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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Nope. No eps that feature much of Sam or Teal'c. And it's almost like Cameron's thrown in there for good measure or something.

    VDCOT3? It kinda sounds like a disease.


      Originally posted by binkpmmc
      I found the following incredibly insulting to AT/MS/CJ -- "Stargate SG-1 received a new lease on life last year, with new cast members . . . ." This implies that the show would have died without the "new cast" and that it "needed" rejuvenation and that the new cast gave the show new life - what bunk that is and I am disappointed in the article because that is a huge slap to the BIG 3. The show in S8 was heads and tails above S9 and S9, mostly, IMO due to the very poorly written and introduced "new characters" has proven nothing but damaging, including in the ratings, and and has just furthered the damage to the credibility (what is left of it) of the people in charge of this show. If they had not messed with the formula my $$$ is on S9 having done substantially better in the ratings - I am sure they would have kept their 2.1 and 2.2s.
      I think you're absolutely right that the new characters - with the possible exception of Landry; I'd prefer Jack or Hammond but somebody needs to be in charge of the SGC - were not necessary for the show and I think that overall they have done it far more harm than good.

      As far as the acting budget goes, they brought in two new regulars; two fairly frequent guest stars who had previously been regulars on other shows, one of whom is to be a regular next season and a good few recurring guest actors, including LGJ (who probably cost them a pretty penny) - What the heck did they expect?

      Maybe if they'd spent less money on special effects and only taken on one new character (Landry) they would have been able to afford a beta reader to look over their scripts and maybe to show a little more of the stargate.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        I fear for Atlantis' future if this keeps up.
        I'd say that Atlantis is probably losing quite a few casual viewers if it is on after SG-1 as people who can't sit through SG-1 may not stick around.

        It'd be interesting to see what the viewer numbers were like on Sky One - they were shown on different days.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Well, first off, in all fairness to GW, they can only print what they're given as far as interviews are concerned. If it were an editorial it would be different, personal views could enter in and it might read a little differently. Personally I'm glad that they put up the article as it is because it shows us what TPTB are doing. They can bluff all they want, they can make all the excuses they want, but most people can see through the hype if they really want to. Kind of like with the "emperor's new clothes".

          As to the money issues, I find it rather ironic, that up until now we've been given the excuse that they can't bring Jonas back as a regular team member because they can't afford a fifth team member/it wouldn't work with a fifth team member, etc. Now what are we getting for S10, a fifth team member, and it's not Jonas. So if money is an issue, how is this being accomplished?

          And yes, MS, CJ and AT deserve raises/perks whatever, because they've been there, they've made the show what it is. Why not take the money being spent on big name stars, extra team members, space ships and explosions and give it to the people who matter, the ones that we fell in love with in S1 and who we miss in S9.


            Originally posted by ReganX
            I think you're absolutely right that the new characters - with the possible exception of Landry; I'd prefer Jack or Hammond but somebody needs to be in charge of the SGC - were not necessary for the show and I think that overall they have done it far more harm than good.

            As far as the acting budget goes, they brought in two new regulars; two fairly frequent guest stars who had previously been regulars on other shows, one of whom is to be a regular next season and a good few recurring guest actors, including LGJ (who probably cost them a pretty penny) - What the heck did they expect?

            Maybe if they'd spent less money on special effects and only taken on one new character (Landry) they would have been able to afford a beta reader to look over their scripts and maybe to show a little more of the stargate.
            Puts a new (not really) spin on why the contacted Amanda significantly after the rest had been contactd...including Claudia. "We didn't know what to do with Sam."

            Bull, they didn't want to pay for five 20 ep leads. And they had someone with enough estrogen to keep diversity up.

            This drives me nuts. I really don't want to think they would toss Amanda way like trash, but what else am I supposed to this given the (admittedly not entirely complete) facts we have seen?

            The Godfather: "It's only business" as they kill someone.

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by suse
              Puts a new (not really) spin on why the contacted Amanda significantly after the rest had been contactd...including Claudia. "We didn't know what to do with Sam."
              There isn't any excuse for TPTB's failure to properly utilize not only Sam but Teal'c and Daniel as well.

              I was disgusted when I read that "Babylon" was originally supposed to be a Teal'c episode - who better to interact with a splinter group of Jaffa? - and I hate that those dreadful scenes between Mitchell and Ferguson were tacked onto "Stronghold".

              As far as Sam is concerned, perhaps they would have had an easier job finding something to do with the character if they hadn't stripped one of her roles on the show (team leader) from her and downplayed her scientific side.

              Turning Daniel into Vala's sidekick was idiotic.

              Sam, Teal'c and Daniel are all well-written, well-developed characters with a vital role to play on the show. Allow them to play it and there will be very little trouble finding something to do with any of them.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by ReganX
                I was disgusted when I read that "Babylon" was originally supposed to be a Teal'c episode - who better to interact with a splinter group of Jaffa?
                D'oh!!! Now THAT would have made sense!!!

                My LJ


                  Originally posted by Strix varia
                  D'oh!!! Now THAT would have made sense!!!
                  I think so too, but apparently Cameron the Hewo had to be pimped at all costs, including but not limited to the development and screentime of the established characters.

