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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Vincent, nodding in agreement, tosses his spoon carelessly into the now empty bowl.

    "True - zats are effective as non-lethal measure. I just wish sometimes that they had sights on 'em, so I could be absolutely sure where I was aiming...Anyway, I have to go clear things up in my quarters. I haven't gotten settled in yet, and I want to get everything unpacked. It was good meeting you, and I'll talk to you later, sir - I mean, John."

    With that, he nodded, went and placed his bowl into the disposal, and then left to his quarters.

    <<to Quarters>>
    "Those who listen the most experience the least."


      "It was nice to meet you also." He watched him get up and leave, he look at his plate of fries and began to eat them and just glance around the mess hall. He had noticed the young woman with the cane, She must be one of the injured members of SG3, I wonder how the rest of her team is doing.
      Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

      August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        "Hmmmmmm," mumbled Kate. "It certainly gets more attention than any other colour. Not all positive, though. Used to get hell at school. It seems at some point, guys go from hating red hair to worshipping anyone who has it. Or at least, judging by the men on this base." She shrugged. "I'm not one to go messing with it, though. I can't see myself with highlights and faffy stuff. I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable, you know? As for your hair...." Kate said with a smile. "Maybe you should wait before you make a decision on that one."
        "'Faffy'?" Jaime grinned. "That's a new one for me. I'll have to remember that. I'm in no rush to do anything with mine at the moment, just sort of pondering my options. Maybe in a week or so..." She trailed off into a yawn, covering her mouth and looking horrified. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what's come over me, I'm suddenly exhausted again..." She looked down at her plate and snorted. "Well, considering I seem to have consumed nearly half of the Mess, maybe it's time to call breakfast a success." Jaime cocked her head and smiled at Kate. "I'm debating on what to do when I get to my Quarters: check up on work stuff, ignore it and go take a long soak in a tub somewhere, or collapse and sleep in my own bed until supper."


          Kate gave Jaime's hand a gentle slap. "No work stuff for you, Missus. You need sleep right now, then you can have a soak later. I don't want you drowning or anything." She drained the last of her fruit juice, having already finished her tea, then stood up. "You'll have to drop me and email and we can sort out your visit."
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            "You're right," Jaime sighed. "If I tried the tub I'd probably fall asleep." She got up, using the cane as a prop when her recently injured leg protested slightly. She made a face. "I think I see why Dr. Winchester thought this thing would be a good idea. I just wish it weren't so ugly!" She grinned. "And you are *SO* on for that trip to Foreston. We'll definitely figure something out."

            She and Kate walked to the door. "I'm heading to my room," Jaime sighed. "Its definitely nap time."


              "Hmmmm. I don't think they come in pink sparkly! At least not standard military issue," laughed Kate. "Come on, then. I'll see you to your quarters before I go and play with my bubba. Hopefully he's finished chatting up the rest of the infirmary's female residents." She rolled her eyes and took the two trays away. "Ok, then. I'm all yours."

              >>>to quarters.
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Major Henderson
                Donna was half way through her sandwich by now as she listened to Lee talk,

                "Twenty four hours, so you realy havent been her that long" she smiled and took a sip of her juice. "Pizza was good I take it" she joked with him, she hadnt seen anyone eat messhall food so quickly.

                "Yeah, I have a lot of work to catch up on, and I have a meeting later too. Probably shouldnt have taken this time out but guess I had to get something to eat" she replied to his question. Keeping busy right now was the best thing to do, she would have plenty of time to think about what happened when she went to see the General. Glad that Lee hadnt noticed that she was being a little distant, she continued to listen to him talk. He didnt seem to recoginse her as military right now either-but then why should he she was in her regular clothes-which was something she was happy to keep up for now if she could.

                "What about you any plans for the rest of the day?"
                Lee looked up and dead into her beautiful blue eyes.

                Man this pizza was great haven't had anything like it since I left Earth. Man i miss that place This may sound strange but I miss the music the most. I wish I could hear some right now. As for my plans for the rest of the day I have none thats why I asked you. I was kind of hoping I could hang out with you.
                Lee Howard


                  John finsihsed his lunch and put away his tray. He look around the room once more before leaving. He wasn't real sure where he was headed, but knew his feet would take him some where.

                  <To somewhere>
                  Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                  August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                    Originally posted by Esgrig
                    Lee looked up and dead into her beautiful blue eyes.

                    Man this pizza was great haven't had anything like it since I left Earth. Man i miss that place This may sound strange but I miss the music the most. I wish I could hear some right now. As for my plans for the rest of the day I have none thats why I asked you. I was kind of hoping I could hang out with you.
                    As Lee caught her eyes she couldnt help but look back straight into his. But not for long she had to look away his eyes, his gaze was intrieging. Her smile grew as he mentioned music she felt around her pockets for one of her mp3 players and she had none, for a change she usualy had one on her. "You like music huh". Donna had finished her food by now and was eager to get back to work, though she was enjoying this mans company even if they hadnt really spoke much. She stood up and pushed in her chair.

                    "Well am gona get back to work and catch up with a few things" she paused as she looked into his eyes again "Look if your looking for something to do for the rest of the day, I thought I had one of my mp3 players with me but I dont. But if you want I can let you have some music. I have alot anything and everything am sure you'll find something you'll like" she smiled.
                    Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                    SG-2: CO
                    Base Senior Biologist,
                    Stargate RP, Gateworld

                    Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                      When lee heard mp3 player and that he could have one a smile from ear to ear came over his face.

                      Sure I would love to. When can I pick them up.
                      Lee Howard


                        Donna grinned "Now if you want but one thing first, you help me carry some files from the lab back to my quarters?" see she new he would come in handy one trip to the lab instead of two.
                        Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                        SG-2: CO
                        Base Senior Biologist,
                        Stargate RP, Gateworld

                        Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                          Sure I'll help
                          Lee then got up picked his tray up and hers and put them away he then came back to the table.

                          Lead the way.
                          Lee Howard


                            Donna nodded as he took her tray for her.

                            "Alright then first to the lab" Donna walked to the door holding it for Lee this time and headed in the direction of the labs and then to her quarters.
                            Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                            SG-2: CO
                            Base Senior Biologist,
                            Stargate RP, Gateworld

                            Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                              << from Quarters >>

                              Jensen trailed behind the two women, holding the cane he'd given to Jaime earlier in the Infirmary. He knew his "reason" for leaving them to their lunch was probably a bit suspect, but he needed a little time to think.

                              He did want to double-check and make sure everything was ready to go. So it wasn't completely a fabrication.

                              The Mess was it's usual hustle-bustle, and Jensen picked out his food with gusto. When Kate and Jaime had settled themselves into their chosen spots, he smiled and leaned Jaime's cane up against the table at her elbow.

                              "There you go. Jaime, take care; Kate, I'll see you in about 45 minutes. Have a good lunch!" Taking a bite of his sandwich and pocketing the "apple", he sauntered out the door.

                              << to the Hangar Bay >>


                                Kate watched him leave with a concerned expression on her face. There was something that he wasn't telling her. She looked nervously from Jaime to Jensen, torn between running to him and staying with Jaime. She sighed and visibly slumped as she turned back to Jaime. "Men, hey?" she said, trying to force a smile.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

