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    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rumours and speculation are interesting, and can be fun

    But they're not usually facts, but merely speculation.
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      wow.. that took forever to get back in.. something seemed to be cycling in circles..! this topic??
      just speculation... wondering.

      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rumours and speculation are interesting, and can be fun

      But they're not usually facts, but merely speculation.
      Not fun if you are living in a country that is on another country's potential target hit list for annihilation. Real or just a taunting threat.. the cat and mouse games get annoying.

      In the real world spectrum---- Eventually, the cat will finally pounce, or the mouse will rise up and roar or turn into a bat with a very nasty bite.
      (= thus, becoming the mouse that roared!)


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Israel just pulled out all of their staff from their embassies world-wide, claiming it was due to a (diplomatic / political?) strike. Bloggers on various discussion sites and in news articles are claiming that the timing is suspicious on all sides.
        Nobody's pulled out of anywhere. It's a labor strike to protest latest Finance Ministry budget cuts. Embassy stuff are still in the embassies, they're just not doing a damn thing.
        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


          Hasn't somebody already started a Anti Religion Thread?

          I mean sure anti religion and current politics go hand in hand now adays but still..

          It is kinda sad when Old Religions and New Religions just can't seem to get along.

          Oh well.


          YAY. The Koreas are shooting at each other!
          I like Sharky


            Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
            YAY. The Koreas are shooting at each other!
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              it helps liven up a dull weekend.
              I like Sharky


                Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                it helps liven up a dull weekend.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  War? What's it good for? A Damn Bloody Good time!
                  I like Sharky


                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      ....Ok I may be drunk and have listen to much Gwar. Time to go to bed.

                      and to dream of scenes of death depravity, an cruelty.... Ohh Pleasant dreams for me!
                      I like Sharky


                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Tell that to the more devout in Israel.
                        Folks in high government Israeli positions are starting to discuss in some news articles and (people in general on) blogs about taking it quite seriously, especially since the entire bible is basically about the sheer existence of Israel from beginning to end (Genesis to Revelation). (World) Politics included.

                        (I saw the news about this next item around March 24-ish?)
                        Israel just pulled out all of their staff from their embassies world-wide, claiming it was due to a (diplomatic / political?) strike. Bloggers on various discussion sites and in news articles are claiming that the timing is suspicious on all sides. Toss into that same mix, Passover occurring April 15, which is the first holiday blood moon for 2014 (next one come on Feast of Tabernacles, October 8, 2014). Maybe most people (including more devout Christians) don't believe in the blood moon stuff, but apparently some middle east folks take it very seriously based on past Jewish holy days in history with significant events occurring that directly affected the Jewish community. Iran has been instigating threats of annihilating (Jewish) Israel off the map. Just the other day, President Obama made a comment about targeting Russia's wealthy oligarchy, which I just read one of the more famous names was coincidentally Jewish. Really. No connection?? So, if there is no connection to Jewish people in general, Why target that one group of (ethnic?) people, if that is truly not the situation? Putin made a comment about the oligarchy, and claimed he wasn't too bothered about it. (And I forget what article and where I read that from, but it was within this last week.)

                        Anyway, prior to Israel pulling out all of its embassies around the entire globe-- about 3 weeks ago, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappears, and apparently the now searched for debris fields are just that -- debris from somewhere (not from the plane, so the plane is still missing or in hiding somewhere). China is investigating the so-called debris field(s). I trust China will do a better job at the investigation of the debris than any other country involved...just my gut instincts.

                        Within that same week the Malaysian plane disappeared, Russia was involved in some sort of communication with Iran over military or economic issues... don't know. Again, I don't know where the articles are or were, I just read the headlines of the involvement taking place. Iran threatened in other news within that same week and before to remove (Jewish) Israel off the planet. Not related news?

                        The article did not say Putin wants to control the world or even invade or head down towards Israel (tho Syria is right next door...!). The BBC article basically said Putin wants to restore Russia to its former (glory) empire.

                        Anything that occurs between now and say 50 years that involves teaming up with other countries to venture elsewhere may come from someone else in Russia (thus Moscow/Magog). That's all that means.

                        Also, currently, there are just rumors circulating the internet about Russia teaming up with Iran and being up to no good either about the USA or Israel, which both countries seem to be in the proverbial doghouse at the moment from the Middle East's POV. Both the USA and Israel are treading on delicate eggshells at the moment and the USA doesn't know who its real enemies are. Why don't the execs doing the politics go fight these things out on some distant island or different planet. The rest of us are nobodies, but seemingly caught in the middle of such world events.
                        interesting. could you elaborate?


