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Stargate Trading Card Game

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    Originally posted by sg1psychopath View Post
    As I have quite a few copies of many cards, I'm selling some off on ebay. As far as I can see, there's no need to have any more than 3 copies of a card (somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I am new to this after all!), so I'm selling any I don't need off on ebay. UK only I'm afraid. More will be appearing soon but I'm not putting them all up at once. If anyone's interested, my seller name is sg1psychopath, and they are listed in the Stargate TCG section.

    I'm also up for doing trades with people if anyone wants?
    Hmm..too bad you aren't selling overseas. I am in need of cards from the first set, and these seem to be nearly non-existent in the US.


      If you're interested I can see what I can do, it's just the payment method that makes it harder for me as I don't like Paypal, and a Nochex account that accepts overseas methods is too expensive as I wouldn't use it enough. By the first set do you mean the starter set, as I don't actually have many of these myself! It's mostly the common and uncommon ones I'll be selling.


        Originally posted by sg1psychopath View Post
        If you're interested I can see what I can do, it's just the payment method that makes it harder for me as I don't like Paypal, and a Nochex account that accepts overseas methods is too expensive as I wouldn't use it enough. By the first set do you mean the starter set, as I don't actually have many of these myself! It's mostly the common and uncommon ones I'll be selling.
        The first release of the SG-1 TCG set is what I am referencing.
        When I get home from work, I will PM you a list of the cards I am looking for.


          I personally keep buying in bulk. It's best to have 4 copies. One for collection, three for potential deck use. I keep buying many cards in case I need 'em for more decks.

          I could get in on some cards. Trades are always possible if you want. I've got plenty of SL cards for you.
          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


            Well, I think it might be a good idea for me to put on my website a page saying the cards I have to trade/sell, then it's available to see whenever. I'll have to get that done tomorrow though, so I'll post a link when it's done.

            4 copies actually sounds like a pretty good idea come to think of it, thanks for the advice!



              That's the official TCG forum. You can sign up there, post trading lists and just generally talk. maybe also try and organize events with the other UK players. I might also suggest The best fansite for the TCG. Weekly competitions and articles.
              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon



                Player locator. Check it out.
                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                  I'm after these cards -

                  1R2 - Anubis Galactic Menace
                  1R6 - Baal, Charming Villain
                  1R11 - Hathor, Mother of All Pharaohs
                  1R16 - Mot, Servant of Baal
                  1U17 - Nirrti, Goddess of Darkness
                  1R18 - Osiris, Emissary of Anubis
                  1R19 - Replicator Carter, Leader of the Scourge
                  1U40 - Freyr, High Council Member
                  1R47 - Hank Landry, SGC Commander
                  1R48 - Harlan, Custodian of Altair
                  1U49 - Heimdall, Geneticist
                  1R50 - Henry Hayes, President of the United States
                  1R63 - Mark Devlin, NID Assassin
                  1R70 - Oma Desala, Guide to Ascension
                  1R79 - Thor, Friend of the Tau'ri
                  1R81 - Vidrine, Lieutenant General
                  1R90 - Daniel Jackson, Adventurer
                  1R106 - Teal'c, Warrior of Chulak
                  1R115 - Heroism
                  1C134 - Tabloid Research
                  1C144 - Hazard Suits
                  1U145 - Healing Device
                  1R222 - Curse of Morgan le Fay
                  1R233 - Forced Labor Camp
                  1R234 - Full Investigation
                  1R238 - Going Wacko
                  1R253 - Making an Example
                  1R267 - Repeating Time
                  1R271 - Senate Expense Review

                  You got any?
                  Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                    Thanks for all the info above! I'll join up on the player locater once I've actually learnt to play properly!

                    As for the cards, I have spare:

                    1C144 - Hazard Suits x3
                    1C134 - Tabloid Research x3

                    Sorry, most of the others I either have 4 or less of, and some not at all.


                      If you download the Online TCG client - it's free - you can play the tutorials. Are there any Commons you want in exchange for those 2? I only want one of each.
                      Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                        I had a look at the client before, but as I use Linux the majority of the time and I wasn't so interested I decided against it then. I'll install it on Windows though and have a go now I'm a bit more interested.

                        I have all the Commons, how about Uncommons? I suppose they're worth a little more than the Commons? I'm definitely lacking on the Starters too. If they are worth more, I can give you a Daniel Jackson promo card too?
                        Last edited by sg1psychopath; 02 March 2008, 06:16 AM.


                          Nah. Don't bother with a promo. Just pick a few Uncommons and I'll see what I've got.
                          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                            Ok then. I need:

                            1U85 Aldwin, Tok'ra Agent
                            1U7 Caulder, Administrator
                            1U211 Big Bug
                            1U9 Fifth, Hardened Foe
                            1U145 Healing Device
                            1U59 Khonsu
                            1U154 T.E.R

                            (If not)
                            1U207 Alien Orb
                            1U40 Freyr, High Council Member
                            1U43 Garshaw, Grand Councilor

                            Got any of those going spare?


                              In the pile I've got on my desk I've got Garshaw and Big Bug if you want them? I know it's 2Cs for 2UCs but anything to help a new player. You plan on going to GenCon UK if ColSi sets up an event there?
                              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                                Are you sure? I'm still quite happy to throw in the promo (I've got a few) too if you want.

                                I might go to the GenCon depending on job etc. I'll have to let you know on that one.

                                I've done all the tutorials and think I understand it all a bit better now. I obviously need to do some proper gaming before I get it right, but it seems like fun. I'll see if I can persuade my boyfriend to learn (he's into Stargate, but not so much the fandom) so I can get some practice.

