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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Originally posted by syfyfan View Post
    Great arties Jumble, Nola and LCJS!

    I tried Nad tut...
    thanks back at ya


      Originally posted by syfyfan View Post
      Great arties Jumble, Nola and LCJS!

      I tried Nad tut...

      And thanks


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post

        And thanks
        Welcome and thanks


          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


            Last edited by LT. COL. John Sheppard; 07 March 2012, 02:39 AM.
            Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


              Beautiful work, Sy.

              Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
              Wonderful artworks, Lt. Col. John Sheppard, Loserinc, Ladygris, Nola and Jumble.

              Ladygris, can you please do a tutorial for your current beautiful Daniel Jackson siggy.

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY PADME!!!!
              Thanks. But I followed this tut for a wallie. Then, I copied the visible layers over into a sig and just cropped and reversed things until it looked right.


                Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                Wonderful artworks, Lt. Col. John Sheppard, Loserinc, Ladygris, Nola and Jumble.

                Ladygris, can you please do a tutorial for your current beautiful Daniel Jackson siggy.

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY PADME!!!!
                Why, thank you.

                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                Beautiful lg!

                That's terrific Jumble! Love how tuts go your own way.

                A wallie I was inspired to do by a model pic...

                Beautiful! I've been seeing that girl all over DA. Her stock pics are great. I have to find something to make with them. The question is, what? I've been raking my brain trying to figure out which RP or Story character I could have her represent.
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                  Ladygris, can you please do a tutorial for your current beautiful Daniel Jackson siggy.
                  New artwork and a tut to go with it. This is for a story that is currently being written and should start posting in another two weeks or so.

                  To make it.....

                  You will need:

                  Open your canvas and fill with Black.

                  Add first texture from Rocket_Scientist. Scale to fit your canvas. Use the clone tool to remove the words or leave it if you like.

                  Add your character pic. Prepare it according to Nad's Tut. I warmed up Daniel's features using a brush set on Soft Light with a flesh-toned color. But, however you choose to do it, I used Nad's tut as a starting point. Erase the background.

                  Add second texture, snurched from Nad's tut. Set to Overlay, opacity 100%. Flip it horizontally or just move it until it fits within the orange-brown-white parts of the texture. Place it behind your character and use the smudge tool to remove the watermark. If placed correctly, there's very little of this you'll need to do.

                  Add third texture, the orange sky with the moon, also from Nad's tut. Apply a Gaussian blur. I can't remember my settings for that. Just enough to dull the edges. Set to Screen, opacity 100%. Using a large fuzzy brush, erase everything except the circle of the moon. I placed this so it looked like it wrapped around Daniel under his folded arms.

                  Here's where things get a bit tricky and will be up to you to move around. Copy your character image and scale down. This will add some depth. Move it over to the right. Copy your moon texture and move it as well. Then, copy your background texture—the one with the orange and blue—and put it behind the character. Crop only that layer so that all that's visible is the orange. This should cover the bright blue line in the original texture. Make certain you also crop and move the overlaid texture as well.

                  New Layer-->Black. Using your crop tool, cut out your different black stripes. These should be used to cover up the edges of the smaller character pic and add some detail. Stagger the height of them so it's not so mundane. Using another fuzzy brush, erase the orange layer behind the black stripes so that only a tiny part of the glow still remains on the very edge.

                  Now, it's up to you how you do this next step. Duplicate your first texture again and scale up or down, cropping and erasing so that you have the look you want. You should wind up with blue on one side of your large character and orange on the other side.

                  Open fourth texture—the frost. Set to Overlay, opacity 100%. Place behind both character pics and the smaller orange layer. Erase everything else that covers the orange so that it only covers the blue and gives it a richer, deeper coloring as well as adding some added texture.

                  Now, text. . . .

                  For “Daniel” and “Ice,” I used Licinia Aged. For “Jackson” and “Fire,” I used Volutes. For the “&” symbol, I used Jellyka Delicious Cake. All of these can be found on and are free. I haven't given you specific links because GW seems to cut them off.

                  For “Daniel” and “Fire,” I used color #5c899d. This is a nice teal-looking color. For “Jackson” and “Ice,” I used color #681802. Make sure you keep your fonts and colors straight. For the “&” sign, I made two layers of it and used both colors.

                  Text coloring:

                  For the blue text, I set my paintbrush mode on Soft Light, opacity 100%. Then, I brushed over the top of the blue text only with color #f9feff. This lightened the top portion of the text. Using the same brush and technique, I brushed over the bottom of the text with color #010033, darkening it. The combination of the colors should give the text a nice fade from a pale blue to a deep blue.

                  Do the same thing with the red text, using color #fefff9 for the light shade and color #380d01 for the dark shade.

                  Special Note: If you do something like I have, where the “&” symbol changes color, make two layers of the “&” sign. Do not move one. One layer should be the teal color, the second the red. Then, create the fade on both of them. (I use this technique over a gradient because it gives me a little better control over shading and color.) Once you've got the red layer faded and the blue layer faded, using a fuzzy brush and erase half of the top layer. This creates the fade from blue to red. Merge those layers.

                  Add a stroke/border around your text however you'd like. I like to grow the text by one pixel, but it's up to you how you do that. For the blue text, I used a color that was a shade off of white in the blue direction. For the red text, a color that was a shade off of white in the red direction.

                  Add a drop shadow under the text. For the blue text, I added a drop shadow in color #380d01, the dark red. For the red text, I added a drop shadow in color #010033, the dark blue. This gives a nice contrast for the layers.

                  And you're done!

                  Feel free to ask if you've got any questions.
                  Last edited by ladygris; 13 March 2012, 09:17 AM. Reason: Mixed up left and right. GW deleted one texture.


                    Having a rather stressful week so apologies for not being around for the last few days. I've been lurking and admiring and greening where I can, and all the artwork and tuts are fabulous

                    Just wanted to drop in a reminder to please PM your tut week entries to me as soon as possible! Thanks
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Ok, I finished the Wallie I was trying to do for the Hush challenge. Thank you to Josi and loserinc for the ideas on blending. I also started with three pics and finished with seven.

                      For my twin, TrueRomantic. For those who don't know her, no, she isn't me real twin, but we have the same birthday and have so much in common we call each other that.
                      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                        I tried Luciana's tut



                          Lovely job Padme (I adore that show!)

                          Newest work. Daz and Photoshop

                          Full size here


                            lovely works lg, padme and loserinc
                            Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM


                              Hello Everyone!

                              I've been gone much pretty art to look at. I've been greening where I can. Sadly I've had zero time for creativity and/or tutorial writing.
                              Fortunately, following tutorials takes much less time and I've churned out some tut-based stuff in the last few days. I'm not terribly happy with any of it, but it feels significantly better to get SOMEthing done than nothing, lol.

                              From Graceful Spirit's tut:

                              Based on Shep's tut (and that great Rush pic):


                              And a couple of lg's:

                              Whew. I kept trying tuts, hoping to produce something that was really my style, and utterly failed. It was fun, though....
                              Sig and avi by yamiinsane


                                thanks Rocket_Scientist btw nice sigs i really like the Han Solo one and of course the Rush one
                                Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM

