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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Originally posted by Deejay435
    Why in the world would Bridges do most of the talking? Gah. Stupid, stupid people.
    To quote Amanda "He's Hollywood royalty". Big name does the talking
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
      To quote Amanda "He's Hollywood royalty". Big name does the talking
      Well I, for one, couldn't care less about this so called "status." The royalty re: this show are those cast members who put 9 years into it. This stuff puts me in the mood to wish AT would tell them to take a flying leap after S10 and let the show self destruct.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        Sorry. Something I don't get. Vala was a serious character in Prometheus Unbound? And at the beginning of season nine?
        Indeed. I absolutely must find and correct the settings on my cable account that keep delivering alternate universe versions of broadcast SG-1 eps to my tv.

        If Vala was a serious character in PU, Avalon, Avalon, Origin, TTTB, TPTB, Beachhead, and Camelot? What in HAIL have I been watching???

        (Though, I do note that the capitalizing on Farscape is apparently not only continuing to grow, but actually accelerating in that growth. No offense to anyone who liked Farscape - it wasn't a show for me, I didn't watch it then, and I don't want to watch it embedded (literally or figuatively) in SG-1 either.)
        ...a very cranky blog:


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          Disclaimer: As usual, you can find portions of this post, or this post in its entirety, on the anti-s10 and rage threads...

          I dunno if this has been posted anywhere, but for those wondering what the newest TV Zone articles have to say, take a gander over at:

          This Little Place Here

          It's got a doozy of information there. Wanna peek?



          Oh... And this is an honest mistake of course, but Beau Bridges evidenty thinks Carter is still a major. Now, it'd be different if he'd joined the cast during Season Seven, but that's certainly not the case here. Not the case at all. By the time he joined, the character had been a Lt. Colonel for a year. But I guess it can get a bit confusing when you have two Lt. Colonels on one team, and only one of them is being hamfisted into the lead role...

          He says: "Of course, bringing Claudia Black in as a regular this year is a smart move [what with his extensive experience with the series and all]. She and I had some good scenes together last year and that's been true again so far this season. I'm pleased to say that my character and Ben's are interacting more in Year 10 as well [because they RARELY interacted last year]."

          It just gets better and better.
          Dungeons and Dragons players, this is the one for you, huh? I wonder if I can rustle up my sorceress character from back in college and cast a spell to make all the story ideas, the resultant scripts, and the ensuing acting, directing, etc., better? Or would I just be able to make Beau Bridges pay attention to another character's rank? :spits:
          ...a very cranky blog:


            Originally posted by binkpmmc
            Originally posted by minigeek
            Wow, great interview. Dare I hope that we might be able to take Amanda's comments as something of a 'between the lines' portend for things to come? If we allow ourselves to walk that dangerous hope-plank a little bit, dare I let myself wonder if we might just be in for a better 'team' season for SG-1 than some of us thought might happen? Hmmm...

            Amanda Tapping: I actually feel more at peace this year, more like I have a place on the show this year. Last year was a very strange year for me -- and for the character, too. I felt like so many things that happened at the beginning I think established this new mythology and established this new team dynamic. And I felt I struggled a bit to try to fit into it. {snip} But this year it just feels like -- with Vala being a permanent member and the team being far more cohesive than it was before -- it feels a lot different. It feels good. I feel like Carter has a much more solid place this year -- and Amanda too, for that matter.

            I thought this part of the interview was insightful for S10 (but I am not prepared to get my hopes up at all especially because she later mentions that she feels like she is just a facilitator at times) and as always I agree that AT was pretty honest about things.

            I am disappointed however, and I may be the only one, that simply based on the uproars of the past months, the incredibly obvious complaints about the lack of the Big 3 in S9, the negative comments about the BIG 3 being pushed aside, the endless discussion about the leadership issue, etc., that there was not even one question that would tie down whether Carter (or Daniel or Teal'c for that matter) would play a central role and have arcs and contributions to make that actually contribute substantially to the show. It was a very benign interview with no really probing, thought provoking questions, IMO, for S10 and Carter's role especially since that has been one of the major discussion points with fans. I am also disappointed that the leadership issue was not addressed.

