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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    Does anyone get the feeling the ratings will continue to slide in s10 just like they did in S9

    but don't worry the PTB will be having fun...with Vala

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1
      Does anyone get the feeling the ratings will continue to slide in s10 just like they did in S9

      but don't worry the PTB will be having fun...with Vala
      Unless a miracle occurs and TPTB actually start writing decent episodes where Sam, Daniel, Teal'c and Jack have something to do besides act as sidekicks and backgrounds for Cameron and Vala, I think that the ratings will continue to slide. There may be brief high points for RDA's episodes, but the average will be even lower.

      TPTB should enjoy their fun with Vala while it lasts. If they keep it up, Season Ten will be their last season.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        maybe that's what they want????

        to kill the show

        they do literally seem so busy having 'fun' with vala that they're forgetting that the other characters even exist.

        putting all one's eggs in one's basket always leads to one having nothing left when said basket tips over

        they seem to be banking the whole season on one character and one plot the exclusion of anything and everything else

        great if you're a fan of said character and said plot arc. However, going by the reported reaction to the Ori, most are not...and even less are such fans of vala that they will tolerate the near total focus on her

        they're gonna valaify the show to death

        but you know, it'll all be our fault because we are just incapable of appreciating the the wonder that is vala
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver
          maybe that's what they want????

          to kill the show

          they do literally seem so busy having 'fun' with vala that they're forgetting that the other characters even exist.

          putting all one's eggs in one's basket always leads to one having nothing left when said basket tips over

          they seem to be banking the whole season on one character and one plot the exclusion of anything and everything else

          great if you're a fan of said character and said plot arc. However, going by the reported reaction to the Ori, most are not...and even less are such fans of vala that they will tolerate the near total focus on her

          they're gonna valaify the show to death

          but you know, it'll all be our fault because we are just incapable of appreciating the the wonder that is vala
          Maybe they are doing an homage to 'The Producers', only offscreen this time.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje



            mmhm, joe could be nathan lane and rob matthew broderick
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Though 'Springtime For Hitler' was funny in a weird way, and 'Springtime for Cammie' was just crap.

              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                Originally posted by Skydiver
                anyone in the mod for mockage????
                I want to be the mod for mockage. Think Darren will hire me?

                My LJ


                  Originally posted by RealmOfX
                  Hey! Watch it with the Farscape fans tag , some of us can actually discriminate between the actors and the characters. There are some weird ones out there though, I know I've gotten some rather harsh PM's about some of my Mitchell posts.

                  I haven't posted much on Vala because I'm reserving judgement until S10, I wasn't impressed (that's the polite version) with the first 6 eps but there is potential there if they drop the high camp. It really depends what they decide to write though. I'm sure if I posted my initial thoughts on Vala I'd be haunted by a certain Vala fan (or should I say CB fan?) too.
                  Yeah, I think the problem this season( and perhaps most seasons ) among the fans, is that everyone seems to have a need to put tags and labels on one another.

                  It reminds me a lot of Stark on Farscape.

                  Your side... my side... your side... my side.

                  It really bothers me that people just assume that if I make a negative comment regarding Vala or Mitchell that I naturally hate Claudia and Ben. That's so not the case.

                  I've been a Stargate fan for nearly a decade now and while I don't necessarily appreciate the new characters of Mitchell and Vala as much as some, I wouldn't have made myself sit down and watch four years worth of Farscape episodes in the past few months if I hated the actors who portrayed the characters. I really wish people would just stop assuming that because I actually like Sam that I automatically hate Daniel or that I want to see Ben and Claudia fired.

                  I think it's great that Ben and Claudia have brought new fans to the show. I think by them joining the cast they have probably helped both shows in the long run as there is probably a large group of Stargate fans who may have started to watch Farscape since they join the cast and I'm sure many FS fans have begun to watch past episodes of Stargate for the same reason.

                  The only Farscapes fans I've had a real issue with are the ones that constantly praise how wonderful season nine was and in the same breathe put down the other eight seasons as boring and unwatchable. I know I shoudn't allow it to bother me, but hearing them praise the addition of Ben/Claudia as the saving grace to the show really irks me. I just find it to be extremely rude and disrespectful to the other members of the cast. Stargate actually had better ratings in S8 than in S9, so how can anyone see this a saving the show?

                  To me it's a bit like tossing a life preserver into a pool with an Olympic swimmer just as they are crossing the finish line and shouting 'Did you see that? I've saved this man's life!' People would look at you as if you were an idiot, because it would be obvious that he was never in need of being saved.

