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Special Guest Stars - Your Choice

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    French Stewart, who played Ferretti in the original movie, might make a nifty guest. People usually see him as a bit of a goof, especially after Third Rock, but he's just as good at the serious roles. Loved him in Stargate (of course) and he was amazing in his guest role on Space: Above & Beyond, tiny role that it was. I had to watch the ep twice before I believed it was him (he?). He played the tormented, half-mad survivor of an alien attack and you really felt (or I really felt) his anguish. And he has a very expressive face. Gotta love that.


      i thought of alexander siddig too. since the brits have been filled in on the SGC, maybe he could play an RAF officer or an SAS or something like that. i think he'd be good at it.


        If we're talking british actors, how about Robson Green and/or Clive Owen? Touching Evil (the original) and Second Sight. Love both of 'em.


          Let's allow Mark Hoppus (from Blink182) to have another shot at acting! Maybe he could play Jack's smart-alecky long lost nephew turned military guy.



            Claudia will be playing the role of Valla in Prometheus Unbound.


            Michael mentioned this at Trek Expo, also. Bet Don S. is enjoying it thoroughly!

            But Joe...why did you give George a SPACESHIP for a girlfriend?

            *victim of long, unrequited crush on Captain Kirk*

            You can contact me through my GW Forums profile (email preferred) or on Facebook.



              Oh yeah, and speaking of Ferretti, how about having Brent Stait back, too?


                I'm gonna throw Ben Browder's name out there again, in conjunction with Gigi Edgley (Chianna) and Virginia Hey (Zhaan).

                Shannon Kenny, Vincent Ventresca, and Mike McCafferty too ("Invisible Man" alum).

                Bruce Campbell... OMG, that would be MINT!

                And I think Peter DeLuise needs to write himself into an ep again somehow. He always pops up in the most unusual places... We could play "Where's Peter?" during Season 8!


                  Originally posted by ShelBel
                  And I think Peter DeLuise needs to write himself into an ep again somehow. He always pops up in the most unusual places... We could play "Where's Peter?" during Season 8!
                  I love spotting PDL. Just a little extra fun for those episodes!


                    Bruce Campbell would be good.
                    i'd like to see PDL and Martin Wood in a sort of Felger and Coombs senario, in the SGC. not neccessarily saving SG-1, but just that kind of relationship. they could throw in siler for good measure too.

                    the guy who plays Caleb in seson 7 of buffy (apparently he was also on Firefly) might make a good tok'ra.


                      Originally posted by stargate barbie

                      the guy who plays Caleb in seson 7 of buffy (apparently he was also on Firefly) might make a good tok'ra.
                      I KNEW he reminded me of someone, he's clearly a tok'ra gone bad..

                      ohh wait, even better, he's a goa'uld infiltrating the tok'ra ranks.
                      and he's just happend apon earth right at the time the First is gaining power...

                      actually, reading a fanfic crossover of buffy and stargate, I reckon we should see Riley on stargate.. (cant remember his real name)
                      he made a good military dude.
                      he could be one of the gung-ho guys commanders that Jack clashes with all the time.


                        I'll join in the Ben Browder chorus. Yeah!

                        But I have a question for Joe, if he's listening....

                        I know most of the guest actors who come on the show have to go through the standard audition process, but does the same hold true for more "established" actors? Esp. the ones who already have strong followings in the genre, like Claudia Black and Jolene Blalock? Do TPTB seek those people out, or do the actors (and their agents) still have to come to Stargate first?

                        Thanks much!
                        Anyway I'm sorry, but that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?


                          I read once that for Woolsey, they just called the Doctor/Picardo and asked if he wanted to play the character.


                            It would make sense that TPTB would just call up the established actor or his agent since they are already a "known quantity". They've seen them act - it's not like they don't know what they're doing on a television soundstage. More "unknowns" might need auditions/screen testing.


                              William Shatner--as a Goa'uld.

                              Think of it, a roly-poly, priceline shopping little guy who's so friendly no one woule ever believe he's absolutely ruthless and evil, except Jack of course, who trusts no one (he should have been on the X-Files).

                              Leonard Nemoy would make a better Goa'uld. He could be sinister.

                              Mulder and Scully or Mulder's replacement (can't remember his name) should visit from the X files.



                                Originally posted by Storm
                                Mulder and Scully or Mulder's replacement (can't remember his name) should visit from the X files.
                                SPOILERS for Atlantis

                                Mulder's "replacement", Robert Patrick is going to be in the premiere of Atlantis.

