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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    Mala, hon, I usually lurk on your thread, but I had to delurk on this one. You underestimate your value to the greater GW community at large. The things you create for this thread are some of the best things posted on Gateworld!!!

    Just sayin'.....
    Wow...thanks for delurking! I'm extremely flattered. There are some very talented and creative people on GW... I truly enjoy what I do and it always makes me happy (and sometimes surprised) whenever I hear that people enjoy my 'creations'. Much of what I make is inspired by the friends that I've made through the Ship and Thunk threads and Mala's World. To be honest, I wouldn't still be online in this fandom if it weren't for the fun I get out of trying to make these gals laugh and squeeee.... Btw, I hope you know that you're always welcome to come out and play with us! Most of us are really a bit saner than we seem!


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
      Mala, hon, I usually lurk on your thread, but I had to delurk on this one. You underestimate your value to the greater GW community at large. The things you create for this thread are some of the best things posted on Gateworld!!!

      Just sayin'.....
      I'm gonna second this. Mala, your creations are flat out awesome. Even your 'lazy attempts'!!
      Last edited by ChevronSeven; 05 June 2006, 06:24 PM. Reason: I can 2 spell!


        Originally posted by Queen Eleta
        My hubby wouldn't take a pic with him (it was all us silly women that took pics with him) so this is the closest I could get of the two of them together:

        And Rune took this pic of us for our 'Official Sixteenth Anniversary' photo:
        Oh, handsome guy! (And that fellow with the silver hair ain't bad either!)

        Congrats on your 16th anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. QE! Thanks again for sharing.

        Here's a quick scrub of your pic with RDA. Great smile. You know I just wanted to see where your hands really were...



          Originally posted by ChevronSeven
          I'm gonna second this. Mala, your creations are flat out awesome. Even your 'lazy attempts'!!
          Why, thank you, C7!!



            Originally posted by Queen Eleta
            A few more:



            Me! My mom asked if I touched him, and I said I touch his waist when we took the picture. But then she pointed out that several parts of my body were touching him, not just my hand. I like the way my mom thinks!!
            Thanks so much for sharing, QE!

            Your mom sounds like a wise woman. I hope the rest of your trip/anniversary is just as exciting (although I can't imagine anything better than rubbing up against RDA!).

            Congrats to you and Mr. QE on 16 years!

            *My 28th anniversary is the 10th. I was a child bride of 12.
            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


              Thanks to everyone for saying 'Thanks'.
              I had a wonderful time taking the pics, and I felt like I was on a mission for all the Lusty Wenches who couldn't be there.

              I'm so glad everyone has enjoyed them!!

              Originally posted by Mala50
              Oh, handsome guy! (And that fellow with the silver hair ain't bad either!)

              Congrats on your 16th anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. QE! Thanks again for sharing.

              Wow!! Thanks for doing that. He was standing under an umbrella for shade, and he commented that he hoped everyones pics would come out since the lighting was weird.

              Originally posted by mala50
              Here's a quick scrub of your pic with RDA. Great smile. You know I just wanted to see where your hands really were...
              Oh, I was soooo tempted! He is so much taller, it could have just seemed like an accident, you know, just maybe where my hand should have been if he wasn't so tall. So it really would have been his fault.

              And I just want to add my compliments, too. You are what makes this thread so special and great! You have such imagination and talent, I love to come here and see what else you have come up with.
              Last edited by Queen Eleta; 05 June 2006, 08:27 PM.
              sig by PM


                Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                Hmm, well, ok, but you didn't see it from me.

                It was quite by accident too. I was in the below decks part of the ship, where they had the silent auction set up, wanting to look at my jewelry. I squeezed past a crowd of people, thinking they were just looking at the stuff, and found my stuff. I backed up a bit to take a pic, and I heard HIS voice. I was standing right next to him! Those people were looking at him, not the stuff, and I had just squeezed past them! He was bending over, bidding on some jewelry (not mine) although I did move out of his way so he could look at it, and the 'opportunity' presented itself. I wonder if anyone realized what I was taking a pic of?

                That was an accident looking for a place to happen. Lucky you had your place with you.
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by Zoser
                  The smile on your face says it all!
                  I'm living vicariously through you.
                  Yes, I've been a resident of Vicariousville for some time. Its the only place that recognizes by diploma from the Academy of Lusty Wenching.
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Well, goodnight all. I'm off to sweet dreams!
                    sig by PM


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      Thank you, jafacakes! I'm glad that they brought and continue to bring smiles to many Shippers, but Art? I don't know about that...

