! Mind-boggling in DETAIL, because the odds of what happened between it and its connection to Jesus dying on the cross, and HIM touching it with his own DNA goes beyond every comprehensive understanding any human could ever calculate together into a giant jigsaw puzzle. Yes, Jesus touched the "Holy of Holies" ARK in this version of the story...Totally mind-boggling story on HOW He accomplished this, without ever setting foot into the physical Jewish Temple, and without the Jewish priesthood even being aware He actually did it! I'm surprised TPTB in charge didn't seal up the earthquake holes that opened up after Jesus died. Ooops!
              Absolutely fascinating little story of amazing *details!!!*

              Unfortunately, the details behind this new discoveries of the ARK/Mercy Seat (of GOD) and box that stored the original Ten Commandments that were written on saphhire tablets is still being investigated, AND not made *official* yet, so I can't really say much about what I found out about, at this moment in time. I'd like to share it, but it is so complicated to explain, that the videos themselves would have to explain the details out, and that will take hours of watching and listening.... which I've already done... The rest of you folks will just have to be patient, or pray that you live long enough to *secretly* decide your own future destiny. That's between (generic) *you* and "God".

              There is a longer story to these *spiritual* studies, that it is believed by some historians who have been studying various Biblical events, that somewhere at the beginning of time, ALL people on earth had a GOD-awareness knowledge as well as what the "commands" of their creator God was, who gave this information to them. However, the system got corrupted when CAIN murdered his brother Able.

              Ever since that time of Adam and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden, and Cain's *criminal* behavior, the people of earth went on a spiraling downfall that led to the GREAT FLOOD event, when and where God told Noah to build an ARK (a giant ocean-bearing ship!) to house those creatures God would send to Noah, which included the 8 people who went into that very ARK, took care of the animals and insects, etc., and began procreating families, who eventually refilled the earth into the billions of people living on it now. Those people broke away from their original Noahic *faith* beliefs, and designed their own ways to get to heaven or condemn people to an eternity in hellfire.

              ---- SIDE note ----
              My Catholic in-laws were discussing that a Biblical "hell" doesn't really exist, therefore NO ONE will ever die in a permanently condemned state into a nightmarish oblivion.

              So, based on the sensitivity of the issue, I chimed into the discussion by stating that I don't know about that being true. However, I did state that the Bible DOES state in Revelation 20:14-15 that a real "LAKE of FIRE" DOES exist---

              Revelation 20:14-15, New International Version (NIV)
              14) Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
              15) Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.

              I also noted (to them) that this *lake of fire* was further reinforced with Revelation 21:8.

              Basically, that verse applies to anyone who has NOT sought forgiveness before their (first death), and ended up in the lake of fire in their 2nd/final death. Whether they are conscious of being there *burning in agony* forever and ever? I don't know and I personally don't want to ever find out by sending myself there. I've heard enough theories --which ended up in endless debates-- about what that sort of eternity might be like. However, for my own sanity's sake, I chose to believe in Jesus' method of salvation (it's FREE, already bought and PAID for, sealed and delivered to anyone who believes)...
              (see John Jesus' own words, as noted and penned probably by John.)
              Thank you!!! (well, salvation with Jesus --in eternal paradise, the new heavens and new earth-- is my preferred choice over that *other* option... whether or not any of this is true... at least it gives me a peace of mind and heart.)


                Info overload... I'm (*figuratively*) dying over here...!
                (Generic)... some of you people here want PROOF of the Bible being true or that Jesus actually lived and was/is exactly WHO He claimed to be. Well, here is a snippet of time about all of that.

                Wow... Wow, wow, WOW... ...I can't wait for 3 years from now to come...and don't have time to elaborate on too much in here (yet)...
                So, a short time ago *today* ---- I came across a video that I kept overlooking and ignoring (on U-tube), but should have looked at ages ago. It's about Jesus blood being found and tested. I've heard this story before, but not with this particular video. Been looking for something that wasn't so time consuming to share, which most of the videos are nearly an hour long or longer. So, short story is this---
                It was discovered that Jesus blood was found, scraped off of the object (the *ARK*...which actually looks like a "love seat"...!) where the blood stained, and was taken to and tested in a blood lab.

                Results: Ron didn't tell where the sample came from until AFTER all of the details were exposed by the lab technicians. And, he does get rather emotional when he tells them where he got it and WHO's blood it came from. This blood sample has only 24 chromosomes, NOT 46. ONE Y that determined his gender, and the rest came from His *human* mom. There was NO human father. White blood cells were also present, so that means what?

                I found out about this discovery months ago, but the actual event was discovered during the 1980's by Ron Wyatt (who was a 7th-Day Adventist Christian). Saw a bunch of other rather lengthy videos that led up to how the ARK was found, where it was and might still be (lots of weird theories about it disappearing into heaven!), but the Israeli authorities won't touch it yet. Some Jewish rabbis actually saw the ARK (more videos on that), so there is more than one human witness to this story.

                Anywho... why wasn't this discovery made public? Islam... the Muslims would have had a giant riot fest for fear of their "Dome of the Rock" being endangered. But this doesn't involve the "Dome of the Rock". So, that is GOOD news.
                Yet the strange part of this is that it was a Muslim who actually entered the hidden chamber where the ARK was, but ran out with a terrified expression and never went back. WHAT the _____ did he see???!! He said he saw "rocks" but wouldn't elaborate any further.

                So, Ron (Wyatt) went in and saw nothing scary in particular, except a lot of rocks piled up over what he believed was some of the original Jewish Temple items. Dead animal skins covered the relics... but also in the chamber was a stone tomb thing with a cover that had broken open. There was a crack in the ceiling of the chamber with some dark liquid substance that had dripped into the open crack between the stone cover and onto the object below. The object below is believed to be the *original* ARK that the prophet Jeremiah had ordered hidden before the first Temple got raided and destroyed. Well, that's a mouthful of words and imagery...!

                So, most of the ARK videos are over 30 minutes... some go way over an hour, but contain lots and lots of details. Too much info to absorb in one viewing. So, anywho... thought I'd share a shorter video I found about this very long story. Video to link below is 10 minutes long (and shorter without the end seconds). But it is very well done, IMO. Personally, I found the music very compelling in the beginning... like the passing of time..., and the (computer generated?) graphics choreography ...such as it is with audio & OLD video/film? from a few decades ago, is in parts... while the details were being explained, was well done.

                To the Christian, this background video might strengthen your "faith". To the rest of the skeptical world, not expecting much from the rest of *you* except par usual.
                mad_gater ... not sure what you believe any more, but this is for you.
                Also for imzadi35, pscard, and whoever else might be *interested*...

                Seriously, it boggles my brain to piece all of the details together that involves the ARK and Jesus' blood connection. The bigger story involves how GOD literally moved Heaven and Earth events to accomplish this amazing story. No wonder why the angels were super impressed and *rejoicing!!!*
                ...well, definitely rejoicing after the resurrection occurred, because they were weeping along with Mary, Mary, Mary and John, while Jesus was crucified, and none of them probably understood any of what was happening (the *amazing* "HOW? watch this"...). All objects and persons were in their designated places... the rest became "HIStory".

                This video connects the very blood from Jesus of Nazareth, (explains with some graphics, but not too morbid) as He died on the cross at Golgotha or "Place of the Skull" and it also touches, literally shows by artist illustration how Jesus' blood literally touched/dripped down the earthquake hole and fell onto the Ark of the Covenant's "MERCY SEAT"... specifically, the right side of the seat... and Jesus said something about Himself being seated at the "right hand of the Father".... put those wild pieces of TIME and SPACE and MATTER together... *jaw-dropper!!!*

                Time span = 10:01 (min/sec) ----click on title below to link to video----
                "Biggest Discovery Ever Made! Blood of Jesus Tested in Laboratory the Results will Blow your Mind"
                (in case the below name doesn't pop in correctly---it probably is *Alpha & Omega* Productions)
                A & ? Productions
                Published on Oct 6, 2018

                Well, maybe the title of this video might seem overly confident... because most of the rest of this world could care less, but when all of the videos are compiled together, OMG...totally awesome GOD out there..!

                Also, just a tidbit from my overly hyper-imaginative side...
                After seeing the original ARK videos, I actually thought if the soldiers who placed Jesus' cross into the ground argued over where to drop the main beam...!
                "We were ordered to place this guy in the middle... and into this hole here, not over there!" LOL. Sorry, I know this is a serious subject, but I could just see God dropping some realistic humor into moving the object into *just* the right spot for everything else to literally "fall into place". Most Christians live on the symbolisms, but this story of Jesus dying, etc., takes his crucifixion "death" to a WHOLE higher level than any of us could ever imagine.

                So, now we wait....
                Last edited by SGalisa; 30 June 2019, 01:59 PM. Reason: added info


                  Short summary to below, and then comment further below quote...

                  Information in this post connects to several of my previous postings about the Ark of the Covenant. Basically, a man named Ron Wyatt found what he believed is the original Ark of the Covenant. It was located in an underground chamber directly under where he believes Jesus' cross was placed on Golgotha's mountain/hill. It has since been reburied, blocked off, and NOT removed from its location, as far as has been revealed.

                  There were too many *spooky* incidents that occurred that caused everyone to simply back off of trying to remove the Ark (six selected priests/people suddenly died from a brain hemorage, and a Muslim who was a few feet away ran out of the chamber terrified for his known reason on *why*). So, instead of trying to retrieve the over 800 plus pounds of Ark out of this underground area, the Temple Institute decided to create a new Ark and use that version instead, IF the 3rd Jewish Temple ever gets built. Almost everything has been recreated to go into the 3rd Temple and is in place waiting, except for the Red Heifer (which is needed for Yom Kippur).

