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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Mess Hall

    "'Morning Major." He nodded to her respectfully, wondering if he should add anything about McKinnon, he glance sideways at Sharp, then back to Ashwood. "Which gossip is that? There's a lot flying around today."
    Kim nodded at Ray, then looked amused at his question, her eyes quickly darted to Davis, who was sending her a glare that would kill, all while fighting a her face not to red on her, “Oh just one of many that are going to be popping up,” she said easily, then rose an eyebrow at Ray wondering what the man was up to now. “Uh...Thanks, I think,” she didn’t try hiding her own confusion at his comment, but shoved it aside as she saw Ray get up and leave after Sharp’s question.

    "So...more gossip you say?"
    Grinning, “Oh yea, it’s about a certain....OW,” she winced when she felt Davis kick her leg, “Would you stop that,” as she received another kick, “Lieutenant, I’m warning you.” The battle of glares didn’t last too long, with Ashwood growling, “Well ask her,” Kim waved her spoon at Claire.

    Crap, crap, crap. This was not how she was intending to tell him. Come to think of it she hadn’t had any idea of how to tell him. She had never told her father about Travis and the idea about telling Chris about Zack, she gave a mental shudder. She was going to get Kim for this later; “” she itched her neck with her stomach full of nervousness. “ZackandIfinallygottogetherlastnight,” she said too fast and in one whole word. She didn’t meet his eye nor did she meet Kim’s. She was fighting not to feel awkward, but it was something she couldn’t help but feel. If Zack didn’t come to her rescue in the next few minutes she was sure she would bury him to his neck.


      Originally posted by Gen Blue View Post
      Henry Swanson

      Henry signalled his 2iC to handle the line and took off his apron. Folding it neatly, he laid it on the back counter and went into the main part of the mess hall.
      Swanson stopped at a table and folded his arms, glaring down at the person seated there. "Mr. Hunt, your duty shift was from 0500 to 0800. That does NOT mean you stroll in here at 0830 and plop your butt in a chair to eat."

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      Chief Master Sergeant Henry Swanson
      Head Chef
      Brian looked up at the man who was clearly trying to intimidate Brian with his stance and tone of voice.The A-typical military type, except he's just a cook With contempt in his eyes Brian took another bite of his sausage.

      "I will remember that for next shift" Brian then looked back down and and continued his work.
      Last edited by TheGreatLordGeorge; 06 January 2009, 07:02 PM.


        "See ya Ray." Sharp nodded a goodbye.

        He looked at the two women as they seemed to be in a cat-fight via cold stares and foot battles. He strummed his fingers on the table, waiting for something.

        “” she itched her neck with her stomach full of nervousness.
        "And?" He said, making a 'get on with it' motion.

        Sharp wrinkled his brow and waited a few seconds, analyzing the burst of information. 'Never did understand how women speak so fast...'

        "Well, firstly, gesundheit. Secondly you, and" He looked back and forth between Ashwood and Davis. "What?"
        'Got together? What the heck does that mean? Are they...oh god...really? No...well that would explain...and...AND...oh god.'
        Last edited by Colonel Sharp; 07 January 2009, 07:34 PM.
        Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


        Join the Aftermath RP


          ((He looked back and forth between Ashwood and Kim. Don’tcha mean Ashwood and Davis, Dillon? Since Ashwood is Kim’s surname. ))

          Mess Hall

          She looked up to see his reaction a frown wasn’t what she was expecting, when he began speaking, Davis managed a weak smile, “Ummhmmm,” she sounded her confirmation a little lamely, “Things...are...finally…out…in …,” she added a little uncertainly, not really knowing what the heck she was meant to do now.

          Seeing his expression she looked a little worried, “Uh…Chris,” she was half way out her seat, “are you okay?” This was the second time she had used his name. She was hoping he wasn’t going to have a heart attack right now; then looked at Kim who was trying not to giggle her head off at Chris.

          I think he’s just having a shock of his life,” Kim managed to say it without laughing, “Seriously Davis relax. Just enjoy this reaction cos simply it won’t be repeated again. Give his brain a few minutes to actually process the idea of you and Zack as a couple, before he seriously starts ribbing you both.” She knew she spoke from experience, from the AU. But her eyes twinkled as to this level shock, wasn’t something she and Lance had managed out Chris. Oh, wait till this reached his ear.

          You gotta to be kidding,” she looked at Kim dumbfounded as if the Major had grown another head or lost the current one since Lance wasn’t here.“I can’t sit and enjoy this, not when he looks like he’s going to have a heart attack.

          He’s far to young for that,” she grinned at her CO and one of her best friends, “No?


            Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorge View Post
            looked up at the man who was clearly trying to intimidate Brian with his stance and tone of voice.The A-typical military type, except he's just a cook With contempt in his eyes Brian took another bite of his sausage.

            "I will remember that for next shift" Brian then looked back down and and continued his work.

            Henry Swanson

            Swanson frowned at the man, "Which will start at 1200 hours today. Be prompt, Hunt. I would suggest you not wear your fancy duds either. You're going to get dirty."
            He turned to leave, "By the way, enjoy your breakfast. It's the last free meal you're going to get on this base. You don't work, you don't eat."
            The Chief walked away, mentally making a list of the worst chores he could think of in the kitchen.

            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
            Chief Master Sergeant Henry Swanson
            Head Chef
            Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


              Originally posted by Ryn View Post
              [ Hyacinth Jenkins ]

              "Oh, right... " nodded Hyacinth at this new revelation, then laughed a little as he mentioned 'her mother's path'.
              "No, that's not how it works here, though people do get influenced sometimes by their parents, especially for their education and schooling. My own mother was a teacher, and she pushed me to learn my languages. Through her, I found a love for the old ones, like Latin. Even though I wasn't that good at them, I still liked them. Still, I was more interested in sports and things like that, I was good at those. I was pretty high up in the female rugby team at college. And then, yeah, one day, I saw an ad on the telly to join up with the military. No, it wasn't an ad, it was a documentary. Felt like an ad, though. So, I gave it a good amount of thought and then said, what the heck. I'll give it a go. I wasn't going to find a proper job anyway, not with my lack of skills. And I guess it grew on me, the Army did, since I never left, and well, now I am glad I did. With... the Earth gone, and all."
              She swallowed the lump away that had formed there, it always came every time she thought about her true home. That lovely blue planet that had meant and still meant so much for all of them. Her vision got blurry, too, and she angrily swept the tears out of her eyes. Mad at herself for showing emotions. "Sorry.".

              Tech Sgt Hyacinth Jenkins

              Dexius Micon

              Micon shook his head, "Never apologise, Hyacinth. My father says it is a sign of weakness. Besides, you should not be ashamed of honest emotion."
              He paused for a moment, then continued with the conversation, "I never expected to do anything else. Zeus required all the able bodied males to fight. Only the weak, sick or deformed do other things."
              The teen tipped his head toward Gaius, "Until the Tribune chose me, I barely knew how to read. Now, he says I must spend 3 hours a day doing lessons. An Adiutor must be an educated gentleman. Do all of your people take schooling? Do they all get to choose a calling?"

              Dexius Micon - Herald and Messenger
              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                This was getting a little out of Hyacinth's league, but dapperly she tried to explain to the best of her limited abilities. She spoke slowly, trying to work it out as she went.

                "Uh... Erm... Yeah. I guess a lot of it depends on .... Where you were born. I mean... if you're born in a ... uhh... richer country, like those in Europe or North America, and Australia, even (those are continents of the Earth, you see... ) Uh... If you're born there, you have a better chance at getting something better. People who were born, like, in Africa or other third world countries, like in South America, and stuff, well, ... they don't have a chance at schooling or whatever. Because.... They're poor. No resources, cuz of wars and disasters and stuff. It's.... It was different, all over the world. But basically, you do expect to be able to choose. Some can't though cuz of their culture. Others can't cuz of lack of money, even where it's supposed to be rich. It's... you know, hard. Cuz everyone is different, I guess. I don't really know. Hard to explain.". She gave a little apologetic smile at the end.

                Tech Sgt Hyacinth Jenkins, kitchen/mess SF.


                  <<from Women's Locker Room>>

                  Clean and dry, Jen wanted something that did not come out of a MRE heater. Those things never heated anything evenly.

                  She picked the most nearly healthy things on the line and avoided both of the groups that were already set up. Jen didn't want to try to explain to the young herald she wasn't a god. She was too tired for it. 'Hold the phone, when did the Legionnaires come back here? Never mind, I'll find out later.' And she didn't know how long the colonel's memory was.

                  Jen surreptiously checked her watch and kept an eye on the door as she ate. How long would it take the others to shower? Kari bounced in and joined her at the table. "We must have just missed each other in the showers, Boss."

                  She sighed. "Crescent, you sure you shouldn't be in the infirmary? You spent a lot of time tromping through the woods chasing that SG-4 lieutenant. You might have ticks or something. I'm sure we have ticks, every habitable planet has ticks."

                  "I didn't see any on me. What they got that's good?" Kari eyed Jen's food.

                  "I haven't identified it yet. I'm just eating it." She sipped from the glass. "I think this is fruit juice. Wouldn't swear to it in court though."

                  Captain Kari Crescent
                  Last edited by DragonGate; 10 January 2009, 10:42 AM. Reason: Proper signature
                  "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                  " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                  Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                  Discover a … New Galaxy

                  Look for a … New Adventure

                  Find a … New Mythology


                    Sharp blinked, and was suddenly back in reality.

                    "No I'm not having a heart attack."
                    He rolled his eyes, "But this sure does explain a lot." He paused for a second, and then started laughing.

                    "I can't beleive I didn't see it before, usually I catch these things..." He sighed, and remembered Ashwood was there. "And how long were you in on this?"

                    He felt kind of dumb for not seeing it before. 'I suppose you don't see what you're not looking for.' He gave some sort of a mental shrug.

                    (Ashwood and Kim, lol, that's what I get for writing while tired )
                    Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                    Join the Aftermath RP


                      <<Zach Black ~~ Elevator to Mess>>

                      Zach had to laugh at the dragging medic. "Geesh Sarge, you would think you were the one who slept tangled in a sling all night." He shook his head a little. "I will have you know that ginger was no run of the mill, it was one of the last cans I have left of my stock of Canada Dry. The king of all ginger ales, there is no finer."

                      As Black stepped into the mess he automatically looked for the team table. It was like deja vu to see Claire, Kim and Sharp altogether and chatting. His face scrunched as he caught the looks on each of their faces. He felt his face instantly warm as the tinge of pink took hold. He caught her eyes across the room. A small smile was shared with an instinctive wink. He followed Foster to the line and told the airman behind the line, "I will have what he is having." As they duplicated Tim's platter on his he felt his breathing coming slightly stressed. Not too sure he could actually eat now. How long had it been since he had the last pill? Reaching the end of the line, "So where do you like to sit? Not too close to Sharp, if you know what I mean." He looked across the room once more to Claire, So much for the waiting part eh? He was sure she would kill him for staying distant.

                      The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


                        Brian brushed off the comment, he really did not care. He did however take note of the budding romance just announced, promptly writing it in his legal pad.

                        As he sat there he saw a team leader come in, a Major by her uniform. Perfect, I can start my interviews with her.

                        Getting up he pushed his chair in and walked over to her. Once there he politely interjected. "Excuse me Major, my name is Brian Hunt, I am the new civilian liaison from Foreston and I was hoping to sit down and introduce myself with all of the vital personnel on the base, starting with team leaders. Would you be interested in sitting down with me around 12 noon? "


                          Mess Hall

                          Kim looked at Davis with a smug grin saying ‘I told you so’. “Oh well that’s good, I knew nothing can really give you a heart attack,” she knew she was pushing it but the chance was here, she might as well bite on it.

