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Mala's World

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Yesterday as I was looking through my photobucket in anticipation of updating parts of my web site, I found myself not wanting to deal with the S/J sections right now. I've been content to believe that Sam and Jack are together at the end of Season 8 and leave it at that. However, RE threw me for a loop more than I expected. I know in a few days I'll be able to just see it as just another example of the heartless PTB (the rat b*stards!) 'moving on' to bigger and better things...hah...

    Anyway, I was wondering how other MWers feel about looking at shippy pix right now... I'm still enjoying making RDA pix, because I was a thunker before I was a shipper. And I can still read S/J fanfic - but picking out scenes from the show of Sam and Jack at this point, leave me a bit flat....
    I'm always up for shippy pics. If they leave you flat, though, why don't you wait awhile until the radioactive dust has settled from RE. For now I'm going to continue watching the show, but if TP's keep shipping Sam with the male guest of the week (which I think is their plan ) I'll quit watching altogether. Then we'll need all the shippy pics we can get!

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by waterfall


      Again WTF!?!
      Poor Samantha Carter, another strong female character dies a slow brain death due to bimboism..... ....that and all male writers.

      TPTB of SG-1 can

      BTW I really like that one , I hope you don't mind if I took it...

      Bimboism! You said it.

      s u g a r s h a k e r


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Yesterday as I was looking through my photobucket in anticipation of updating parts of my web site, I found myself not wanting to deal with the S/J sections right now. I've been content to believe that Sam and Jack are together at the end of Season 8 and leave it at that. However, RE threw me for a loop more than I expected. I know in a few days I'll be able to just see it as just another example of the heartless PTB (the rat b*stards!) 'moving on' to bigger and better things...hah...

        Anyway, I was wondering how other MWers feel about looking at shippy pix right now... I'm still enjoying making RDA pix, because I was a thunker before I was a shipper. And I can still read S/J fanfic - but picking out scenes from the show of Sam and Jack at this point, leave me a bit flat....
        Speaking as someone who was drawn to the show for many reasons including the team chemistry who quickly grew to like the S/J ship and (after finding GW) to becoming a thunker, I still like shippy pix. Noone, not PDL, not Coop, nor anyone else PTB, fan, critic, whom- and who-ever will take that away from me.

        Perhaps some of that is rooted in that for me Lost City pretty much was the end of the old SG1. Yes, there was S8 and yes Jack was in it. But with S8 came some out there story lines that did IMOHO a disservice to the show and to the characters, messing with Jack's character (turning him into a many times humorless grouch & really messing with his character with Citizen Joe), messing with the S/J ship (there was SOOOOO many other ways Threads could have been done and sorry fishing at the pond STILL leaves it all up to interpretation), and then messing with the whole darn timeline with Moebius.

        S9... well par for the course. (I keep telling myself.... it's a different timeline team, different timeline, different, different... anything goes timeline...) And RE just perpetuates the 9 year tease and ambiguity in a big way. Where before S/J ship was here and there and for the most part subtle... with RE it's a whole show full of teases - ship Sam with ________ (fill in your choice of male/female/alien/pizza delivery guy)...

        *sighs* /rant

        But I know what I saw between S & J. I know what I feel about their relationship. And I still like it, even if the PTB (and I very much include the corporate suits in TPTB) wish to fling excrement all over it.....

        *grins* *laughs*

        The short answer.... Yes.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by waterfall
          Mala, I just love this thread and everybody in it. I'll call Mala's World my happy place.
          I really like your pics and stuff, but I'm burnt on S/J ship.
          I am so angry about RE that I can't express it enough and won't be watching SG-1 anymore.
          I think mabey RDA jumped ship just at the right time cuz he saw what was coming.As far as I'm concerned he kept the show on track and without him it's just garbage.
          Part of the reason I used to like SG-1 was the science involved but anymore it's all fantasty and has no real basis in science anymore.

          I hear ya about the WTF!?! moment...those were my exact words in that scene.That and her counterpart was doing all the if there's a man around her , her hormones turn on and her brain shuts in "Chimera' or "Affinity".
          Again WTF!?!
          Poor Samantha Carter, another strong female character dies a slow brain death due to bimboism..... ....that and all male writers.

          TPTB of SG-1 can

          BTW I really like that one , I hope you don't mind if I took it...

          I, too, prefer Scifi to fantasy. Never really liked the ascended story arc much for that reason.
          And what they have done to Carter is a crime.
          When I wrote stories in the past I could never quite get them S/J together cause of canon but to me the show ended with them fishing. I will dream up the rest without the interference of TPTB.
          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
            A PTB -----> <----Me!

            I know what you mean. I have many, many names for these guys, not one of which I can repeat here!
            Personally, I would love to see some Sam/Jack pics. As Blueiris said, we have had eight years of shippy goodness (and some not-so-goodness, but I'll ignore that) so it would be nice to see how it used to be.
            I would love to see some S/J shippy pics. I'm like Mala, I was definitely thrown for a huge loop. I was on the phone with a friend of mine while RE was airing. Both of us just screamed at that one scene. I'm totally upset with Joe and the way he wrote that. That's why I made my new sig.

            Bev, I love that smilie. That would be me, too!!



              Y'all said it!! I wasn't really hoping for anything S/J shippy even thought the RE storyline could have had some tidbits thrown in, but what DID happen was just wrong. Did anyone else notice the complete lack of heat with the Sam/ Martouf almost kiss or was that just me? I guess instead of wishing for S/J ship, we have to wish AGAINST the S/everyone-and-their-dog ship. Or I can just tuck it away as a happy memory and not dwell on it again.
              sig by PM


                Originally posted by blueiris
                I know how you feel, Mala. I had lost hope of any more ship, but I never expected this "rubbing it in". Trying to burst my bubble!
                As for looking at shippy pics, I'm ready when you are. They will not take seasons 1-8 away from me. Stargate TNG-AU started in S9 as far as I'm concerned.
                I know in my head that they can't take S1-8 away from me, either. But my heart? If you believe that what they show is canon, then RE decidedly has taken its toll....

                So I guess I'll have to sit here and relax and get back to my original view that the show ended with S8...

                the show ended with S8...the show ended with S8...the show ended with S8...the show ended with S8...

                The Sam and Jack Way Back When Time Dilation Device
                Last edited by Mala50; 24 January 2006, 02:47 AM.


                  Originally posted by waterfall
                  Mala, I just love this thread and everybody in it. I'll call Mala's World my happy place.
                  I really like your pics and stuff, but I'm burnt on S/J ship.
                  I am so angry about RE that I can't express it enough and won't be watching SG-1 anymore.
                  I think mabey RDA jumped ship just at the right time cuz he saw what was coming.As far as I'm concerned he kept the show on track and without him it's just garbage.
                  Part of the reason I used to like SG-1 was the science involved but anymore it's all fantasty and has no real basis in science anymore.

                  I hear ya about the WTF!?! moment...those were my exact words in that scene.That and her counterpart was doing all the if there's a man around her , her hormones turn on and her brain shuts in "Chimera' or "Affinity".
                  Again WTF!?!
                  Poor Samantha Carter, another strong female character dies a slow brain death due to bimboism..... ....that and all male writers.

                  TPTB of SG-1 can

                  BTW I really like that one , I hope you don't mind if I took it...

                  Of course you're welcome to use any smilie I put up here, you're a MWer, aren't you?

                  I have to say that I'm glad RDA jumped ship, too. I know that he left for himself and for his child, but I don't think I could have taken another year of General Jack sitting behind a desk while getting strung along with a stupid boyfriend of the week...

                  On what they've done to Samantha Carter...

                  Hey, look what I found!
                  Last edited by Mala50; 23 January 2006, 05:32 PM.


                    Originally posted by blueiris
                    Woohoo! Hubby just called. He won the football pool yesterday so we're going out to dinner! No cooking!
                    Lucky you! So how was dinner?!


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      A PTB -----> <----Me!

                      I know what you mean. I have many, many names for these guys, not one of which I can repeat here!
                      Personally, I would love to see some Sam/Jack pics. As Blueiris said, we have had eight years of shippy goodness (and some not-so-goodness, but I'll ignore that) so it would be nice to see how it used to be.
                      Good smiley, Bev.

                      I know you'd like to see more shippy goodness. I was going to update my web site with another season of DPTs (dual piccy thingys of shippy moments - for those who aren't familiar with the term)... Until then, here's the link to the DPTs of Season 1 to 4:



                        Originally posted by Mala50
                        Of course you're welcome to use any smilie I put up here, you're a MWer, aren't you?

                        I have to say that I'm glad RDA jumped ship, too. I know that he left for himself and for his child, but I don't think I could have taken another year of General Jack sitting behind a desk while getting strung along with a stupid boyfriend of the week...

                        On what they've done to Samantha Carter...

                        Hey, look what I found!
                        Well, I'm selfish. I want Jack to stay. Maybe get demoted for doing something bad. Put back with SG-1. And low and behold, Jonas comes back. Cameron Mitchell is still around with another team, along with that guy (can't remember his name) played by Adam Baldwin. Sam is her old self and about every other week we see one of those little moments between Sam and Jack. Jack gets promoted back in the last episode and Hammond comes in for the ceremony, which ends with Jack and Sam in a great big sloppy kiss. Jonas, Daniel, and Teal'c are there smiling, when in walks that other team and there's a round of applause by the whole SGC. Oh, and Janet never really died. She was secretly put in a sarcophagus and sent away on a secret mission but then returns back to the SGC.

                        Now tell me, is that too much to ask?
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          I know in my head that they can't take S1-8 away from me, either. But my heart? If you believe that what they show is canon, then RE decidedly has taken its toll....

                          So I guess I'll have to sit here and relax and get back to my original view that the show ended with S8...

                          the show ended with S8...the show ended with S8...the show ended with S8...the show ended with S8...

                          The Sam and Jack Way Back When Time Dialation Device
                          The Wayback machine, with Mr. Peabody and Sherman!
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            Lucky you! So how was dinner?!
                            Well, we decided to go Chinese, but we got there and remembered they aren't open on Monday. So we scooted next door and went Mexican. It was yummy.
                            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                              Originally posted by sugarshaker
                              I'm always up for shippy pics. If they leave you flat, though, why don't you wait awhile until the radioactive dust has settled from RE. For now I'm going to continue watching the show, but if TP's keep shipping Sam with the male guest of the week (which I think is their plan ) I'll quit watching altogether. Then we'll need all the shippy pics we can get!
                              Yes, I'll wait for the dust to settle (in my mind)... Thankfully, I won't be watching again. I really don't need to subject myself to their cr*p. What bothers me most is that the scene was done so blatantly out of character - S/J ship or not.
                              Sam initiated the kiss. Not Martouf. And the kiss would have continued if the asguard hadn't been standing there??? Was that supposed to be a comic moment? The asgard looked almost as disgusted as I felt...
                              This isn't directed at you, sugarshaker, but I really don't buy some of the theories that I've read on the other threads regarding Jolinar's influence, S/J having a bad time of maintaining a ld relationship, etc. Come on, TPTB don't have that much imagination...


                                Originally posted by blueiris
                                Well, I'm selfish. I want Jack to stay. Maybe get demoted for doing something bad. Put back with SG-1. And low and behold, Jonas comes back. Cameron Mitchell is still around with another team, along with that guy (can't remember his name) played by Adam Baldwin. Sam is her old self and about every other week we see one of those little moments between Sam and Jack. Jack gets promoted back in the last episode and Hammond comes in for the ceremony, which ends with Jack and Sam in a great big sloppy kiss. Jonas, Daniel, and Teal'c are there smiling, when in walks that other team and there's a round of applause by the whole SGC. Oh, and Janet never really died. She was secretly put in a sarcophagus and sent away on a secret mission but then returns back to the SGC.

                                Now tell me, is that too much to ask?
                                Not at all! Don't forget about
                                Jacob! He didn't really die either. He was faking it as part of an undercover mission to expose the evil To'kra who were planning to take over the High Council....