                  Some previously noted background in quote below.

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  There is a long list of *possibilities* that "traditional" Christians are not aware of, where God has potentially presented Himself to other people --who never heard of the gospels of Jesus of Nazareth--but have had the basic principles already incorporated into their own belief system that is known under a different ("religious"?) name. In most Christian missionary stories I've heard, "Jesus" name/being/persona is the (MAIN) missing key and mystery link to access entrance to the very throne room of God. In Judaism, that *throne* room on earth is known as the "Holy of Holies". But since the ARK of God's covenant became absent for centuries, how did anyone not connected to this most *HOLY* ARK --where God Himself, in His shekinah glory would speak directly with the high priest of Israel-- how would those other (non-Jewish/Gentile) people reach "salvation" at all? Good question.
                  (I) Don't know the answer, tho.

                  AND... if the information about the original "ARK of the Covenant"... you know, that little "holy" box that sat in the Jewish Temple, which no human -- except a Levite could touch... well, if it truly sat hidden in the earth for centuries in the location it was claimed to be discovered to reside at, and thus the info that I have encountered about it in recent months is actually 100% true, then, OMG...this world is in for a real eye-opener..! Mind-boggling in DETAIL, because the odds of what happened between it and its connection to Jesus dying on the cross, and HIM touching it with his own DNA goes beyond every comprehensive understanding any human could ever calculate together into a giant jigsaw puzzle. Yes, Jesus touched the "Holy of Holies" ARK in this version of the story...Totally mind-boggling story on HOW He accomplished this, without ever setting foot into the physical Jewish Temple, and without the Jewish priesthood even being aware He actually did it! I'm surprised TPTB in charge didn't seal up the earthquake holes that opened up after Jesus died. Ooops!
                  Absolutely fascinating little story of amazing *details!!!*
                  Weird coincidence...! The Temple Institute just posted on Facebook a few hours ago their illustrated images of "The Holy of Holies" with the Ark of the Covenant. (These images can be "bing"d for people who don't have FB access.) Someone in the comments section noted that the floor plan of the "Holy Temple" forms the shape a *perfect cross*. Fascinating detail there... hmmmm...

                  I saw this Temple floor plan a few weeks ago, and found the barrier veil between the main Temple Room and the Holy of Holies area significant that the Holy of Holies is also placed at the very bottom of the cross-shaped image and separated from public view. Perhaps it was *always* meant to be designed this way? Physical representation of a *foreshadowing* imagery?

                  If Ron Wyatt's story of discovering the Ark of the Covenant / Mercy Seat is true, that the Ark really was and still might be directly under where Jesus' cross was placed on the skull mountain area, then this could be very significant in understanding the rest of the story... that Jesus (really!) is the "savior of the world" Messiah? According to the maps I viewed, the cross was placed outside the gates of Jerusalem into Gentile (non-Jewish) ground... it was treated like garbage dump/heap there (2000 years ago? or in recent years?), but open for ALL the world to pass thru and see who was being crucified along that path, at the time such events were happening.

                  I thought the whole Temple design was amazing... but there is so much more! Parallel in location to where Jesus' hands were nailed onto the cross, symbolic in the Temple's "cross-shape" design is where the Knives Dispensary (located on both sides of the Ulam) exist. So, was this also a *foreshadowing* of being symbolic of Jesus' hands being *nailed* in that very Temple building's designed spot? Surely, the designer behind the floor plan wasn't even thinking about the symbolisms, because it just seemed like a logical place to put the cutting/piercing tools.. like it just happened to show up *right* in that very designed location. Surrrrre.

                  Illustration of the Jewish Temple's cross-like shape with placement of the
                  Knives Dispensary (located on both sides of the Ulam) areas.
                  Please click on link below to view....


                  ...Whoah! Sorry, but that (sideways) image just stands out very strongly (to me, anyway!)...
                  ...and what are those dotted lines going down the edge under the Knives Dispensary rooms...parallel IF comparing to the images of the Cross of Jesus----are those dotted lines supposed to be symbolic of something that appeared under where Jesus' hands were nailed? blood dripping? too strange. The Temple Institute explains those are literal inserts into the wall to hold something, but I don't remember what those were.


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Why *thank you* ...One of these days, you'll figure it out, because you just might see certain events (mentioned in the book of Revelation) actually happen... Until then, *future* life is still just a mystery...
                    But what I do know is that this is all a bunch of clouds in the sky that you think look like actual objects but in the end they are just random clouds. There's not much to figure out there. You haven't even been able to answer a simple question. What did Jesus mean by "This generation"? And you claim to have the answers to much more complicated things?

                    There are testimonies of a select few, *chosen* Muslims, which have been circulating ...both on the internet and straight off the Christian *missionary* fields... specifying that some of these Muslims "claim" to have been approached by Jesus (Christ) in dreams. This is NOT the Jesus of their Quoran, whom Islam teaches their "Jesus" was never crucified, but lived and had a family... and went into heaven, but will return in the future to be killed...Thus, "Muhammad -- the Messenger of God", is more important than Jesus.
                    (BTW, the spelling of "Mohammed's" name, depends on who wrote it, which I don't know what the correct Name spelling is...too confusing, even Muslims write it differently..!)
                    Islamaphobic much?

                    Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                    Can't quote because phone and walls of text but for the record I'm not making much sense on purpose
                    That would make sense.

                    Feels like we're trying to convince a medieval man that the images in the tea cup are not omen of the future. And for the record I love your end of day scenario which sounds like zombie apocalypse (some will rise in something else).
                    After reading what's below...I think a Tea Leaf reading Middle ages man would be more reasonable.

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Info overload... I'm (*figuratively*) dying over here...!
                    (Generic)... some of you people here want PROOF of the Bible being true or that Jesus actually lived and was/is exactly WHO He claimed to be. Well, here is a snippet of time about all of that.

                    Wow... Wow, wow, WOW... ...I can't wait for 3 years from now to come...and don't have time to elaborate on too much in here (yet)...
                    So, a short time ago *today* ---- I came across a video that I kept overlooking and ignoring (on U-tube), but should have looked at ages ago. It's about Jesus blood being found and tested. I've heard this story before, but not with this particular video. Been looking for something that wasn't so time consuming to share, which most of the videos are nearly an hour long or longer. So, short story is this---
                    It was discovered that Jesus blood was found, scraped off of the object (the *ARK*...which actually looks like a "love seat"...!) where the blood stained, and was taken to and tested in a blood lab.

                    Results: Ron didn't tell where the sample came from until AFTER all of the details were exposed by the lab technicians. And, he does get rather emotional when he tells them where he got it and WHO's blood it came from. This blood sample has only 24 chromosomes, NOT 46. ONE Y that determined his gender, and the rest came from His *human* mom. There was NO human father. White blood cells were also present, so that means what?

                    I found out about this discovery months ago, but the actual event was discovered during the 1980's by Ron Wyatt (who was a 7th-Day Adventist Christian). Saw a bunch of other rather lengthy videos that led up to how the ARK was found, where it was and might still be (lots of weird theories about it disappearing into heaven!), but the Israeli authorities won't touch it yet. Some Jewish rabbis actually saw the ARK (more videos on that), so there is more than one human witness to this story.

                    Anywho... why wasn't this discovery made public? Islam... the Muslims would have had a giant riot fest for fear of their "Dome of the Rock" being endangered. But this doesn't involve the "Dome of the Rock". So, that is GOOD news.
                    Yet the strange part of this is that it was a Muslim who actually entered the hidden chamber where the ARK was, but ran out with a terrified expression and never went back. WHAT the _____ did he see???!! He said he saw "rocks" but wouldn't elaborate any further.

                    So, Ron (Wyatt) went in and saw nothing scary in particular, except a lot of rocks piled up over what he believed was some of the original Jewish Temple items. Dead animal skins covered the relics... but also in the chamber was a stone tomb thing with a cover that had broken open. There was a crack in the ceiling of the chamber with some dark liquid substance that had dripped into the open crack between the stone cover and onto the object below. The object below is believed to be the *original* ARK that the prophet Jeremiah had ordered hidden before the first Temple got raided and destroyed. Well, that's a mouthful of words and imagery...!

                    So, most of the ARK videos are over 30 minutes... some go way over an hour, but contain lots and lots of details. Too much info to absorb in one viewing. So, anywho... thought I'd share a shorter video I found about this very long story. Video to link below is 10 minutes long (and shorter without the end seconds). But it is very well done, IMO. Personally, I found the music very compelling in the beginning... like the passing of time..., and the (computer generated?) graphics choreography ...such as it is with audio & OLD video/film? from a few decades ago, is in parts... while the details were being explained, was well done.

                    To the Christian, this background video might strengthen your "faith". To the rest of the skeptical world, not expecting much from the rest of *you* except par usual.
                    mad_gater ... not sure what you believe any more, but this is for you.
                    Also for imzadi35, pscard, and whoever else might be *interested*...

                    Seriously, it boggles my brain to piece all of the details together that involves the ARK and Jesus' blood connection. The bigger story involves how GOD literally moved Heaven and Earth events to accomplish this amazing story. No wonder why the angels were super impressed and *rejoicing!!!*
                    ...well, definitely rejoicing after the resurrection occurred, because they were weeping along with Mary, Mary, Mary and John, while Jesus was crucified, and none of them probably understood any of what was happening (the *amazing* "HOW? watch this"...). All objects and persons were in their designated places... the rest became "HIStory".