                      I've created these things - thunk pix, smilies, S/J art - as my contribution to the community. I'm not good at writing long and insightful I share what I can. It's mainly just fun for me - and if others get enjoyment out of what I do, then honestly, that's enough for me.
                      And isn't that what true art is about ?

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      Mala, hon, I usually lurk on your thread, but I had to delurk on this one. You underestimate your value to the greater GW community at large. The things you create for this thread are some of the best things posted on Gateworld!!!

                      Just sayin'.....
                      I second that she says it much better than I could


                        Has anyone heard from Sacme recently ?
                        It's her birthday today

                        Happy Birthday sacme


                          Originally posted by Queen Eleta
                          I'm back!!
                          OMG!! It was so great!
                          I saw Rune standing by RDA and I though "Hmm, I wonder if that is Rune, her hair looks just like she described it" (We had a hair discussion on LJ awhile back) then RDA took off his hat and she ruffled his hair and I said "AHHH that is her!" She stepped back so other people could have a turn (not ruffling his hair, just getting a picture) and I said to her "Do I know you?" Then we hugged and squeed!
                          I met up with tsaxlady dockside, and even got to met a very special hussy that I didn't know was going either!
                          RDA was very wonderful. He stood on deck and let everyone get a pic with him, then after a break him and Capt. Watson signed autographs. He mingled a bit again, then introduced Capt. Watson for his speech, the a psycho lady had to go and ruined it all for him. She started bugging him during the speech he was trying to listen to, about something that happen on Stargate last year. He left the deck to get away from her and she followed him! They asked her to leave the ship, and unbeknowst she was waiting on the sidewalk for him and when he left, she followed him, still complaining!! His bodyguard had to step in. I swear if he doesn't go to the GABIT even because of this, I will hunt her down!
                          Ok, anyway, when it was my turn for a picture, I shook his hand and said very nice to meet you. He leaned down abit because he is like a foot taller than me, and said it was nice to meet me. Then I put my arm around his waist... and I can't remember much after that. Just kidding! I told him I had been wanting to meet him for about 20 years, and he said "No," in a funny tone of voice, kind of like disbelieving maybe, and I said yes and he said no again. It was funny.
                          Did Rune tell you she kissed him?
                          We were in the autograph line together, and we stood behind him while he signed stuff, and then she leaned down and kissed his cheek!! I was awestruck. After he signed my pic, I patted his shoulder, (actually, it turned into more of a caress) and said "Don't worry, I won't try and kiss you." He chuckled.
                          More later... I'm downloading my pics right now.
                          Thanks for th re-cap QE.

                          Sounds like you had a blast. Love the pics too, thanks for sharing them.


                          My LJ


                            >>>>>> slinks in

                            I'm currently in a cyber cafe in San Diego so I can't hang about but I thought it would be nice to check in and say hello to the MW-crew.

                            Had a very nice time on Sunday afternoon, Rick is just ... well you know *grin* and it was so cool to meet QE and Co.

                            I get back sometime Saturday so once I get my act together I'll get some pics up if I can ... although I guess it will be boring old news by then huh?



                            slinks out >>>>>>


                              Originally posted by Rune
                              >>>>>> slinks in

                              I'm currently in a cyber cafe in San Diego so I can't hang about but I thought it would be nice to check in and say hello to the MW-crew.

                              Had a very nice time on Sunday afternoon, Rick is just ... well you know *grin* and it was so cool to meet QE and Co.

                              I get back sometime Saturday so once I get my act together I'll get some pics up if I can ... although I guess it will be boring old news by then huh?



                              slinks out >>>>>>
                              You will bring your own, um, 'unique', perspective to the event!
                              Personally, I want to know what his cheek (um, the one on his face!) felt like. Clean-shaven? Bristly? Aftershave? I couldn't ask you there, because of hubby, but now you can dish!
                              sig by PM


                                Originally posted by Rune
                                >>>>>> slinks in

                                I'm currently in a cyber cafe in San Diego so I can't hang about but I thought it would be nice to check in and say hello to the MW-crew.

                                Had a very nice time on Sunday afternoon, Rick is just ... well you know *grin* and it was so cool to meet QE and Co.

                                I get back sometime Saturday so once I get my act together I'll get some pics up if I can ... although I guess it will be boring old news by then huh?



                                slinks out >>>>>>
                                Hi Rune, can you please find another cyber cafe soon...we need to know about RDA's hair and cheek NOW! Hurry up and tell us.

