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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Donna smiled her Dad had said similar to her, probably not in as nice a way as that, but his intentions were still the same. A little tactical coersion and she was in the Air Force Academy. Guess he knew it was what she needed before she did herself. Donna had seen Lee come into the room, she had tried to ignore him but when he sat at the table opposite, she looked giving a little smile back then removed her eyes back to the closed folder infront of her. Before looking at McLeod and nodded at what he was saying. She seen him turn a little must have been wondering who she was looking at.

    "Lee Howard" she said and gently nodded her head in his direction. "No time like the present to meet the team, huh" she smiled weakly and got up from her seat. She was going to forget what happened between them and start a new. Which for Lee wasnt to good either because she still didnt liket he fact he had worked for Kinsey.

    "Be back in a second" she said to McLeod and made her way over to Lee.
    Lt.Col Donna Henderson
    SG-2: CO
    Base Senior Biologist,
    Stargate RP, Gateworld

    Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


      Images of poor Niko being prodded and poked by the Science department flew through Issacs mind. "I suppose a breeding program, could be introduced."

      Matthews conitnued to chew at is loaded fork, with the tightest possible etiquet that a solider could do.

      Name: Issac Matthews
      Team: SG-3(Marines)
      Rank: Captain (YAY)
      click for biography


        Lee was eating his food when he notice a shadow over his plate. He looked up and to his suprise there was the beautiful young soldier he had spent the night with. He didn't expect her to acknowledge his existence.

        Hi, May i help you?
        Lee Howard


          ok Donna was a little thrown back with what he said. Maybe he just wanted to forget as well. Which was good she thought. She still couldn't help but smile at him, luckily smiling was normal for her and didnt look odd.

          "Hey" she paused for a second she should really have thought things through earlier and now before she came over. Should she get it over with and talk to him about before, leave it till later or just ignore it.

          "Have you got your new assignment yet?" she asked deciding to start with that, it's what she came over for in the first place.
          Lt.Col Donna Henderson
          SG-2: CO
          Base Senior Biologist,
          Stargate RP, Gateworld

          Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


            He was kind of shocked that she was actually there trying to hold a conversation. He was about to reply when he remembered he had a mouth full of food. He then smiled and put up one finger to signal one moment.

            No I haven't. I think my CO is suppose to contact me. Have a seat.

            he said maybe they had gotten off on the wrong foot.
            Lee Howard


              Donna nodded giving another little smile "Well you know you've been placed on a team, SG-2 to be exact" she paused again and introduced herself which she felt more than a little stupid doing, "Lt. Col Henderson SG-2, your new CO" then took a seat.
              Lt.Col Donna Henderson
              SG-2: CO
              Base Senior Biologist,
              Stargate RP, Gateworld

              Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                Lee had just started to drink some of his water when Donna told him that she was his new CO, he began to cough and almost choked on the water in his mouth once he managed to swallow.

                Your my new Co. So I guess i will be able to get those songs afterall.

                Lee said jokingly but inside he was thinking how weird is this going to be.
                Lee Howard


                  Originally posted by Major Henderson
                  "Be back in a second" she said to McLeod and made her way over to Lee.
                  "No prob." Anthony took a last glance at Howard. Well, as long as the team was going to need a temporary replacement, a former CIA official wouldn't be a bad addition. Often he wondered if his life would have been any different had he gone into one of the agencies. He shuddered slightly thinking about it. Probably not.

                  Checking his watch, he remembered that he was going to head down to the gym for his usual workout then go for a jog later before there was anything important he actually had to do.
                  Last edited by Osiris-RA; 03 August 2006, 08:06 PM.
                  TEAM SG1 LIVES


                    Ok this is not wierd in the slightest she said to herself sarcasticaly. Seeing him nearly choke on his water, she knew fine well the reason,

                    "Yeah" she said to let him know she felt the same way. Donna rolled her eyes at the music comment,

                    "Sure" she said sarcasim seeming to be her choice for the day.

                    "But yeah you've been assigned to SG-2 thats my team" she paused again. She knew she should leave it till later and there wasnt many people around and certainly when her second in command it sitting not to far away. Did she really need to explain herself.

