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Stupid things I am not doing again.....EVER!

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    go commando and forget to trim, zippers and hair do not go well together
    Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


      yeah! I once zipped my tip going commando O M G did that hurt
      The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total b*stard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.


        Originally posted by alaskannut View Post
        pookey, please tell me your insurance covers household fires........
        Oh me! Thanks for the laugh. That was great.

        Originally posted by drewandian View Post
        I will never:
        ~burn water (put it on to make some ramen noodles and forgot about it )
        ~over-boil water and milk (set the foil on the burner on fire)
        ~set a pillar candle on the stove and then bake a frozen pizza (candle wax EVERYWHERE)
        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        ....I once lit a gas fireplace sometime after turning on the gas...there was a mild but rather unsettling fireball.

        Though it's still lots of fun to put copious amounts of lighter fluid on a charcoal grill and toss in a match....just from further away.
        Are we a bunch of fire bugs or what?!

        Originally posted by Hjalmar View Post
        yeah! I once zipped my tip going commando O M G did that hurt
        Ok, I think we're getting into the realm of TMI (too much information) here Hjalmar. LOL (especially after seeing your picture )


          Originally posted by alaskannut View Post
          pookey, please tell me your insurance covers household fires........

          i cannot believe this i burnt my bloody garlic bread while answering this post


            Originally posted by drewandian View Post
            I will never:
            ~burn water (put it on to make some ramen noodles and forgot about it )
            ~over-boil water and milk (set the foil on the burner on fire)
            ~set a pillar candle on the stove and then bake a frozen pizza (candle wax EVERYWHERE)
            hi drew and welcome to the Fire and Safety Thread


              I set fire to the gas grill in my uni accommodation.. I'm still not sure how it happened I just had two beefburgers on the grill.. one minute everything was fine and then it was on fire Luckily I managed to put the fire out before it spread But I was extra careful every time I used the grill after that...

              And then a few weeks later one of my housemates left a saucepan he had just taken off the stove on the counter and set half the kitchen on fire


                i set my aunties chimney on fire we were burning shoes and clothes on it and somebody saw flames leaping from the chimney and called fire brigade, they eventually put it out they were not best pleased. never done that since

                singed my hair got the zippo a little close to it, it was a windy day and i have long hair.

                stood a hand blender in some water, when i came back it had fell in so plunged my hand in to get it out (it was still turned on at wall) and i literally got the shock of my life ,,i will never do that again.

                its not until you see em all written down that you realise just how stupid youve been


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                  I set fire to the gas grill in my uni accommodation.. I'm still not sure how it happened I just had two beefburgers on the grill.. one minute everything was fine and then it was on fire Luckily I managed to put the fire out before it spread But I was extra careful every time I used the grill after that...

                  And then a few weeks later one of my housemates left a saucepan he had just taken off the stove on the counter and set half the kitchen on fire
                  aah PH pull up a chair,and sit down youll fit right in

                  i just hope nobody from the fire dept comes on here,


                    Originally posted by pookey View Post

                    i cannot believe this i burnt my bloody garlic bread while answering this post

                    Originally posted by pookey View Post
                    hi drew and welcome to the Fire and Safety Thread
                    hey there pook! how's it going!? and thanks!
                    My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                      Originally posted by Hiccups View Post
                      Are we a bunch of fire bugs or what?!
                      I've melted plastic spoons over candles before, but that was just 'cause I was bored.

                      Originally posted by pookey View Post
                      i cannot believe this i burnt my bloody garlic bread while answering this post

                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                      I set fire to the gas grill in my uni accommodation.. I'm still not sure how it happened I just had two beefburgers on the grill.. one minute everything was fine and then it was on fire Luckily I managed to put the fire out before it spread But I was extra careful every time I used the grill after that...

                      And then a few weeks later one of my housemates left a saucepan he had just taken off the stove on the counter and set half the kitchen on fire
                      Yikes! Fire and safety thread is about right...expect there's lots of fire and very little safety.
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                        Other stupid things I've done...

                        - Lay spreadeagle on the lawn when my brother's riding his bicycle around...he kind of ran over my arm. We were both really little.
                        - Wear shorts and leave a hand drill that on the ground. I kind of walked into the (rather sharp and pointy) drill bit. There was much blood.
                        - Try to cut a nock into a wooden arrow while holding said arrow in my left hand...the arrow split, and so did my finger.
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                          I will never again:
                          ~turn my face into my best friend's elbow (there was a lot of blood and a broken nose...)
                          ~walk around my living room in the dark or without watching where I'm going (broke my toe on my son's bouncy seat)
                          ~drink a six pack of beer and about 1/2 a bottle of tequila and think that it's a good idea to try to walk home in the dark (fell and broke my thumb)
                          My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                            Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                            I will never again:
                            ~turn my face into my best friend's elbow (there was a lot of blood and a broken nose...)
                            ~walk around my living room in the dark or without watching where I'm going (broke my toe on my son's bouncy seat)
                            ~drink a six pack of beer and about 1/2 a bottle of tequila and think that it's a good idea to try to walk home in the dark (fell and broke my thumb)

                            I will never again...
                            - Accidentally slam my finger in a door. (Unsurprisingly, it broke.)
                            || twitter || tumblr ||


                              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post

                              I will never again...
                              - Accidentally slam my finger in a door. (Unsurprisingly, it broke.)
                              Yeah...I'm pretty accident prone.... lol

                              ugh I hate when I close my finger in doors...or drawers....or windows....
                              My fanfics: of the Sisterhood of the Pantster Fan Fic Writers


                                Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                                Yeah...I'm pretty accident prone.... lol

                                ugh I hate when I close my finger in doors...or drawers....or windows....
                                sounds like we've left the Fire Dept were winging our way to E.R next stop the Cop Shop