                          Both Kim and Claire looked at Sharp, “It does explain?” both asked in unison, “How so?

                          Claire went red in the face when Chris mentioned that he failed to see it coming. Seeing Zack walking in; she met his eye and her face went even redder if possible. “You catch?” she asked in a little voice as she studied her boots as if they were the most interesting right now. Just wondering how much he actually knew. Telling him when he was drunk would still have been a best course of action, but no thanks to Kim.

                          Kim laughed hard, “Well,” she began, seeing Zack’s back to her while he stood in the mess line for food, “since last night. We knew he was going tell her...eventually. But not early as last night. You know what I mean,” she sent both a sheepish look.

                          You knew?” Claire hissed as she was ready to brick head with Kim again.

                          Kim gave a nod, “Lance and I sort of pestered him a bit. All for the good cause, too,” she added her protest when she saw Claire’s expression, and then broke into a grin. She wanted to know how it happened, but she was already pushing her luck to limit.


                            Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorge View Post
                            Getting up he pushed his chair in and walked over to her. Once there he politely interjected. "Excuse me Major, my name is Brian Hunt, I am the new civilian liaison from Foreston and I was hoping to sit down and introduce myself with all of the vital personnel on the base, starting with team leaders. Would you be interested in sitting down with me around 12 noon?"
                            Jen swallowed the bite she had in her mouth. 'Civilian liaison? How much did I miss?' Sure, she knew the planet had a settlement, but it was somewhere along the lines of knowing Gaia had moons for her.

                            "Major Jen Stevens. It probably won't happen then maybe in the evening, I have to hit the infirmary and do maintenance on equipment and handle some personnel issues. 1200 hundred hours won't work, what about 1900 hundred hours, Mr. Hunt?"

                            Last edited by DragonGate; 10 January 2009, 10:43 AM. Reason: Proper signature
                            "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                            " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                            Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                            Discover a … New Galaxy

                            Look for a … New Adventure

                            Find a … New Mythology


                              Both Kim and Claire looked at Sharp, “It does explain?” both asked in unison, “How so?”
                              Sharp nodded. "Well, sure. I mean, I noticed some...odd vibes coming from those two occasionally. I didn't think much of it then figured it was a civie versus military kind of deal- but I guess not!" He followed Kim's gaze to the breakfast line and saw the back of a certain doctor.

                              "Look who's here!"
                              He copied Kim's grin and looked at Claire.
                              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                              SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                              Join the Aftermath RP


                                Originally posted by Ryn View Post
                                [ Hyacinth Jenkins ]
                                This was getting a little out of Hyacinth's league, but dapperly she tried to explain to the best of her limited abilities. She spoke slowly, trying to work it out as she went.

                                "Uh... Erm... Yeah. I guess a lot of it depends on .... Where you were born. I mean... if you're born in a ... uhh... richer country, like those in Europe or North America, and Australia, even (those are continents of the Earth, you see... ) Uh... If you're born there, you have a better chance at getting something better. People who were born, like, in Africa or other third world countries, like in South America, and stuff, well, ... they don't have a chance at schooling or whatever. Because.... They're poor. No resources, cuz of wars and disasters and stuff. It's.... It was different, all over the world. But basically, you do expect to be able to choose. Some can't though cuz of their culture. Others can't cuz of lack of money, even where it's supposed to be rich. It's... you know, hard. Cuz everyone is different, I guess. I don't really know. Hard to explain.". She gave a little apologetic smile at the end.

                                Tech Sgt Hyacinth Jenkins, kitchen/mess SF.

                                Dexius Micon

                                The teen put his hands to his temples and grimaced. "Stop," he demanded, laughing at the same time, "You make my head hurt. Too many things to learn at one time."
                                Micon sighed, looking at Hyacinth, "The Roman world was so narrow under the rule of the Goa'uld. It's amazing what being a free people opens up. Our world will be like that some day. Hopefully without the war and disasters."

                                Dexius Micon - Herald and Messenger
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