                    This video connects the very blood from Jesus of Nazareth, (explains with some graphics, but not too morbid) as He died on the cross at Golgotha or "Place of the Skull" and it also touches, literally shows by artist illustration how Jesus' blood literally touched/dripped down the earthquake hole and fell onto the Ark of the Covenant's "MERCY SEAT"... specifically, the right side of the seat... and Jesus said something about Himself being seated at the "right hand of the Father".... put those wild pieces of TIME and SPACE and MATTER together... *jaw-dropper!!!*

                    Time span = 10:01 (min/sec) ----click on title below to link to video----
                    "Biggest Discovery Ever Made! Blood of Jesus Tested in Laboratory the Results will Blow your Mind"
                    (in case the below name doesn't pop in correctly---it probably is *Alpha & Omega* Productions)
                    A & ? Productions
                    Published on Oct 6, 2018

                    Well, maybe the title of this video might seem overly confident... because most of the rest of this world could care less, but when all of the videos are compiled together, OMG...totally awesome GOD out there..!

                    Also, just a tidbit from my overly hyper-imaginative side...
                    After seeing the original ARK videos, I actually thought if the soldiers who placed Jesus' cross into the ground argued over where to drop the main beam...!
                    "We were ordered to place this guy in the middle... and into this hole here, not over there!" LOL. Sorry, I know this is a serious subject, but I could just see God dropping some realistic humor into moving the object into *just* the right spot for everything else to literally "fall into place". Most Christians live on the symbolisms, but this story of Jesus dying, etc., takes his crucifixion "death" to a WHOLE higher level than any of us could ever imagine.

                    So, now we wait....
                    There's so much wrong here. Doctrinally, Scientifically, Scripturally, logically, and even basic geography (How blood from Calvary which is outside of the city walls made it into the temple mount area...) but I'll just point out one thing. This Chromosome business. Let's ignore for a minute that a human with 23 Chromosomes can't exist because it would be too little genetic information.

                    Where did the Y Chromosome come from? Why not just give Jesus all 46 Chromosomes as the video says that people normally have? If the Y Chromosome was provided, then why not the rest? And while we are at it, it would make sense for those Chromosomes to be copies of Joseph's would be Chromosomes. Because if Jesus was walking around with 23 Chromosomes, then he wasn't human and that violates Scripture. It's basically no different than the ancient Docetist heresy.

                    There are no words to describe how ridiculous this is.
                    By Nolamom


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      I've heard that people who live by their own ethics code (and not any established "religious" system) will be judged by their own ethics code. So, if you broke your own code, even a few times in your life, you will be judged by your own *value* system. (That includes telling fibs, lies, or stealing minor things, etc.)
                      So basically, they are judge, jury and executioner of their own actions without the interference of any deity.

                      Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                      You are in direct contradiction with God's prime directive. Isn't he the one doing the judging?
                      If you believe in his divine presence, he's probably the one playing judge, jury and executioner at your death hearing.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      ...which included "Mary worship"...
                      What's wrong with that?

                      The sacred feminine... (the dark con of man)

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      I comprehend you are moving the goal posts.
                      But... what else are they for?

                      goal-post (n.)
                      From goal (n.) + post (n.1). To move the goal posts as a figurative expression for "cheat by changing the objectives after the process has begun"

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      But would you say a similar chastisement against a hard-core, devout Muslim? Seriously? They do claim they have the FINAL say against ALL religions on this earth.
                      What is a hardcore Muslim?

                      I know several devout Muslims, one family even living upstairs and they have the most awesome kids in the building...
                      Daddy's doing a post-doctorate in ... err... let me google that for you... Sleep and Synaptic Plasticity, part of the Molecular Neurobiology group at the Catholic University of Leuven. And Mommy's a microbiologist. Basically really smart people.

                      Anywho... devout muslims they are... observing the ramadan and the mother wears a full hijab (I think it's called) where only the face is visible, and we hear him occasionally in prayers.

                      And yes, I have questioned devout Muslims about their believes as they have questioned my believes, and lo and behold, we're still good friends.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Yes, most people disregard Islam as the FINAL authority, etc., but Muslims do not. They take it very seriously...So seriously, that they are willing to kill (slaughter, in some situations) and lie to further their expansion of their "religion" and goals. Why aren't the Islamic people being confronted about their religious "agenda" for this world, and their political tactics that are being used to incorporate those goals into locations when they begin to increase in numbers against the native populations of other religions in those areas?
                      Yeah cause the Catholics never ever did anything like that... ... or still do that.

                      They never push their believes on others, or push their agendas into the politics of today. Oh no... nope, never happened. [/end sarcasm]

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      So let me just note the following tidbit... over the years, new info has come across my path, on understanding "what" may be closer to how people *might* be entering "eternity"...
                      You started reading the Book of the Dead?

                      Just this weekend found images from it on a sarcophagus. We identified Osiris, Sekhmet, Anubis, Horus, ... and then we couldn't remember what the canopic jars were called so we said, "you know the pots holding your guts". No need for further explanation after that.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      This is NOT the Jesus of their Quoran, whom Islam teaches their "Jesus" was never crucified, but lived and had a family...
                      Show us where it says that, because Jesus was as much a prophet to the Muslims as he is to the Christians. In fact, there's no other religion out there who recognizes him as a prophet.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      ...connection to Jesus dying on the cross, and HIM touching it with his own DNA goes beyond every comprehensive understanding any human could ever calculate together into a giant jigsaw puzzle.
                      Especially since at the time of Jesus life, the "covenant" was considered lost according to the texts mentioned in the old testament. Just a small detail... if you believe that sort of thing.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      ...GREAT FLOOD event...
                      The story is different in the Gilgamesh epos but please do continue...

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Basically, that verse applies to anyone who has NOT sought forgiveness before their (first death), and ended up in the lake of fire in their 2nd/final death. Whether they are conscious of being there *burning in agony* forever and ever?
                      There are two different chapters in the Book of the Dead, which detailed what happened to Egyptians who were found not worthy of travelling into the afterlife:

                      The Book of the Earth (1213–1152 BCE).The pieces that form this work describe a place of darkness, shadow and flame. Here the condemned are slaughtered and annihilated by being bound, dismembered and decapitated, before being cast into boiling cauldrons and pits of fire.

                      The Book of Caverns (1186–1069 BCE). Six registers describe the dark place of annihilation where the condemned encounter their non-existence. Here, where they are depicted variously as upside-down, bound, kneeling or plunging headlong, their heads are cut off and their hearts are cut out and both are cast into cauldrons over flames. In this book the first condemned females appear and suffer similar fates to those of their male counterparts.

                      For all intents and purposes, the Christian Bible is rather tame in comparison.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      It's about Jesus blood being found and tested. I've heard this story before, but not with this particular video. Been looking for something that wasn't so time consuming to share, which most of the videos are nearly an hour long or longer. So, short story is this---
                      Unfortunately though that your amateur, Ron Wyatt, was and is considered a con man by your own religion.

                      And that's not even going into the problematic lack of any proof supporting any and all of his crazy theories.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      To the Christian, this background video might strengthen your "faith". To the rest of the skeptical world, not expecting much from the rest of *you* except par usual.
                      I have one to rattle your world a little, but I don't expect you to believe it to be true either:


                      * Commercial break -- spaghetti's on the table and I'm hungry *
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        But what I do know is that this is all a bunch of clouds in the sky that you think look like actual objects but in the end they are just random clouds.
                        I saw a cloud once in the shape of the Enterprise. I kid you not.

                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        Islamaphobic much?
                        More like genuinely afraid to acknowledge that Islam is not just what IS makes of it -- some perverted version of it.

                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        After reading what's below...I think a Tea Leaf reading Middle ages man would be more reasonable.
                        Didn't they read entrails?

                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        This Chromosome business. Let's ignore for a minute that a human with 23 Chromosomes can't exist because it would be too little genetic information.
                        It's literally half a person... though maybe they simply forgot to multiply by 2.

                        Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                        There are no words to describe how ridiculous this is.
                        I could probably think of a few -- "mental" comes to mind first, then "ludicrous" and "cuckoo".
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          I saw a cloud once in the shape of the Enterprise. I kid you not.
                          The starship or a naval vessel such as a carrier?

                          And in either case, please share whatever you were smoking at the time.


                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            ...You haven't even been able to answer a simple question. What did Jesus mean by "This generation"? And you claim to have the answers to much more complicated things?
                            aretood2, I get the impression you are an amillenialist (no millenium)...just that you live, die, and that's it. Heaven or hell judgement, without the 1000 years of peace on earth first. Also, that you have stated that you believe the Generation Jesus was referring to already happened in during the first century A.D./C.E.

                            Here is my response... sorry if it is too lengthy.

                            The problem is there is a pause in at the signaled destruction of the Temple and the rest of "the end of the age"... Luke 21:9 notes that wars will happen... those "things must happen first, but the END will NOT come right away". So, the obvious question is that NO one knows how much time occurs between the initial and complete destruction of the 2nd Temple to the very "END of the AGE"... What age? Which age?

                            Observe that the "whole world" is also a key phrase to which Generation would see the rest of these things occur. The first disciples didn't want to leave Jerusalem, so the WHOLE world was FAR from being involved at that time. Now, we have airplanes and giant ocean-liner ships sailing the globe with Christian Missionaries spreading the "gospel" to the ENDS of the earth and any potential missed cracks in between.

                            "This generation will not pass away until all these things happen." Matthew 24:34
                            (Entire section is Matthew 24:2-44, continues with parables thru Matthew 25:13; also see Mark 13:1-37; Luke 21:5-35)

                            Your answer is there. I've told you before... yet you (aretood2) refuse to accept see any of the things I have mentioned prior as a *possibility* that they may actually be part of what Jesus was referring to. So be it. I'm only repeating myself by rewriting these things out.
                            It's been understood for centuries these things would occur near each other, almost in an orchestrated event (ONE Generation, but no one knows for certain what year that "Generation" started at...and whether it is 40 years or 70 or 80 years).