                  As for the Sony board and other boards like it... I really think they are an embarrassment more than anything. To think that Sony would allow this sort of behavior to continue just flabbergast me. This is suppose to be the official site for Stargate, isn't it? How truly sad, but to each his own I suppose. I say let the haters have their place. One just adds fuel to the fire by getting involved. I seriously doubt we will change anyone's opinion, just as none of them will change ours, so why bother trying?

                  Hopefully the Sam fans on these boards will find their way to other forums where they will be more accepted.



                    Originally posted by Ronja
                    Thanks for the link! I agree with most people there...

                    It should be:

                    Michael Shanks
                    Amanda Tapping
                    Christopher Judge
                    Ben Browder
                    Claudia Black
                    with Beau Bridges

                    But I think it will be:

                    Ben Browder
                    Amanda Tapping
                    Christopher Judge
                    Claudia Black
                    with Beau Bridges
                    and Michael Shanks as DJ
                    Personally, I don't see any of the actors as the star of the show. RDA got top billing because he was obviously the named actor. He had a hit television show on a major network for seven years and he was an executive producer of the show. That in my mind gave him the right to have top billing; however, I do not feel this is the case any longer.

                    Yes, Daniel was/is one of the original characters of the movie, but when MS left in season six it also proved that the show can exist without Daniel just as the ratings proved at the beginning of season nine that the show can exist without Amanda( though not for me ) and to give that top billing to Ben or Claudia just feels wrong to me.

                    Honestly, I think the best thing the producers could do next season would be to finally treat the cast as a true ensemble cast by placing them in alphabetical order with one clip of each actor and a lot more team shots in the opening credits, because in my mind none of the actors are any more deserving of the top billing spot than the others.

                    Staring in alphabetical order ...

                    Claudia Black
                    Beau Bridges
                    Ben Browder
                    Christopher Judge
                    Michael Shanks
                    Amanda Tapping
                    Last edited by ForeverSg1; 25 April 2006, 09:36 AM.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      anyone in the mod for mockage????

                      memento mori spoilers
                      Stargate SG-1, "Memento Mori" (Role of Ryan)
                      MGM1 Hour Episodic / Sci-Fi ChannelDraft: April 6, 2006
                      Exec. Producers: Robert Cooper /Brad Wright / John SmithDirector: TBD
                      Writers: Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
                      Start Date: 5/1/2006
                      Location: Vancouver
                      SUBMIT HARDCOPY ASAP
                      (CENTURY CITY)
                      GEN. LANDRY: CAST (BEAU BRIDGES)
                      COL. MITCHELL: CAST (BEN BROWDER)
                      VALA: CAST (CLAUDIA BLACK)
                      [RYAN] Late 30s. A nice and well-meaning guy, this cop is a regular at the deli where the fugitiveVala gets a job. When Vala takes down a couple of would-be robbers, Ryan takes her in forquestioning, but has a hard time comprehending this disoriented and mysterious"waitress"...GUEST LEAD
                      STORY LINE: Vala is kidnapped by the evil ATHENA, who wants to access information hiddendeep in the recesses of Vala's memory. But when Vala is subjected to a memory device, themachine backfires and wipes out all her memories. Now on the lam from her captors, Vala gets ajob as a deli waitress while trying to piece together the puzzle of her origins...

                      oh lord, can we go into what a frelling CLICHE this is????? amnesiac vala?? dude, already tried that with daniel and it worked so 'well' that it was forgotten 3 episodes in.

                      what is this piece of tripe? another excuse to get vala into some skimpy costume? i mean this piece of junk reads like a bloody fanfic gone awry. cept most fanfic writers that i know of are better than to use such a blatlant cliche and rip off

                      can we guess the ending...vala exchanging a tender kiss with ryan as she reluctantly returns to the waiting and worried arms of her new best friends

                      gag, ok, so they're gonna mary sue her? didn't they learn with mitch that marty/mary sueing characters is NOT the way tomake them acceptible
                      Okay, publicly, about the only thing I can say to this is GACK!!!!

                      It seems to me, that long before season 10 is over, I'm gonna owe royalties to the Buddy Holly estate, just for my thoughts:

                      Vala Sue
                      Vala Sue
                      Floozie thief with Bounding Boobies, Vala Sue
                      I loathe you
                      Their Vala Sue...

                      I'm wondering why they needed a casting side at all - this looks like a role ready made for the nearest deLuise. Irish cop who takes an 'interest' in the female lead (yup, I mean that - I think Vala is going to be lead female character this season, not Sam), digs into her past, and doubtless ends up in peril from the Goa'uld Osiris Athena because of this incredible woman he's met. (Pardon whilst I hurl. ) And we all know how well this stock cop-character worked out the first time we encountered him. :cough: pete shanahan :cough: So, of course, they decide to use it again.... Isn't there enough criminal activity in the world already without dragging a cop away from fighting it to dance attendance on one amnesiac cliche criminal in particular? The best I can hope for is that they fall madly in - whatever - get married and go off to live out their days somewhere other than on my tv screen. But, I know that won't happen. Bah.
                      ...a very cranky blog:


                        Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                        Okay, publicly, about the only thing I can say to this is GACK!!!!