            To me interviews are times to at least float the questions and see what comes out - this was very benign, therefore disappointing for me - I was really hoping for a lot more out of the time AT was willing to give (this reminded me of a Larry King interview.)
            Originally posted by binkpmmc
            I didn't really get that feeling (I may go back and read it later to see) but I thought it felt . . . empty. It's great that she and CB want to form some sort of connection between their characters but that is NOT the concern I have for S10 - realistically I could not care one whit less what type of relationship Carter and vala have if Carter is still relegated to background noise, facilitator, exposition girl, etc., and gets zero of substance and does not have leadership even if it is still co-lead.

            The more I think about the interview and what seemed to me to be an odd focus on the Carter/vala stuff, it once again, IMO, felt like the pushing of vala and forcing the issue by having AT play up the fact that she and CB are working hard on the relationship almost as if saying -- see if CB and AT get along and if Carter and vala get along you too (the fans) should love and accept vala no questions asked -- but to me that is second, or less, to what for me is the heart of the show at this point - I want Carter to play a role in the core of the show and have substantive, important, central roles in moving the story forward (I am not saying she has to be the end-all-and-be-all of every ep but I want it clear she is at the heart of the team, at the heart of the story and at the heart of SG1, along with Daniel and Teal'c.)
            Originally posted by binkpmmc
            See here is my problem - the interview title was "A Decade with Sam". In the interview AT said some of the same things she said in S9 - yes she said then too about not fitting in right away, and it being hard with the baby and all, but at the same time she said that it was feeling good to be back and that there were some good stories and good team moments, and it was fun again, etc. To me she is saying some of the same stuff here again (but only the focus here is vala) and we all know how S9 turned out, especially for Carter. For me the lack of substance in the interview and the lack of discussion regarding Carter's contributions over the past decade and what she and the rest of SG1 have done and what Carter will be doing in S10 is pivitol here especially knowing how many fans feel about the relegation of the BIG 3 and the leadership issue, etc., and the fact it was not even touched on is, IMO, worrisome.

            Manys the time we have read how great things are on the set and how much fun everyone is having, and how the cast feels team dynamics are important, etc., etc., unfortuantely in S9 the fact that they are having fun or that the cast feels team dynamics are important, etc., has not parlayed into substance on the screen or into quality in an episode or into a substantive role for Carter, Daniel or Teal'c. I am more concerned about the relationship and dynamics between Carter, Daniel and Teal'c and that we see the old 8 year relationship resurface since the damage that was done to it in S9 and that we see mitchell and vala fit in with that and make it all work - I am not concerned with Carter's relationship with vala if that is all Carter's got to hang onto.

            This interview gave me very little to hang onto for the dynamics with the original 3 or for a core substantive role for Carter that is why I feel it was empty, fluffy if you will. The interview claims to be "A Decade With Sam" - however we hear nothing of what contirbutions Carter has made, how central she has been to the SGC and to SG1 and to saving the world, we see nothing of how the role will continue to be that way, we see nothing of her relationship with the 2 other people who have been around for 10 and 9 years along with her, we see nothing about the core of the show and the core of what Carter really is and what she contributes - considering it was supposed to be about "A Decade With Sam" it was an awful lot about the newest member of the cast (a catalyst for a lot of fans) and Carter's realtionship with her. I also thought it was extremely odd that the realtionship with Daniel and Teal'c and the "Decade" Sam spent with them was not mentioned at all especially in light of the fact that so many feel that relationship was damaged in S9 and I would have been interested to hear more about how they will portray THAT longstanding relationship, and how AT feels about THOSE relationships within the team and what she thought of how it played out in S9, as opposed to how they are trying to shoe-horn the newest member of the cast into the scene (and that is the feeling I am getting - cyncial as I am I see this as another "you should like vala -- because we do" piece).

            I should stop talking because my honest opinions are coming out in spades now and I was trying to be positive and see the bright side of what some of AT said but I really am having trouble.
            Originally posted by binkpmmc
            Another couple of question for AT at the next con -

            After the big deal made with Carter and her motorcylce riding abilities and the leather and the helmet in the Space Race scenes, the scene with the Indian and Siler helping Carter work on it several seasons back, etc., Carter is the motorcylce junkie, what were your thoughts when the big MOTORCYCLE chase scene was made available from Momento Mori and it was NOT Carter?

            Are there any aspects of Carter's past that are still uniquely Carter's that we will see Carter using in S10 - such as any of the abilities experiences from Jolinar, like the healing device, etc., or will all of that now be vala's as the motorcycle is mitchell's?
            Originally posted by majorsal
            you know...

            i'm not really sure how i feel about this interview. not from amanda's pov, but that i'm having a horrible time accepting this *new* show and it's new ppl. because i don't like the statis of the *new* team... i know i've complained about mitchell not fitting in, and that season 9's team wasn't a team at all, and that i'm having MAJOR issues with sam not leading it solo... i don't know if 'fixing' mitchell or fixing the team dynamics is going to work with me. it might, but i don't know if i can *ever* deal with sam not being solo leader of the team anymore. so the team dynamics... will it 'ever' be a team to me again? and i'm not just talking about jack being gone, but that now *2* ppl are going to be there and give sam/daniel/teal'c even less time to own that team....

            ((((Bink and Sally)))) - just you are definitely not alone in your thoughts. Hopefully, I will be able to post a thoughtful reply soon

            Edited to add: one of the things that stuck out for me in the interview was that AT said that she was interested in developing (or seeing scenes that developed) the relationships between Mitchell and Carter, and/or Vala and Carter - I think she said something about the three of them (M,V and C). That came across to me as AT being fully cognizant of the fact that Mitchell is the show's new male lead and Vala is the new female lead... and the only way that Carter is going to get much of anything of substance is if it is in scenes with either or both Mitchell and/or Vala.

            Hopefully, I'm all wrong about this. But the vibes....
            Last edited by astrogeologist; 28 May 2006, 12:53 PM.


              The only explanation I can think of for the Spacey's is that Coop knows how to spoof his IP addy and his left clicker on his mouse is now worn out.

              Yep.. that's the only logical explanation.... gah.


                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                ((((Bink and Sally)))) - just you are definitely not alone in your thoughts. Hopefully, I will be able to post a thoughtful reply soon

                Edited to add: one of the things that stuck out for me in the interview was that AT said that she was interested in developing (or seeing scenes that developed) the relationships between Mitchell and Carter, and/or Vala and Carter - I think she said something about the three of them (M,V and C). That came across to me as AT being fully cognizant of the fact that Mitchell is the show's new male lead and Vala is the new female lead... and the only way that Carter is going to get much of anything of substance is if it is in scenes with either or both Mitchell and/or Vala.

                Hopefully, I'm all wrong about this. But the vibes....
                Hey Astro, that's a totally good point. Anything is possible. I wouldn't be surprised is reality is a bizarre combination of all of our suppositions, ya know? In this case, with what you're saying, I'm guessing it's a whole lot of self-preservation going on for everyone. There are just some people who have to work harder at it than others. No matter how long they've been on the show.

                ETA: I've also come here to lament about the information I just read last night...

                RE: "Company of Thieves" and "The Quest: Part I"

                For anyone who said that Carter would be ogled in "Company of Thieves" by the guy who essentially holds her hostage, they were right. Anateo, the guy who takes over the Odyssey, hits on her a couple of times while she plays the first of three damsels (Daniel and Vala being the other three). It's amazing where these guys' heads are at sometimes. Sheesh. Oh, but if it's any consolation to anyone, another Lucian Alliance dude, Borzin, evidently hits on Vala as well. Shocking, isn't it?

                Also, while I initially worried about Daniel's inclusion in the next season, I'm pretty sure his place on this show is safe. In "The Quest: Part I," out of seven pages of script, it's basically a back-and-forth tango between Cameron, Daniel and Vala, with minimal interruptions of one-line questions from Sam and Teal'c. Whoot.

                Basically, I ventured over to that website late last night. I must've been really out of it because, before I knew it, I was buying the sides to these eps (they're only $6, though). I've gotten to the point where $12 is a fair trade when it comes to knowing which eps to essentially skip or not next season. And, according to the download, they're the final drafts.
                Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 28 May 2006, 08:10 PM.


                  I posted a Virtual TV Guide Spoiler on SaGC.

                  Here's the one for the following week :

                  Virtual TV Guide Spoiler
                  Lt Col Mitchell is left behind at the SGC by Col Carter due to not having the necessary skills to accompanying the covert strikeforce. General Landry decides to finally send Mitchell on the SGC training course with the current batch of new AF Academy graduates. Sadly the green Lieutenants kick his butt and he is laughed out of the SGC.


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    Edited to add: one of the things that stuck out for me in the interview was that AT said that she was interested in developing (or seeing scenes that developed) the relationships between Mitchell and Carter, and/or Vala and Carter - I think she said something about the three of them (M,V and C). That came across to me as AT being fully cognizant of the fact that Mitchell is the show's new male lead and Vala is the new female lead... and the only way that Carter is going to get much of anything of substance is if it is in scenes with either or both Mitchell and/or Vala.

                    Hopefully, I'm all wrong about this. But the vibes....

                    just so you know; i just hurled.




                      Originally posted by RealmOfX
                      I posted a Virtual TV Guide Spoiler on SaGC.

                      Here's the one for the following week :

                      Virtual TV Guide Spoiler
                      Lt Col Mitchell is left behind at the SGC by Col Carter due to not having the necessary skills to accompanying the covert strikeforce. General Landry decides to finally send Mitchell on the SGC training course with the current batch of new AF Academy graduates. Sadly the green Lieutenants kick his butt and he is laughed out of the SGC.
                      If only!!!
                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      Originally posted by astrogeologist
                      Edited to add: one of the things that stuck out for me in the interview was that AT said that she was interested in developing (or seeing scenes that developed) the relationships between Mitchell and Carter, and/or Vala and Carter - I think she said something about the three of them (M,V and C). That came across to me as AT being fully cognizant of the fact that Mitchell is the show's new male lead and Vala is the new female lead... and the only way that Carter is going to get much of anything of substance is if it is in scenes with either or both Mitchell and/or Vala.

                      Hopefully, I'm all wrong about this. But the vibes....

                      just so you know; i just hurled.

                      Sorry, Sally (I was careful to post it here in Whingenuts (and not in the regular SaGC thread))

                      Perhaps I can make amends? How about a link to one of the most beautifully written short S/J ship scenes that I just read a few minutes ago? Peace by Anunnaki


                        Originally posted by astrogeologist
                        ((((Bink and Sally)))) - just you are definitely not alone in your thoughts. Hopefully, I will be able to post a thoughtful reply soon

                        Edited to add: one of the things that stuck out for me in the interview was that AT said that she was interested in developing (or seeing scenes that developed) the relationships between Mitchell and Carter, and/or Vala and Carter - I think she said something about the three of them (M,V and C). That came across to me as AT being fully cognizant of the fact that Mitchell is the show's new male lead and Vala is the new female lead... and the only way that Carter is going to get much of anything of substance is if it is in scenes with either or both Mitchell and/or Vala.

                        Hopefully, I'm all wrong about this. But the vibes....

                        I hope not too. I do think AT meant Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c when she said between these three, and then she said, between Mitchell, between Vala. I think these three refers to the big3, but I could be wrong.


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                          Hey Astro, that's a totally good point. Anything is possible. I wouldn't be surprised is reality is a bizarre combination of all of our suppositions, ya know? In this case, with what you're saying, I'm guessing it's a whole lot of self-preservation going on for everyone. There are just some people who have to work harder at it than others. No matter how long they've been on the show.

                          ETA: I've also come here to lament about the information I just read last night...

                          RE: "Company of Thieves" and "The Quest: Part I"

                          For anyone who said that Carter would be ogled in "Company of Thieves" by the guy who essentially holds her hostage, they were right. Anateo, the guy who takes over the Odyssey, hits on her a couple of times while she plays the first of three damsels (Daniel and Vala being the other three). It's amazing where these guys' heads are at sometimes. Sheesh. Oh, but if it's any consolation to anyone, another Lucian Alliance dude, Borzin, evidently hits on Vala as well. Shocking, isn't it?

                          Also, while I initially worried about Daniel's inclusion in the next season, I'm pretty sure his place on this show is safe. In "The Quest: Part I," out of seven pages of script, it's basically a back-and-forth tango between Cameron, Daniel and Vala, with minimal interruptions of one-line questions from Sam and Teal'c. Whoot.

                          Basically, I ventured over to that website late last night. I must've been really out of it because, before I knew it, I was buying the sides to these eps (they're only $6, though). I've gotten to the point where $12 is a fair trade when it comes to knowing which eps to essentially skip or not next season. And, according to the download, they're the final drafts.

                          I hate to ask these questions (do not read the spoilers below if you don't want to know big spoilers!), but,

                          In Company of Thieves, I was thinking that Carter's reaction to Emerson's death could be quite powerful. I guess you can't tell from the sides about this. I guess am not that bothered by an enemy hitting on her because that is not in the same category as another male falling for her. It's something different when it is an enemy and it creates tension---it is not ship, obviously, but I do see what you're saying.

                          Bad news about the Quest part I. I can only hope that Sam and Teal'c do more in part II. I figured as much. Daniel and Vala I assumed would have a bigger role in part I because this seems up their alley. What bothers more is that Mitchell has a larger role than Sam and Teal'c in this one. I guess if Mitchell takes over so much in many of the episodes, I might not be able to continue to watch the show. It's the one thing I cannot buy in this new show. If he continues to play a role bigger than Sam---well that is ruining the show for me, hands down.

                          We don't have much info on Morpheus, the third episode, the Insiders, the Uninvited, and maybe one or two others. I'm hoping that Sam is more present in these. I only hold out hope that there is much more Sam in the second half of season 10. And I can only hope that we don't see as much as in the spoilers because the casting sides are only when guess stars appear, but it doesn't look good.

                          thanks for reporting this Spaz (and breaking down and buying these).


                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            I hate to ask these questions (do not read the spoilers below if you don't want to know big spoilers!), but,

                            In Company of Thieves, I was thinking that Carter's reaction to Emerson's death could be quite powerful. I guess you can't tell from the sides about this. I guess am not that bothered by an enemy hitting on her because that is not in the same category as another male falling for her. It's something different when it is an enemy and it creates tension---it is not ship, obviously, but I do see what you're saying.
                            Yeah. I know what you mean. It was so brief and abrupt, and I'm hoping that's because the pages only referred to the new character. However...

                            Later on, after the crap hits the fan, I'd hope they'd deal with Sam's guilt over Emerson's death, because she'd have beaten herself up for it, whether it was her fault or not. Personally, though there are no references in the script to Carter's guilt, I think AT and whoever is directing the episode will cover it... Hopefully.

                            As it is, I'm wondering if they won't simply gloss over his death for the sake of the action-packed story that focuses on Mitchell and his drug dealer-impersonating abilities. And doesn't this all mean that The Odyssey is fine? I totally forgot about that little detail...

                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            Bad news about the Quest part I. I can only hope that Sam and Teal'c do more in part II. I figured as much. Daniel and Vala I assumed would have a bigger role in part I because this seems up their alley. What bothers more is that Mitchell has a larger role than Sam and Teal'c in this one. I guess if Mitchell takes over so much in many of the episodes, I might not be able to continue to watch the show. It's the one thing I cannot buy in this new show. If he continues to play a role bigger than Sam---well that is ruining the show for me, hands down.
                            Yeah. I honestly tried to be optimistic about it all.

                            But I've seen about twenty pages of sides (mostly from that site, I think - I didn't buy those), and they all feature Daniel and Vala heavily, with emphasis on Cameron as well. Think "Camelot" meets "Crusade." That's what it seems like to me.

                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            We don't have much info on Morpheus, the third episode, the Insiders, the Uninvited, and maybe one or two others. I'm hoping that Sam is more present in these. I only hold out hope that there is much more Sam in the second half of season 10. And I can only hope that we don't see as much as in the spoilers because the casting sides are only when guess stars appear, but it doesn't look good.
                            Again, from what I've read, most of the scripts feature...

                            Daniel, Cameron and Vala heavily, because they're essentially pages of scripts for actors and agents to check out before they audition for a new role. It would seem, based on the various sides, that Daniel, Cameron and Vala are the only ones who come in constant/relevant/direct contact with new characters. Of course, that means that the new arcs will pretty much involve those three.

                            Originally posted by chocdoc
                            thanks for reporting this Spaz (and breaking down and buying these).
                            LOL, I don't know how many more I'll do in the future. But I'll consider it if they're spread out - especially once the premiere has aired, and they'll be filming the latter half of the season. It's interesting to see other people's takes on it, too, because I tend to think the worst when I read stuff like that. Having a perspective like Myrth's or AD's (those crazy, optimistic Aussies) always helps. The downloads are PDF files, so one person could feasibly purchase one and email it to as many people as they want, which is nice.

                            At least ONE of TO3 is featured next season....


                              Watched Prototype this AM and just had to roll my eyes when Mitchell called himself "SG1 leader" on the radio. Of course, Sam seemed more in charge than he did. You could say it was good radio protocol not to use names, but since when have they done that? Seemed like a pathetic attempt to claim "Mitchell's in charge" by the writers to me.


                                <venting and ranting>I know that it's been said before, but I just don't get it. Why did they disperse the original SG-1 and bring in a newbie... and then set up the show to center around the newbie? What in the world was SG-ME? What were they thinking when they brought Carter back with this nebulous co-leading situation?

                                I would have been pissed and angry and disgusted if they'd brought in a newbie and given him command of SG-1 over Carter (I don't care if they'd written it so that Carter's dialogue said 'I don't want to lead, I want to work on my science' - that would have even pissed me off more). But bringing in a newbie and giving him the team to recreate... giving him SG-ME and making it a joke... then landing somewhere in 'maybe they are co-leading, but we'll never actually say that on-screen'????!!!! Blech!!! Yack! Hack!

                                For some idiotic reason, they felt that Carter couldn't or shouldn't be the CO of SG-1. They were foolish enough to put that ridiculous idea into the script and now it's canon. It's revolting.
                                </venting and ranting>

                                AT appears to have made peace with whatever has developed for Season 10... maybe it means that something great for Carter is on the horizon. Maybe they simply give her command. Wouldn't that be amazing after what they did with Season 9?

                                If they didn't give her command of SG-1, what did they do that has made AT feel 'solid' about her position on the show/or in the team?

                                Since I didn't see any way that they were going to remove Mitchell from command and give it to Carter, I was rooting for Carter at least getting command of a ship. She wouldn't be a regular member of SG-1, but then it didn't seem like she was a real member any more anyway. Not with such things as 'we don't know what to do with your character' ... and Season 9 alone made it apparent that they really had meant that when they said it. And then there was the info that came out that AT would be in 20 episodes, just not all on SG-1... So, it sure sounds to me like she wasn't planned to be a solid part of the core of SG-1 anymore.

                                If that's true, then I was hoping that she'd get something really *cool* - like command of a starship.

                                Last edited by astrogeologist; 29 May 2006, 12:03 PM.

