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The Samanda Whinge nuts

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    the woe is my, my friend is dying and i feel so guilty so i
    arrange to have highly classified stuff left unattended in his hospital room so that he can experience my life while i go off to play cambo and risk my neck to save teal'c
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      the woe is my, my friend is dying and i feel so guilty so i
      arrange to have highly classified stuff left unattended in his hospital room so that he can experience my life while i go off to play cambo and risk my neck to save teal'c
      you are baaaad. But yes, I thought that was a cheesy plot device as well.
      If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

      Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
      proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
      Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

      Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


        very set up.

        and you know, at least to me, if he'd have just gotten him transferred to the sgc it woulda been ok. Yes, the 'poor cameron' is beyond old, but if they'd have at least closed the huge plot hole of leaving that device unattended, i coulda swallowed it
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          I either didn't know that about Babylon, or I forgot. Seriously... As much as I'd like to see Teal'c kinda have stories that don't involve him behaving like Shaft or being relegated to All Things Jaffa, but in hindsight, that would've been a much better move.

          And, ya know, Sam and Daniel would've had an excellent reason to show that they cared.
          or, if it HAD to be cam, why not cam AND teal'c? have a little conflict. the human embracing the legendary jaffa while the jaffa is a doubter?

          add to it that no one really seemed to give a dang taht cam was missing and you end up with nothing more than a lame attempt to give cam some superpowers
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Ok, I made myself go back and watch several season 9 episodes again and noticed something that has been bugging me every since, so I thought I'd bring up here. I'm sure others noticed this a long time ago, so I apologize if this has already been discussed.

            Did anyone else notice in Collateral Damage, a flashback scene with Mitchell where he tells Sam about watching one of the first Shuttle launches with his dad? He said he couldnt' have been more than ten years old.

            Now, the very first Shuttle launch was the 12th of April, 1981 and if we say Mitchell was ten when this happened that would mean that Mitchell was born in 1971 making him 34-35 years old depending what time of the year he was born.

            So if Sam is supposed to be born in 1969 and Daniel was born in 1965, then that means Mitchell is two years younger than Sam and like six years younger than Daniel. I still have no idea why the writers made Daniel five years older than Michael, but I really can't see Daniel as being 6-7 years older than Mitchell. It must be the whole ascending thing, it really takes the years off.

            So does anyone else get the feeling that a good deal of S9's stories were already written or in the process of being written before Bridge actually received the request to change Cameron Mitchell from a Major to a Lt. Colonel?

            I mean Sam and Daniel were both suppose to be the wonder twins. I expected them to achieve a great deal earlier than most, but it just seems as if Mitchell is written to top everyone else this year. He's younger than both Sam and Daniel, he's won the CMOH, next thing we'll find out is he can leap over tall buildings in a single bound.

            Here I always thought Jack was something special because he was a Colonel in his early 40's, but if you look at Mitchell, he was a Lt. Colonel in 2004, which means he's actually eligible to be made a full bird Colonel sometime in 2006-2007, which means Mitchell would a Colonel at 36 yrs old. Is this even possible? Guess it's something I should look up.
            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 26 April 2006, 11:49 AM.


              I noticed it, Kat. It went into my list of 100 Things I Hate About Season 9.

              I did those calculations when CD aired. It would be possible for Mitchell to be his rank at his age, but just barely, and it would have taken at least one below-the-grade promotion. According to actual US military officers who posted in the ep thread (I think), it's highly improbable.

              BTW, JoeM was still around when that ep aired, and someone asked him about Mitchell's age. JoeM said he wasn't sure... and something-something like, "that would be up to Ben Browder". WTF?!

              eta: Carter was supposed to be born in 1969? I thought she and Daniel were only about a year apart...?


                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                Ok, I made myself go back and watch several season 9 episodes again and noticed something that has been bugging me every since, so I thought I'd bring up here. I'm sure others noticed this a long time ago, so I apologize if this has already been discussed.

                Did anyone else notice in Collateral Damage, a flashback scene with Mitchell where he tells Sam about watching one of the first Shuttle launches with his dad? He said he couldnt' have been more than ten years old.

                Now, the very first Shuttle launch was the 12th of April, 1981 and if we say Mitchell was ten when this happened that would mean that Mitchell was born in 1971 making him 34-35 years old depending what time of the year he was born.

                So if Sam is supposed to be born in 1969 and Daniel was born in 1965, then that means Mitchell is two years younger than Sam and like six years younger than Daniel. I still have no idea why the writers made Daniel five years older than Michael, but I really can't see Daniel as being 6-7 years older than Mitchell. It must be the whole ascending thing, it really takes the years off.

                So does anyone else get the feeling that a good deal of S9's stories were already written or in the process of being written before Bridge actually received the request to change Cameron Mitchell from a Major to a Lt. Colonel?

                I mean Sam and Daniel were both suppose to be the wonder twins. I expected them to achieve a great deal earlier than most, but it just seems as if Mitchell is written to top everyone else this year. He's younger than both Sam and Daniel, he's won the CMOH, next thing we'll find out is he can leap over tall buildings in a single bound.

                Here I always thought Jack was something special because he was a Colonel in his early 40's, but if you look at Mitchell, he was a Lt. Colonel in 2004, which means he's actually eligible to be made a full bird Colonel sometime in 2006-2007, which means Mitchell would a Colonel at 36 yrs old. Is this even possible? Guess it's something I should look up.
                Great observations, Kat. I'd read somewhere that he had to be YOUNG, but this really puts it in perspective for me. And as for further proof that Mitch was supposed to be a major? Definitely.

                The fact that they've chosen to make Cameron Mitchell 8 years younger than he really is is interesting as well, because it definitely DOES suggest that they're going for something that really isn't logical. Besides CJ, everyone pretty much has been acting their age, so to speak. But Cam as a 34-year-old? That's just too much.

                And the fact that JM didn't have an answer for it: It could just be one of those things where people don't know how to count (Jacob was with Selmak for 4 years? Wha?! I've tried to rationalize it, but it just doesn't work.). Or it could be as you said - a clear example of how Colonel Cameron Mitchell was meant to be Major Cameron Mitchell.


                  Originally posted by DEM
                  I noticed it, Kat. It went into my list of 100 Things I Hate About Season 9.

                  I did those calculations when CD aired. It would be possible for Mitchell to be his rank at his age, but just barely, and it would have taken at least one below-the-grade promotion. According to actual US military officers who posted in the ep thread (I think), it's highly improbable.

                  BTW, JoeM was still around when that ep aired, and someone asked him about Mitchell's age. JoeM said he wasn't sure... and something-something like, "that would be up to Ben Browder". WTF?!

                  eta: Carter was supposed to be born in 1969? I thought she and Daniel were only about a year apart...?
                  Hmm, well Daniel says he was 4 1/2 yrs old in 1969 and I'm pretty sure that Sam's records said she was born in 1969 in Entity. But it's obvious that noone really keeps track of these things, because Entity says she was born in December and in Ascension Orlin gives Sam an emerald stating he thought it was her birthstone. Which is May. So who knows.

                  And Jack said he was 40 in Brief Candle which would have made him born in 1957, but in later episodes they said he was born in 1952.

                  Now, they are implying Mitchell was born in 1971.

                  I'm not sure what happened with the AF advisor they used to have, but it's pretty obvious that the writers are so bogged down writing forty episodes a year that they aren't really doing a lot of research and double-checking on things. Which really makes me believe that noone even bothered to look up the details regarding the CMOH.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    And the fact that JM didn't have an answer for it: It could just be one of those things where people don't know how to count (Jacob was with Selmak for 4 years? Wha?! I've tried to rationalize it, but it just doesn't work.). Or it could be as you said - a clear example of how Colonel Cameron Mitchell was meant to be Major Cameron Mitchell.
                    Yes, but I don't think it should ever be up to the actor -- not unless the actor is above-the-title powerful, at the very least (cuz that's the way the biz is and i'll accept those concessions even if i don't care for them). This is a writing/characterisation issue. Forgetfulness, vagueness in the context of an msg board post I could simply shrug off; the "ask Browder" part I don't understand At.All.


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      Yes, but I don't think it should ever be up to the actor -- not unless the actor is above-the-title powerful, at the very least (cuz that's the way the biz is and i'll accept those concessions even if i don't care for them). This is a writing/characterisation issue. Forgetfulness, vagueness in the context of an msg board post I could simply shrug off; the "ask Browder" part I don't understand At.All.
                      lol, no I definitely agree with you. I don't know what JM was smoking. (ETA: OK, I definitely meant thinking.)

                      Based on the various relatively minor continuity issues that Kat cited, it just seems like they don't write this stuff down and make sure they keep up with it. You'd think that'd be second nature to them - you know, document canon facts, and all - but I'd give them the BoTD and assume that there have been just too many details to remember after all of these years.

                      It does not, however, absolve them from making Cameron 34. That's just ludicrous.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                        It does not, however, absolve them from making Cameron 34. That's just ludicrous.
                        Oh, I don't know. Half the time he acts like he's 20.

                        My LJ


                          Originally posted by Strix varia
                          Oh, I don't know. Half the time he acts like he's 20.
                          Easy. Let's not brand all of the twenty-year-olds by adding him to the club.


                            Originally posted by Strix varia
                            Oh, I don't know. Half the time he acts like he's 20.
                            *steps into thread*
                            *remembers she's 21*

                            Carry on girls. I'm enjoying this
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Strix varia
                              Oh, I don't know. Half the time he acts like he's 20.
                              more like 20 months.....gearing up for the terrible 2's
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                IMHO, cam would have been infinitely better had he been a major. the enthusiasm and immaturity would have made sense then

                                but whomever came up with the 'male lead MUST be da boss' and made him a lt colonel needs thier head examined because that little thing, cam as a lt colonel and in command, is the largest detriment to his character.

                                everything else. flightyness, silliness, stupid mistakes, they could all be ignored had he been a major
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