                        It seems to me, that long before season 10 is over, I'm gonna owe royalties to the Buddy Holly estate, just for my thoughts:

                        Vala Sue
                        Vala Sue
                        Floozie thief with Bounding Boobies, Vala Sue
                        I loathe you
                        Their Vala Sue...

                        I'm wondering why they needed a casting side at all - this looks like a role ready made for the nearest deLuise. Irish cop who takes an 'interest' in the female lead (yup, I mean that - I think Vala is going to be lead female character this season, not Sam), digs into her past, and doubtless ends up in peril from the Goa'uld Osiris Athena because of this incredible woman he's met. (Pardon whilst I hurl. ) And we all know how well this stock cop-character worked out the first time we encountered him. :cough: pete shanahan :cough: So, of course, they decide to use it again.... Isn't there enough criminal activity in the world already without dragging a cop away from fighting it to dance attendance on one amnesiac cliche criminal in particular? The best I can hope for is that they fall madly in - whatever - get married and go off to live out their days somewhere other than on my tv screen. But, I know that won't happen. Bah.

                        love the snark

                        and yeah, it is a bit of a retread of chimera isn't it????
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          Yeah, I think the problem this season( and perhaps most seasons ) among the fans, is that everyone seems to have a need to put tags and labels on one another.

                          It reminds me a lot of Stark on Farscape.

                          Your side... my side... your side... my side.

                          It really bothers me that people just assume that if I make a negative comment regarding Vala or Mitchell that I naturally hate Claudia and Ben. That's so not the case.

                          I've been a Stargate fan for nearly a decade now and while I don't necessarily appreciate the new characters of Mitchell and Vala as much as some, I wouldn't have made myself sit down and watch four years worth of Farscape episodes in the past few months if I hated the actors who portrayed the characters. I really wish people would just stop assuming that because I actually like Sam that I automatically hate Daniel or that I want to see Ben and Claudia fired.

                          I think it's great that Ben and Claudia have brought new fans to the show. I think by them joining the cast they have probably helped both shows in the long run as there is probably a large group of Stargate fans who may have started to watch Farscape since they join the cast and I'm sure many FS fans have begun to watch past episodes of Stargate for the same reason.

                          The only Farscapes fans I've had a real issue with are the ones that constantly praise how wonderful season nine was and in the same breathe put down the other eight seasons as boring and unwatchable. I know I shoudn't allow it to bother me, but hearing them praise the addition of Ben/Claudia as the saving grace to the show really irks me. I just find it to be extremely rude and disrespectful to the other members of the cast. Stargate actually had better ratings in S8 than in S9, so how can anyone see this a saving the show?

                          To me it's a bit like tossing a life preserver into a pool with an Olympic swimmer just as they are crossing the finish line and shouting 'Did you see that? I've saved this man's life!' People would look at you as if you were an idiot, because it would be obvious that he was never in need of being saved.

                          As for the Sony board and other boards like it... I really think they are an embarrassment more than anything. To think that Sony would allow this sort of behavior to continue just flabbergast me. This is suppose to be the official site for Stargate, isn't it? How truly sad, but to each his own I suppose. I say let the haters have their place. One just adds fuel to the fire by getting involved. I seriously doubt we will change anyone's opinion, just as none of them will change ours, so why bother trying?

                          Hopefully the Sam fans on these boards will find their way to other forums where they will be more accepted.

                          amen sistah!
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Strix varia
                            I want to be the mod for mockage. Think Darren will hire me?

                            well, you'd have to be a vindicated witch like me
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                              Staring in alphabetical order ...

                              Claudia Black
                              Beau Bridges
                              Ben Browder
                              Christopher Judge
                              Michael Shanks
                              Amanda Tapping
                              I favour having them in the order that their character appeared

                              Michael Shanks
                              Christopher Judge
                              Amanda Tapping
                              Claudia Black
                              Ben Browder
                              Beau Bridges

                              But alphabetical order would be okay, as long as nobody got any special emphasis.

                              Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                                It seems to me, that long before season 10 is over, I'm gonna owe royalties to the Buddy Holly estate, just for my thoughts:

                                Vala Sue
                                Vala Sue
                                Floozie thief with Bounding Boobies, Vala Sue
                                I loathe you
                                Their Vala Sue...

                                Ack! now I'll be singing that song all day and people will be looking at me strangley

                                (not like they aready do)

                                my fanfic