                    "Look about before... uh I really did have a meeting to go to. But besides the point, that was a one off thing, I don't usualy do that kinda of thing actually..." she stopped she didn't need to explain this "Let's forget it, we're going to have to work together, ok" she kept her voice low.
                    Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                    SG-2: CO
                    Base Senior Biologist,
                    Stargate RP, Gateworld

                    Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                      Originally posted by Ascended_Elite_mercenary
                      Images of poor Niko being prodded and poked by the Science department flew through Issacs mind. "I suppose a breeding program, could be introduced."

                      Matthews conitnued to chew at is loaded fork, with the tightest possible etiquet that a solider could do.

                      Jaime frowned, thinking. "You know, I never thought about that, but if he adapts well to Gaia, that could be possible!" She grinned at the thought of having little Nikos running around. The possibility of Niko being harmed by the Science team's study never occurred to her.


                        Originally posted by Ascended_Elite_mercenary
                        Images of poor Niko being prodded and poked by the Science department flew through Issacs mind. "I suppose a breeding program, could be introduced."

                        Matthews conitnued to chew at is loaded fork, with the tightest possible etiquet that a solider could do.
                        (( OOC - Sorry for dropping off the end of the world, guys. It's been so *^%#$^* hot here that I don't turn on the comp at home. That and the fact that the electricity keeps fluctuating with the demand. ))

                        Kym squinched up her nose, "Ummm, that's going to take some serious study. We don't want to upset the eco-system. Wasn't it rabbits that almost took over Australia?"
                        She shook her head, "I'm afraid Niko is going to be flying solo for a while."
                        You're never too old to do something goofy.
                        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                          Originally posted by Major Henderson
                          Ok this is not wierd in the slightest she said to herself sarcasticaly. Seeing him nearly choke on his water, she knew fine well the reason,

                          "Yeah" she said to let him know she felt the same way. Donna rolled her eyes at the music comment,

                          "Sure" she said sarcasim seeming to be her choice for the day.

                          "But yeah you've been assigned to SG-2 thats my team" she paused again. She knew she should leave it till later and there wasnt many people around and certainly when her second in command it sitting not to far away. Did she really need to explain herself.

                          "Look about before... uh I really did have a meeting to go to. But besides the point, that was a one off thing, I don't usualy do that kinda of thing actually..." she stopped she didn't need to explain this "Let's forget it, we're going to have to work together, ok" she kept her voice low.
                          When Donna was talking all he could do was look into her beautiful eyes after she finished he respond. Sure thing bossMan this girl is beautiful he would not be able to ever kiss heer again, could he do it.He then shook his head. He would have to. So when do we get to go out, I'm anxious to get to work. Lee then blushed a little even though he was a black man. I mean in the field
                          Lee Howard


                            Donna's mouth hung open after what he had said, didn't he just hear me... then he followed up with what he was meaning to say. Donna grinned trying not to laugh. She was sure he was blushing, clearing her throat she spoke,

                            "Well, we're on down time just now. We just got back from a mission" she had to stop herself trailing off as a thought of Hanmer flashed into her mind. "So it'll be a little while... not to long I suspect though. Enjoy the free time while you can" she smiled. Donna turned and looked back to McLeod then back to Lee,

                            "Come on over and meet some of the team" she said as she stood up.
                            Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                            SG-2: CO
                            Base Senior Biologist,
                            Stargate RP, Gateworld

                            Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                              Mcleod had just come back from grabbing an apple from the deli when Henderson stood up in his direction. He was in the middle of a big bite when he looked up.

                              "Ah, there ya are. Hey, if you're gonna go for some fruit, I'd steer clear of the fruit salad, it seems to have something growing on it." He took another big bite.
                              TEAM SG1 LIVES


                                Donna screwed up her face "something growing on it?" she had to wonder if it was meant to be there or not, you never knew with all the new food. If it wasnt she supposed she would have to get a sample of it for the lab. Everything was supposed to be tested before it was allowed to pass through the messhall. But she had noticed in some of the files there was a couple of things that had gone unnoticed. They couldn't detect everything that was alien.

                                "McLeod this is Lee Howard, newest member of SG-2, Lee this is Major McLeod, second in command. This is the guy who will be giving the orders when I can't" she smiled.
                                Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                                SG-2: CO
                                Base Senior Biologist,
                                Stargate RP, Gateworld

                                Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO

