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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by ladygris View Post
    Thanks. Except for figuring out what the text was supposed to say (for me, anyway), it was relatively easy. I changed the coloring because the tut was written for PS and I use Gimp. But I quite like all the blue tones.
    i just use the Ancient text i have to right things like 'im awesome' but with my new sig it says their names

    ps for Jeri


      Wonderful tutorials everyone and I can't wait to try them out when I get a chance.

      Fantastic artworks everyone.

      Thank you, Graceful Spirit for the birthday wishes.
      Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
      My My Own Website


        i was just wondering how do you make a tut? cause a lot of people want to know how i made these
        Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


            Originally posted by ladygris View Post
            Thanks. Except for figuring out what the text was supposed to say (for me, anyway), it was relatively easy. I changed the coloring because the tut was written for PS and I use Gimp. But I quite like all the blue tones.

            Edit: Estrela, it's beautiful! Any chance of a tut?
            Thank you. I wish I could do a proper tut. Once again I've lost the PSD file. My computer has a habit of rebooting at will and this time it happened while I was saving that file.

            I've tried to replicate what I've done and this is as close as I can come to it from memory.


            The textures come from this tut which someone posted earlier in the thread.

            I started by creating a new document 500x180 pixels. Then I placed the window texture so that the window was centered on the left side of the sig.

            Duplicate this layer. Set the blend mode to lighten and then flip it horizontally and vertically and make sure to nudge it so that once again that window is now centered along the right edge of the sig.

            Add the forest texture and position it so the tree is slightly right of center. Set the blend mode to screen or lighten. (Sorry can't remember.)

            Add the rose texture and set this to screen.

            Duplicate this layer. Desaturate it and set the blend mode to soft light. Mask out the areas around the large rose.

            Add the texture labeled "rainbowish" and set the blend mode to color burn.

            Add the Ghislane texture and set the blend mode to Overlay (I think)

            (This is where I forget what I did because I started playing around.)

            Add your cap. Use a layer mask to "erase" the parts you don't want.

            Add "top texture 2" and set the blend mode to color burn. Reduce the opacity.

            Add "top texture 1" and flip it horizontally. Set the blend mode to multiply.

            Add a color fill layer using a soft peach color like f2d9c4. Set this to color burn at a low opacity.

            Add your text. I used Channel font but don't remember what layer styles I applied other than an inner glow and a satin setting.

            Make a stamp of all of your layers and then sharpen that layer. Use a layer mask to hide the overly sharp bits on either side of your cap.



              my avi's feel free to crop and use them
              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                  Lovely artwork Nola. And Happy Anniversary!!

                  You're welcome lg and thanks Also, love the Daniel/Janet sig!

                  Beautiful arties Yami.

                  Love the sigs Jumble - they're so pretty

                  Lovely Joe sig Sy.

                  Beautiful Stana sig Estrela.

                  Love the arties LCJS.

                  Happy Birthday Padme!!

                  Tut for this wallie:

                  Made in PSP X2
                  1. Start with a black background to whatever size you require (mine is 1680x1050).

                  2. Take this texture by Expose42 and place to your liking. Duplicate and mirror the texture so you have a square. Erase any areas from each texture layer that cover the pattern so you have a relatively complete pattern like this.

                  3. Take this texture, also by Expose42 and place to your liking. I put it over the more empty parts of the other texture. Duplicate and mirror the texture again. Erase any parts you don't like to end up with something like this.

                  4. Take your image(s) - I used this and this. Remove the backgrounds (however it works for you) and place the images on your canvas in any way you like. Erase any parts you don't want.

                  I resized one to a smaller size and kept some of the wall cos otherwise it looked like he was the Leaning Tower of Fillion

                  This is what I ended up with at this stage.

                  5. Merge all layers.


                  I've added links to what each looked like in my program for Levels and Curves (it may look different in others)

                  6. New Layer - Hue/Saturation/Lightness:
                  Saturation: -30

                  New Layer - Levels:
                  RGB: 17, 107, 215
                  Red: 11, 136, 231
                  Green: 14, 125, 245
                  Blue: 0, 126, 231

                  New Layer - Curves:
                  RGB: 83>82
                  Red: 156>177
                  Green: 69>64
                  Blue: 113>137

                  7. Fill layer #0c2846 - set to Exclusion 100%

                  8. Duplicate base layer and set to Soft Light 100%

                  9. Fill layer #c1d2dd - set to Burn 65%

                  10. Merge all layers and add text if you wish. Font I used was Gare de Chambord.

                  And voilà - that's all folks!

                  Thanks to Jann (starlover) for the gorgeous sig!


                    Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                      Thanks Mane, Grace and lg

                      Lovely work Yami

                      Nice sig lg - thanks for the tut

                      Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                      Thanks And thanks for the tut

                      Originally posted by LT. COL. John Sheppard View Post
                      i was just wondering how do you make a tut? cause a lot of people want to know how i made these
                      Basically, you need to have saved your file with the layers showing (in PS, it's .psd) so that you can go back to it and then just explain what you did step by step, and include links to any textures, brushes or fonts that you used If you take a look at some of the tuts that have been posted here in the last few days you should get the idea


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Basically, you need to have saved your file with the layers showing (in PS, it's .psd) so that you can go back to it and then just explain what you did step by step, and include links to any textures, brushes or fonts that you used If you take a look at some of the tuts that have been posted here in the last few days you should get the idea
                        thanks for the help i shall do the Rush tut
                        Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                          tut for my rush pic (you need photoscape 3.5)
                          start with this

                          make it B&W about 15 times over then download the font Eurostlye Extended for his name and chose your own font for Destiny's Child or whatever slogan
                          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                            Here's my take on Josi's 'hush' tut:

                            The text was in the texture I used - yes, that's a cheat
                            Last edited by Jumble; 06 March 2012, 11:09 AM.


                              Jumble its nice but very bright
                              Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                                Lovely arties everyone! I greened and commented on all that I could

                                Here's my latest from Daz. (I hope this is ok to post here, even though he's nude, nothing is showing.... if not ok, let me know and I'll delete the post.)


