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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    he's just a victim of it all

    like claudia very much is

    some of vala is her fault...but she's also, apparantly, the victim of hte boys (writers/directors) not being able to/willing to rein her in
    Can't be easy for either of them to work with the material TPTB have stuck them with.

    Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by LaCroix
      Here's a link to OS:

      Here's also a link to Sony:

      I posted to Sony, what I posted here in the news section.
      gawd, i can't stand reading some of those posts. they're SO anti sam, sam/jack, and amanda that it makes me... not going there again.




        RoX wanders into thread and trips over....... damn! more bait! I wish some people would clean up after themselves!!

        Ya know, today I'm whingeing about the ignore function. It works fine on posts by those on the ignore list but unfortunately it doesn't when the posts are quoted. Oh well, these things are sent to try us I suppose.

        RoX wanders out grumbling .... I know I wanted to say something important when I came in here. Oh well, I'll remember later........


          i'm having that same trouble. i can avoid my ignoree, but not when folks quote her
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            i'm having that same trouble. i can avoid my ignoree, but not when folks quote her
            I guess you have to learn to read the messages through half closed eyes

            my fanfic


              yep, i just when i see that name, it's an automatic scroll past
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Lightsabre

                OMGHI2U, Lighty!

                I didn't know our entertainment was scheduled so early on in the thread's existence!
                Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 20 April 2006, 07:01 PM.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  I started posting on the sony site, but found it very Sam unfriendly, posters even mentioned if your a Sam fan you should go to GW! So here I am, and very pleased to be away from those negative single minded idiots (oops can I say idiots on this thread) oh well I guess I already did.
                  Sorry. But that's GROSSLY inappropriate.

                  It's supposedly the official site for the franchise not a crappy Daniel and Vala fan site! You or me or ANYONE who likes anything should be able to appreciate and chat about whatever we want.

                  I really REALLY hate it when a little fringe element clique takes over what should be open to anyone and marks it as their own.

                  Last edited by Uber; 21 April 2006, 01:04 AM.

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    yep, gotta love em....cause you cant' legally do anything else

                    the thing about the rabid vala and daniel fans (and i'm only picking on them because they are the 'worst'...i don't recall ever seeing jack, sam or teal'c fans behaving like a mob) is that they have this obsessive need to promote their favored actor/actress...which is cool. but many of htem are unable to do so while respecting anyone else.

                    for example, some of the slashers (who also happen to be rabid daniel fans) would cry 'why can't you just respect our wishes and leave us alone'....then the very same people would join ship lists to troll and bash ship...doing just what they expected everyone else to NOT do to them

                    Unfortunately for claudia and Michael, both of htem seem to attract individuals who are obsessive and inconsiderate and bash in the name of promotion

                    (and no, shippers or other groups are not above reproach, however proportion wise it seems that the daniel and vala fans have the most...passionate fans per capita than any other group)
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      i dunno, but i dont really see many rabid vala fans... daniel ones sure, but not vala.


                        well, i've seen a few over on sony, or the off shoots.

                        the passionate daneil fans, fortunately, seem to, well, after the general fandom has dealt wtih them, i've seen more than one group going 'ok, we will NOT act like them'

                        so there is a conscious effort for individiuals to police their own actions and use those passionate fans as an example of extremeism

                        but some of the PDF's are also PVF's...largely - by thier own admission - more vala = more daniel and some of them harbor the hope that, with vala's joining the show, it will lead to sam being written out

                        sometimes i do think that one reason they play on the sony boards so much is to do every thing they can to make thier presence known and - hopefully - garner the outcome tehy want...which isn't necessarily the outcome that the fandom as a whole wants
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                          i dunno, but i dont really see many rabid vala fans... daniel ones sure, but not vala.
                          Have you not been on the Samanda thread the past week when all the hoopla was going on, or perhaps the Vala Open Forum when it was active? Or maybe we can go back to the start/middle of S9 when certain posters were intent on giving red to anyone who dared say anything negative about Vala.

                          Gave me a sense of deja vu to S5/S6 during the slasher/shipper wars.


                          As to Cam's role this year, even hubs, (who has always enjoyed the show but never been obsessive about it like me) couldn't stand Cam. He kept saying "Why is he trying to be Jack, it's too forced, it's too silly, it's too bizarre". I'm actually surprised he watched S9 all the way through. But he's very excited about the fact that RDA will be back some in S10.


                            there were isolated cases of vala fans - though i think 'some farscape' fans might be a better description - sure, but nothing like what i've seen rabid daniel fans come up with. And there are crazy fans in every part of the fandom.

                            As for what happened in Samanda, well ONE fan doesn't mean there is a problem with alot of Vala fans.
                            Beginning of s9, well like I said that was probably more some of farscape fans than Vala fans. And also the rabid Daniel fans were simply using Vala and Mitchell because they were convenient to their arguements at the time. I've noticed they've turned rather harshly on Mitchell lately...


                              Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                              there were isolated cases of vala fans - though i think 'some farscape' fans might be a better description - sure, but nothing like what i've seen rabid daniel fans come up with. And there are crazy fans in every part of the fandom.

                              As for what happened in Samanda, well ONE fan doesn't mean there is a problem with alot of Vala fans.
                              Beginning of s9, well like I said that was probably more some of farscape fans than Vala fans. And also the rabid Daniel fans were simply using Vala and Mitchell because they were convenient to their arguements at the time. I've noticed they've turned rather harshly on Mitchell lately...
                              Hey! Watch it with the Farscape fans tag , some of us can actually discriminate between the actors and the characters. There are some weird ones out there though, I know I've gotten some rather harsh PM's about some of my Mitchell posts.

                              I haven't posted much on Vala because I'm reserving judgement until S10, I wasn't impressed (that's the polite version) with the first 6 eps but there is potential there if they drop the high camp. It really depends what they decide to write though. I'm sure if I posted my initial thoughts on Vala I'd be haunted by a certain Vala fan (or should I say CB fan?) too.


                                Originally posted by KatG
                                Have you not been on the Samanda thread the past week when all the hoopla was going on, or perhaps the Vala Open Forum when it was active? Or maybe we can go back to the start/middle of S9 when certain posters were intent on giving red to anyone who dared say anything negative about Vala.
                                or how about a few of them that have taken to flaming any -not vala- fans anywhere and everywhere??

                                that's OTT. like/don't like. but attacking people to thier faces and behind their backs because they hold a different opinion???

                                that's a level of obsessiveness and immaturity that's pretty scary

                                and very much what the PDF's would do. they would follow peopel around, and in a couple of cases, so harrassed not daniel fans in real life that restraining orders were taken out
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