                  You know, the ones that don't stink.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Nope. No eps that feature much of Sam or Teal'c. And it's almost like Cameron's thrown in there for good measure or something.

                    VDCOT3? It kinda sounds like a disease.
                    exactly. little cam, little daniel, the rest of the spoilers are all vala all the time.

                    i guess it's 'screw you' time if you like anything but bondage barbie

                    oh well, let them kill it. it'll be fun to see how they spin it to be someone else's fault.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      who was it on samanda that posted the 'sam mistakes'?

                      and pointed out that three of the eps where sam screwed up the most were written by RCC

                      then take into account how screwed over sam has been the past season and you have to draw the conclusion that RCC really doesn't care about the character.

                      he doesn't seem to want to protect her or take care of her...rather he just larks about and uses sam as his fallguy whenever he needs someone to mess up

                      such as this co-leaders crud. no frelling way would the military tolerate that.

                      i could have seen mitch being in charge while she was gone. but him staying in charge when she came back???

                      can we spell sexist? cause that's how it's playing out. that the female isn't good enough to lead the male thus she MUST be subordinate to him at all times...even when he's a poorly trained, rather incompetant soul
                      I posted this over in the Who Should Lead thread. Spaz said it better though. I'll let her post her reply though. We've ended up "discussing " how sexism affects the leadership of SG-1 Very painful. It's always nice to be known as the femi-Nazi who brings uf sexual harassment and sexism if she sees it and no way out of admoitting it's there.. <sigh>


                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        what i wonder is, if the continuing casts' salaries keep going up -and they're saying this is what's hurting the show- then why hire new ppl (as in more than one)?

                        There's the possibility that TIIC thought that after RDA left, they probably expected the original three to eventually leave the show in the near future. So they brought in new faces, new life as it was described and I'll bet smaller "negotiations" even if they are considered power actors. Smaller compared to those on the show for 10 years.
                        I'm not defending the PTB as I believe that the writing is also behind the inevitable downfall of the show.
                        I also need to add that it saddens me that they didn't write good characters for CB and BB. They did such a great job with the original 4 and they kept them in character for the most part. What happened PTB?


                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                          Ok, I find that the 'RCC doesnt give a **** about Sam's Character' thinking is a bit dangerous. Mainly because I think it's people simply looking for someone to blame and finding RCC a convenient target. I have a hard time believing that he'd want to ruin his show like that.

                          The bigger problem I have with that kind of posting is that it reminds me alot of the type of posting that another section of the fandom does. Change Vala to Sam and Season 9/10 to Sam/Jack ship (not that I care much about that ) and you have very similiar sounding posting between us and the ranters who hate Sam. It pains me to read those forums and all their negativity against Sam, and see similiar stuff written about Vala/Season 9 in Samanda. These were the same people that were hanging crap on Brad Wright back in Season 6 for his 'anti daniel' bias. The parallels are too similiar in my opinion. That is why I had my whinge over in Samanda

                          Again, please don't take any of that personally. I don't mean for it to be. It's just my opinion
                          O agree. I try not to blame individual people. So I just blame the whole entity. One indivudual - unless he is the creator/executive producer ala Jow Straczynski - just does not have that much power. They all approved it so they all shoulder some of the blame.

                          I was rather embarassed to read a post that the happyplace S9 fans (Vala lovers) predicted would be written written within an hour of the release of who is playing Adria as an adult. This is not a slam against that poster.,

                          PLease know I understand how people feel out the results of decisions about S9 because I feel the same. I just don't think that chronically called TPTB TIIC helps sway anyone to see your point. It just provides mocking material. Thjough of cousrse people are entitled to their opinion and would not/have not/did not mean to call anyone to task about it.

                          Wow. The above post was very unexpected.

                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by ReganX
                            and I hate that those dreadful scenes between Mitchell and Ferguson were tacked onto "Stronghold".
                            Wait. What's this?


                              Originally posted by ReganX
                              There isn't any excuse for TPTB's failure to properly utilize not only Sam but Teal'c and Daniel as well.

                              I was disgusted when I read that "Babylon" was originally supposed to be a Teal'c episode - who better to interact with a splinter group of Jaffa? - and I hate that those dreadful scenes between Mitchell and Ferguson were tacked onto "Stronghold".

                              As far as Sam is concerned, perhaps they would have had an easier job finding something to do with the character if they hadn't stripped one of her roles on the show (team leader) from her and downplayed her scientific side.

                              Turning Daniel into Vala's sidekick was idiotic.

                              Sam, Teal'c and Daniel are all well-written, well-developed characters with a vital role to play on the show. Allow them to play it and there will be very little trouble finding something to do with any of them.
                              I either didn't know that about Babylon, or I forgot. Seriously... As much as I'd like to see Teal'c kinda have stories that don't involve him behaving like Shaft or being relegated to All Things Jaffa, but in hindsight, that would've been a much better move.

                              And, ya know, Sam and Daniel would've had an excellent reason to show that they cared.


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                                And, ya know, Sam and Daniel would've had an excellent reason to show that they cared.
                                If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                                proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                                Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                                Carmen Argenziano Appreciation

