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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Sistah - you can Ship before you thunk (no "unfortunately"/apologetic-like words allowed, here!)

    As I've always said about me: I THUNK, THEREFORE I AM...
    I say "unfortunately" because I want to enjoy the man-flesh/beefcake on offer, but instead I suffer. It is a shipper's lot. But I'm glad you guys can still squee. As a shipper, I just want people to be happy.

    Is That So Wrong!

    ship sistah

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      Originally posted by Mala50
      BRAVA!! KG!! BRAVA!! Man, what a diva!!

      OK, here are the boyz fighting over who's going to tuck you in, first!
      And John will be serving you your tea, btw....

      SGA 1.01 Rising
      *lifts head from reclined pose and speaks weakly*
      oh my, that would be..... lovely *starts scheming*
      Even got John in there. I like that!

      (I feel like the spider waiting for the fly to enter her web, tee hee ).


        Originally posted by sacme
        I say "unfortunately" because I want to enjoy the man-flesh/beefcake on offer, but instead I suffer. It is a shipper's lot. But I'm glad you guys can still squee. As a shipper, I just want people to be happy.

        Is That So Wrong!

        ship sistah
        NO, nothing wrong!

        You know, ship sistah, we will work our mojo on you....

        Someday you will be able to SHIP AND THUNK equally...

        and the joy of squeeing will be yours....the joy of squeeing will be yours....the joy of squeeing will be yours....



          Originally posted by Mala50
          There was a ceremony?? Did I miss a memo??

          Bev, so glad we can provide you with shelter as you avoid your teacherly responsiblities!! Did you know that Edjookayshun is Fundamentell?

          3.05 Learning Curve

          Thank you for keeping me safe from hoards of horrible,hairy,hircine,hoodlums!(Heh! Nice alliteration!)

          Glad to see you went to a good school, Mala! (or should that be skule?)

          ETA I love the dual-picture-thingy!
          Last edited by dipsofjazz; 30 November 2004, 01:24 PM. Reason: Sheer stupidity!


            Originally posted by Mala50

            I love you no matter HOW BIG your face is today!!

            (borrowing a line from Michelle: "my callous humour hides a deepfelt sympathy")

            I feel your pain... I'm glad you're feeling better, though...
            Now I don't mean to laugh at your misery, but somehow I'm picturing this itty bitty tongue coming out of your swollen cheek.... and it just keeps trying so hard to lick your screen....

            Here's something to practice your licking skills on until you get back to 'normal' (whatever that is, for you!)


            Yes that was me a few days ago

            and normal for me????? well picture yourself about 5 years AGO!!!!! ..... See I plan to grow up to be MALA

            I will GUSH of course over the picture when I can ACTUALLY see it at home
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by sacme
              ((((((((((((Tame))))))))))) make sure you take your happy pills!

              Sooo sorry about your injury! I remember when I had all four wisdom teeth taken out at once-- it took me a week to recover. But this was involuntary! Are you stuck with soup and soft foods for a while? Good thing Nana's shipper cookies and donut are nice and moist-- especially when hot out of the oven!

              ship sistah

              Ok I have to jump in here. I would have been here sooner if I had only been aware that Tame needed me!!! Ship Nana to the rescue!!

              Obviously she is in need of Ship Nana's very famous Pale Green Shipper Cookie which is used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup.

              And just for good measure a nice soft Teal'c's Shipper Donut! Which is chocolate frosted, with rich and creamy chocolate center and named after Teal'c's because of his love of donuts, and because he is a secret Sam/Jack shipper.

              If this doesn't make her feel better nothing will!!!!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Mala50
                NO, nothing wrong!

                You know, ship sistah, we will work our mojo on you....

                Someday you will be able to SHIP AND THUNK equally...

                and the joy of squeeing will be yours....the joy of squeeing will be yours....the joy of squeeing will be yours....


                I believe in squee.........I believe in squee.........I believe in squee.........

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Ok I have to jump in here. I would have been here sooner if I had only been aware that Tame needed me!!! Ship Nana to the rescue!!

                  Obviously she is in need of Ship Nana's very famous Pale Green Shipper Cookie which is used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup.

                  And just for good measure a nice soft Teal'c's Shipper Donut! Which is chocolate frosted, with rich and creamy chocolate center and named after Teal'c's because of his love of donuts, and because he is a secret Sam/Jack shipper.

                  If this doesn't make her feel better nothing will!!!!
                  SHIP NANA IS HERE!!

                  SHIP NANA IS HERE!!
                  SHIP NANA IS HERE!!

                  WITH DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!!

                  ETA: Oh, I just noticed - it's just ONE DONUT....for Tame...

                  Ship Nana! Can I have one too, please??
                  Last edited by Mala50; 30 November 2004, 02:16 PM.


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar

                    Yes that was me a few days ago

                    and normal for me????? well picture yourself about 5 years AGO!!!!! ..... See I plan to grow up to be MALA

                    I will GUSH of course over the picture when I can ACTUALLY see it at home
                    I keep forgetting you can't see the pix at work!

                    Tame, you CAN'T grow up to be me!! Because I haven't grown up yet!!

                    (and I think you'd better picture yourself about 10 years or so from now... I really am much older than I act! )


                      Originally posted by sacme

                      I believe in squee.........I believe in squee.........I believe in squee.........

                      ship sistah
                      HAH!!! IT WORKED!


                        Originally posted by michelleb
                        been there, done more, hungry for more, more , MORE!!!
                        Try Stargate Daniel Friendly, they have transcripts and screencaps for all Atlantis eps...


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          Didn't you mean,

                          THUFFERING THUCCOTASH!! THUT UP!!
                          Do you think Sylvester would try to eat the penguins???
                          The penguins are scared of Sylvester

                          But I like him.. go figure


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            OK, I'm depressing myself with my conspiracy theories about the THREAD pix and the MOEBIUS ending...

                            So how about a nice, new shiney scrub of one of our favorite Sam and Jack promo photos from 2.22 OUT OF MIND....



                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              (((ASTRO))) I hope you're feeling better soon!

                              At least you're home and able to hang out here without trying to pretend that you're busy working (unlike SOME people around here...Tame, SS, Meimei, Michelle...)

                              Here's a pic of a couple good looking guys (of course, my heart belongs to RDA):

                              It's lovely... but... but...

                              What are they looking at?


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                BRAVA!! KG!! BRAVA!! Man, what a diva!!

                                OK, here are the boyz fighting over who's going to tuck you in, first!
                                And John will be serving you your tea, btw....

                                SGA 1.01 Rising

                                Now... would you look at that..

                                *sits back and appreciates the view*

                                Three little hotties, altogether....

                                *suddenly realises*

                                Hey! I've got John!!! KG can't have him until he's finished with me!