                            Wars and rumors of wars... which we hear a lot of war rumors lately...
                            Earthquakes... in diverse places (occurring where they never or rarely happened prior). Fracking for oil/gas has opened up new fissures with lots of mini earthquakes.
                            (Fear of) Storms... with the rising of the seas, which nowadays, could translate by "climate change" believers as the literal RISING of the SEA(ocean). Coincidence?
                            The gospel (of Jesus) would be preached to the ends of the earth first. That was not possible during the first century A.D./C.E.... lots of planet earth landmasses to cover first in order to accomplish that.

                            When the abomination that causes desolation "occurs in the holy place". Still working out the theory behind what that might actually be. Some Christians believe it will be when the 3rd Jewish Temple is in operation, the *Anti-Christ* leader during that time will enter the Holy of Holies or simply reveal the Ark of the Covenant to the people in our world, and claim it has NO power to destroy (him/her)...and either touches it, or sits on it. Whether that Ark is the original one or the substitute, IDK. In either Ark design, my guess is s/he might find that "Mercy Seat" Ark a bit uncomfortable, but the deed to contaminate it with his own skin/DNA (whatever) will be accomplished, and *that* will identify when the desolation (should) occurs.

                            It is believed that incident will also mark the *beginning of the end* ...1260 days where devout Jews will hide in the wilderness... until their "real" Messiah shows up to rescue them.

                            Times of unequaled stress..."from the beginning of the world until now(that generation)--and never to be equaled again. If those days had not been cut short, NO ONE would survive..." Was that true during the first century? Of course not. Is that true now? It is a very distinct possibility.. nuclear annihilation and hideous diseases, technologies in today's world that never existed while Jesus walked on this earth (during his human-earthly years) can wipe out mankind in a matter of a few years, if not a few months or less.

                            Those details alone reveal that whatever time frame Jesus was referring to as "this Generation" could NOT have occurred during 70-100 A.D./C.E. or even up to 300 A.D./C.E. This earth was still populated, and the "gospel" had not yet reached the very ends of this earth. Pretty simple and *obvious* details there.

                            Another tidbit might be a few blood moons ("moon turned to blood" coloring...)...and solar eclipses. Some people believe these events are significantly tied to the Jewish feasts calendar. IDK.

                            "The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light...stars will fall from the sky." (Matthew 24:29)
                            Some people believe the "stars" might actually be our modern satellites, or perhaps even missiles that sail across the deeper sky space. Again, speculation, but something to keep in mind...

                            Also, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the time of the "coming of the Son of Man" (Christ Messiah implied there). Long story about Noah, with the (apathetic and *unrepentent*/nasty, etc.) attitudes and actions of the people during Noah's time frame, and Noah's Ark that I have yet to share... can't now, due to other priorities to tend to.
                            But some very interesting details on world-wide FLOOD itself have recently surfaced. LOTS of interesting details...

                            That is the story as briefly detailed as I can condense it, and understand which *Generation* Jesus was referring to, IMO.

                            As for the rest of your comments, you don't seem to be paying attention... fingers in ears (LaLaLaLaLaaaaah!), etc. Did you even watch the video?

                            Sorry... I have to split this into 2 parts... TBC...


                              Part 2 of 2...

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              After reading what's below...I think a Tea Leaf reading Middle ages man would be more reasonable.
                              (SGalisa's note----aretood2's above quote was directed at more referencing to my quote about the Ark of the Covenant...)

                              There are plenty more videos about the original Ark. I just stumbled upon these videos and gave them a quick view. Actually, initially watched as a skeptic, until I saw the pieces of everything come together in ways I had never even considered before.
                              Such as the ARK's Mercy Seat being a "Love Seat" approximate size and cozy like a 2-seater. If Jesus represents LOVE, and GOD is *LOVE* -- wouldn't it make SENSE for His throne seat to be a *LOVE* seat? The Nation of Israel sought forgiveness thru the high priest sprinkling the "Mercy (LOVE) Seat" Geesh...

                              I can only wonder if any of those High Priests had an actual conversation with God in His shekinah glory form, sitting on the ARK's Mercy Seat, like a friend would be sitting as a guest on (generic) your living room's sofa? After I saw the shape of the original Ark, and realized it was a *chair* -- sizable enough to fit a human or two on it for conversing with each other, I had an image of what that vision might be like at the throne room of God (in heaven) with Jesus sitting on that LOVE/Mercy Seat and reaching out with loving arms to each person walking up to him, pouring their emotional life's heart out from all they've ever lived thru. It's not difficult to imagine such a scenario! Really. I cried most of the rest of the day from thinking about that *vision*. :*(

                              Oh, and just saw another video that showed a replica of (King) Solomon's Sword. It has an image of the (original) ARK on it, with the angels (kneeling) on the SIDES overlooking an actual SEAT between them. hmmmm. Very interesting!!! It truly was/is a beautiful sword, having the six-sided Star of David --and-- the Ark of the Covenant embedded on it. *Reinforcement* of a detail (imagery) that the world cannot see yet (i.e., the real deal ARK is still buried underground).

