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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    One of my favorite episodes is 2010... Great story, acting, production values (costumes, sets, etc.) and LOTS of angst...

    Yeah, we all know the famous first scene, but there are those 'looks' throughout this episode that I love...

    4.16 2010

    Gasp! Breathe now. Slowly. That's it. Pull yourself together.

    Hubba Hubba! Can't you just imagine being alone in the middle of nowhere and seeing that face coming at you? This is one of the best Jack pics I've ever seen. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Mala, do you think you could resize it so I could put it next to the other Jack pic you made for my sig? Please Please Please? Then I could have one of those dual pic thingys. 2 pics of Jack would make my sig 4 times as good!

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Hello thar everyone. I'm new!

      *listens to all the whispers*
      OMG, itsa n00b...

      Okay...semi-new...semi...sorta...just still sorta browsin' about the boards. Finding my "niche" if you comfort "zone"'m rambling again, eh? Yeah. Sure. You betcha.

      I'll just be over here hiding in the corner. That's right...the corner of a two dimensional image projected on a screen and transmitted across the world via...wires...and stuff. Oh well.



        well, Hello there Mjollnir
        What an unusual screen name. Is it to do with Jolinar?
        This is Mala's World. Mala is a genius with pics, and screen caps (and, who can forget, the dual piccie thingies ).
        This is a thread to hang out and chat about whatever. Mostly shipping for Sam and Jack and gutterish thought regarding the georgous men of Stargate
        So, if this sounds like your fishbowl, jump right in!


          Mjollnir is the name of Thor's Hammer. Therefore, I am good at killing snakes and...hammering nails.


            Originally posted by Mjollnir
            Mjollnir is the name of Thor's Hammer. Therefore, I am good at killing snakes and...hammering nails.
            oh, good! Somewhere around here I believe we're constructing a party tent.... Your talents will be put to use


              Just thought I'd throw in one of my dual piccie thingys... I've become addicted to Paint Shop Pro... *giggle* A new addiction..... Just what I need.

              You have to love The Changling just for the fire chiefs uniform...


                Whew you go offline for a few days and wow!

                *waves to everyone*

                I will say I will never look at camping, snowstorms or horseback riding the same way again. If I've said anything to offend then I do apologize. Personally nothing posted in here offended me.

                Mala THUNKS again for the fabulous dual piccies things. I think the S/J moments from 2010 and The Other Side were my faves from the recent batch. I love the look at the end of The Other Side. As for D/J in 2010, yep both MS and TR have confirmed the intentions there at the cons i've been to. Personally I don't see it but I have written it for my friends.

                As for the wonderful Oz and her descriptions. Yep I love the lashes, eyes, mouth, ears, arms, hands.... oh hell I love it all! Though I will admit some of you have a butt fetish that I don't particularly share. The MAN is one of Nature's finest works there is no doubt.

                Thanks again everyone for some entertaining reading. It's nice to see I've made the 'punishment' list. I'll try and behave but I'm sure I'll need some personaly instruction from my Jack and Mac clones.


                  Hi guys

                  As you know I'll be posting the Sam and Jack Gemini pics at the shipper thread tonight

                  Will you be reading the spoilers over there or do you want me to post the links of the pics in Mala's thread too?!!!



                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    Hi guys

                    As you know I'll be posting the Sam and Jack Gemini pics at the shipper thread tonight

                    Will you be reading the spoilers over there or do you want me to post the links of the pics in Mala's thread too?!!!

                    Well this is Mala's world so she makes the rules. For me personally I would prefer links since I don't like spoilers. If not links then some space if possible?


                      Originally posted by sacme

                      I'd never seen some of these before, so they were a nice gift for me.

                      ship sistah
                      Huh, my first reaction was why is a guy posting THUNK pix in the Shipper's Thread?

                      But yes, the first ones are from The Battle of the Network Stars and they're very old and RDA looks VERY young...

                      The other two are from two of RDA's TV movies. For some great screencaps, check out Susan/Ewokmonster's web site:

                      In the Eyes of a Stranger

                      Through the Eyes of a Killer


                        Originally posted by Ewokmonster
                        2010! Another favorite!

                        :shameless plug alert:

                        I did a video to this episode using Nickelback's Someday. It got nominated for a SG-1 video award in the episode category.


                        :shameless plug alert over:

                        I love the look Jack gives Sam and Daniel on the ramp when they realize he's going to help them.
                        Hey, you don't have to put up alerts! Congrats! I'll download your video and look at it later today. Is anyone allowed to vote?

                        As for the "and we're walking..." moment, here it is:

                        4.16 2010


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Holy Hannah! Have I been naughty? I'm sorry. I thought that was a prerequisite for attending the RDA Academy of Lusty Wenching! And here's me religiously doing all my homework to get into the advanced classes!!

                          By the way, totally off topic, but I thought you should know that I've just had my hair cut again. Why is that interesting, I hear you ask? Well, my hair is normally very short, but it's now so short that it is permanently sticky-up!! It is worse than the worst Jack sticky-up pic! I hope the picture I have now painted for you lets you sleep well at night! Muahahaha!!!
                          Yes, it's true you must have a less than ladylike appreciation for THE MAN to attend the RDA Academy of Lusty Wenching. However, to what degree you express your leering lewdness is what should be considered in a PG forum.

                          Hmmm, maybe I'd better create a class to help hussies practice self-control...

                          Since there's NO off-topicness, here...tell me more about your hair! Is this new hairdo a tribute to THE MAN? Btw, my hair is very short and boyish, but not quite sticky-up (well, maybe when I wake up it is...)

                          Does this hair look like yours, Bev??


                            *giggle* My hair looks like a mohawk when I wake up in the morning, the more I toss and turn at night the more it looks like one... If I sleep quietly it's a one sided mohawk. But mine too is short, but the sticky up part is usually from the gel bottle...


                              Originally posted by sugarshaker
                              Gasp! Breathe now. Slowly. That's it. Pull yourself together.

                              Hubba Hubba! Can't you just imagine being alone in the middle of nowhere and seeing that face coming at you? This is one of the best Jack pics I've ever seen. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

                              Mala, do you think you could resize it so I could put it next to the other Jack pic you made for my sig? Please Please Please? Then I could have one of those dual pic thingys. 2 pics of Jack would make my sig 4 times as good!
                              You're welcome, Sugarshaker! You know, the first time I saw 2010, I really didn't like the scruffy Jack look... I guess because it went with the story and I felt that Jack had given up and let himself go... But over the years, the caps I have of him from that scene and the rest of the episode are some of my favorites.

                              Here's my bigger one... (check your PM box for a sig-sized version)...


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                Yes, it's true you must have a less than ladylike appreciation for THE MAN to attend the RDA Academy of Lusty Wenching. However, to what degree you express your leering lewdness is what should be considered in a PG forum.

                                Hmmm, maybe I'd better create a class to help hussies practice self-control...

                                Since there's NO off-topicness, here...tell me more about your hair! Is this new hairdo a tribute to THE MAN? Btw, my hair is very short and boyish, but not quite sticky-up (well, maybe when I wake up it is...)

                                Does this hair look like yours, Bev??
                                I wonder if the allure of the sticky up hair is that it looks like he just rolled out of bed?
                                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala