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          Tell that to the more devout in Israel.
                          Folks in high government Israeli positions are starting to discuss in some news articles and (people in general on) blogs about taking it quite seriously, especially since the entire bible is basically about the sheer existence of Israel from beginning to end (Genesis to Revelation). (World) Politics included.
                          Anyway, prior to Israel pulling out all of its embassies around the entire globe-- about 3 weeks ago, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappears, and apparently the now searched for debris fields are just that -- debris from somewhere (not from the plane, so the plane is still missing or in hiding somewhere). China is investigating the so-called debris field(s). I trust China will do a better job at the investigation of the debris than any other country involved...just my gut instincts.

                          Within that same week the Malaysian plane disappeared, Russia was involved in some sort of communication with Iran over military or economic issues... don't know. Again, I don't know where the articles are or were, I just read the headlines of the involvement taking place. Iran threatened in other news within that same week and before to remove (Jewish) Israel off the planet. Not related news?

                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          interesting. could you elaborate?
                          elaborate-- sure, but on what or which... ??? (info overload)

                          About the conspiracy theories behind Malaysian flight MH370?
                          Bloggers have been commenting at the end of various news articles (several news sites including the Blaze), on city-data forums and other discussion sites -- just look for the Malaysian flight 370 in the topic titles. Any conspiracy theories about the plane disappearing and being hijacked or hidden to be used later as a weapon against Israel or the USA, started when two passports were revealed as stolen. BTW, both passengers holding the stolen passports were young adults and also from Iran, but were claimed to have no involvement with the plane disappearing. That's the popular news version of the story, anyway.

                          about Israel's prophecies?

                          With Israel under constant threats, mostly from Iran, snippets of Israeli leaders warning about the survival of Israel keep showing up from a prophetic view, but often get told in the secular POV in most of the news.

                          So, over many, many months I've been reading headlines about Israel and Iran -- both countries are either -- one week against each other, and the next (or even on the same day) trying to work out some sort of calm (to tolerate each other?). It gets dizzying reading it over and over and over again, so most of the time I just read a few lines about the situation and move on. Also, our computer's anti-virus program had a (nasty!) lovely habit of wiping out the cached articles during every weekly update that I've read, so most stuff read got (pre-programmed) auto-removed, and I just never bothered to make notes on the articles to look into them later.

                          So, out-of-sight, out of mind / memory.
                          But pieces of some articles sort of stuck in my mind, so what I'm noting below is based on digging thru hundreds of topics from several web sites I regularly visit. One particular item is about a prominent Israeli leader, who apparently is part of a premonition I knew nothing about, until the articles showed up -- I think about 3 months ago, thereabouts.

                          When former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon passed away in January 2014, the news went wild about a rabbi named Yitzhak Kaduri (not sure if that is spelled correctly) claiming that (the Jewish) Messiah would come after Ariel Sharon passed away. Call it superstition or whatever you want, but personally I don't understand why when Jesus specifically said not to "DATE set" per say, this rabbi pretty much did exactly that, unless it was a seasonal signal of some sort (knowing what the "signs of the times" would be).

                          Why he singled out Ariel Sharon, I have no idea. But it was in the news, on u-tube, and commented about in various blogs.

                          If you want to follow the trail of info-- here is a starting point.
                          Link below is broken.
                          Please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                          http : // www .wnd. com/2014/01/ariel-sharons-death-sparks-prophecy-bombshell/

                          Ariel Sharon's death sparks prophecy bombshell
                          A curse, a stroke and the end times prediction by venerated rabbi

                          Published: 01/15/2014 at 11:27 AM, WND

                          "...When the sealed note was opened a year later, it was posted on Kaduri's website. Kaduri had revealed the Messiah's name as Yehoshua, or the formal Hebrew pronunciation of Yeshua or Jesus.
                          As a result of the unusual prophetic twist and the recent release of a book and movie about the life and death of Kaduri, the death of Sharon has renewed interest among Christian prophecy circles around the world.
                          "The only prophetic utterance of Kaduri concerning Ariel Sharon was that Messiah would not appear until Ariel Sharon had died," said {Carl} Gallups. "Within a little over two months after speaking these prophetic words Sharon was in a coma and Kaduri himself died."

                          Chuck Missler, founder of Koinonia House ministry, says that in the book, Gallups "explodes one of the biggest bombshells of our lifetime."

                          "The implications of these astonishing declarations from the most venerated ultra-orthodox rabbi in Israel impacts every one of us – not just those of the traditional Jewish faith," Missler said...."

                          Another article regarding actual Bible prophecies concerning Israel, that just appeared (literally overnight?) comes from the Haaretz. After reading it, I'd say it was written from a super skeptical POV and probably more with tongue firmly planted in cheek approach than taking it overly seriously. I think other articles I've read about some prophecies being questioned, also came from the Haaretz or some other Jewish world news outlet.

                          Link below is broken.
                          Please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                          http : // www .haaretz. com/blogs/west-of-eden/.premium-1.582663

                          "West of Eden"
                          by Chemi Shalev

                          FYI: Putin=Gog, Crimea=Magog, the apocalypse is here and the Messiah is coming
                          Not only Christian fans of Armageddon are buzzing: According to one rabbi, the Vilna Gaon himself predicted that when the Russians take Crimea, the steps of the Messiah will be heard.

                          By Chemi Shalev, Mar. 29, 2014, 5:51 PM

                          "...You only have to read Ezekiel chapters 38-39, the widely accepted handbook and screenplay for the upcoming decimation. According to traditional translations of verse 2 of Chapter 38, Gog is the "chief prince of Meshech and Tuval", ancient kingdoms also near the Black Sea.

                          According to said Shternbuch, he is privy to a closely guarded secret handed down from the 18th Century Vilna Gaon through generations of revered rabbis: "When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople (today's Istanbul), you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don't take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute."

                          I don't know if Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan knows about Russian designs on Istanbul, but if I were you, I would take your Shabbat clothes to the cleaners, just in case..."

                          About the army of *Riders on horses*.. okay, how many folks with cars/trucks think of their (mechanical) vehicle engines as "horses"? Too many, that I personally know of. So, the biblical passage might not be as far fetched as some folks think. Same visuals apply to the imagery in the book of Revelation, tho one isn't 100% positive if the warfare goes back to primitive modes (say EMP solar flare-up). *sigh*

                          Actually, I don't think Putin is Gog, nor Crimea = Magog. Instead, I've read from (Judaeo-Christian) prophecy scholars that Magog is Moscow (because it is within 2 degrees on the up/down parallel lines exactly NORTH of Jerusalem, and the prophecy states Magog is ruled by the king of the north, and Moscow is currently north of Jerusalem). Prophecy buffs give the impression Gog is a country or regional area, Magog is part of Gog's empire. Rosh is Russia? And it is the Prince of Rosh who is a person.
                          Chances are more likely that regional areas of Hungary and Czech Republic (where some of the more notorious, original Gog residents lived) or folks nearby will team up with Moscow's Russian leaders and move southward according to Ezekiel 37-38.

                          I say the Hungary and Czech (formerly Czechoslovakia) areas because that is where my Scythian ancesters lived (one of my grandmas came over directly from the Austria-Hungary region before WW2..!). This is also the regional lands where Vlad the impaler (the real Dracula) lived. Sorry, that was not written to offend, but instead certainly noted to keep an eye on this area (and its possible transitions?).. Learning about the whole Scythian-Russian regional land connection was an eye-opener for me personally, as it also hits closer to my grandparents' ancestral homeland than simply being just mere words on a page..!

                          How much of the original Russian empire will Putin restore? It might be necessary to keep in mind what areas were part of the entire U.S.S.R. before the countries became more or less independent of that particular empire.
                          Oh, and I just read (March 31, 2014) something about Putin being interested bringing Poland back into the empire -- or is that an April fool's joke...?

                          Nothing usual about reading about Russia teaming up with Iran (Persia?) about economic issues, but it is troubling reading that Iran has made it very clear for the past 5 years, at least, that it wants to destroy Israel. Speculation is that Russia might go along with any Iranian military contracts, because Israel has discovered a huge gas bubble in the nearby Mediterranean Sea, which Lebanon has already filed complaints against whose property that actually belongs to. It's such a complicated and twisted pile of stories, there really is not a clear place to start at, unless one goes all the way back to May 14, 1948, when Israel first was recognized as a nation in its own standing.

                          (See further gas discovery details on the
                          "Leviathan gas field"). Interesting that back in the 1990's, I think that's when I first heard about Deuteronomy 33:24 being a bible verse about the (Hebrew) tribe (or geographical area given) of Asher dipping (his) its feet in oil (gas is also a variant product of oil). Business opportunity knocks. Seriously! Wow, (Ezekiel 38:12) even that was mentioned (without actually naming it) in one of the articles noted above.

                          Coincidence? How many coincidences need to be added up to stop being a coincidence?
                          I stopped counting (such events as coincidences) when the oil/gas field was first being searched for and finally actually discovered -- right in Asher's territory..! All events happening within the 70 to 80 year generational time era of Israel's rebirth (starting at 1948... 2018 would make the 70 year marker with 2028 as the 80th year marker).

                          Sorry for the length of the above. The question got asked to *elaborate*. This is the best and most concise data I could dig up on short notice.


                            I think my eyes would melt if i tried to make a post that long.


                              So what does the Koran and Talmud say about all of these biblical prophesies? Or don't they count as reliable source?

                              Also, Dracula the story was loosely based on Vlad the Impaler, a medieval warlord with a taste for blood and torture (and not the only one with a taste for it if you look through history).
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                So what does the Koran and Talmud say about all of these biblical prophesies? Or don't they count as reliable source?

                                Also, Dracula the story was loosely based on Vlad the Impaler, a medieval warlord with a taste for blood and torture (and not the only one with a taste for it if you look through history).

                                But the legend of Dracula is one you can understand. Religion is just something I do not understand....
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