                              I also just watched the back story about how the six guys died -- who tried to retrieve the Ark. They were apparently military soldiers, but dressed in priestly-Levite clothing. So, I'm not sure if they were genuine Levites or just ordinary Israeli soldiers. All six of them died from a Double right & left brain stroke... just a short distance from the Ark's presence. Coincidence? What caused that? It was apparently in the newspapers over in Israel at the time it happened (decades ago, so I don't know the dates there). They went in and never came out. Days later, (thin, wirey framed) Ron Wyatt was asked to go in to see if he could find them. He was a medically trained anesthesiologist, so he was able to identify what medically happened that *may* have caused their death. It freaked Ron out so much that he didn't want to make another trip in to see the Ark. Not sure if he ever did, because I haven't been able to see the complete time-line of these videos (in their actual sequence order).

                              As for the BLOOD that was on the ARK, and believed to be from the crucified "Jesus of Nazareth"... It's buried under the mountain, outside the gate of OLD Jerusalem. It is NOT located anywhere NEAR on the current "Temple Mount". It was visible in the tunnel by Jeremiah's Grotto, but has since been re-buried to prevent theft of the ark. Also... I *just happened* to have watched the video last night of Ron drilling the hole to access entering into the Ark's chamber, and he was showing where the blood dripped down the earthquake crack from where the cross was believed to be placed. Reason why no other blood type was there, was because there was NO earthquake PRIOR, and the Jewish priesthood ordered the Roman authorities to COVER up the area... seal it up real good... probably included the HOLE where Jesus' blood dripped down into. That's my guess, in addition to whatever else is mentioned in the videos. Makes perfect sense to me.

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              There's so much wrong here. Doctrinally, Scientifically, Scripturally, logically, and even basic geography (How blood from Calvary which is outside of the city walls made it into the temple mount area...) but I'll just point out one thing. This Chromosome business. Let's ignore for a minute that a human with 23 Chromosomes can't exist because it would be too little genetic information.

                              Where did the Y Chromosome come from? Why not just give Jesus all 46 Chromosomes as the video says that people normally have? If the Y Chromosome was provided, then why not the rest? And while we are at it, it would make sense for those Chromosomes to be copies of Joseph's would be Chromosomes. Because if Jesus was walking around with 23 Chromosomes, then he wasn't human and that violates Scripture. It's basically no different than the ancient Docetist heresy.

                              There are no words to describe how ridiculous this is.
                              I'm guessing (aretood2) your personality is a bit too practical-minded to see beyond logic and *science* and edge into the impossible supernatural realms, where *anything* can be possible.

                              As for chromosome count? Really? You expect if GOD's "Holy Spirit" impregnated Mary (that is, caused a baby to become alive and growing like a normal human, but with only half of 46 + 1 chromosome count=24), that there'd be another 23 chromosomes? Hello... God is immortal... He's made of SPIRIT... something us limited minded humans cannot comprehend. So, only ONE Y chromosome to identify gender from the "Father's side"... A child can figure this out, but you adults can't? How did God make a *fully human* Eve come to life --just from being formed from Adam's rib? Figure that one out, and you've solved one of life's biggest mysteries..!!

                              All my years growing up, I never-ever expected the chromosomes to ever total 46, IF the FATHER wasn't of HUMAN-earth origin. Doesn't take a brain specialist to figure that out. Ron Wyatt's discovery proved / reinforced that theory! Does it really violate God's WORD/scripture? Who are WE humans to declare what IS and IS-NOT wholly human in God's POV/creation..? That's like declaring that an embryo or *fetus* isn't "human" either, because it doesn't look (fully) "human" yet. We are splitting cross-*hairs* here to see who's side has the correct answer(s)... majority vote doesn't count. Genuine item does count!

                              If you saw the videos, on WHO told Ron to scrape the blood off the Ark, you'd never believe that either.
                              *OMG...!* that was *my* reaction... It took me about 2 weeks to recover from picking my fallen jaw off the floor from that story... There were other witnesses in high up Israeli authority who also SAW the Ark exactly where Ron found it. Absolutely funny coincidences (amazing!) story about how that got told, too. was a *fascinating* 20 minutes...! I loved it, because it reminded me of *exactly, just how God would work* such a situation out..! LOL...

                              If you (or anyone else here) cannot accept those tiny details as a possible TRUTH, then you won't accept the rest of what Jesus has to say, outside of picking and choosing "golden rules for living" verses.


                                You don't have to chuck your brain out of the window to accept a God.
                                But by all means, continue.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

